Lmber 8, 1944 Benin W DUCKED IT CHURCHILL UntlnuPd from Pugo One) VnUeA States hn supported ii ,..tfn.imnt fl-lnl.. 10 11"""" "" ' Ira Around I.,,, i, aroused by bitter. Jt-wlng denunciations of hl Id Clmrcnm nimscii ac- ,ilen inn jusllllriillon lui" contlnuuncc I.I. nnllcV. commons iiuve him that sup- ii.n( llrltnin "will nnmlNL ",' ,.. ; ; , ...rlJ All,. -H tho Alliens irKiuna oi an two who iiru rebels to the con- Utcd autlioriiy ill vjreeco. Not Only for Greece put he nmdo it abundantly ' ..I fni. f'.rnnpn itlmm1 Hint Mtuin slooa commiucn to mo lilt 01 a people 10 cnuoso inoir L.uniiiiit In freii election, hnl it it would not tolcrato a ..... nl mini frnm thn mmin. ns" overthrowing constitu nol authority by violence. i move lo name oiorza nai- fjipninn in ni4ifr nnri nrnniitf It Lsh opposition and a blunt len! Think what this job can (mean to you! mi llltn artlnn . 111,,. . where there's PLENTY of '1 nli.Mirl . . . Ilk,, n I.-.I. It's interesting and pays good ttcj, look Into this fine op ftimlty. Southern Pacific has qiilnss for n c 1 1 v c men as c inieii. wo exner ence In it. We train you In a few is. Then, you II work with I'lieinc crew . . . liavo a lo- mtivn In nn thn hpnuv iun-1 w tch ears loaded with wnr lermis . . . Keep mo wnr n rnlllnif. Plnlilv nf wnrU ra , . . o. r. r oiggcst J00 mi wncn ucrmanvs flu Bri . . . pnrrvlnfr tlm lpnn-nn -.. O ..bl.IV.l- b wnl Innrf fnr thn ri,w fiiut Japan. You'll bo with Eie oiiiiii, wim one oi Aincr Inrt'ft.l ,'nmnnnln. n.-rl I'll vnre vullli rnnl mnn T3n.-. I About $220. Overtime can !a Hint wuy up, Railroad privileges, fine pension i. medical services. Look In this right nowl Men also ted to train for Drnkemcn similar puy. . or writ" Trilnmiitn, Station. Klamath Falli. your near.it S. P. Agent. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE THREE lulemont from Sccrcturv of Muto Slettlnlin that the United States did not oppose tho long exiled count and furthermore wunled tho Itiilhins to Determine tho course (if their nuin uiiui.rn. ment. Chliri'llllL nhi,lln.,l.w II.- position to u volo of confidence, nnn;u inn Kuvernmeni nod bro ion any agreements with the Jnlted Htutes on -Italy. Charg.s Blackmail Aff dl'lllllll nimiiad nri.. Churchill sut down, Tom Dr'l-bei-g, independent, charged the yinnv minister wun "an un- WortllV nii-n ,.f Klt...U...ll i.. throwing out this sort of c'hul- iviiH.-. Priirtlr-llni, "M. ....-1. 1 1 1 ... not bo dismissed "by this lurgo- j ai-ivuu nousc," urinerg dc e hircrl: ll UIIUM ?. : oi-jn uiui wu nnuw whero wo are going. I think he bw'iik iiKiuiiNi wuriu opinion. m-iimy unaersianaing Slmulliincously with the vole of confidence, Urltlsh Ambus sudor llullfax announced in Washington that tho Amcrlcun and British governments had achieved an understanding on the Greek and Italian issues without defining tho "under standing" further. Fighting between left-wing forces and British troops was continuing In Athens even as Churchill spoke. B-29 Bombings Cited As Cause of Quake (Continued from Pago One) ClnlH rnHlnitrf n i-nr.,ir..l Un, . , , " " wMv.lfc illllb IIU I) lit UUI1H hn tlKcri In nvnlin.,.,l.,n salutes. This caution may have iitiiiuica inai, oven men, they were aware of changes from un toward tliru " In New York, the Rev. Joseph u. iynv.li, o. j rorcinam uni ycrslly seismologist, said It wn imnns.i hlr, flint un.u. u liavo caused yesterday's earth- "The effect of a bomb com pared with the effect of earth nunko Is as a flea is to an ele phant " he said, adding that bombing would not increase the chemical activity which causes volcanic disturbances. "I hopo no one will get the Im pression that this belief Is shared by seismologists." he sold "The Japs would sclzo upon it for propaganda purposes." HIGH SCHOOL i iliOTll 111 By JUANITA SHINM At on assembly toduv. thn foot- ball teams freshmen, Wildcats, unu rencans were uwurucu their letters for that sport. The assembly was followed by a short buketbull pep assem bly preceding the Pelican and marine game tonight. Alyco Wells and Bud Selby sang a duct, uccompunicd by uaroura &inn ul Uic piano. Jim Palmer and Jim Norcen representing tho basketball team, eacn gave short tulks. 