HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE NINE Automotive 34 Automotlv Automotlv 31 nuiDmoiiTS nuwiiiuiiTti - w . i - . z . . ft ..a l 11 Ini.mnl u 1 A am illfimhll Val I :ial AllinmOIlVi 01 ,j-rUAAlrVryra "a-"a1al"ll"l"l "aaaaaa 1,j J. a.rwaiaaja.aa....aataaa I a"V UVTXLTLTLnr UUUUUUUW---v - - " ' ' Refrigeration ,r 1. I'44 i.mb DESOTO and CHRYSLER SEE ROSE Service KELVINATOR 1 ...11,,,,-lpfl Service OWNERS Get the High Dollar For Your Used Car and . BUY BONDS and Commercial (ill 17 I'lllllH' We Have the Parts for Your Car --- We Carry the Largest tC0,..7 sb. ii st. Stock of Chrysler Corporation Parts in the State of Oreqon tails Upholstery Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley-- . We Will Sell You a Car OR . We Will Buy Your Car TOP OPA CEILING PRICE nod Rug Service .A AA.illini-nnliim -loning anu -i L Again Same Day' IMIONH iOH . .. in,, n P M 9 A. M' Dcccif.ERATION WASHING MACHINE una Small Appliance Repair tAVE COX, Scrvico Man Klamath Refrigeration Phone 7038 tnnn South Sixth SI. 1211MC 'hosiery mending . Prompt Service Mall Orders Acccplcc Florinc Shcpard Martlll Til. 574 1 2-110 ar. vouii DA'i'K arivatire for I'atterautl and S runt "" 1SM JfM m. Call Main. 11 -30m unrwi-rtt rnrtHETir.nr. rd Butch. !l Oak. I'huna LIU jppalnluinii. 11 MACHINE HEIIVICR. .11 rna I-i mi. Mi" ahi way. tan . tiuut i?l.KANl:D ind In 1 Phono 16.T.T. U-J" T aSf. CLKANINti. window wa.hlul aV. iti.ln. Lee J. rope, 1'llnni Health PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 153 Granite St. Ashlnnd, Oregon Phono 70IU nduitc Nurso In Charge. IMim Wanted Famala drrcn-rntinlaln elrl and fry rook, 0 WlfM. )piy llOR imvr lller tt p. in. RTD-Wnman to rare tor 3-year I rMldirtfi do light housekeeping. ID South filxlh. Milt fTlD - Hmtiflkeeper. Experienced, rtnaama woman, nasi aaiary. within or Ironing. Writ Box tira Herild-Newi. iz-l pID-Woman for homework and f of children. Annly Wlnema Hotel i'.H Shop. 12-3 IT preferred. Apply at Rltltr't Cof- Shop. 3AB0tf rrtD-Full Urns mtridlfl-agod home- Cjrtr, The bett ot wages, Call 371(1. Hflp Wintad, Mala rlD.8,lter .nr handy man. Elllnf Unbr. Co. Call 638. aotl rfrn-relopy cut-off man. mold I defltr, mill labor. Day Jobi. 6 r wiek, Hl Lakaa Box Co, 12-2 JfTTD-KxtwHencftd aaah ruttar. Ap f MOIir Broi. Phone 6B32, 4fl8tf TID-Men and boya to aat plm. PI work, good pay. Apply Bowling r. 110 Main p. m, or any avenlng. furdiy or Sunday, 1721U sLK..ANn kxtra gang ronic BN WANTEn on Oregon and Waih f on I Inti. Good pay and flrat-claia cmmodationi. Slala experience, V- arm itatui and whan available. 2n, roriiand and Seattle nall 2 Company. 1101 N. W. Hoyt Street fiKnd, Orrgon. 12-11 fTRD Motor overhaul mechanic. Jiy luaranlre and good perccnt- Thoroughly equipped ahop and ... Anderaon Auto Service. J"fcU. 6fl7tf una naniia mZ yjr?n ",!L',' Anyon. who W1" lo dona hy Marlnra If,1""" hmira. ril.aae Plion. h..i X'.'" " """ 11 a. m. Aak lor fn'l Moran. 12.10 ltL" I'lrrh a Wlnoma lintel. tkvSSI?-?P.a. Board f ND HOAIlD-a24 Michigan. noomi Fnt Ran OR riENT-1020 Jetlerion m:m Houmji For Rant fr??,". n,t;NT-Vmi drlvf! mova lyii t . 1 nrnrnn nerv- aaillLj'tri. Phnnr .1Q4, 12-f.m "llaneou For Rant 55!CtKon SA"Dr.n(l anil ertniir edKora and 'on r,''T".vl" maclilnea, J. R, Sale ioi ""-""a 'arm. 7 rnllfa F" il ,.. """'. aqllara heldn, and f'v. SBnr-.- .l Nralncd rnnrh In r mn c"'h w"' handio. nt. rS'ut,,:ia'bp,1IO'm modern hnilaa. a.. -" nrw fnmii.. " l"t " "V" " a. hioim in '"Av.:v"r."!".",".r Mlkkolnon. 