U-' 1944 ' Sim VIOLATIONS OF GENEVA PACT Lnlhmed tivm Page One) ir-rcirll agulnst frencn S be " " r,MUl1 of i'l dnlellnccl Strasbourg, rW?;..",,, r;mi LoClcro has S I bill- to bo posted over . nnnn nc nu uuiL CSSw Kronch soldier killed lr, rriuic-llreiir. five German f . i-i from fhn rnnkn inken nrls- tcni o( war by Gen. LcClcrcs ll,lol,.,, H. O. Im now Inda ol FrL-iwh prisoners of nut ,.ii,- nur-cfniN nf iV'il"n.l'!r.l.nGs: litre 'lls commander, Con. t Gaulle, men" to introduce JLrt mitlunuls and Gorman F' ,.f nine ll Vlt!llms. In these two cncrnU should how turn ui iiiiivwi ... ..w F... tn Iho must oner- itic counter-reprisals and thut e .- vlcttnm of these . counter- Licriiii" EDS WIN 50 lilTIES IN NEW DRIVE (Continued from Pago One). k.tlHAt.atrv'c trnnrvt niMlptrnteri rllHIV" - . " " ... in mllna nnrtnonst nf Ecer d 23 miles from the central ovakian frontier. Using captured Pees, in soutn kilern Hungary, as a base, Rus- Ln a n A Vrnmnlnv nnrllsnn fences were driving nortliwnrd Iwird one of tnc mnln railway: ihiph I m f :rmiiiin nan in sun Iv (hole fnrrr.ii nf nncilnntinn at ...v.. . - . . ' iigrcu, In nortnern Yugoslavia fPlllLulS HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON (Conllmied from Pnso One) irantcc and said It had found grounds for criticism of Hel- t. The surplus property' board ps created to handlo disposal iuu,uuu,uuu,uou in war sup- In.-- . Tail told a reporter: . "Wo do not think these men t qualified. The surplus nroo- fly disposal legislation was isica io tokc caro of a trc radons job. The boord should I made ud of outstandiim men. ft some lunio duck who has ice been rejected by tho poo- m his own state. WEATHER Ibaridir. Noremlut 0. ltd tMih r';iii"';r'.'.'.a ' Bonn ; s Jfnd 45 jjioni ::4a J" r.ncUco AH f lu - aa Max. Mln. Preclp. .19 SI .OJ 1unK. I'1'1'1 'howeri today and to Wii. K nnw his1"" elavatlon.. K . Wlr" H'niBiii. aauirnay paruy Clon "ow lu"ic' exlreme Mil E",'h'"l Cllfcirnla! Slitiwen today Ejonliht, clearing fradually on 8al- FUNERAL fc,JlY ".imiietii rox mi) urvlrni for the lata Mary lv I.... . ox inrmor raaldrnt of thU ill., i or 'J1 l"" and one-half aid i. . r ."01n in Halem. will ba tJJi f rl,,r.'' ,h" arl Whlllock nL52!5- lMn" "l "'"'h. on Balur- rZ,: A' m. . with ",,ch"" of thta city offlclst- nt in T " "orvicci una inier I rm- lnw ln '""""y P-ot in Link ttn . ' Ticnai lire inviien. Bl t?i "-r of Goldffn West kian ' 1,10 UE,a OI tioveruaio, Him Norlanrl SllH T....H... pig oubll. AIIm Adding Machines .-nuon calculators Royal Typewriters Deiki . Chain . Files . T" those hrd-to-g Ittma ' ONEER PRINTING AND STATlnwirnv . 80. 9th Klamath Palls "Eddie Elrtreii Steak House '28 South 7th St. Grilled Steak : NofchantV Lunch, 60c "mburgers . Barbequ Chill 0,,SN 24 HOURS Indians Advance Against Slight Nazi Resistance ROME, Dec. 1 (!', Tronps or ii fifth army Indian division inovud forward today along tin; lorcnce-Kiieimi road against only light reslstnnco and rccon nnlssiinfu reports Indicated the eniMiiy whs withdrawing from tho iniHinlnliis In Hint urea to Hie Po vallry. Tho German move appnrenlly was to straighten out u bulgo In his Una bulwcen Bologna and r-iii'iuii. On Iho olghlli urmy front . .. .u nn in, uiiiuiKu in posi tions. Allied troops still were engaged In hoavy fighting around Alberto, northeast of Fucnza. Southwest of Facnza. patrols found tho Germans still dug In on high ground behind the La mono river. TANKS THROW GERMANS BACK ACROSS (Continued from Pago One) strength ilong the Rocr and Indo rivers for a distance of 10 to 20 miles northwest of Duren when Hodges' men launched their attack for a similar footing along tho stream southwest of Uuien, Lt. Gen. George S. Pulton's U. S. third army surged up to Suiir on a front of at least IS nillcs, solid against the Siegfried lino. Ills loth armored division chased the Germans across , the faunr river at Mcrzlg. Tho ninth nrmy captured Welz and seized three-fourths of the llUmlct nf Ftorrlr am II rn... tight are around the Rocr river luwn ui tinmen, on the road to the niiineland city of Mun chen Gladbach, (Continued from Page One) snow was rnnnrlnH itnrlv BVMo.t on the Grcensprlngs with snow still falling. A similar report came In from Quartz mountain on the Lakcvlew highway. There was some snow falling In' Klumath Falls Friday, but a blanket somo seven inches deep covered tho Marine Barracks plunt, 800 feet higher than town. Teapot Dome Principal Dies EL PASO, Tex., Dec. 1 (VP) Albert B. Fall, 8a, secretary of the interior under the Harding administration, died here yes terday. " ; Ho was one of the central fig ures in the Teapot Dome scan dal in the 1020 s. 4 Fall had. been ill for years. He had been confined here in William Beaumont general hos pital from 1035 to 1038, and in Hotel Dicu, Catholic hospital where lie' died at 8:30 p. m yesterday, since 1042.