Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 02, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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3. i.,
Slammin'SamSnead Three Shots
Off The Pace in S.F. Tournament
Bill Selkirk, assistant pro
at Raamai. ii at il again try
ing to pick up soma of tha
golfing moola that is lying
around the wait coast these
dayi. Bill i competing in
tha annual San Francisco open
at present and posted a 39-
40 79 for tha first IS hole
Now that kind of golf is not
going to put Bill up in the
monev brackets by a long shot,
but if he could shatter par just
once with, say. a 70, he might
place in the first twenty and
'.hat's where they pay off.
Wa seriously doubt that Bill
can beat out such sharp
shooters as Slammin' Sammy
Snead. Jug McSpaden. Byron
Nelson and Sam Byrd. al
though stranger things hare
happened to be sure. But
tha local shot maker could
finish high up on the pay-off
list if he could once get start
ed shooting the golf he has
proved himself capable of
many 1 i m e s on the local
We realize that the San Fran
cisco layout is probably five
times more difficult, but good
golf is pretty much the same
no matter where it is played.
So, we hope Bill catches en
fire, even to somebody giv
ing him the hotfoot, because
your clubs have to really
smoke. ' laddies, when you're
matching shots with such
guys as Samuel Jackson
Snead and his fairway
"A" Company
Wears Post
Southpaw Joe " Domitrovich,
regular guard on the post bas
ketball squad, spurred his A
company cagers to the cham
pionship in the Marine Barracks
inter-company basketball league
yesterday afternoon over I com
pany in a 29 to 28 thriller.
Going into the last period,' I
company led by five points.
Southpaw Joe then took over
and drew his team out in front
on three buckets while Arndt,
also a post team member, con
nected with one for the A com
pany five. I company, with
around two minutes left, was
awarded a free throw on a tech
nical foul. Georgian, I company
forward, sank it, putting the
score at 29-28. Before the horn
sounded, ending the game, I
company tried desperately to
score, to no avail.
Wednesday evening, Domitro
vich scored 15 points, as his
team took C company in : the
semi-finals, 37 to 28. A company
rolled up a small lead and was
never headed as the game pro-
gressca. -
In the other semi-final play
off, I company out-passed H&S,
beating that outfit, 35 to 33.
Cleveland of H&S was high scor
er in the fray with 11 points.
The champions will be pre
sented a trophy by Lt. Francis
Hogan. athletic officer, on a date
not yet set.
Loyola Grid Eleven
Defeats Boys Town '
The Loyola high school Cubs,
with a hefty line and a shifty
b a c k f i e 1 d, overpowered the
Boys Town, Neb., team 25 to 7
last night in an intersectional
football contest at Gilmore sta
dium. Semi-Windup
Rassling Show
In a wild, bloody, rough-and-ready
melee that brought the
crowd to its feet, the semi-wind-up
bout on the rassling card
stole the show last night at the
armory. The wild fracas saw
Bulldog Jackson and "Blood and
Guts" Davidson crunch cran
iums to a draw In a show that
was reminiscent of the Keystone
Kops. The two grapplers pitched
each other and Referee Wally
Moss all over the armory and at
one time were slugging it out
under the square while the ring
side customers peered under
neath like curious owls.
Amid bellows of pain from
Bulldog Jackson, Interspersed
with loud cries of "Oh, you dirty
rat!" Davidson used his bridge
work to good advantage all dur
ing the fray, taking large bites
out of the Bulldog's tough hide.
At one time when botli torso
twisters were going nt it in the
taps of the cash customers, Jack
son seized a chair and worked
his prone opponent over with
the intent of committing mat
Each body-bender gained a
tumble, Bulldog taking the first
with a stomping hammerlock,
and "Blood and Guts" grabbing
the second with a half-crab to
end the affair even-Steven.
Gust Johnson Introduced him
self to Klamath rassling fans by
taking the measure of Hcrbio
Parks in the headline event. This
::. ......
Two time former California
State Open Champion Mark
Fry, of Oakland, led the parade
today as a standout field of golf
ers teed off In the second round
of the 72-hole San Francisco
$14,500 war bonds open tourna
ment. Fry's 33-3669, two under
par for the Harding Park pub
lic links, was one of four sub
par rounds carded in yesterday's
opener. It gave him a one-shot
bulge over the rest as the second
round got underway.
TreadinR on his heels were
John Gecrtscn, Salt Lake City,
and George Fazio, Pine Valley,
N. J. Gecrtsen, with his wife,
Marie, pushing his caddy cart
due to the shortage of regular
bag toters, carded an initial 37
33. Fazio hung up a 34-36.
The fourth par-breaker on the
rain swept course was Willie
Goggin, White Plains, N. Y.,
with 34-3771.
Seven sharpshooters, includ
ing the tournament co-favorites,
Sam Snead, Hot Springs, Va.,
and Bvron Nelson, Toledo, O.,
teed off today with an even par
72 behind them. Snead. on his
tournament comeback after 26
months' service in the navy,
blew two strokes on the- 17th
and 18th holes in the first round.