13-4 New Chevrolet Essential Let Us Help You With Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 0th St. 30 Rail Eitata For Sal 30 FOR SALE ONE LARGE BUILDING Must Be Removed A large quantity of lumber, sash and doors can be salvaged-for use or resale as there are no restrictions on second, hand material. Pelican Bay Phone 30 Raal Eitata for Bala 30 List Your Property With Us. Fair Appraisals and Satisfactory Sales. Joe Perry with F. L. Weaver Real Eslalo and Insurance 330 E. Main Phone 6764 34 12-8 For Sale by Owner CIv.i-AAm ItnmA In TTIrlnrnrlrt IIaIhUI. MaKrltunnrl flnnrc I lllfta HO t V VI ivavi throufihont. fireplace, extra large living ruuin, aiuiicMicnu by two oil floor furnaces. Rock- nclRhborhood for children. House is only mrce years oia and is built to F.H.A. specifica tions. Yard landscaped, with back yard fenced. Double ga- rnone no to 12-2 FOR SALE Nice home In St. Francis karwflmi flnnra. fire place, basement, pipe furnace, largo lot. Price $oouu. lernu. SEE FRED COFER BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 S. 8th Phono 4195 12-1 A NEAT, modern ono-hedroom horn, n.ar bu, for t7S0. lmmedlata po eulon, eay term,. . . . COMrotlTABM! ona-hedroom horn; In Mill, addition, near bu,. lor 2S30. $130 down. . , A I.OVEL.Y a-oaaronm iiu..,. .. . Ilka naw. near bu,, for 13300. Early poaietaion. ANOTHER BAHRAIN In Allamsnt for U30. Two-room houaa and ona-hall acre, eay lermi. tmmeaiaio Sea Joa Tarry with T. L. WEAVKlt 330 E. Main SI. Thona iJ rOR aAI.E-2-bedroom modern house .TC ofal .711 1 halh, newly decorated inside, nice yard, fsoo down. Thona 07. nai mii m 'r....il.larlai mrr. A.rntim n10 "nZ?-; M.ken hou.C. On .irr'rl and Inn line. Price M.W0. Term,. See Fred Cofer. Barn. . 114 e aih Phnn 410.1, niaei nacnvj', - roil SAI.E-Modern a ucnriniu Larao lann. ,hado tree, and ihrub . V- . .-j ,n K ani.th near nary, ijoraim , - - Weyarhaeu.er mill. Inquire. U. S. aoa Wert Klamath. la-3 S-IIOOM HOME, full ha.emcnt. n re to callon al 7.1(1 t'nham. Only awao. EVERETT DENNIS iqi m aih Phone R4!)t rrS.lSr l-itrW " .to., in. Unmcdlaic r,o,e,lon. JJ300 ln,urancc. Price i-n nial 4129. 32011 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. Bill Phono 811)1 12-Hni roit SALE OH TRADE 8-unll modern r Auto Court. J-pump alallon. '" B.room modem realdance. Writ. Elmer l.-ra.raV MBaCfir. . ron SAl.E-n-ronm modern hou,e, tt aero land. 2 rhloken Moumi, In rlty i.nt.I.nulll Ore. !! Trucks tor Users Your Application Phono 4113 Raal Eitata for Sal Lumber Co. 5148 12-4 Raal Estal. For Sala FOR SALE Equity 3-room furni.hed houte. one block from East Main nu, alop. Phono 4200. 12-2 Eon SALE Sneep paature. 340 acta. an.ira aim iiniouiy mixed. ,oum or Malm Call Llakey Bro,.. 7014. SSIIf FOR SAt.E-3-ronm holtae. acre. ,ome Miiuuiiaina. .eriii.. va u- drn. 12-2 Automotive RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 6th , Phone 7071 ll-13mc Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. 12-14m FOR SALE RADIATORS ; OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need COLOR MATCHING AND PAINTING Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 6th Phone 6942 12-6m Reconditioned and Guaranteed Exchange Motors Ford Models A, B, 60 h. p. 1034 to 194185 h. pi , 1039 to 194100 11. p. and Mercury Chevrolet Models 193S-3B 1940-41 1941 Hi-Toik Chevrolet DodRc 1935 to 1941 Inlcnialionals and others. I. C. "IKE" HEATH ni.., Tl.l 037 Calif. Ave. 12-23 top cash PRICE fur your clean, late .. . aill Ska t. M. Dllntn in one i kht ui v. - at nURNEHS MOTOnS Autliori7cd DfiSoto-Ply mouth Pnrts nnd Service ;U6 So. Rlh 30RTtt SKK MRI HF.NUY at Lombard'a Ued l.nr L.oi. nj . , ' ,V- V.rtOM I If IV- T III. IMH wa.a ..... All mnkcB and inodela (or tale. ialBm i ,.i, Traiip n nnrt navment oh n.irnllUr. Phone 41)1)7. 