Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 07, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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ruber 7,
L.m Dos I''o
Wuto they
l si"
Palos Mr. uiul
ire ex-
f Din
: I..MI..M mid.
, Hint' 1 Mil munwiin ...
fill II"- - '... ,m,u niuht
uo" . i,,ttmi'tliii! bcfoi'o
I"11. wi.7.i,i ,.inuiil. Mr. mid
! !' mid tKflr two cliil-
.. i,.iihiii to rema n
J for th" Uulimcc of lliu win-
lr . t ...... .Iu Mr nnrl
Co Br, 70 High.
Portland Mr, unit Mi'S.C.
kobcriw". w
III leave by t rn In
, i ,1 K L (in- Portland
Pls("...i'.u,n will HllolKl
TL.um Still" ShvIiws "lid
f " .7. it ihu Mullimniiin
t one liiiporlimt feuluro ot
f ft win ij " i"y of
I,,', i.in They will return
I,, M.iiHli.y. lloberlson presl
f 1 ii. First r'edi'inl fanv
1 uiul Lonn nssocliilloil here,
fn. 'willy returned Xrom n
iVtrii. wlilcli took him to
paronts SSift. Dull!
louver li returned to
Hi tuns imer m-ivim,
... nil oftriu In
llU U13 UJlll
"'om' '.. ;r Mrs heser
11111,1 Ui'lDy. iiuuvki
ruiiuiiii li-'ro imiil uecenv
7 whi'll n repuno m iimii
Field, Cnlif.
Llurni iiooin uuues u
Imnri. sister of Mrs. Ailolpli
Isky Jr . o( lllla clty lelt ul
Tluuiituiy iui .imiii
spending Ihu past weekunil
ihu eiiinu south for die
Iiiing of Allelic Znnisky unci
lilon Erlnndson. Miss Jones
uiii'rlnienueiii huvit
iljy noine in i n iimuu.
buck Ownors All Klnimith
Illy truc'K owners muni buiiu
III oil' certificates of wur
ally io ooiuiu inuu- mm
Icr K"so"nc' 10 1110 w,,r
e Btul rutlonlng bonrd Ini
ulcly, 1 1 wns iinnoiincccl
rsloy by Fern Shoop, chief
day Mooting The Ladles
of the First Covcnmit
ch will hold tho December
fing Friday nt 7:43 p. in.
vslimems win uc sci-vca ioi
inn the proui'iini. This will
$n nil-hostess mcclliiK mid
'riomls tire invited to attend.
Visiting Second Lt. Hnln.H
V. Bcutcr recently spent u lu
diiy fiiiloiiijli vIsitiiiK friends In
luiiiniilli Hi I In imrt ilonunzn, He
wns urndiinted from the Mnrfti
nrmy nlr field lit Miirfu, Tex., In
uciuuvr nun nus ijcen suiuoned
since Hint tlniu ut Yiimn, Ariz.
Lt. Scnter in pilot of ll H-17,
Flylnx Fortress, and will no to
Lincoln, Neb., for additionul
trniiiliiK before Kolnff. overseas.
Extension Unit Tho Altu-
inoiil extension unit will meet
on Tuesday, December 12, ut
Hie home of Mrs. T. J, O'llnru,
(Kin Ml. Whitney, at 10 a. in.
The subject of tho meeting will
bo "Oven Mculs," nnd the lend
ers will be Mrs. Saner, Mrs.
Elclicndorf mid Mrs. O'llnra.
pools to rcturn'lo active duty
I'lilrd awurd went to Pvt.
John li. Kollum, 27, husband
of Mrs. Dclpha Kcllum, 1321
Johnson, who was wounded by
enemy shrapnel us his company
buttled for Saint Jean, Frunco.
Ho Is recovering at a US army
general hospital In England.