He and Nelson were within
easy striking distance, however,
and with them were Mike Tur
nesa, White Plains. N. Y., who
took second prize in Portland's
open last week: Harry Cooper,
tournament veteran en route to
Honolulu to take a new pro job;
Fred J. Wood of Vancouver,
B. C, and San Francisco's Sherm
Elworthy and Art Bell.
"M" Company
Paces Post
Keg ling Loop
' "M" Company Kegler N. C.
Carlson rolled a 606 series last
Monday night on the post al
leys in the Marine Barracks
Inter-Company Bowling league,
as he set the pace while his
team knocked the Officers out
of sharing the loop lead. The
"M" Company five took high
three-game honors for1 the eve
ning with 2704 and high single
with 931.
"I" and "A" Companies con
tinue to head the pack, although
by only one game in a tight
race. Four squads are tied for
second place.
Bowlers who hit better than
200 are Carlson, 224; .Clifford,
224: Smith, 220; Mueller, 221;
Cashmere, 209, and Carpenter,
League Standings
W. L. Pet.
I Co 7 2 .878
A Coi 7 2 .878
G Co 6 3 .667
B Co - 6 3 .667
C Co 6 3 .667
M Co 6 3 .667
Officers 5 4 - .556
H Co. 5 4 .556
L Co .........3 3 .500
F Co. .. 3 6 .333
K Co 3 6 .333
D Co. -. 2 7 .222
H&S Co 1 5 .167
E Co 0 9 .000
Les. Horvath Wins
Hiesman Memorial
NEW YORK, Dec. 2 (P) Les
Horvath, Ohio State quarter
back, was named winner of the
Hiesman' memorial trophy as
the outstanding college football
player of 1944 today. He will
receive the award at the annual
banquet at the Downtown Ath
letic club Tuesday night.
Horvath received 412 votes
to 287 for Glenn Davis, speedy
left halfback on Army's un
beaten squad and the nation's
leading scorer. Felix (Doc) Blan
chard, Army fullback and
blocker de luxe, was third with
Angclo Bertclli of Notre
Dame, was the winner a year
Brawl Steals
at Armory
go was a bit more on the scien
tific side and was a fast, clean
match. Gust got the nod for the
first fall with a surfboard hold
that practically put Parks out
of commission, but the Canadian
light-heavy king courageously
attempted to answer the bell
only to have Johnson immediate
ly apply the same hold to end
the match.
In the opener, newcomer Tar
zan Potvln butted biceps with
Tough Tony Ross to another
draw when Referee Wally Moss
awarded the final fall to Tarzan
because of the Illegal tactics
used by the rugged Cherokee.
Ross really went on the warpath
at this decision but Wally proved
himself ready, willing and able
to square off any time, any place
and Tony left the ring amid boos
and catcalls from the crowd.
The special added attraction
scheduled for last night be
tween PFC Hoesa Fowler from
the Marine Barracks and Pvt.
Carl Walters, soldier MP from
Tulelake, did not materialize
when Walters failed to show up.
The reason for his failure to ap
pear was not known by Promo
ter Mack Lillard. Fowler was on
deck and ready to go but the
bout was called off as no suit
able opponent was available.
Last night's bill of fare was a
good one in all respects and an
other red-hot crunch card is on
deck for -next Friday night,
Army Liked
In Pre-Game
Betting Odds
BALTIMORE, Dec. 2 .-P)
The most widely-discussed
sports event of the decade the
Army-Navy football game
moved today from the conver
sational stage to the gridiron.
And, as the chips wont into
the pot for the Municipal sta
dium showdown between the
country's two top - ranking
elevens, plenty was at stake.
To all unbeaten West Point,
victory would mean the nation
al title and the first perfect sea
son since 1916.
Navy, 10-point or 2-to-l un
derdog, hoped to stretch its vic
tory spring over the cadets to
six straight, longest domination
in the bitter pigskin rivalry
dating back to 1890. The previ
ous 44 contests: Army 22, Navy
19, and there were deadlocks.
A portion of the expected
crowd of 70,000 purchased war
bonds reported worth $50,000,
000 to obtain tickets after the
annual classic was transferred
from the comparative seclusion
of nearby Annapolis.
In the throng will be the full
regiment of middies, the cadet
corps, high-ranking naval and
army officers, and groups of
veterans who lost limbs on
World war 2 battlefields. Many
of the latter will be guests of
the two academies or high gov
ernment officials who surren
dered .their coveted tickets to
the war heroes.
A two-weck layoff from com
petition put both squads in tip
top physical shape for the cru
cial clash, and each coach frac
tured all the rules by admitting
his team had a chance to win
the contest getting under way
at 2 p. m. (EWT.)
