1944 Umorial-Rites bserved by OES t t, lrliniH"Ri mi. umnmiii r. ruMiu.iu, fiirs. Wtllard Mi-I 11. i-'VIIIJu,, i.niii uwsnimill, mr. i,omuel r f Hfiircl. hl!lm'lri lnunihfi-a .if Al..l.n ni.i.. t!i'dlc(i during h P' year, honored In impressive 'i .iJ manorial services, during the session of the chapter uy cvn ilng 4"'.;. n( the order wore conferred upon M ffi .ol C1.1.MI, . The inl-T I coiirti-sy Initiation rur i,f. 2 apler of Portland. C.I hiving been electee 'Ktarnhln i hu Portland f' novi-d lo Klamath ,Krc could bo inltlnt. pier m. Guy L. Mar- aW'J'W 'ft tlw first El . . 'Majestic chapter ... ....,1 Mt. iii.H n" Vi'lii'ir of 'HI. Mary's Corvnllis. Mr, Fil ler fsra ki s.u ifiiu h her liimiiand. now slu i .1 Iho Murlno Hurrackit, v i.. Hinnl iinnrni1 . Sdfthe kliuliiMsofi Hlmwn members of llio Eastern Eiiiei'ta were served by IJ " The next meeting, l ii. nnnnul election DC - Len's Club Thi- Women'! club held fjThanksKlvIng dinner on wth Cunmbell wna chair- ,g( the entertainment com- mxrno wti """j ........ IT and LyndoU lliirrlson. i were provided and it pro wu Sivcn during the eve- ik iicllve place cards were by Ethel Goljsbcck, and rtnloying the evening were mil Mrs. John Gciisbcck, Bid Mrs- Lester Gcljsbeck, ad Mrs. Jim Rouse, Mr. and iCarold Madison, Mr. and K U Gilford, Mr. nnd Mrs. ' Obcnchiiin, Mr. and Mrs. (.'Smith, Mr und Mrs. F. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jck, Mr. und Mrs. Jamci Mr. and Mrs. Monty fcMr. nnd Mrs. C. Ross, Mr. trs. Axel Anderson, Mr. jri. Jack Harrison, Mr. and Bank Splccr, Mr. and Mrs. fclltns, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy jjugh, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. , Edna Bonk, Mary Luck, yillannn, Klirnbeth Cnmp- iina Mcuicmun ana luuue. inc. Pinochle ier Adklsson, 1536 Ore- .tntertaincd members of Ye if Pinochle club at her is Thursday, Novombcr 30. ton was served at 1 and curds followed, It union Green holding i 1 score, Fannlo Goddnrd DO, Asnacc Lowe, low, ana finochle award wont to a Bock. Members present t; Violet Vance, Agnace 1 Mclba Danlclson. Grace I'annlc Goddnrd, Kiithryn itfi and Esther Adklsson, it guest, Lillian Green. 4 next meeting, December 111 be at the home of Kath Bl litis j, and it will he the etnas parly nnd gut ox- 1 ! ! f Leaving xheon ladies of the Townsend jry met at tho homo of illle Anderson on Denver on Wednesday, Novcm- WIcIouj notluck luncheon loyca oy all, after which Kill mectlna wan rnllnrl. r prizes were awarded for una blackout games. present were Mabel Me ?. Eva Webster, Nettle nesky, Eva Myers, Char- ijanoy, uernico McCrackcn Ilia Dcmnscv. 11a Unimlns ? SelliiriRcr, Efflo Anderson ioia Herman. o will be a special meet- December 0, at the home 1 Webster, 1325 Kane. I . . tOC'ofinn j ' Jd Employes' National association was held at c of the president, Mrs. Jensen, 241 Michigan, and m Great , Northern and Stcd railroads were !- L, Mitchell was ap- V to art am J the year, in place of f lime y' Who rc,8nec, ailaenllnr, n , 4n 9 the home of Mrs. f Prince, 1314 Crescent. I I ' ffLVMr- ant Mrs. R. S Plan to leave on tho ? December for an Indrfi J,ln Los Angeles, Cnllf- irr ' wm visit ". Mrs Tom Willis and and f ii ' rnllk Hlln" n,ii v ) win occupy J'wn homo during their LANGKLL VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. I'l-unk I'cpple nnd Bob worn tho honored guests lit a Inruwell party given for thorn by their frit-win on Saturday uvonlng, November 25, nt the parish hall. A polluek supper wns served nt U o'clock, followed by enter liiliiinent (luring the evening, unci Inter u lovely ull-wool blank et was pic-M-nlt-tl to tho Puppies. Those; enjoying the evening weio Mr. and Mrs. Pepple and Hob, Mrs. Claude Murray, Mrs. Floronco Botklns, Mr. und Mrs. Bill Burnett and family, Earl Kent, Mr, and Mrs. Ralpon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and fnmlly. