Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 02, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    Holiday Trees
eed Ornaments
ihl week we put In in appeal for Christmas tree ornaments
lihe three "' uu murine wives
,L Mar ne Barracks, two In lck buv wards. ti,n ,.m..
V reception room. In view of gay shorttu'.c, those having
Ecu wci" n"kc.fJ, ,0lMV,eJ ""donation or donations, as
fS iaty nc' " rhe ,lornld n,ul Ncws "l:e. ad we'll ,co
1 (hoy arrive , , , ,
ft-i. idea l tills. Christmas trees, Just plain, aren't so vcrv
& l""t tree all, glittered up with baubles, flying angels
filtmw something real. F,s- c -
K 'o fenow in bed am. Scout Service
Home, For hundred, of
fit the Murine Barracks this
telr 'lrst Chrlatmaa in the
S,ll admit Hint ornamontft
la rccr than hon'a teeth and
E, o Hcl J"lnrc0 y,ar'
I II everyone left ono or two
tints "t this office It
t, ...... ifimH ut mo marine
HBtii." , . .....I ,. I, Unbn, p uiun.lllj UUOJ U. I1C VP 'Pfl
wkt )l"'u ''V""' :r. '..TJ .haiclnut place curds to the m.
, cnnsiroa. rlne Barracks and turkov i,- v
l"?."'nS..'" C'i" 'nvors to the navy air station.'
Urownc Troon 28, under the
ltnrliirah f it... .in
mm. i-iuill, IllilUC
hnv imi-l u rl ml.,..!.,...
or Iniy decorations. These went
iw iwuiuj. iniiimiiiy.
Mrs. Beaslcy's senior troop at
the high school has (fathered a
large amount of magazines and
other rending material and do
llvnred these to the nnvnl base.
vjuiirr noops arc pusy making
The theme of tho national Girl
Scouts for 1044.45 Is "service to
hospltuls' and this was curried
t for Thanksgiving by several
of the local troops.
To the isolation hospital wcnl
many attractive picture books
made by Troop 7, who have as
the r leader. Mrs. Churlesworth
and Mrs, Jolly as asslslnnt lead
er. Mr. El .... i .... .,
....n. minima tuiu 1YII.S. J'Or-
ters Drownlo troop 21), delivered
lii, or drop them by, before
tnioor iu.
llnco thu above was written,
C bONCS 01 liuioiiivnm ,invu
i.fi ...lilt ilii news staff.
I lu.,.i, l.ilrlinlnB old
honed ""f!"-18 ,ml
. (ucct, reminiscent of
I of lonu ago, On the box
C. wm written, "To the
Lo Barracks, a Merry
stmus, from . r , oowaon,
ITOSPCCI. nnuwiui wiic
Mrs. DU'VO wiTtinuil. nu
t know tne mum: ui uiu
r donor, m" munis j"u vcij
rrlvlnt curly at the bond
, list Wednesday night we
ed a lot of people reading
vhllc owny the time until
curtains parted. On our left
i marlno rending a "comic,"
me Docs NOT Pay." We
c reading "Forever Amber
h might well carry a con
i Ictory title
francos Stearns, lO.ycur-old
iDr. Stcnms' house, lius gradu
al lo crutches after having
jri home since lalo October
i with her left leg In a cast
j later with a broken bone
lithe rltiht foot. Frances ex
jb to bc back In. school be
n the holidays but so far has
i going through the Three-
remoie coniroi.
jolldBy greetings, which the
man snys shouia bo mailed
ifly this year, will reach Ruby
liameii nnsungs ai ineir
homo In Portland. 1818 SW
line Boulevard, Portland I.
lie December 11 meeting of
Klamath Falls Woman's
inry club will hold a special
ftal for an mombers as this
i the annual presentation of
hfi.iimae.- music by the a
Jrlla choir of Klamath Un
high school. Director is
rcw Loncy Jr. Any Inter-
ted woman in the city Is in
id to membership In Library
. me moctings on Monaaya
held at 2 o'clock in the
In auditorium of the city
AC 2nd Lt. Doris A. Payne,
per member of The Herald
News staff, is now holding
In one of tho most Important
am loos at the San t ran-
p port of embarkation, She
lood procurement officer In
post surgeon s office. Her
duty nlaccs her In charae
!ho port blood donor pro
i which has, within two
s, Produced 18.000 nints of
fly needed blood for the
Cross banks In San Fran
and Oakland.
