HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE SEVEN m.Id WanHd. Male IB ntip wanted. Mai 04 Automollva Automotive 34 Automotive .utomotlva 34 Automotive 34 Automotive '.. tr 4, 1944 ii ..mi want to work in a loagino canio. sawmill lumber yard whoro condilions are good, call at office or phono 5N6 between 8.30 and 4:30 p. m. ' Vo need men In all these departments of our operation which Is an essential industry. VVOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. r., ,-jKlmit uluxllc or hvii- Sic rublKT. mud.; " " 'w naitii iiliii' ImiiorlHiiTO in nlc '" wlii-rcvor dec 1 ol11.. nl liluli Ininnmi- I"?""" Tin iiiikIg 'ha i,o limiiiy nntiri;ior.v. ASblrlED BATE8 .pcr won) Be .per word lie pir worrt lite .iwr word Mr ur worn :w tersj'i.jj.rM... A..v.,,.. i. cancelled Hi .'".r.,: With lar... PpiTY it. ilny iMfor auhlloa Now Today iirMsnraiiNc. L.ttKlN(; Ihtlloi" t"l nurture nrw nriil nlfl M. Ailcuider. 7:H L- riATK In advance for Xhnifri m J- r- l'reji nud X. mitii'Kl) Grader nek sewrrt. Cr.wloid Wolf.. Vi.lel-.Jr. itTtD-Ma and wife for ehora Job. El 12 row. Surge milker, lake It ot chkVrm and gene mi cnoics. kjrrn timir, rem. iim. " rfiimUhfd. CiWMl wagM for hard Xrkinf. reliable cniiplc. Phone RENT-Floor sand, edgcrs and n..n.r rriiuivhtu machine. J K. f..rn.i ValnX Slotc. I'lione ana. Mum. 13-aom i HUNT 3 rr.nll fiirnlthrd apart Call l (Wl Alameda HI. 12-4 rBAI-E -4-l.fdmnni modern home, klr lirunu system, centrally ft ltd, 4 block west of Main. Phone ft) lu RrS RCPMIIKU. All vnllnhlc pnrll Li-ktdi Uned riirntture. tovei Ixitighl. firond nnu store. oj.i (imiu. but 3671. ia-JOin ix D 1 rrd Cucker pntel, male. km 7MI. 12-4 TTD-A ride hy ttlor iind mother t lj Angriei round wru oi wr- p.btr. Plioiii; IWfl, 13 8 rroMFiis rT your shoks i IttShno Shop. WIN I'loio rtP 'J fcibfr lODi. Ily, l'J U B, CAHE roil ClllI.DftrN In my ktii. from 2 to fl year. Mrs. A. If. hdford, 3120 Crrit St. i2 i IritNTEn. handy nin. will build bnodel, repair. 23 U Porhlnc Wny JTID-Womin for mlrt work. An la houiekccner In oenon. mi- M Hotel. 12-3 BtT Mmrone lo rare for hoy, 4 yer in inrir own home wmiti moiner it. Write flux 74fl, care of llernld RENT-lInfurntBhnd 3-room anart nt. No children. Call after S p. in. 4.127 1 r ron sale fit homa on Pine street. (I rooms, ind ilifn-ln porch on ftrtl floor i lhre-rooni apartment wllh bath i. Jienti tor so. The lot neiitg In U wortn almoit aa much at tn-room ilucco pUitered frame i. modern and city aeweraRe, two nying noiiNrn, omitue fiuraRe, n houe, O'i lota. A hvilldlnu ultr, In and a good location for npurt- ouiidini, i, neap ai anumo, lm In Malm. cr(i food land, well Improved 17 milra from the ralli. really ma money. Price flO.OOU, bfi in nrire from Ot)0 to MWto, oino one-imir nrro Iracti with nu (hii hiiUUIllH!). W. SAN11K1IS. ItlTAI. TATIf. Main St. I'liono 7.121 JWm home, liurdwood floora. flre- rlni. On lijiveinoot. Nrnr hlh hit u.iou. rrrniN, Rro Krod Cofrr DAHMIISKl. Aficwrv ,,h Phone 4103 mn CAM- 11 . nururn room lino, i.. it i .i . .i PW (uri t,rouii,oul, fireplace, (- ovum room, zone-nenled ny Ml nirnnccs, rock wool hmulutlon. wilMhlc iipljililioi-hoort for cWI- 3 in oniy tnree yenra old nmit to K.II.A. anoclflcnllona. rinacapc(i v 1 1 ti back yard fenced, f Wrage. I'hone 0373 13-0 SAW -.itH Chcvrolel SperUl De Uwir RRdnn. Phone 4B74. 