12-6 FOlt BALIS-IPIifl Plymouth aedan. $195 down, total price :1S3, Includes $23.00 deductible inaurttnce. aiio icournni Colomnu ens alove, tnrjie type, $7. .10, stne Phlnni. Midland Stora, 12-2 Outside ot Portland. NEW FACTORY MOTORS (Not Rebuilt) De Soto $200 .Chrysler $215 - Plymouth : $180 Dodge '. $195 Dodge Truck : $195 to $225 REMEMBER YOUR DODGE DISTRIBUTOR FOR ALL CHRYSLER CORPORATION PARTS Liberal Discount to Garages and Independent Repair Shops LOMBARD MOTORS 624 So. 6th St. 34 ' Autornotlva Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends 12-12m Fanning's Richfield Service Station Automobile Repair Shop 1 102 E. Main "hone 9031 12-1 WANTED TO TRADE-1.34 Chevrole" DeLuxe aed.n, extra food rubber, for a pickup or a panel. Call at 1737 Orrron Ave., after .van o. m. 4fllfth 05 Fuel Haatlno .. RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality .: Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor ll-30m 36 Mlicallaneoui For Sala Winter Driving , is Hazardous Driving is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage? . Phone 5195 ' John Sandmeyer C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings BTdg. 12-30m FOR SALE 2-tone breakfaat or dinette net, table and a cnaira. cnoice oi rea or coral leatherette aeata. Will five you yeari' of nervice. $42.50. Lucas rurntturc, 103 E. Main. 12-1 ran sAt.rPIno. davenoort and rhalr. Dial 6713. 18361 1 FOR SAI.E-Traller houie. 24 ft, M2 model Plymouth. Excellent condition. Completely equipped. Klamath Auto Court. ' ' ' Cray clndera for sale. 2 weeka apeclal, ti no nr varrf. Rnv Schmeck. Phone 400.1. 12-13 FOR SALE-Drlveway cinders. 4203. FOR SALE-Pump , shotgun, 2 boxes . shells. 4208 Bryant Ave. 12-2 FOR SALE-Pool table ' and snooker in hi. SI 50. Dorrls. Calif. 12-2 FOTl 'SALE Table lamps 'S14.50. Floor UmM I24.B5. Lucas Furniture. 12-2 FOR SALE-Clrculatlni heater. Phone 3811. 12-2 jUn SAlib-UllllllR UMiiu oon iinvvM- porl and chair, 2 bedroom sets, 502 Plum, 12-2 FOR SALE First euttlnff baled alfalfa. ar. n 1 a-llnl Dnv HO Tlllo. lake. Phone 2013. ' 12-2 HAVE LIMITED STOCK for modern- ' 1NO MACHINE SERVICE, 3218 Shnsla Wav. Phone 6771, 11 -30m irnti SAI.R-Annlrs nt W. L. Moore', east of Ashlnnd, south on Tollman rmAlt marl. S2.0O oef box. brim cntv lalncra. 12-8 FOR SALG CabbKRe 4c lb.: rarrota 3c lb.; parsnips 5c lb.: table beets 2c lb. l"j mile northwest oi Malln. John Honilk. . 18-8 8TOVES nEPAltlED, All available parts . slocked. Used turnnure, sieves nougni. ok SecnniT Hand Store. 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. ll-30m CANARIES - Pedlnreed Rollera. Fine alnucrs. Also hens. All rolors. Write .for prices. Do Voe, 1127 W. Main. Medford. Ore. 12-1(1 DRIVEWAY CINDERS delivered in city or suburbs. Dial 7078 or 704,1. 12-4 NEW SHIPMENT of folding baby bug gies. $22,S0, 92(i.50, $27.50, $37.50. $44.50, Lucas Furniture, 189 E. Main-12-4 WILL TRADK !!:D Chevrolet 'i-lon pickup for truck or . late model cnr. Call 3(1114. 13-1 Sell YourCar. . NOW (Buy Bonds NOW!) While the Price is Still High Your Ford Dealer Since 1923 Balsiqer Motor Co. 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE Following Used Equipment, all repairable and some ready for immediate use: I '4'2 McCormick Pull "Type Mower 1 10-20 McCormick Deering Tractor 1 10-fr. Adams Pull Grader ' 1 6-f t. Adams Road Maintainer ' 3 Caleon 10-fr. Patrol Craders . 