5 8 8
m Wives
fie resulnr luncheon of tho
p uiiicer's Wives club of
math Falls was held Wcdnes-
novembcr 13 at the Pelican
Lt till Vl,el... .A.ltM ...Ut.U
4 "'"Micna IIIUVVIIIH Wllii.il
pwed, election of officers was
f mrs. j. f. Clncys was elect
wretident; Mrs. J. S. Lynch,
f president; Mrs. W, R. Ker
y. treasurer; Mrs. William C.
f secretary, Mrs. C. J. Lee
J" as chairman of the nomln
fs committee,
list of all newcomers with
V addresses and ' telephone
Jbers was left with the new
pry, Mrs. Hill,
p committee appointments
"Jf ;n made by the' presl
f Mrs. Clacys, and will be
jounced at the next regular
5H on December 20. All
Ha J 15 wlvca ft urged
more favors unci completing
Plans In brighten Christmas and
New Year's for those who will
ne in our Hospitals during the
holiday period.
Meeting Held
The regular Girl Scout coun
cil meeting was held In the bluo
room of tho Wlllard hotel on
Monday, November 20.
Members present were Mrs.
R. H. Kndcllffe, commissioner,
Mrs. J. V. Owens, Mrs. Leo Huls,
MrB. K. E. Hutchinson, Mrs. Lo
Roy Carter, Mrs. H. S. Stone,
Mrs. E. L. Mitchell, Mrs. D. H.
Osbom, Mrs, A. L, Gralapp, Mrs.
Lowell Kaup, Mrs. L. A. Mur
phy, and Haiol Morrison.
Mrs. Carter reported on her
trip to the National Association
of Girl Scout Executives held
early In November at Dorches
ter House, Ocean Lake, Ore.
Mrs. S. R: Berry resigned at
this time, and Mrs. Albert O.
Rocnicke was appointed to serve
as publicity chairman.
The edition known heretofore
as the "Leader's Bulletin" Is to
be renamed, and a contest is to
be held among all troops for a
suitable title. The winner of the
contest will .be awarded a prlie
at the birthday celebration of
Juliet Lowe, founder of the Girl
S 5
Holiday Guest
Among the college people
home for Thanksgiving holidays
was Betty Lou Dalton, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dal
ton of Mnlln. Betty Lou, stu
dent at Dominican college in San
Francisco, had as her houscgucst
for the weekend, Patricia Ann
Schneider of Longvlcw, Washing
ton. Betty Lou will return for
Christmas on December 21, re
maining until after the first of
the year.
Also home from Dominican
for Thanksgiving was Shirley
Dalton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Dalton of this city, and
Mary Alice Blockllnger, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Blockllnger of Chiloquln.
Visiting Here
Mrs. W. S. Bruell and iwrs.
H. A. Hagmun of Redvillc,
South Dakota, are visiting in
Klamath Falls at the home o
their sister, Mrs. E. H. Balsiger,
1911) Melrose.
Mrs. Bnlslgcr went to Port
land recently In order to meet
her two sisters, and while there
they spent a few days with their
brother, Mr. G. A. Riggs.
Mrs. Hagman was formerly of
this city, but moved to South
Dakota two years ago to live
with Mrs. Bruell. Both women
will be the guests of Mrs. Balsi
ger for an indefinite length of
Tk.i. wilt he nnn meetlnc. of
the Sojourners for December.
Installation of officers will take
place on December 13 and the
past officers will entertain with
dessert. .