13-3 OUSS INSTALLED, motor fune- iu irntier airaiKniening. whed, vnruumed nnd almon- rtpi i 1C wol'K tK'nO, A j,,,, ,,,, inKcA nui nit tne Shi! ." (',,lrl,B' Wb wHI do any iv: "o.vb or nignia, tor your R ind n l "i"m oorvioe atatioi), n .uccib. upen nil num. 13-4 WIS for houicliold good. Phone I 440tt SMT, Wln.l.nP .11,1- he ami. U-4 SI'KCIAL uv ' -ifnnr hHiBlea, While they ii :.: " '. cim be used for 130 SAI f ' . " 1 w Ii ft rcfrlRerntor, sns -,." uoor lurnnce. C?omi- feu5?n,..Sl,n,'"y. Dec. 10th. At 'v V, ,(1le hornca and work JarnllT C,,ll"ko ,Iectl hra, Set rr..r : 1 arork ai 1.1 i 1(1 Mnrtwlr" nin" Sen Morrii, Foun'laln Mar. 43;mtf ij,? ,I1'i':nt Kttrnlahcil apartment Write Box 740, care rjl and Ncwa, ("a? J"! .To 0" 'or fumlahcd rwnyn.M!n:,a. or Hnklna. Can tli K ""'"Jm. sih, Call Cpt. fDox 7ii uw' Marine nngo, or ox '13, enra llernld and Newa. 130 fomUJ a for rabbit iKIm. ValcV.Vi. nipnienta to- "una rur Co., Aeattle, Wn. Mcn-Wed-Sat Naw Today FIII.LKH llMIIHIItH .. clem Jnyer. 14X1 Murlln. Phono 5(177. ' l2-3Uni KI.KC.TJIIC FLOOII HANDNM mid edger rented. Oit yniir own work. Inriutrr mint Dept. MONTOOMKUY WAH1) 12-,'JOm KOH HAI.K I'ro-litvnnlory aaIp on high lup-k nwliitf rorlicra, 937,30, Lucai ruiiMiiiio, mo t, main. WILL PAY CAMH for uard guni. lliliTig WAHE, ftJIl M.i.i HI. 12-3Um WANTK1) Hy ppimanent rlvHInn roil- fif. Mirinburo nouK r ainrtinnt. iterrrriRci. Coll IW04. ik for Mra, Jemen. 12-6 PAYING up to a Id. for rnlihll kln Mllllont wunlrd. Knh hlnnirnli to. day, Viili-auda Tur Co.. Heiillle, Wn. Mon-Wod-Siil WANTKl) - Live iioullry of' U klndal Atno cgi. Martin Produce Co, Plume la-oom IIIGMKHT PlMf.'KH paid for hogi. veT lamha and catlle. Jnlnikon Packing Co i'lione nlgltli 3303. l2-30m Mtetlno Notlcag Klamalh Kalli Aerie N', 2IM10. IlrifulHr meeting every Turn- nay nigni, i:n p.m.. r.O.K. hall. th and Wnit-nibera cordlullv 111'itnu. u CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 Meellnia lit and 3id Wednaaday eve nlngi of earn month. 7:30 p. m.. at Labor icnipie zi mnio. : u, i.UNii, ner. ann n. a Office Open 7:00 to (1:00 P M. Every Wedneaday, Phone oJ27 l'J-4in Itrgular meeting Scoltlah Kite tonight, 8 p. m, La dle' night, all wives of cduiikcl of Kodoah Invited. Program by Job Daugh ter. Itefrethmcnta. II. E. JONT.S. rnininanor Loit and Found FOn 5ALE-3.bedroom home on Sum. mar t.ana, acre ground, hua line at door. 11300 down. Total price 4I0. Imniedlntn poiaeuton If da trrd. Phony Btun. tnntf Genorei Notices OPENING! Two Sisters Inn AT WEED ASI1LAND JUNCTION 3 miles went Highway 97, 1 1 " Formerly, SHASTA VIEW INN SPECIALTY Southern .Fried Chicken and Steaks Owners Rii th and Cut Gormlcy Phono 9060 12-30 I will not b htlil rtponithl for any dftiu contracted to Anyone other thin myaelf. Delbcrt Fredrick. US Parionalt PArtTtr.S Interested ChrHITn.i offer Rnociopedt, flrlunnlca or Brltanntce Jr. may obtain complete Information by writing Oreion repre,entatlve. Mr, Dlrk.on. 1723 N. E. Multnomah. Port land. !' 10 Sarvtcn REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINE and Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Service Man Klamath Refrigeration Phone 7038 2000 South Sixth St. 12-1 IMC ' Refrigeration Service KELVIN ATOR Factory Authorized Service Household and Zommercial Phone 6617 OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. 