Leatherneck Game
May Be Called Off
Due to the refusal of the OPA
to issue sufficient gasoline, the
scheduled basketball game to
night between the Bend Box
company five and the Leather
necks to be played at the Bar
racks may be called off. This
is not yet definite and the con
test may be played preceded by
a blackout game between "I"
and "C" Companies.
All marines and their guests
will be admitted free.
fv swmueiM
en i tor el
Ti Sawyii
- News Eventi
vhw IIIIIJII Sfff 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 bf Jt .V Ml i 1,hlllilllU II
STtrk ' '
Mighty Menichelli
r ToV:
lt4 JR
-V-li ' mi
NEW YORK Fernando Men
ichelli, 198 V Buenos Aires,
and Johnny White. 209 'a, Jor
sey City, drew, 10.
Chemawa Indians
Blast Arlington
For "B" Crown
SALEM, Dec. 2 OP) A rug
ged T-formation squad from
Chemawa Indian school held
the Oregon class B football
crown today.
The Indians, winners of the
western Oregon title, defeated
eastern titlist Arlington 26-6
last night before a war bond
buying audience of 2000.
The Indians piled up most of
the score via the aerial route,
with Quarterback Merle Wil
liams tossing three passes for
touchdowns. The fourth goal
came on a line plunge, from
the one-yard marker.
The smaller Arlington cloven,
battling gamely against a more
powerful team, clicked for a
65-yard pass play with Wayne
Christoffcrson grabbing the ball
to race .through the cntirg Che-,
mawa line.
Utl H IMl
M32H 1
tui UUI1II9UII u nuuicij Ulllllli J
Dame Mag WhiHrj Gladgs '
Pelican Hoopsters Nudged
By Weed Quintet, 43-39
In fast moving ball game
Friday night at Weed, the
Klamath Pelicans were inulgcd
by the Weed quintet to I he tune
of 43-30. The hoop tilt was
closely fottslit all the way
through and Hie two teams were
deadlocked. 22-22, at Hie end of
the first half.
Tho contest was still nil tied
tip. 33-3;t, at the finish of the
third frame, but In the final
stanza the Weed outfit rolled
up 10 more points while the
Pelicans could garner only six.
Bob Perkins, neling captain
for the K-men, was eliminated
Basketball Scores
By The Associated Press
Eastern Washington College
of Education (Cheney) "2, Gon
zaga 40.
University of Oregon 70, Wil
lamette 51.
University of Washington Civ
ilians 39. VR-T Squadron 29.
Univ. of Washington Trainees
46, Sand Point Naval Air Sta
tion 28.
Washington Slate college 65.
Whitman 34.
ALBANY, Dec. 2 (PI Al
bany high spurted ahead In tho
last half to overcome Lincoln
of Portland 19-12 last night In
the opening basketball game for
both quintets. Albany struggled.
9-19, at halftone.
Telephone 4567
r-awi'JIHi and if
Vera Ralston Richard Arlen
'ir, J! ' - VjUj r i w ., - 1 1 i'im ri 1 VneitiiHrniiiii ii isssii 1 fit ii- - - -
from the game before (lie first
IHuiod was over with five per
sonal fouls. Jim Palmer held
high seining honors lor the Peli
cans with 12 points, while Pete,
speedy forward, led the Weed
five will) 10 markers. '
In the preliminary fraeas, the
Pelican reserves, or Wildcats,
nosed out Weed. 27-25. Alexan
der paced tint Wildcats with 1 1
counters and Kmniiu led Hie
Weed aggregation with six I
Tho Pelicans will pluy host to
Weed, Tuesday, December ft, In
tlin next basketball but lie ul the
Klamath Fells (39)
.ii i) i n;
. I) 0 I) II
.11 I) 2 12 '
. 0 I) 0 u
.2 I 2 5 ;
.4 1 0 II
. 0 tl A II
. I 0 1 2
. 0 0 I) 0 '
.5 I 5 1 1 1
. 0 0 0 0i
. 0 0 0 0
It! 3 16 39 ;
.3 I 0 7
.10 12
.5 II I) 10
. 1 0 I) 2
.4 0 2 II
.2 1.1 5
20 3 7 43i
Znron.slnskl, f .
Mason, 1
Palmer, f
Meade, f
Pope, c
Thorn, c
Perkins, g
White, g
Anker, g
Noreeu, g
Noel, g
Blchn, g
Weed (43)
Catlimiyza, f ....
Audio, (
Perez, (
Audiiglietto, f
Shaffer,, c
Cuslk. g
Tnllerica, g
Continuous Show Sat.-Sun.
And Both Theatres
" ;
Added "The 0,d Gry ore"
Continuous Show Sat.-Suil,
Open 12:30
I (01 tWOIUMON SlU III! 01 111!
Box Office Opens 12:30
4 ' T
f -VF
: '- 7
H it UMVUtr
"Henry Aldrich
Swings It"
2nd Hit
"Lost or the Clintons"
... ij
Latest WO""
News Event.