The meeting will be held at
2 o'clock at the Wlllard hotel,
and all newcomers to Klamath
Falls are cordially invited to attend,
arties Honor
fj.ftles this week honored Phyllis Collier, daughter of Mr.
f. Andrew M. Collier, who left Friday morning witn ncr
lor Temple, Texas, to complete plans for her wedding
oatllrrlnu ..i t -I t A
IK... . '."llll, A l:AHD IU
K'iny evening, December 0. ,
ftroom.to.be, Lt. Richard Igl, son of Mr. and Mr
city, Is on duty at Camp Hood, Texas, and th
Wn7." Inc uost chapel.
1. Mrs Igl Wi leave on
u1h n,nl,!,nts I1" for the
tt',,,1"n to return home
C ""or the ceremony.
SE I Svplng, Mrs. John
V'oi and Mrs. Igl entertain-
Ph"n,of ,llelr friends to
iconT"?,,1" tl10 Houston
2l Oil PflMU mM m
7'r Worn i
"S and guests embroidered
1 ,or ll'e brlde-elect.
&c ffi.SerVed ,rm
1 wediiesday at 1:30 o'clock
rel'Car) partv room. Mrs.
v.. M. Id
the vows will
t).i Mm. Houston entertain
ed at a beautifully appointed
luncheon for 40 guests. Phyllis
and her mother, Mrs. Collier,
received with the hostesses. The
long tables were attractive with
bowls of pale pink chrysanthe
mums with white candles burp
ing In silver sticks.
It. Igl and his bride wilt be
at home in Temple following
... -i- (.ll.. TJn CAftnnflV ri-
lliqir wuiiiims. . v.. ........
ported to that base following a
brief visit homo atter nis coin
mission was received at Fort
Bcnnintf. Oeorfi"
Herald ui lews Society
Btf, 0mh CampMe.ll
" ( f - " fi
'"mr " '
A RECENT VISITOR in Klamath Palls wos Mrs. Frank Jone s of Sprague, Washington, who holds her young granddaughr
ter, Susan Irene, as the little girl's mother, Mrs. John D. M crryman, looks on. Mrs. Jones was honored at an informal
tea given by Mrs. Merryman at her home on Pacific Terrac e last week. With Mr. Jones she left this past Wednesday
for their home in the north. ' - , Guderian
Tau Chapter
The Tau chapter of Beta
Sigma Phi met at the home of
Mrs. George Allcnsworth, 1818
Lexington, on Thursday eve
ning. '
New pledges to be initiated
were Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Willa
Lynch and Neon Hanan.
Members who took the ritual
of jewels were Maida Heath,
Doris Yantis. Frances Balin and
Mrs. Ralph Taylor.
Others present at the meeting
were Mrs. M. E. Comott, presi
dent, Mrs. George Sprague,
Mrs. Don West, Mrs. Russell
Falrchlld, Lois Rumer, Lorna
Haldorson and Catherine Jack
son. Library Club
Members of the Klamath Falls
Woman's Library club are re
minded that the club is sponsor
ing a Christmas gift shower for
Docrnbccher hospital's little pa
tients, and presents may be
brought to the next meeting
slated for Monday, December
11, at 2 o'clock in the after
noon. Especially needed are small
toys, dolls, books for the small
fry, and stuffed animals. Gifts
of money should be made direct
ly to Mrs, Rollo C. Groesbeck
who has so capably handled the
state chairmanship . o f Docrn
bccher for a number, of years.
New Officers
Mrs. Calvin Hunt was elected
new president of the Eastern
Star Social club for the coming
year at the no-hostess, luncheon
and Christmas party held Friday
afternoon at the Masonic temple.
Serving with Mrs. Hunt will
be Mrs. Sam Roberts, vice presi
dent, and Mrs. Ruby Kenyon,
secretary. The retiring presi
dent, Mrs. Morris Sherman, pre
sented individual gifts to her of
ficers, as well as gifts from the
club in appreciation of their
year's work.
Places were set for about 32
at eight tables prettily decorated
in holiday colors and gifts were
exchanged from a Christmas
Bond Record
CU.I1. Wn. T.nnn nuhltfitv
luilnn rlinnprf fnr the U. S.
treasury department by all pub
lic reunions coiuimutus ui ma
National Girl Scouts.- The ma
terial will bo kept on file for
posterity, and this record is bo-
1m Inlrnn nnvn nf hv tll tlllhlte
relations chnirman, Mrs. L. A.