127 So. 6th St'. 12-13m Falls Upholstery , and Rug Service Cleaning and Mothproofing 'Use Again Same Day' PHONE 6014 B0S8 8 to 9 A. M. After 6 P. M. 12-3 HOSIERY MENDING Prompt Service Mnil Orders "Accepted . Florinc Shepard . S28 Martin - ' Ph. 5742 12-30 spr.NtT.n cnnsttTirttc Mrn. Knlrt nurch. 631 Oak. Phone Ml for appointment. '-8m Sr.PTIC TANKS CLEANED, all con tent, hauled away. Ed T. Kln. Phona 32ao. ' CAHPENTEB REPAIR WORK. WANT- f Ot? Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- We Will Sell You o Car OR We Will Buy Your Car TOP OPA CEILING PRICE New Chevrolet Essential Let Us Help You With Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. Oth St. 30 Raal Kttatt For Sala 30 FOR SALE ONE LARGE BUILDING Must Be Removed A large quantity of lumber, sash and doors can be salvaged for use or resale as there are no restrictions on second hand material. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. Phone 5146 12-4 10 Sarviccs Wood Coal Oil FURNACES' Iron Fireman Oil Burners - Stokers Bob Porter Phone 7708 403tf The KINDERGARTEN Kin Wntmit St. B a. m. to 3:30 p, m. Lunch Included Phone 0127 Supervisor, Ruth WlUmoth Jones Directors, Dr. and Mrs. Boyd E. Spragne EXPERIENCED CAP.F. given In my home to children 3 yeara and over. Phone 3733, 12-0 PHOTO TINTING In natural color oils, neaaonable prices. 613 Oak. Ph. 731(1. PHOTO OIL TINTING Phone 74tut. 0721f FURNACES. Moves, chimneys cleaned, repaired. Oil heater service. Phone 8040. 13 B SEWING MACHINE SERVICE, nil makes. Phone 0771. :3ia Shasta Way, 12-Dm SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED tailed. Phon ?K)3. and In- 12-26 THEODORE DICKSON UPHOLSTER ING FURNITUnE SHOP - Upholster ing, Repairing. Reflnlshfng, Springs Reconditioned. Phone 4317, 3041 Shasta Way. W.14 TWO AND FOUn CYCLE C.na Engines. Welding and repairing. Bodenhamcr Saw Shop. . . 12-H AVON PRODUCTS Phone OH!. Mrs. Pearl Ross. 12'14m KALSOM1NING, Kcintonlng and Paint ing. Phone 30Q7. 12-13 CURTAINS LAUNDERED and alrelchcd. Phone :ni7. 12-21 13 HonlTh PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 153 Granite St. Ashlnnd, Oregon Phono 7091 Graduate Nurse in ChaiRe. l2-8m 14 Hnlp Holp Wsnted Fomalo WANTED - Middle ated housckcener for light honseworK, nays oniy. :.io a. m. to S p. m. Call 0331 after (1:30 p. m. 12-3 WANTED . Chambermaid. Lake Hnicl. 61 mf WANTED Fountain girl and fry cook. Good wages. Apply Ttk-Tok Drive Inn after 0 p. in. 8Mtf WANTED- Waitress and dishwasher. Wo man preferred. Apply at Hitler's Cof fee Shop. 2IH10tf WANTED Full time mlddle-agod house keeper. The best ot wages. Call ,1713. All conveniences. ' (I(14tf WANTED-Wmnnn for linht housekeep ing and companion for semi-Invalid, days. Phone -0300. nflcr 0 p. m. Sat- ttrtlnv p, in. or Sunday. 12-4 IB Help Wanted. Male WANTED I wholesale milk mute driver. Also 1 retail driver, Lost River Dairy. 13-4 WANTED Setter and handy man. Elllng aon Lnibr, Co. Call 8:i40. 400U Trucks for Users Your Application Phone 4113 Real Batata For Sala Help Wanted. Mai WANTED. Kxnerlencrd sash cutter. An ply Metier Ilros. Phone 3332. 48311 WANTED Men and boya to act pint. LlRht work, good pay. Apply Bowling Alley. 819 Main p. m. or any evening. Saturday or Sunday. 