"Wo were sot up In a hedge
row when the attack on the
city started," the Klumuth Falls
rifleman stated. "There wus a
shower of Ut) and morlur fire
from the Jerry positions. I wus
hit in the left urm." Kcllum
wns treated on the spot by
medics und moved to the bat
tullon uid Hlution und subse
quently flown to Englnnd. He
wus ut the hospitul in Kniilnnd
24 hours ufter being hit. Kcllum
is n former Lnmm Lumber
company employ; He entered
tho service in October, 1943.
MALIN Cpl. Roy S. Van
Meter of tho U. S. marine corps,
and Mrs. Vun Meter are guests
this week of Van Meter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vun
Meter, and other, members of
the family. Cpl. Van Meter, now
stationed , at Camp Pendleton,
has seen more than four years'
service, spending 1 years of
that time in Alaska.
Mrs. Van Meter will bo re
membered as the former Pa
trick Stebbins, Klamath Falls.
The couple, was married last
Prior to enlisting Van Meter
was employed at the D. E. Al
txuriuor ranch on the Merrill-'"-lii,
highway, and at one time
operated a service station here.
Reclamation Congress
Slates Annual Meet
SALEM, Doc. 7 (P) The Ore
gon reclamation congress will
hold its 32nd annual meeting
here, December 18-20, Frank
Morgan, Nyssa, said today.
Immediate problems confront
ing irrigation and drainage dis
tricts, harried by limited mate
rial und labor supplies, will b
an important discussion subject
for the fln.t day. Postwar rec
lamation development, including
a progress report on the Will.
metto valley project will be dli- '
cussed on tho closing day.
Hani Norland Insiirtt Furnl.
tur., 118 North 7th. Phone
Build Lunchoon Members
1. Piiul's Guild will hold
& smiuiil Christmas party on
irsday, December 14, at tho
: of Mrs. It. J. Dixon on
Merrill roud. Potlucn lunch
will be K'l'vccl at 1 p. m.
wed by the Christmas gift
Seattle Mrs. Kenneth
tall of Seattle, tho former
k Swunsen of this city, left
May for her home. She wus
piolron of honor nt tho... wed-
ot Adcllo Znmskv and
Hon Erlundson Inst Monday
l9lts Tho Englc's auxiliary
meci on i riciny, December o
p. m., in the upper FOE
There will be n soeinl hour
refreshments f o 1 1 o w i n
All members nrn nrffo.
turdav Sala .Tlin .Tnnlnr
C Is sponsoring a rummage
WHICH s to hn he rl nil Snl.
December 0. nt the Tower
itrc buildinE. The snlo Is to
m oi iu n. m.
a .
fokano Visitor H. D. Ellcr,
icr Mnninlh Falls Insurance
nnci now located in Sno.
, wash.. Is hero for scvernl
on a combined hunting
uusiiicss inp.
I". Chaso Secretary Mrs
i-iinso is secretary of the
mill UbO oncrntlons com
ye. Her name wns Inndvcrt-
omitted from the list of
fcr unci members yesterdny.
Tom Thorn
More vou sell!
ick Delis Co.
San Francisco
Rich Office Haifiold
In Hospital Mrs. Stcllu
Kemp of Onklnnd, Calif., is re
ceiving treatment In Klnmiith
Valley hospital und her condi
tion Is reported Improved. Mrs.
Kemp Is the sister of Mrs. Hurry
Baum, 243 E. Main.
Fire Alarm The city fire
truck responded to a cnll from
the trniler camp on Mitchell
street at 0:15 p. in. Wednesday
when a Knsoline stovo In trniler
No. 1 1 wiib reported overload
ed. There wns no damage.
Fairhavon Sale Teachers
and pupils of Fnirhaven school
purchased war stamps and
lionds to the amount of $713.23
at this week's sale, according
to the report made today by
the PTA.
From Oakland Howard Gra
ham, formerly of Klamnth Fnlls
nnd now living In Onklnnd,
Cullf., Is here for scvernl days
on business.
mm in
Two well known Klamath
men have been awarded tho
Purnlo Heart for wounds ro.
eclved in action, according to
relatives here.
S. Sut. John W. Bowcn. son
of Mrs. Clara Bowcn, 2141 S.
