PACE SIX HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Dancing Club Schedule Told " First of a scries of parties planned by the Winter Dancing club is scheduled for tonight at Reames Golf and Country club. Members of the executive committee will serve as the host group. Cocktail hour is from 9 to 10 o'clock, it was announced this week Those arranging for the first party of the winter are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gardner, Mr. ana Mrs. Henri Conradi, Jir. ana Mrs. Loren Calhoun, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Becar, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Conroy, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kinderdick, and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Colvin. The cabaret theme will be carried out at tonight's affair, but due to the large membership the usual procedure of reserv ing tables was cancelled by the committee. Membership closed at 100, it was announced. Shep herd's orchestra will plRy for dancing. .. - Three other dances are on the schedule. The place of each will be announced later. Dates are January 20, February 17, and March 24. All parties will fall on Saturday evenings. A number of small cocktail parties- are planned tonight by groups which have enjoyed the Winter Dancing club affairs during the past several years. Dinner Party 1 T oHIp5 of the Townsend aux iliary entertained their husbands I with a Thanksgiving dinner on November 29, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Myers, 500 North Ninth. Cards and games followed dinner and those enjoying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Alton Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Canoy, Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Jerrue, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Webster; Mr. and Mrs. V. I. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mc Cracken, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Linville, Mr.- and Mrs. S. D. McWUhey, Mr. and Mxs. R. Schiminesky, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hermann, Mrs. Delia Arnold, Mrs. Anna Brisboise and Mrs. Mary Martin. Siingerette The Stingerette social club held - a potluck luncheon and tuicinoxs meetine. Wednesday. November 29, at the home of Mrs. Anna Brown, 334 Martin. Mrs. A. B. Guthrie served as co-hostess. The- following officers were elected to serve during the coming year, Mrs. A. B. Guthrie, . president; Mrs. J. J. Pex, vice president; Mrs. Henry Redman, Keeretarv-treasurer. Plans were made for the Christmas party to be held in the KC hall, December 28, with a potluck luncheon at 12:30 ociock, ana a gut excnaiige. Hostesses will be Mrs. V. C. Phil lips and Mrs. Joe Matlick. There will also be a Christmas party for the children at the same time and place, with a tree, games and gift exchange. In charge of the children's party will be Mrs. Nate Gale, Mrs. Jack Chapman and Mrs. J. J. Pex. The members attending were Mrs. 'J. J. Pex, Mrs. C. W. Hen ry, Mrs. E. O. Stockdale, daugh ter and son, Mrs. Jack Chapman and two sons, Mrs. Paul Home, Mrs. V. C. Phillips, Mrs. Merrill Kiops and daughter, Mrs. Nate Gale and son, and the hostesses. Dads' Dinner A Dad's Dinner with turkey and all the trimmin's was enjoy ed on Friday, November 17, by 150 -members of the Altamont PTA. - The dinner; which was given at the elementary school house, was followed by an informative talk-by Dr. Spector of the Ma rine Barracks, on' the physical and mental development of chil dren. ' Get-acquainted games and a musical quiz topped off the eve ning's entertainment. . -The next regular monthly meeting of the Altamont PTA replaced by a Christmas program by the school children. A regular meeting of the coun ty council PTA will be held on Monday, December 4 at 2 p. m., at the Red Cross rooms, 418 Main. Anyone interested is cor dially invited to attend. Social Calendar Monday, Prrtmbrr 4 BPW dinner meeting l WtlUrd hotel at 6:30. Willie I'hltg and mtntbrahip commute in chare. Me t lag of the board of Klamath Counts Public Health AuoclaUon at 3 p. m. at chamber of commerce. Dinner meeting of BPW club. WUlard hotel. 