PACE EIGHT PLANNING FDR POSTWAR EYED Post-war planning Is receiving .najor attention in communities throughout this area, it was dem onstrated in the discussions at I conference of municipal of ficials held here Friday night under sponsorship of the League of Oregon Cities. Representatives from Lake view, Merrill, Bonanza, Clulo quin and Malin told of projects in their communities and asked for information and advice. Herman Kehrli, head of the bureau of municipal research at the Universitv of Oregon; Jack Barlett, of the governor's post war development commission, and George Stadelman, mayor of The Dalles and leader on a com mittee studying liquor questions as they effect cities, answered many questions. Fred Inkster, Oswego, presi dent of tlic League of Oregon Cities, presided, and was intro duced bv Major John Houston, Klamath Falls. State Represent atives Henrv Semon and Rose Poole attended the dinner. Much interest was directed to Bonanza, eastern Klamath com munity, which this yea has four women on its city council. Three of them were in attendance, as well as Mayor Bechdoldt, and asked for advice on the proper expenditure of $3000 which the city has for local improvements. Salem Bus Drivers On Strike Sunday SALEM, Dec. 4 OP) Drivers oi the Salem city lines of Ore gon motor stages refused to take their buses out Sunday morning and remained on strike until 1:15 p. m., leaving hun dreds of churchgoers stranded. T. S. Beguin, Portland, em ploye negotiator, said the driv ers complained that V. D. Leek, Salem manager for the com pany was domineering and had not lived up to the union con tract. The employes decided to refer their grievance to the war . labor board. Federal Control Of Schools Opposed PORTLAND, Dec. 4 (fP) The Oregon State Teachers' associa tion Saturday opposed all fed eral control of schools, declar ing that education should re main the responsibility of state and local governments. James P a y n t e r, Hillsboro school superintendent, was named president of the associa tion, and Mrs. Una B. Inch, rural school supervisor, Med ford, was elected vice president. BY GITY HEADS ' Compost 1 ., ; -r CONVERTS LEAVES WEEDS, GRASS CLIPPINGS, Aun RiDnru orrncr laj-m V A I ' ORGANIC HUMUS L fpdtii i rrr rci 1 3 Ask your pcaUr for a f rot copy of our illustraMd folder. How to Compost tht r,wy-tht "Milttr1 irm " s ill rvLxvi Or LVaS BPi 7 9 $ V25 ib$. 2.50v INSIST ON MILLER'S Compost the Easy Way... The "Miller" Way Oregon Shipbuilding Company Launches Victory Freighter PORTLAND, Dec. 4 OP) Ore gon Shipbuilding corpiirmiuu launched lis 3u victory ireiKu ter. the Lcwiston, here Satur day- . . The vessel, named ior x,ewis ton, Ida., was sponsored by a tviiiml war mother. Mrs. Phil Pratt, Lewiston, one of whose sons was Killed in acuou aim mi other has been reported missing over Europe. "Klamath Falls At War," the feature length picture in color, which has been filmed during the past week here in the com munity was completed Sunday. R. L. Layne, cameraman for Robert Allen Productions of Hollywood, and Kay Allen, who are producing and filming the picture, have shot many hun dreds of feet of film, all of which will be included in the finished production. The main motif of the film is the war effort in Klamath Falls. '-Klamath Falls At War" will be the 500th picture of this type produced by this company and is the first picture being made up in Oregon, although Oregon is the 42nd state to be covered in this program. To date scenes have been taken in all of the city's schools and include particularly inter esting vocational shots in the high school. Women of the Red Cross will be shown in action, civic clubs will be represented, the industrial section will in clude the most interesting oper ations and personnel at Weyer haeuser, Fluhrer's bakery, Lost River dairy, and the newspaper and radio station. Interesting scenes were taken at the ma rine base and the USO center Saturday. . The completed picture will be shown for three days only, Thursday, Friday and Satur day, December 7, 8 and 9, at the Pelican theatre. Community Property Law Advice Sought SALEM, Dec. 4 UP) Gover nor Earl Snell said today he has asked Attorney General George Neuner for advice on what leg islative steps are necessary to permit the state's 1251 married couples who have elected to come, under community proper ty to get back into the old sys tem. The United States supremo court invalidated the Oklahoma community property law, after which Oregon's 1943 communi ty property law was modeled. II A R i r 1 Libert "START NOW A 5-lb. packaco of Millar1! Compost Makar villi maka t"Sn grado Fonilliar. Dr. and Mrs. Boyd F. Sprague hnvo established a modern kin dergarten, located at Bit Wal nut. They have devoted much tunc and effort to this project, because they have long felt that there were enough chil- d r c n of kindergarten age to warrant its establishment. The Sprngucs have obtained the services of Ruth Wilhnolh Jones as the teacher, because of her wide experience in this field. She has spent three months in the cast studying the best modern trends and prac tices for a kindergarten teacher, and therefore it is felt that she will be capable of carrying the responsibility of such a position. The new kindergarten was open for public inspection on Saturday and Sunday. Decem ber 2 and 3. Monday. December 4, marked the opening of en rollment. Flying Boat Fails To Return From Trip VANCOUVER. B. C, Dec. 4 (CP Failure of an RCAF Can so flying boat, with a crew of nine aboard, to return from a routine operational flight Sat urday night was reported by the western air command yes terday. Aerial search is being con -jf ' I WARDS m j tit AVarick House" A SPLENDID VALUE . . . IN A GRAND Whether he buys It himself or receives If as a gift;:. the man who owns a Varick House will celebrate the holidays In splendid style! Rugged all-wool worsteds, deftly tailored in 1945 patterns and colon; HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FAtLS, OREGON ducted over the Juiui do Fuca straits and the southern tip oi Vancouver island. The plane's absence brought to three the number of RCAF craft missing in less than a mouth. A four-motored Libera tor bomber, with 1 1 aboard, has been unsighted since leaving the RCAF Abbotsford base Novem ber 10. while a Cnnso flying boat, 10 aboard, failed to re turn five days later after par ticipating in the search for the first plane. Vanport Gambling Houses Raided TORTLAND, Dm. 4 (,T Judge John L. Cnhalin Satur day fined 31 negroes a total of more than $1700 lifter police raided Vanport gambling houses. Fines of $100 each were levied against 10 operators of the establishments. The others were fined $25 for being in the places. ' For Chrlitmai A BILLFOLD No-seam style; zippers and coin pockets; secret pockets From $2.50 to $12.50 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main ...a good store for men who like good clothes PROUDLY DRESSED GIFT AT $ 35 No charge for oferofioni on Varick House Juris Let's get busy and each buy a $1000 War Bond or more! KBiamattto Saflls! IPeiplle 5 and Let's get busy over the top It takes only 3300 persons at $1,000 to cover our quota! This iov our country ; . . the great America where we en joy Liberty and Justice and good living! Remember Greece . . what she suffered under the Nazis' domina tion! There's nothing left for thosg poor people. There are only half of the 71 million and go on the M 'Available At' oritgomery Quit JlampAafiiiiai Murphey's Seed Store Ward Klamath at 9th Phone 3443