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Enibrcy und family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gift and family, Mr. ami Mrs. George Kemland nnd family, Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Eddie, Mr. and Mrs, Elliott House and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rundull, Bobby Potucck, Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Monroe, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Krazlcr, Mr, and Mrs. Warren Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm '1'earo, Mildred Tctirc, Mrs. Mary Dearborn, Jack Zuintowle, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leavltt, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kylur, Jack Kylcr, Corpor al MarClnjky, David MacClosky, Cnrl Hnmtreat, L. A. Constans, Mr. nnd Mrs. Reginald Thomas, Mrs. Nell Quick, and Allen E. Gale. Tho Peppies will be missed a great deul by the community, who tit the snme time wish them happiness In their new home in Klamath Falls. . HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON fACE SEVEN : 'Ml'! Hi Ik 4 i 4 m 4 ' Y I -4 f - ft " t 1 ' BRIDE ELECT Nadlne Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall of Pen dleton, Oregon, has announced her engagement to Corporal Bud Curia, now stationed at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana. The Hall family is formerly of this city, where Nadlne was very active In high school atfulrs. No date has been set for the wedding. LANGELL VALLEY Mr. und Mrs. Bill Burnett entertain ed with a dinner party at their home on Thursday evening. Cov ers were laid for Joyce Plnelli, Ralph Waggoner, Bcrnlce Plnel li, Sergeant Fred Bitus, June PI nelll, Seiitoiint Frank Branning nnd tho host and hostess. Stork Shower BLY A stork shower was given for Ruth Obcnchaln on Saturday, November 18, at 4 o'clock at the Walt Campbell home. Hostesses for the afternoon wcro Wllma Procbstel, Edna Mc Lachlan, and Bcrnlce Sharope. The gifts were placed In a bas sinette decorated In pink and blue, und around this were tiny pink and blue crepe paper shoes. The afternoon was spent play ing games and visiting. Mrs. Obenchaln received many lovely gifts, and later refreshments wore sorved to Jennie Meyers, Lurn Dishno, Etta Hartman, Ma rie Raupuck, Maude Butler, El len Michelson, Thclda McMillan, Jcnn Cllne, Bcda Dixon, Alma Johnson, Dottle McGlnnis, Oplc Patzke, Helen Smith, Janet Mill 11ns, Audrey Gcljsbeck, Thelma Richardson, Ora Boyd, Carrie Obenchaln, Elizabeth Campbell, Eva Campbell, Millie Grlsel, Elulnc Richardson, Barbara Lv brnnd. Ruth Hull. Lucille Hall. and Hazel Mndlson. Bridge Club BLY Betty Armstrong enter tained the bridga club on Fri day, November 17, at which time a surprise stork shower was given for Ruth Smith. Gifts were placed in a small pink paper bassinette, and tiny pink bassinettes were used as place cards at the table. Refreshments were served after which Ruth opened her gifts, and bridge was played la ter. Enjoying the evening were Marie Hughes, Mildred Cart wright, Helen Smith, Elizabeth Campbell, Jessie Glfford, Thel ma Abbott, Ruth Smith, and Bet ty Armstrong. Mign scores were