4 Tho music deoartmcnt Is fflv Ing its Christmas party and danco tonight. Members drew names and will have a Christ mas tree during tho evening. untieing will be from 8:3U until J 1:30 to music furnished by iiuiay s nana. Three high school girls Shar on Willits. Betty CleiE and Mari lyn O'Neill will dance tonight in Isadorah Moldovan's Review at tho Tower theatre. Tho Children's Clothing Cru sade, sponsored by the Amer icon Junior Red Cross, was to have been stressed omong Klam ath Union high and elementary schools on December 8, 7 and 8. However, the students were not informed of the drive until yes terday, so the response has not been overwhelming. The drive will bo extended- until Monday. I here is a ereat deal of usable clothing which people do not reuli.o they have. If each Her- son could find a few articles of clothing to send to school with either a high school or elemen tary school student, it would help a great deal. Shoes arc especially desir able, and all kinds of clean, iiMiblo clothing will be helpful. Eluborutc d reuses, high heeled shoes, and liko articles will be sold, with proceeds to go to ward purchasing the needed ar ticles of clothing to send over seas to needy children In the wurring countries. Vivian Dlrschl, who Is now Girls' league president, Is the blonde senior whom nearly everyone knows either directly or indirectly. When Viv was a freshman, she was chosen one of the track princesses, representing the freshman class. During her sophomore year, Viv was competing with a girl representing each of the four classes in a War Bond drive and was chosen as "Sweetheart of KUHS, which earned her a trip to Portland to attend a ship launching. She is now a Feo Pepper, Girls' League president, and was recently elected by the Do Mo luy as one of the princesses of its annual Snowball formal which is to be held next Fri day, December IS. Vivion is employed at the Tower theatre. If It's a "frozen need, advertise for In the classified. article you used one SUPERFORTS P L I (Continued from Pago One) iblc for 45 minutes of flight from tho target. (Tokyo radio reported that Superforts from the Marianas made four separate visits today over Tokyo and other points on the coast east nf tlie capital city. In the flights, which cov er e d an 18-hour period, the B-29 b dropped no bombs, the Japanese said). The strike was in coordina tion with attacks by navy sur face ships and other aircraft in an obvious effort to neutralize the airfields in the Volcano is lands from which tho Japanese have launched raids on Saipun. Tho Japanese buse is 750 miles north of the Superfortress base at Saipan. Informally, the 20th air force announcement explained that tho "record load of bombs" meant that it was the biggest tonnago per plunc dropped so far by any on any raid. Bombing was done through heavy clouds without intcrfer- ence from either Jopancse fiehters or anti-aircraft, it was announced. Iwo Jima Is regarded as the llkniv fnUpnff nnint for 10 Jap anese bombers which raided 2lst bomber command neaa-r r.iinplnra on Kninnn WpHnPcrlAV destroying one Superfort and damaging two omers. Diamond fizz contains cham pagne instead of egg white; the latter is an ingredient of silver fizz. If It's a "frozen" article you need, advertise for a used one in the classified. DREW'S WORE : i . for thot upiMwell ; ARROW TIES Wrinkle-reiljunt, perfect-knotting, . 