1721t( SECTION AND EXTRA GANG FORE MEN WANTED un Oregon and Wash ington lines. Good pay and flrst-rlata accommodations. Stale experience, age. draft status and when available. Spokane. Portland and Seattle Rail way Company. 1101 N. W. Hoyt Street. Portland, Oregon. 13-11 WANTED Motor overhaul mechanic Weekly Bunrnntce and good percent age. Thoroughly equipped shop and parts dept. Anderson Auto Service. Phone 3573. 667 If WOULD YOU like to earn money after school delivering a Herald-News paper route? See Mr. Miller at the Herald office after 3 p. rp. 673tf WANTED -Position as bookkeeper, gen eral office' and rotated positions by young married man. Write Box 393. care of Herald-News, 12-4 18 Situations Wanted WANTED Day work by conscientious thorough worker. 403 Walnut. 12-6 EXPERIENCED machinist and welder, farmer foreman wanta work. Can han dle crew, maintenance, machinery or equipment, night shirt ana overtime preferred. Interview after 3 p. m. 3020 Board man street. 12-0 WANTF.n Clerk at Wlnem'a Hotel. 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD-224 Michigan. 12-30 22 Roomi For Rent ROOM FOR RENT Inquire Billle'a bar ber shop. 1132 Main, 126 FOR RENT Room for quiet gentleman Also garage. 2241 Eberlcin. 12-4 ROOM FOR RENT 1028 Jefferson. , 803 tf 26 Howes For Rent TRUCKS FOn RENT-You drive: move yourself, save '.a, Stiles Beacon Serv ice, 1301 East Main. Phone 8304. 12-6m FOR RENT Small furnished house. 303 Preacott. 12-4 30 Real Estate For Sal List Your Property With Us. Fair Appruisals and Satisfactory Sales. Joe Perry with F. L. Weaver Real Estate and Insurance 331) E. Main Phone 6764 12-8 HOMES FOR SALE , EVEHETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 81h Phone 8491 12-14ni FOR RALE A-room modern home, fur nished, fairly close In. Immediate possession, $2300 Insurance, Price $33,40. Dial 4129. 329 If FOR SALE 3-ronm modern house, l' acre laud. 2 chicken houses, In city of Jacksonville. Ore. 12-5 FOR SALE 2-bedroom modern house, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace. Close In. Dial 6713. I833tf FOR SALE-Smnll, cory 3 rooma and hath, newly decorated Inside, nice yard. $300 down. Phone 6447. X2i Grant. 832tf FOR SALE-Modern 2-hedroom house. I.uree Inwn. shade trees and an rub bery. Located lit West Klamath near Wevnrhacuscr mill. Inquire L. S. Schlcact, 20B West Klamath, 12-3 If Us a "frozen" article vou need, advertise for a used on in tlie classified. Sell Your Car NOW (Buy Bonds NOW!) While the Price is Still High Your Ford Dealer Since 1923 Balsiq'er Motor Co. 30 Raal Eitat For Sala RIVERVIEW Attractive 2 bedroom home on Kcno road, with a 3 room fur nished cottage in rear. Both houses built in 1940. Income from mall house will make your monthly payments. All for 5,2750, with $1000 down. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. 9th Ph. 4564 FOR SALE 30 acres, all under Irriga tion, 6-room modern house, barn, hos i house, 3 cows, bull, steer, heifer. 2 horaea. 12 hogs, farm Implements. 13 tans hay. electricity, paved road, live creek. Price SftOOO. Terms. Many other llstinffb. Write far information. SOUTHERN OREGON LAND CO. 30 East Main St. Ashland, Oregon 12-4 FOR SALE-My 60-acre farm. 7 miles out. good building,, square fields, and In good shape. Best drained ranch in county. $8000 cash will handle. Rt. 1. Box 919. 12-6 FOR . SALE 2-bcdroom modern house. large lot. new furniture and rugs, im mediate posbcssion. near Weyerhaeuser mill. Phone 5918, Otto Mlkkclson. Si'200. 