Murphy and Mrs. A. u. Hoen
ickc, committee member.
rritn vnalrtt.al InMtirloa nil 1nm1
write-ups and advertising, and
will be sent to Washington D. C.
from the Klamath Falls' Girl
Scout office.
Monday Meeting
lnUa for Nenrlv Every
body" Is the program topic for
(I.. ll,.!-,nt mnntlntf nn MnnrinV
evening, December 4, of the
Klamath County Business and
Professional Women's club at
the Wlllard hotel.
rrK. rilnnnr hnnr Is ft:30. and
those wishing to make reserva
tions are reminnen io no so oe
fore Monday. Willie Uhlig,
membership chairman, and
members of her committee will,
be in charg
Mrs. Frank Jones
Honored at Fall Tea
On Saturday, November 25, Mrs. John D. Merryman invited
a few friends to her home on Pacific Terrace to meet her mother,
Mrs. Frank Jones, who, with Mr. Jones, is visiting here from
Sprague, Washington.
Tea was Served from the hours of 3 to 5 o'clock, with Mrs.
Frank Jenkins presiding at the tea table, assisted by Mrs. George
H. Merryman.
The rooms were decorated
with gayly-colorcd chrysanthe
mums, with shades of rose used
on the tea table, and bright yel
low in the living room.
Those bidden were Mrs. G.
C. Blohm, Mrs. Charles I. Rob
erts, Mrs. Oscar Sliive, Mrs,
Shive Connolly, Mrs. Stella
Bowne, Mrs. Edward H. Pike,
Mrs, Henry Gerber, Mrs. Nelson
Reed, Mrs. J. J. Steiger, Mrs.
Frank Weaver, Mrs. Ralph R.
Macartney, Mrs. Ralph Macart
ney Jr., Mrs. Frank Jenkins,
Mrs. George H. Merryman, Mrs.
Hugh B. Campbell, and Joan
Mr. and Mrs. Jones arrived
here to spend the Thanksgiving
holidays , with their daughter
and son-in-law, and left Wednes
day to return to Washington,
after catching their first glimpse
of their new granddaughter,
Susan Merryman, who was born
in July.
Mrs. R. P. Lockwood of Cal
gary, Alberta, has been here
visiting her mother and brother,
Mrs.. Paul Oldenberg and Dr.
Ray W. Oldenberg. Mrs. Lock
wood leaves December 9 for her
DAR to Meet
Mrs. Bert t. Thomas, regent
of Eulalona chapter, Daughters
of the American Revolution, re:
minds members that the annual
dues must be paid at the next
regular meeting. Monday eve
ning, at eight o'clock, December
4, at the home of Mrs. Harry
Goeller, 125 Pme street.
.The ' entertainment . feature.
will be an exhibition of old dolls,
Mrs. Thomas wishes the mem
bers to bring their dolls, if any,
that are older than 1914.- The
executive board is in charge of
this feature.
Members of the Nurses Aides.
American Red Cross, will meet
Thursday. December 14. at Host
ess House at the Marine Barracks
for 1 o'clock luncheon.
The group lias served this past
summer and fall in the. Klamath
Falls hospitals, at least one or
two reporting daily for work.
The luncheon will be a no-
hostess affair. -
PHYLLIS COLLIER, honored ot luncheon Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock at the Pelican party
room, greeted guests with her mother, Mrs. Andrew M. Collier, left. Hostesses at the party
were Mrs. E. M. Igl and Mrs. John Houston.' , Guderian
Holiday Plans
Made by Wives
Several affairs are being planned for the holiday season by
wives of marine and navy officers now making their homes in
Klamath Falls. December promises to be much gayer this year,
with luncheons, dances, and several onen house nartiei nlrcartv
on the calendar.