41 and $1.30, 733 Main St. Good f km! SO POLKS WITH SNIFFLT Head Colds Quick relief from dis tress of head colds Is what you want. So use Va-tro-nol. A few drops up each nostril soothe Irritation, relieve con gestlon. Also helpspre vent many colds from developing If used In time. Just try it I Follow directions in folder. VKKSYAYRO-HOL SPfCUl tlonMa-Duly Sou Drops wottiFast UiM White TrouMlsl ONARC K laa waiojra! foos-wi jm n oon Date Drop Cookies This is o moist, tempting, soft cookie mode with dates and nuts. It is o treat you will really enjoy and you will want to take home several dozen. Watch the family smile with delight when you serve these tempt ing delicacies. Only 20c Dot Remember when placing your orders be sure to re serve one or more of our rich, delicious Fruit Cakes. They are made with the finest of ingredients' and are full of nuts and fruits.., They are ideal for gifts and. they go towards making any holiday meal complete. A jorgeous Array of Smart Gift Hand Bags Vi iiilllMWsssw i 'AfeF J 7 .44 Plus 20 Fed. Excise Tax Most beautiful handbags in many a season . . . dramatically styled, truly gift-worthy! Supple, fine - grained leathers! Genuine Cordes! Rich, all wool broadcloths! Finest simulated patents! Luxury details include beau tifully designed handles and clasps of Luclte or mock tortoise shell, zipper tops with Lucite pulls, quilted yokes, full shirring. All have spacious, care fully detailed interiors. Every one is an achievement in smartness! Genuine Leather HAND BAGS .95 Plus 20 Fed. Excise Tax Imagine - finding soft, fine-grained leather handbags at this price! New puffy pouches and box bags, dis tinctive in styling; with dressy shir ring; spacious, fitted interiors; spark ling Lucite clasps. Also included in the group are fine wool broadcloths and rayon failles. Don t miss this outstanding gift selectionl New Fabric and Simulated Leather HANDBAGS 1.95-2.95 Plus 20 Fed. Excise Tax Here are all the newest, smartest, most, wanted styles in an exciting value-priced selection! New box bags! Shoulder bags! Pouches! En velopes! Top-handle . styles! And such sought-for details as zipper tops, inside zipper pockets, metal frames, Lucite clasps! Included are fine quality simulated grain leath ers, simulated 'vatcnt, simu lated alligator; corded fabrics, rayon faille, felts. Black, brown, and colors. See label for fiber content. sv OfcWC-' V l-. For The Family Sania Claus . . .T. CHRISTMAS GIFT TIES 98c Here's a tremendous selection of rayon . ties . In up-to-the-minute colors. Resilient construction. Ends faced with rayon satin.. All wool lined and hand-tailored for better knotting, - wrinkle re sistant. Stop in ... see them today! . They're Long on Wear! NOBILITY HOSE PLAID SHIRTS 1.58 A warm gift shirt l n good looking plaids. Full cut cotton flannel. . SWEAT SHIRTS 1.35 Heavy silver fleece lined. Crew neck with', knit wrists and waist. A fine selection of rayon socks. Mer cerized cotton top and double . sole; reinforced heels and toes . . . add to their durability. Snug ribbed top. Choice of regular length or slack length. Am h Ia m GOOD STURDY If SWEATERS M Here's a real eye-catcher in a coat sweater. Fancy woven front and knit sleeves and back. Rib knit cuffs and bottom. . Will take the rough treatment your youngsters dish out! Swell assortment of colors. Sizes 4 to 16. POLO SHIRTS 1.19 C o m f ortable cotton knit polo . shirt. Long sleeves. Ribbed crew neck. Colorful striped pat terns. Sizes 8 lo 16. Boys' Tie and Boys' Ties in Boyi' Plaid or 39c m wa m 098 I 2 2 1 BOYVILLE Fraternity fij rwiyM vrep uress a v .- -1 Super tailored g and full cut in - 1 plaid designs.. SK. 1 Two pockets, i long sleeves. 59c -.TCjS ........59e ' O ..............19e DRESS , BELTS 1.00. Long' wearing, belt i n black or brown. " Choice of as- sorted grains. Neat metal buckle. : Sizes 30 to 44. LOUNGE Dress Shirt 2.98 , Sportily styled ' yet dressyi Can be worn with ' or without tie. Assorted styles and colors. ROOMY BILLFOLD 3.98 Genuine leather with plenty of win dows and pock ets. Choice .of colors and styles. GIFT Suspenders - . 1.00 . Made of elastic and strong webbing. As sorted colors and patterns. Button or clip-ons.- ' ' Soft warm flannelette in . one-piece styles. Plaid patterns. Sizes 4 to 10. Hanky Sets Gift Boxes Stripe Sox .. Fruit Cakes 1.60 Baked from a treasured old southern recipe and contains mixed fruit, cher ries and nut moots. Five pounds of dcliciousncss. ' 5-lb. Fruit Cake with moro ' trult and LA nuts. V, T ini.y.inr?nrm 1 PHONE S188 ' 133 SOUTH 8TH ST. rmmn7ni!ii.v-FTi.avmiiiii.'i..MfitrT y I l!ILW-f.'.IIMJffl