12-4 34 Automotive WE TAKE A lot of pride in turning . out better work for our customers. If it's a car or truck : motor overhaul . We will give you a bet ter job in less time. LEO'S GARAGE llth and Main Sts. Phono 6603 Mon-Wed. Used Cars Bought Sold ' Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends 12-1 2m Reconditioned and Guaranteed Exchange Motors Ford Models A, B. 60 h. p. 1934 to 1941 C5 h. p. 1939 to 194190 h. p. and Mercury Chevrolet Models 1935-36 1940-41 1941 Hi-Tork Chevrolet nodge 1935 to 1941 . . Internationals and others. I. C. '.'IKE" HEATH Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. 12-23 FOR SALE OR TRADE-1!I35 llMC dump truck. Trade ns pari payment on Caterpillar. Phone 4I)7. la-tl WANTED TO TRADE-19:H Chevrolet DcLuse sedan, extra good rubber, for a pickup or a panel. Call at 1727 Oregon -Avo., after 3:30-p. m. 46tftb FOR SALE-1040 Chevrolet panel truck new tires. Will trade (or passenger car. 4u3 MlcniRan Ave. u-t FOR SALE-'27 Model T Ford coupe Good tires-and license. $45.00. Enam eled wood ranao with colls. l.1.00. Third house from Baker's office In Chelsea addition. 12-4 SEE MEL HENRY at Lombard's Used car Lot. 5'Ji s. urn st. top ui'a CASH PRICE at once tor your car. All makes and models for sale, l'2-l.lin 35 Fuel Heatino RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oil! Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phono 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 12-30m 34 Automotirq - FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES -Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need -OLOR MATCHING . AND PAINTING Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 6th Phone 6942 12.6m Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage' 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. 12-14m TOP CASH PRICE tor your clean, late model car or equity. Sea L. M. Quam at BURNESS MOTORS----Authorized DeSoto-Plymouth . Parts and Service Goodrich Tfre Distributor ' .lift So Kth 10871 f 36 Miscellaneous For Sale TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters and COOK STOVES ARE RAT ION FREE All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook top. especially priced. $57.50. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from S59.50. Circulating heaters priced from $37.50. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE. Where the Cash Buyer Gets the Break Me Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-tf - Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured . For Complete Automobile Coverage? "Phone 5195 John Sandmeyer C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bldg. 12-30m FOR SALE Full enameled wood ranges wttrt 1U enamel ovens, nos rnnoncu. $70.50. Lucas Furniture. 193 E. Main. 18-8 FOR SALE 410 pump shot gun. 3'i ' hnvit lif01 nitrfrct condition. $83.00. 1435 Johnson. 12-4 FOR SALE One pair hickory skils. 6 ft cable binding,, metal poles. One remington automatic 22 rifle. Phone 7M2. W-B FOR SALE Driveway cinders. Phone 42U3. tf-10 vnn SALE-Annies at W. U MoOre'l rust of Ashlnnd. south on Tollman Creek road. $2.00 per box. bring con tainers. 12-8 FOR SALE-Cahbcce 4e lb.: carrots 3c lb,; parsnips 5o lb.: table beets 2o ll. 1'i mile northwest of Malln. John Hoiu.ik. 12 CANARIES - Pedigreed Rollers. Fine singers. Also hens. All rolora. Write for prices. De Voe. 1127 V. Main. Medford. Ore . 