nem oy nei en Smith and Mildred Cart wright, and Thelma Abbott won the traveling prize. Members of the VFW auxili ary and of Pelican post 1383, who served at the USO center C,..r1n Nm,nmW OH WlirA Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. waiter inompson, mr. ana If.. V T 7m1I M- anri Mh IT 'lum. a. v, mui, . J. McGllvray, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Roper, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jen kins, Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Carna ban, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Llving- .Inn Mi. miH Mr. .Tnhn MtllllnK. Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Subject, Mrs. Mcnry jjanargc, win. rvu Ham Bnrron, Mrs. Theresa Al- lesch, Mrs, Annn uunn, mis. u mar Townsend, Mrs. Robert Ca- noy, Mrs. .James nouns, ivirs. Cnrl W. Henry, Mnt. Margaret Casey, Mrs. ay wiiuams. mrs. Churchill Jones, Mrs. Charles Jones, Mrs. Robert Monett, Mrs. Dorothy Holnton, Bill Canton, and James Souther. Forty-three home-made pies wero served, and in addition, Mrs. John Mulllns and Mrs. Frnnk Suhlect donated 10 dozen doughnuts. Lucky Pinochle The Lucky Pinochle club met Monday, November 27, and the hostess was Rita Fuller, 2252 Vine. Luncheon was served at 1 o'clock to Ursule Brntton, Flor enco Young, Brownie Bramwell, Ruth Sehorn, Maude Phillips, Nettie Good, Zella Blankenship, and the hostess. High score was held by Brownie Bramwell, sec ond by Maude Phillips, low by Ursule Bratton, and the pinochle award went to Rita Fuller. The club will meet again on Monday. December 11. and Net tie Good, 5648 Denver, will be tne hostess. I To The Parents plaiting Xmoi Gift is a Bminait Count for your W6 Do teach thar Snappy Up-to-the-MlnuU Thomfli Natural Shorthand and Speed Typing. Klamath Business College 733 Pin. 8trt Corner el Sth Phone 4760 Consult JS&MM Corsetiere For Proper FOUNDATIONS Belted Foundation 6 49 New p e'n a 1 front smooths figure beauti fully. Boned cotton cou til inner belt. Outer gar ment of pre-shrunk bro caded cotton and rayon batiste. Rayon and cot ton jersey top. Full length aide hook, Four garters adjustable at back. For full figures. Nude. 34 to 48. Lengths, 14 and 16 inches. "Proper Posture' " Front Lace Corset 4 98 Fuller figures achieve control with a pull of the convenient front laces . .' . s 1 1 m s and trims you with the com fort you desire. Finest quality heavy cotton and rayon brocade. Front clasp inner-shield with elnstic gores. Boned outer garment has front lacing for adjustments. Rayon and cotton bind ing at top. Four adjust able garters. Nude. 26 to 40. Length, 15 Inches. 133 South 8th Street Telephone 5188 Honor Guesi BLY Mrs. Ruth Obenchaln was honored with a shower at tho home of Mrs. Walter Camp bell on Saturday. November 18. and hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Wilma Proebstel, Mrs. Edna McLachlan, and Mrs. Bornlcc Sharpe. Guests for the shower includ ed Mrs. George Boyd, Mrs. Clark Abbott, Mrs. Frank Oben chaln Sr., Mrs. Harry Oben chain, Mrs, Curl Raupuch, Mrs. George Butler, Mrs. Hoss Mc Millan, Mrs. Jim McMillun, Mrs. E. L. Paddock, Mrs. Lawrence Griffin, Mrs. L. T. Richardson, Mrs. William Tucker, Mrs, James Dixon, Mrs. Jack Hanun, Mrs. Jim Micneison, M-rs. Ever ett Bell, Mrs. Basil Hull, Mrs. J. L, Owen, Mrs. Ed Cascbcer, Mrs. Mann Varnum, Mrs. Elmer McGlnnis, Mrs. Ed Patzke, Betty Patzke, Mrs. Ben Angus, Mrs, Olive Protsmnn, Mrs. M. M. Cllne, Mrs. Max Clinc, Mrs. John Gcljsbeck, Mrs. Lester Gcljsbeck. Mrs. Chester