1 Owens Road Brooir 1' Snow King Rotary Plow for Truck Mounting ' 1 Domestic Water Pump May be seen at 468 Spring. Phone 5729 12-2 rUI.tjKR BrtUSIIES-ncp. It. V. Mornan, 3.12 So. niversldc. Phone XSW. 12-24 GLASS Mirror,, rcsllverin., plate, win dow and auto clasa. furnlltirc top,, ahelvna. KfnibaU'a Glass Shop. ft27 Walnut. Phono 7378. 12-4m EI. PADnE NOW OPRN-Dlnc. dnnco. Bar service. Only 10 minutes drive - from city center. lt-30nic FOR SALE-100 tons baled hnv. 1st cut alfalfa, oals and rye. at Kcno. See Guy Moore al ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puchelt. Tulelnkc 7101. 3333tf FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joycr. 11.13 Marlln. Phone 5H77. ll-aoni AI.l.EVf Adding Machines and FR1DEN Calculators. 124 S. 0th St. Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co. 12-14m FOR SALE Winchester lever action . 30-0O deer rifle with shells. Model A Ford, good motor, 1(1 Inch tires, weav er tire spreader, passenger car sl7.c. C. C. Husktnson, Keno. Ore. 12-2 FOR SALE Mclolte crenm separator, beer cabinet, stoves. Also men's suits, overcoats and nmcklnnws. Sixth Street Exchange, 502 S. (1th. Phone 7100. .W7tf LANDSCAPING - Evcrnreons, flowering shrubs and trees. Make your selec tion now for fnll plnnlinR. LAKE SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phono 4082. 12-20111 WALNUT DRESSER BASE without mir ror to close out at the reduced prion of M4.1..V Lucns Furniture, 103 East Main. - ia-1 FOR SALE -White ennmcled wood rniigc nnd wood circulator. Sco nflcr 5 p. tn.. 22 tl Ehcrlein. 12-1 FOR SALE-. 3 male Cocker npnniel pup pies, one blond and two red. Father registered and mother eligible for regis Ir I Ion. Trice $2000 each. E. Goode, Mardocl, Calif. 12-1 FOR SAl.F-Davenport, $1900. Eldorado, 201 N. 12-1 Phone 3136 Tues.-Fri. tf 36 Miscellaneous For Sala TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook top, especially priced, $57.50. All-white rjorcelain cook stoves. priced from S59.50. Circulating heaters priced from,537.5U. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gels the Break tie ueserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-tf 42 Miscellaneous Wvnttd marine COUPLE desire 3 or 4-room furnished house or apartment imme- rii.ii civ. Cull 36 U davs. ask for sin gleton. or 37S2 evenings. S92U BUSINESS COUPLE desires small apart. merit or house, no children, perma nent. Phone 6835. 12-4 WANTED Small or medium sice pull hi nde or cradcr. State condition and price. Santford Jones. Bonanca, Ore- son. 12-1 WILL PAY CASH lor ufd unt, Brin them In for anora sal. BELLS HARU WARE. 528 Main St. 11 -30m WANTKn TO nRNT bv nermBtient cou ple, a mortem, furnished apartment or house. Phone 9078 after 8 p. m. 327.111 wanted TO BUV-lca cream freezer. Phone 7318, 1233tfQD WANTRnlrnnfnff tft do In my home. 319 Martin, Klamath Falls. 12-2 HOUSE WANTED-USO director With wife, small child, needs 1 or 2-hed-room, unfurnished nr furnished house Call W. Richard Meyers at 9115 or 0103, WILL PAV CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 451D or 7179. 12-20m WANTED Electric light plant. Must it 110 a.c. Tn ffood condition. Me las Ranch. Macdoct, . 12-4 WANT TO RENT A 4 or S-room un furnished house. No children. Per manent renters. Phone 3861. 13-2 MARINE COUPLE wants 2 to S-room rurnjshed apt. or house. Three months rent In advance. Refarencoa. 4605. 12-2 44 Llvtitock and Poultry WILL TRADE YOUNO COW and lane heifer calf for cow now mtlklnc or will sell both. Mr,. Newman. 