12-18 nitiVKWAV ClNtlKltS delivered In elis or suburbs. Dial 7078 or 7643. 13-4 NEW SHIPMENT of foldini baby bug Rles. S22..V). S28.S0, $27.W. M7.30. rnn sale. Wrctinshouae electric irn- prntor, DC Type Sk 4-9 Kw.. 1020 PPM. nnlnh Ravltai. Modoe Point. 13-4 FOR SALE- Walnut finished dining buf ' fet. walcrral! design. Large aire $49.05. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Furniture Dept. 12-7 FOR SALE -12 tons first crop alfalfa hoy. haled. Rl. 2, Box 811, on Lake view highway. . 12-8 FULLER BRUSIIES-Rrp. R. V. Morgan. 5.12 So. Riverside. Phone 3348. 19-24 Ol.ASS-Mlrrors, resilvarlng. plgta. win dow; and auto glass, furniture tops shelves. Kimh Glass shop. 527 Walnut. Phono .7378, IJ-sm EVERYBODY says SEE ROSE If you want to sell your car. Rose buys cars no monkey business. ROSE MOTOR CO. PONTI AC mZlih GMC USED CAR LOT 6TH AND PLUM 36 Miscallanaoui For Sale FOR SALE Following Used Equipment, all repairable and some ready for immediate use: - 1 4'2 McCormick Pull . Type Mower il 10-20 McCormick Deering Tractor -1 10-ft. Adams Pull Grader 1 6-f t. Adams Road Maintainer 3 Caleon 10-ft. Patrol . Graders ; 1 Owens Road Broom 1 Snow King Rotary - Plow for- Truck " Mounting: 1 Domestic Water Pump May be seen at 468 Spring. Phone 5729 12-2 FOR SALE 100 tons baled .hay 1st cul alfalfa, oats and rye. at Keno. Sec ...Guy. Moore. at.ranc'i- befova- ctost.m river or call Doug Puckett, Tulelakc 7104. 3353U FOR SALE-Bass.nct S3.C0. - b.ithcncttc . $3.00. camel swccDcr S2.30, almost jiew. one electric hot water tank, con nections $5.00. 1617 Dayton.. ALLEN Adding Machines and FRIDEN Calculators. 124 S. Oth St. Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co ,12-14m FOR SALE Melotte cream separator, beer cabinet, sloven. Also men's suits, overcoats and mackinaws. Sixth Street i Exchange, 502 S. Oth. Phone 71B0, 597tf LANDSCAPING - Evergreens, flowering - shrubs -and trees. Make your bcIcc . tion now . for fall planting. LAKE- SHORE GARDENS NURSBRY. Fnnne 40&2. 12-20111 ; DEAF? Or only hard of hearing. Visit; the hearing center -Tuesday. Dec. 5. 1 Bertrams Jcweiry- aiore. oaw aiaxn St. One day only. ' See the scientific ' Aural Exerciser. No batteries. Noth ing to wear. Listen to how the new . Gem V-4 overcomes your handicap. Your aid taken In trade. i2-4 CAN electrify few treadle sewing ma chines at present. Further informa tion dial 6771. Sewing Machine Serv ice. 3218 Shasta Way. 12-Mm FOR SALE-Sqltarc top walnut buffet. , medium size $44.95. Scars, Roebuck & Co. Furniture Dept. 12-7 FOR SALE Piano, davenport and ch.-iir Dial 6713. lS3Qlf FOR SALE-Trailcr house. 24 ft. H2 - model Plymouth. Excellent condition. ,' Completely equipped, Klamath Auto ! Court.' flU SPECIAL Gray cinders for sale. 2 weeks special : 52.00 per yard. Roar Schmcck. Phone 409.1. i?-1. f 38 For sale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE One factory ; built trailer house, one long wheel '", hase truck. Inquire Robinson's Trailer Park. . 1 -4 42 Miscellaneous Wanted INSTRUCTION Learn practical tnirslne easily at home, spare time. Big de mand. Rood earnings. High school nil necessary. Write for FnEK facts. "Wayne School of Practical Nurr.lnq. Box 155. care Herald and News. 1C-4 WANTED Electric range In Rood condi tion. Phone 75U2.. WANTED TO BUY-Oll heater In good condition. Call 6568. 