Smith, Mrs. Norman Dyor, Mrs. Edna Book, Mrs. Morae Mulllns, Mrs. Alf Meyers, Mrs. J, N. Keffler, Mrs. Del Nelson, Mrs. - Jack O'Nell, Mrs. Jack Harrison, Mrs. Floyd Lynch, Mrs. Henry Spiccr. Mrs. Walter Cambron, Mrs. Charles McCain, Mrs. W. Grlsel, Mrs. Walter Campbell, Mrs. Dave Campbell, Mrs. John Keller, Mrs. Ed Dishno, Mrs. Etta Hartman, Mrs. Ceroid Mad ison, Mrs. Herbert Johnson, Mrs. Verna Ashbaugh, Mrs. James Hall, Mrs. Maxie Patzke, Mrs. Barbara Lybrand, Mrs. Rachael Robin, and Mrs. Nel son. 5 5 5 Pythian Sister Pythian Sisters met Friday, November 24, at which time four candidates were initiated into tho group. They were Eva Richardson, Nina Motschen bacher, Viola Hermann and Al frclda Steinmetz. Lunch was served in the dining room fol lowing the ceremony. Hostesses were Effie Redkey, JNina BecK ana Kowena Fugm. St. Augustine MERRILL Marking the open ing of the holiday season, which, in spite of the war, will bring many of the neighborly get-togethers, was the annual bazaar and card party sponsored by the Altar society of St. Augustine's church. The date was set for Saturday, December 2, at the community hall in Merrill. Doors opened at 1 o'clock for the pleasure of guests who might be interested in the array of ap rons and other handwork that will make grand Christmas gifts. There were also all kinds of Christmas "goodies" and other cooked foods sold from the booths. Bridge and pinochle were in play during the afternoon, with prizes offered for both. Mrs. George Yost and Mrs. Al Porter, Tulelake, Mrs. Halene Beimier and Mrs. W. C. Dalton, Malln, and Mrs. Hugh O'Connor and Mrs. E. T. Crawford, Merrill, were appointed by Mrs. Dan Barry, president, to supervise the card arrangements. Refresh ment! were served during the ' afternoon. A chicken dinner wai prom ised for the evening, serving to begin at 6 o'clock, with Mn. W,. E. Hammond and Mrs. Jess Die ter in charge. Dinner will be served throughout the evening . in the downstairs dining room and no reservation! are nects sary. Entertainment and games are on the program for evening en-. tertainment. The public Is cordially Invited ' to attend, SIS The Thimble club nt the ' Neighbor! of Woodcraft met Wednesday evening, November 29. with Mrs. Frank Well!, 1005 Wlard. Mrs. Rollln Thompson , assisted. Whist was played dur ing the evening, and Ruth Stan- ley held high score, Sylvia Clay ton second, Stella Dryden low, ' and the guest award went to Blanche Motschenbacher. Plans for the Christmas party ware ' discussed. (Additional Seeietr en Fag eight) i..1 ing of Fine Furs for One Week Only Direct from Use Our CHARGE BUDGET or LAY-AWAY PLAN to tecure Your Holiday Fur. SHOP EARLY We Close Daily At 6 P. M. Select your Gift Fur Now. A deposit wilf hold it until Xmas. Purchase this week-as this special showing will be available for one week only " from December 2 to 9th. Full-length coats Three-quarter lengths - . Jackets Scarfs Following are some of the furs offered in this group of top-grade fine pelts-fashioned by th . . , foremost furriers of America: SQUIRREL LOCKE" ' KID CARACUL FOX PAW CARACUL SABLE DYED SQUIRREL PERSIAN LAMB HOLLANDER DYED MUSKRAT ERMINE DYED SQUIRREL BELLY COCOA DYED ERMINE BLACK PERSIAN PAW NAT. TIPPED SKUNK OCELOT PAW GREY CARACUL DYED KID GREY DYED BOMBAY LAMB NORTHERN BLUE DYED FOX . SILVER DYED FOX NATURAL STONE MARTEN SCARPS KOLINSKY SCARFS, HUDSON SEAL DYED MUSKRAT NATURAL SILVER MUSKRAT And Many Others PRICED FROM W to 39814 (Plui 20 Federal Tax) THE WOMAN'S STODE.iwcV