2718 nistice. Phone 87SS. 12-2 WANTF.D Dead and worthleM animal,. Phone 4636 collect, j 12-I9mc New GMC Truck , Are Now Available Come in and let us help you with " your application ROSE MOTOR CO. PONTIAC CMC .USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum ' For Your Car We Need Your Car Do You Need the Money? .. ' COME AND GET IT ): Lombard's Phone 424 So. 6th St. 44 Livestock and Poultry PUBLIC FARM SALE SATURDAY. DEC. 2ND 10 A. M. As I have sold my ranch I will sell at Public Auction, eight miles west of Lakeview on Thomas creek, the follow ing described property: ... - Livtaiuv-n 7 HEAD HORSES 2 Dark Grays, 6 yrs.. wt. 1600 each 2 Dark Grays. 6-7 yrs. wt. 1400 each 1 Brown Gelding. 5 yrs., wt. 1000 X Sorrel Gelding. 3 yrs.. wt. 1400 1 Bay Gelding. 7 yrs., wt 1300 21 CATTLE 15 Holsteln and Durham milk cows 6 Spring Calves 1 Roan Bull Part of these cows are milking now and the balance heavy sprinsers. Fresh ening dates and oroductlon records riven sale aay. i'udjic is invucu io look these good cows over prior to sale. 4 Young Sows MACHINERY 2 McCormick-Uccring mowers 3 Hay Rakes 2 Buck Rakes 1 Hay Slide 2 Wooden wheel wagons 1 Rubber tired wagon 2 Iron wheel wagons 1 10-ft. Grain Drill 14-Sectlon harrow 1 3-disc plow 2 Gang Plows, 1 Walking Plow 1 Gas Engine V 2-horse Fresno, 1 4-horse Frc?no 1 Cream Separator, nearly new 1 Set Blacksmith Tools Numerous Other Articles SPENCE OSBORN. Owner Free Lunch al Noon R. E. RHODES. Auctioned E. J. WISE Clerk 10 A M. December 2. 1944 TERMS-CASH 12-1 WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVE S MARKET. 919 East Main. Phone 4282. U-4m GOATS FOR SALE CHEAP-4323 Bart let. - ' 12-2 HIGHEST PRICES paid for Iiors, ve;il. lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 5323. nights 3505. 11 -30m FOR SALE One heavy springer Guern sey heifer; one Jersey cow. heavy milker: one purebred whitefnee bull. Slater Bros.,. H mile south of Kulina siding. 12-5 FOR SALE Heavy veal calves suitable (or cold slorace lockers. In condition to be killed now. n. R. Ktnscy, Olrne. 46 Financial First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home a . Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Kails Sixth and Main Phone 5UI5 ll-80iii Ask Us About , EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest roles Long time easy payments Prompt Service tt will . pay you to Investigate the 'EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1D09 111 N Olh Phone 45(14 - - Tues.-i'ri.-tf Phone 6130 3136" .521 So. 6th St. Mon: wed: Frl. 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co, Phone 3372. 11 -30m PASTURE: Will board 400 head; of steers 5 months starting Dec., 15 oh good feed on 11.000-aere ranch. Tahama. Co.. Calif.. 22 miles" west ot Orland. For terms contact .owner, Charles S. . Wheeler, by phone. Sutter 6361. San Francisco, or address him Mills Tower, S.-,n Franclsr-i). 12-8 46 Sec" K. A. (Dinty) 'Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit .Requirements Complete Privacy. 12 Months to Pay No Co-Sisners Quick Service : : Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest ' M-275 S'41 114 N. 7lh Phone 11-SOm When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck). Everett at the office of . COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th' St. Klamath Falls, 'Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles Livestock Furniture Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed a n d 0. P. A. Requirements . Completed Come In Phone In or Write In Phone 7711 - Lie. M-223 ' Lie, S-251 I . 11-3U1T1