6:30 p. m. Willie Uhlig charge of program, topic: "Job 'a for nearly Everybody." Wrdnekday, Ptetmher Wednesday club meeting. TburdM'. December T Klamath Lutheran Ladies Aid i will hold its annual basaar and turkey dinner at the church at 6 o'clock. Friday, December Observance of annual Fathers' Night at Fairview school. Christmas program to be given in auditorium at 7:30. Wednesday. December 5 Wednesday club Christmas party and gift exchange at St. Paul's parish house. Sunday. December 1 ", Annual Christmas concert by KtjHS music department, 4 p. m., In acnool auditorium. Monday, December 11 Comm. Lowell T. Coggeshall of the Marine Barracks to speak on 'Africa before Klamath Falls Woman 8 Library club, 3 P. m. Wednesday, DscimbM II Sojourner meeting at Wttlard hotel at a ociock. ''!; . i V v . im in mt for luncheon t Hostess House, Marine Barracks, at I P- m' W 1ft Christmas program before members of PTA at 1 p. m. samroay, otciranir -Annual Christmas dinner party in Pelican party room. 1:30 nv Wednesday, January i nrtiium Drlmmu innnMred by Klam ath Community Concert associaUon. The Pelican. t ftW, If x 1 l r a x$il U f I3 ' Eagles Th. Klnmnth Kail EouK'H have whcduled a movlim pic ture show and danco to follow tlio regular Tuesday nlsht moot i.... .T nr.,i,r ft. Authentic signal corps pictures from the war fronts Will bo the spec in I it.... ,t,sir for thu dance will be supplied by Mm- vin Shcpnera. , . Refreshments will be served by n special committee at 11 o'clock and dancing will con tinue afterward. Ladles of tho auxiliary and visiting Eagles and their fam ilies are cordially Invited to at tend tho affair which will begin at 9:30. . s S S Ollvn ruirkc. 1941 Del Morn, was hostess to the Thursday Contract club, November 3D, and hlglv score for the afternoon s play went to Idollno Schupp. second to Henna iiewm, tho special award to Stella Dry don, The next meeting. Decem ber 14, will bo at the homo of Fnnnle Thompson. 1334 Owens, and will bo the annual Christ mas pnrly, with a gift exenango. LIONESS OFFICERS Fairview PTA The Fairview PTA held its November meeting in the school auditorium on Thursday after noon with the president, Mrs. Harnlri Shaffer. DresidinS. Verne Fleet, a stxtn graaer, led the flag salute, which was followed by a short business meeting, and plans were com pleted for the Christmas pro gram. . Mrs. Charles Ollmann. princi pal, reported that pupils of the scnool naa contrmuiea enougn to make four Christmas pack ages to be given to one member of the army, navy, marines, and WAVES. Mrs. Faye Catlin gave an in teresting talk on a Mohamme dan weaaing wnicn sne wit nessed in. Tunis while visiting the American consul there. . The attendance award was won by Mrs. Arant's first graders. Refreshments were served in the cafeteria with the sixth grade mothers as hostesses. Mary Scott and Mrs. D. W. Cater presided at the tea table. Farewell Party As a farewell to Mrs. G. L. Lambert, who left Wednesday for Portland, Mrs. C. A. Poole entertained members of Circle 4, Women's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist church. The party was given at her home, 2215 Vine, on Tues day afternoon, November 28. Dessert was served to Mrs. W. A. Carlton, Mrs. Catherine Lev ings, Mrs. Elizabeth Norris, Mrs. Paul Collins, Mrs. L. J. Brink, Mrs. Lester Stebbins, Mrs. Erbs, Mrs. Wallace Ucrlings. Mrs. Jim Henders, Mrs. C. G. Andrus, Mrs. S. A. Gaster, and Mrs. Lambert. Later in the afternoon, Mrs. Lambert was the recipient of handkerchief gifts, as well as a shower of good wishes. Mr. Lambert has been road master for the Southern Pacific for the last four years, and is going to Portland to serve in a similar capacity. The Lamberts have purchased a home in the northern city. Mrs. Andrus and Mrs. Collins assisted Mrs. Poole in serving at the party. S Girls of Theta Rho met In the IOOF hall, Monday, November 27, at 7:30 p. m., for a regular business meeting, followed by entertainment and refreshments. Election of officers, scheduled to be held at this time, was post poned until December 11. onM.t n nteinnf r,t tl,n T.lrtnnce liih fnr thn rnmlnc VMf are, left to right, above, Mrs. A. P. Heup, president; Mrs. Lester Finley, vice president, and below. Mrs. C. h. Robinson, secretary, and Mrs. Carl Mason, liaison officer. Kenncll-EUis. llomeiiiakiiig Highlights Family Reunion ThunksglvliiK Day prove"" bo u gala occasion id I l''h1',' J. Gardner home, 11103 Portland. Mnru.iri't Mary Umdncr, daugh ter ut Mr. and M', Ciiinlni'i'. ceU'tuali'd her