12-.". WANTED A small safe. R. C. Grnrs beck. Phone 3610. 12-5 MARINE COUPLE desire 3 or 4-room furnished house or apartment linmc- diately. Call 3614 days, ask for Sin gleton, or 3762 evenings. 3921f BUSINESS COUPLE desires smalt apart ment or house, no children, perma nent. Phone 6835. 12-4 WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phone 5078 after 6 p. in. 227311 WANTED TO DUY-Ico cream rreejer. Phone 7318. t255tfUD WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO -Louis R. Mann, 120 N. 7th. Phone 4510 or 7175. , 12-20m WANTED Electric light planl. Must be 110 a.c. In good condition. Mciss Ranch. Macdocl. 12-4 PERMANENT party of 2 adults and one child eleven wnnt furnished house ur Apt. Call 0173. ' . 12-4 WANTED -- Guernsey Bull. William Tubaeh. Rt. 3 Box 751. 12-4 WILL pay good price for child's tri cycle. Ph. 308:1. - 12-4 -2 men boarders. WANT TO BUY-3-bcdroom home with basement In good district. . Phone 7610. ' 12-7 WANTED TO RENT .- Furnished or partly furnished 2-bedroom house or apartment. Ph. Ed Isensce, Cascade Laundry, 12-7 . PHONE 6130 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE-Rabbits and hutches. Ph. UM3. 12-4 WANTED Dead and worthless "animals. Phone 4536 collect. 12-2Jme WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVE'S MARKET, 010 East Main. Phone 4282. ' . t2-4m FOR SALE-Onc heavy springer Guern sey heifer: one Jersey cow. ' . hVavy . milker: one purebred whlteface bull. -Slater Bros., lit .mile south, ot Kill In siding. 12-5 PASTURE:-will board 400--head of steers 3 months starting Dec. 15 on good feed on ll.OUO-acre ranch. Tahama, Co.. Calif., 22 miles west of Orland. For terms contact owner. Charles S. Wheeler, by phone, Sutter 6361, San Francisco, or address him Mills Tower. San Francisco. 12-fl FOR .SALE Heavy . veal calves suitable for cold storage lockers. In condition ' to be killed now. R. R. Klnsey, 0cne. 12-5 FOR SALE-Rogtstered Hampshire -boar. Two years old. Gerald. West. Mai in. Ore. Phone 333. .12-4 . Financial . AAsvvWs.vSAivkMiiMVs'MiyVaj See K. A. (Dinty) Moore LIBERAL.. GASH LOANS AUTO . . FURNITURE On . Your Private Sales-F.inqriced Simple Credit Acquirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay ' No Co-Signers. Quick Service : Locally Owned .. . j. Motor Investment-Co. , Klamath's Oldest ' ,: M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 332S 12-30m When You Want a ' CASH LOAN i . For Any Worthy; Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of ' COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th Str -Klamath Fails, Oregon Loans Made On-' Automobiles Furniture .. Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed a n d 0. P. A. Requirements Completed ' Come In Phone In or Write Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie S-251 12-30m First Federal Has ; Plenty of Money ..Buy a Modern Home .' Refinance Yoiir Old Home , . ... . Pay Less Than Rout " tiong Terms .Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL- " SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc, of Klamath Falln Sixth and Main Phone B19S -, ',.',. "-y ... . 12-30ITI ' II it's-n-"frmen-'Tirttftfeml neal d vrtlsa for a used ona In ttfti olautflad. CU-r-DAy or connect, i n.