Invitations are going out soon from Marine Wives club mem-
bers to the navy wives tor an
Past Matrons
At the regular meeting of
Aloha Past Matrons club, Fri
day afternoon, the 1 o'clock
luncheon arrangements includ
ed a specially decorated table
for all members having birth
days In September, October and
November. A birthday cake car
rying candles, and baked by
Mrs. A. B. Epperson, clubi pres
ident, highlighted the decora
tions, and a bowl of araDes and
apples, with strands of variegat
ed ivy added to the appointments.
Seated at this birthday table
were Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs.
Marion Hanks, Mrs. Oscar Pey
ton, Mrs. Leland Willlts. Mrs.
Fred Cofer, Mrs. Robert E.
Wattenburg, and Mrs. George
It. Hurn. Ullts. one for each
month, were given to Mrs.
(joier, Mrs. Peyton and Mrs.
Hostesses for the meeting
were Mrs. O. F. Konschot, Mrs.
Walter West. Mrs. Ida Grimes
and Mrs. Fred Cofer. The host
ess committee for the last Fri
day in December will be Mrs.
H. G. Wortley, Mrs. C. E. Den
nis. Mrs. H. F. Murdoch and
Mrs. A. B. Epperson. This will
be a Christmas party and gift
exchange, and Mrs. Oscar Pey-.
ton and Mrs. O. R. Holloway
will make the arrangements for
tnis feature.
Mrs. Arthur R. Dickson,
worthy matron of Aloha chap
ter, was a special guest, and
received a gift, while Mrs.
Wortley held high score in
School Program
Fairview school will present
its annual Christmas program
on Father's Night to be observed
Friday, December 8, at 7:30 in
the school auditorium. A small
admission charge will be made
adults and. children.
A dress .rehearsal will be held
oa Thursday afternoon - at 1:30
o'clock, and those wishing to at
tend at that time will be wel
come. The same admission, will
be charged.
Every pupil of the school has
some part in this program
which has entailed a great deal
of time and effort on the part
of the teachers.
Society to Meet
The" Klamath County Histori
cal society will- meet Wednes
day, December 6, in the direc
tors room of tne Kiamatn
County chamber of commerce
at 8 p. m. A paper will be. pre
sented by Mrs. Geneva Glenn
Duncan on "Early. Trappers of
the Klamath Country."
This paper is the result of a
sreat deal of research and
much of it has never been pub
lished. A few of the famous
trappers discussed in Mrs. Dun
can's paper are Peter Skeen Og
den, Thomas McKay. Finan Mc
Donald and' Jebediah Smith.
Anyone interested in this' sub
ject is cordially invited to at
tend the meeting.
Third Birthday
Monday, November 27, little
Sandra Janssen celebrated her
third birthday with a party
given by her mother at their
home on Altamont drive.
Guests at the party included
Joan Monroe,. Marilyn Miller,
Terry Suller, Wayne Neuberg,
and Mrs. Joe R. Monroe.
Sandra is the daughter of Mrs.
Thelma Janssen, and the late
George B. Janssen, She is also
the granddaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Lewis of Merrill.
Corporal and Mrs. William
Jenkins and their young daugh
ter Pamela, arrived in Klamath
Falls, Friday, December 1, from
Hawthorne, Nev., where Corpor
al Jenkins was formerly station
ed. The young couple are mov
ing to San Francisco where
"Bill" will take over his duties
in the recruiting office there.
They are visiting his . parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jenkins.
Mrs, Harry W. Bathiany en
tertained for members of TNT
bridge club at her home in the
Marion apartments Wednesday
evening. The annual Christmas
party for the group will be ar
ranged by Mrs. Glenn C. Loreni
at her home on High street, Wed
nesday evening, December 20.
Informal holiday tea planned for
Friday afternoon, December 15.
The hours-will be from 3 to 5
o'clock. Mrs. J. Miller Babcock
is chairman.
On Thursday, Decembor 21,
at bachelor officers quarters at
the Marine Barracks, members
of Marine Wives club will again
entertain with a tea dance.
Hours are from S to 7, and
guests will include marine per
sonnel. Right now the Marine Wlvei
are interested in getting orna
ments for the three Christmas
trees to be placed in the sick
bay wards and the reception
Navy wives were meeting this
week to discuss their holiday
plans and they are making ar
rangements tor a unristmas
party during that festive week,
as well as a luncheon and other
informal gatherings. Mrs. J. F.