fifteenth lilitluljiy on thai day. aim nor mim i, was recently iniiiMeneu ' l., in I'ortlnnd. arrived I Imrs- day morning t spend the holi days with Ills lamuy. Mr. Gardner returned rrmny to INii'llmul, where he l em ployed us a terniiniii iriiinmnniei for' tho Southern l'nclfle. S S S Members of thu Sllngerollo club were entertained lit it gal loping tea, Thursday eveiiuiK, November 30, by Mrs. fail W. llenrv, 330 Murlln. Two tallies of plnoelilo were In play, mid high score was held by Mrs. Merrill Klotis, the Wi te pliant award went to Mrs. V. C. Phillips, and the guest award to Mrs. llomer Caldwell. Lain in "Moonlight fur lforbu'rl," lliree ni't comedy, will bo given by students of the Malln high school sonielliuo before Cllirlal mas. Ann Uoleial will direct, and members of the cast will in. cltidii Hubert Vlclorlno, Paul Me- Dtctmk.. C""y: Hichard rZ Margie r2'.S" lloinh.-uK, i:'"ni J"hn I,ou,lov "", I 'The i St A P TPAirrv Ci,. HAS 3 MORE COMPETENT OPERATORS ,1111,111 1IW1HU ,vvu .... Phillips, and the guest award to j! M..o Si..,,,..,. ri,lurll. I.ulo in1! Ilin' ovenliu!. Mrs. Henry served dessert to Mrs. V. C. Plillllps. Mrs. A. 11. Guthrie, Mrs. Homer Caldwell, Mrs. Fred Generenx, Mrs. Mary Martin, Mrs. Kd lin ker, and Mrs. Walter Fuller. CORDIA NASH ft VELMA SELF MABEL ELLIS GIVE ONE OF OUR 1 0VELY COLD WAVES FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT Santa Claus please note: if you are buying toys for the youngsters this. Christmas, it is better to buy a few of good quality than several of inferior grade which will not stand up under the wear and tear of the playroom. So says Miss Lois Lutz. home management spe cialist of Oregon State college extension service, in her newly issued series of letters The Home With a Small Child," which is now on file in the home demonstration agent's of fice in Klamath Falls. The letter for the child from 2 to nearly 3 years lists these characteristics of a good toy: It is safe, it is sanitary, it is durable, and it should stimulate the child to activity. Toys should be attractive in color and design and should be suit ed to the child's age and devel opment. . This week, the last one of national book month, brings us a review of "Your Child, His Family and Friends," by Enola E. Hawkins of the city library. Margaret Steinej;, also of the city library, wrote the review, and Frances Bruce Strain wrote the book. Miss Stcincr says of it: ' "Mrs. Strain, mother of two children and a psychologist hav ing long experience with boys ANNOUNCING the OPENING Of The Kindergarten Pre-Sehool Education) . 818 Walnut St. Between Poitoffice and S. 9th St. ' 'A- . : : Open for Parents' Inspection Saturday Afternoon, Dec. 2, All Day Sunday, Dec. 3. Dec. 4 Open For Enrollment' and girls, has written a sensible, sympathetic book on child guidance'' This is not a "what to do when" handbook but a general discussion of the every day emotional problems of the pre school child in his. relations with his parents, relatives, playmates and the people he meets outside his home. Local food reports show that there will be few cranberries for the Christmas holidays, but plenty of nuts (except pecans), and maybe even some coconuts. There will be, of course, enough squash, pumpkin and sweet po tatoes for everyone. And that reminds us, that there is a cau tion against buying large quan tities of the "sweets" because a serious waste can result from a small decay or soft spot. The citrus croo. while smaller than last year, is larger than the 10 ycar average. Mustard greens are available now, and tor saiao variations, why not try "buck toy," the celery-like Chinese veBctable. and Chinese lettuce? Then, endive is on the market now, and celery is at its best. Mrs. Henri Conradi plans to leave late next week for Fresno to spend one week of the holiday season with her mother, Mrs. Alice M. King. : s SEARCH FOR THE CHOICEST Extra Enriched Your Winter won't be complete with out at least one blazingly beauti ful five - o'clock frock. There is a complete co 1 1 ec tion . . each spark ling with beauty of detail and exce lent lines in La Pointe's. All price ranges. 16.95 to 69.00 if" for ADDED NUTRITION (Number Limited to 25) Supervisor RUTH W. JONES -. ( HOURS 9 a. m. to 2:30 p, m. (Lunch Included) Directors and Mn. Boyd I Sprague For Information PHONE 6527 Dr.