0th, wns awarded tho Purple
Heart for wounds received in
action In France, and tho medal
hns boon received by Mrs.
Bowcn. John went to Franco
in carlv July. Joined the 4th
division of Pulton's 3rd army
at Cherbourg nnd fought with
It until September 82, at
which lime he wns wounded in
the arm and sent to a hospital
in Franco. His mother was ad
vised that ho had also been
wounded nrior to the above
dnte, nnd the mednl wos for
his first Injury. John writes
that the hospital is far from
the front lines nnd ho Is receiv
ing excellent treatment and ex-
Start a Fire
But Once a Year!
Burnt Coal, Briquets, Pres
tologj, Wood. Semi-Auto-matic,
Mogaiin Fee d,
Hold) 100 Lbs. Cool.
Gsod Horning
Maoailnt Soldi 100
noundi ol coal, noioi
llro aovoral day! on
,k.,l.d drall. You,
homo ll WARM owr
COMI IN . . . Iff
K rootri
UlnRiri moRmnc
M mater
We are doling out our
itock of coal Hovel. Got
yours today at thii bargain
"Fuola That Satisfy"
Sine 1919
821 Spring St.' Phone 4153
Branch Yard at Merrill
515 Klamath Ave.
Music By
, Autplcti V.F.W.
Soft xephyr wool yarns In
soft or bright color pullovers.
Women's sizes, 34-40... Others.
IslT ' ' 'V-x . r- m; ;START CHRISTMAS SHOrPINCgiNaw
, . AXM -SSfLwk--m. r ;- 4.98
' "8Si ' Rayon Gowns-
: L E AT H ER H i n d b.s'qs st?
f Make Gifts of Fine D'.'ti?ctin!.' ' ' M
- w - We've piekecl them espieially for loilJy of fashion. Beccuw ; W JfllljOff '
yBk''-' ''she insists on quality, we've chosen fine leathers made up by 1 ' m$&JZ? 1 -mt fV- N-Ai
' : ..fflf .' New York's best bag designers. A beautifully styled collec- &3 ffiM ""W - Vf ' J
- ,ion... with every type of bag she could want. .... . ' -. $M , Lm
" Many Other Gift Handbags, from 1.98 J? K-T
: Smariamas
t ijkvnlV Classic styled, beloved bT
- 'Jji -iiRr j . tailored womenl Choice o
VV4 rK -'X. lovely rayon crepes or ryo
: Tots' Coats. 4 :
mi Rayon Hosiery
HP mP-Afli "k. A, Full fashioned fit hose . . .
' gZSfT it' I jZ-'-iYSmj " semi-sheer for excellent wear.
(8.95) y T m YWC r Jn beige-ton. and taupetone.
i.,::-;---:-:::,i:..'-;.' ' M MmMx- faas
VKaJi i ' Soft as down, this.-warn
fe?? y bunny fur and warm as th
ii lS V il sunl Lined with soft ; cotton
W N . . .. tl.eco. Plui 20 Fed. Excisr
fnr vour moDD'et's warm and
- ti -
cozy Christmas . . . soft liltle
fleece and Shetlands in wrap- '
. arounds and Chesterfields. Big
selection now (2 to 6x),. butjls
lvyi.tojhop earlyl ;
To make Mother'j life easier T mi dau'oSter prettier'
" little cotton madras dressos in red. brown and blue stripes with while
mhrntrlffrv. W. thirllc these ore arand oiftt. Sizes 2 to. 0 lf3iti&
Festive liltle skirts with e swing to theml i to eVers will love them
for the holidays. In Botany flannel of the finest quality. All-aroiinr'
pleated skirt with suspenders. In the brightest redl (V '
crerfif fovpon iookil.'. A imW3toXSftmw Shopping Crf ServJc.- Imjofr irf Our CrwfH GtiWRi
Pretty Scarfs
;-:t-5 98C
Squares 'and oblongs to add
color and dash to her Christ
mas costume. Other - scarf s.