Claeys is the new president of
Navy Officers Wives club.
One of the most interesting
programs of the vear was n-
joyed by the Soroptimist club on
Thursday afternoon, November
ju, wnen ui. (omdr. M. A.
Zeligs addressed the group on
understanding servicemen who
have returned from combat. Dr.
Zeligs, chief of neuro-psychiatry
at the Marine Barracks naval
dispensary, briefly traced the
psychological changes in the
serviceman, from the time. he en
ters the armed forces to the time
when he returns home from
overseas, and gave some con
structive suggestions as to the
best way to helD these ;men
make an adjustment to civilian
me. -
In the absence of tho nrl.
dent, Mrs. Alex Brumbaugh, the
vice president, Mrs. Robert
Thompson, conducted the meet
ing, and Mrs. George Hillis acted
as program chairman. .
In the interest of the flth Wai-
Loan drive,. Mrs. Rose Poole,
chairman of the women's divi
slba of .the drive,' made a short
Guests at this meeting of the
club were Mrs. L. E. Serruys,
Mrs. John H.- Houston, and Mrs.
L., W. Soukup.
Ambulance Corps
The Oregon Women's Ambu
lance corps met for dinner at the
Wi-Ne-Ma hotel on Tuesday, No
vember 28. There were about
30 active members and their of
ficers present at the meeting,
headed by First Lieutenant
Mayme Johnson.
A recruiting program was ar
ranged in order to add new
members . to., the .corps. The
group was - divided into two
parts, and the losing side paid
for the dinner.
The OWAC is still very active
in ambulance work, as well as
many other projects.
Wed in Luth
Cieo Maxine Williams, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams
of Klamath Falls, and Staff Sgt.
Anthony George Vlastakis,
United States marine corps, son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Vlas
takis of Chicopee, Massachusetts,
were married at San Diego's
Wedding Bell chapel, San Diego,
at 1 o'clock Saturday, November
25. Rev. Roy G. Cockerell read
the vows.
The bride wore a black and
white checked wool suit with
black accessories. Her corsage
was an. orchid.
She was attended by Mrs. H.
Story of San Diego, who wore a
black wool suit with accessories
of black. Her corsage was of
white gardenias. Mr. H. Story
was the best man.
For the present the couple
will live in San Diego.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Wat
ters, 1217 Pacific Terrace, re
turned Wednesday, November
29, after spending the past week
in San Francisco. Sgt. Tommy
Watters came to see his parents
for the Thanksgiving hplldays
from Oxnard. Calif., where he is
stationed at the present time. Al
so mere to snare tne xnanKsgiv
ing dinner were Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Whltlatch. Mrs. Whitlatch
is the former Margaret Ann Wal
ters. A visitor here since Thanks
giving is Mrs. Klrksey Walker,
mother of Mrs. R. R. Darron of
1 1845 Esplanade.
Wedding Monday
Members of the younger set are interested In the wedding of
Adelle Zamsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cizek, and Lt.
Gordon Erlandson, United States army, which will take place at
7 o'clock Monday evening in the Klamath Lutheran church. The
Rev. Topness will read the ceremony. ' .
Adelle has asked Mrs. Kenneth Stucstall of Seattle, the for
mer Swea Swansen of this city, to be her matron of honor, and
bridesmaids will be her sister-in-law, Mrs. Adolph Zamsky Jr.
and her younger sister, Beverly Zamsky. - : -
Immediately after the cere-1
mony there will be a reception
in tne party room at the Pell
can. Lt. Erlandson and his bride
will leave Monday night for
Chicago where he is completing
h i s interneshiD at W e s 1 e y
Memorial hospital. Lt. Erland
son arrived here by train Fri
day night. ,
: Adelle is a former University
of Oregon student and a mem
ber of Gamma Phi Beta soror
ity. Lt. Erlandson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Erlandson, is a
member of Sigma Nu fraternity
on the university campus, and
following his graduation from
that school completed his stud
ies at Northwestern university
school of medicine In Chicago.