- BBHBBBBBsBJ-BBI . 1IB MAIN ITREtT SEVEN KILLED CRACK OF AIRLINER (Continued from Pago One) sccno was Mrs. Dolphinc Do Bron, a trained nurse. She rend ered first n Id to many of the Injured passengers and TWA of ficials credited her with pos sibly saving tho lifo of Stew ardess Donna Miirr.' Mrs. De Bron, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Jennotto Mormon, 10, ap plied a tornlquct to Miss Marr's leg. Arthur W. Carroll, a. mer chant senmun of Seattle suffered only from shock.. Police said the ground was soft from recent rains and that fact may have accounted for the comparatively lowi death loll. The plane was reported to have been on the radio beam and the TWA said It was in contact with the terminal min utes before the crash. EYE (Continued from Page One) ginning of a set "Christmas open ing." This year, stuff arrives daily and seems to be caught up by eager buyers as quickly as it Is priced. One merchant re ported an order sent out last January, arriving Friday. There will be no splurge of downtown holiday , decoration this year, principally because merchants are vitally interested In the success of the 6th War Loan and are devoting their ef forts toward that end.' Decora tions of tho fabulous "silver and gold" variety seen here in years past, are unobtainable. Wall in Hand The help situation seemed fairly well under control, one report assured. ' A number of service men's wives, living in Klamath Falls! while their Hus bands are at nearby installa tions, arc assisting in stores.' Noticeable were the number of service men doing their shop ping early, sending out gifts to folks back home. Stores were cooperating in getting the gifts wrapped as nicely as possible, this too in the fact of gift paper shortage. . . , ' . Chiang Separation Rumors- Brought 'Into Open, Denied (Continued from Page One) , dispatch yesterday', by' Charles van uevanncr ana William o. Player Jr. . Accuracy. Conflrmad This account, the essential ac curacy of which Is vouched for by one of the , correspondents present said in PVt: ' '- ' - ' "The guests included a choice representation of Chinese gov ernment authorities, society QuickRelief ROM SNIWIY, STUFFY DKTMSS OP ileadColdst f special. . ."iV-fCK f Ooublt-Duty Nota Drop 'tA JnaS Worfu Fail RliM Wham VjL Sj Instantly, relief from snlffly, sneczy distress of head colds starts to come when you put a little Va-tro-nol up each nostril. Also helps provont many colds from developing It used in time. Just try HI Follow directions ln folder. mcra VA-TRO-NOL The Public is, cordially invited to the Annual Elks Lodge B. P. O. Elks Medal of Valor Memorial Services Sunday, Dec. 3, 2 P. M. ELKS TEMPLE ; A fine musical program, special ' ritual, presentation of the Medal. of Valor to families of Elks who lost lives in armed services. ' leaders and other influential per sonages, us well as a small, picked group of American news paper correspondents. "Amnlng Speech" "After all the social ameni ties had been disposed of and tho refreshments hud been served, tho generalissimo arose and made an amazing speech. "Ho revealed to the guests who, mind you, hadn't known until this moment what was the occasion for the gathering that he and madnmc were very well aware of oil tho ugly rumors thut were being whispered be hind their backs. "Ho even referred specifically to the ugliest, rumor of them all: to the effect that he had infuri ated madame - by taking - unto himself a beautiful 18-year-old girl as a. concubine. "He denied everything. And he specifically denied the report about the concubine. Even If he had been inclined to take a con-1 cubine and he Indicated he hadn t been he couldn't have done so, he asserted, because of his position. To jeopardize his reputation and trust in such a way, he said, might prove equivalent to a betrayal of his country." PACE THREE . PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED VO FAIN NO HOSflTAI.I.ATION . No Los. of Tim. P.rman.nl H.iului DR. E. M. MARSHA Chiropractic Pbj-ilrlin JW No lib - fUqalr-B Thootrt Rldf. Phono 16ns He Never Has Too Many, So Give Him- " TIES Here's a tremendous selection of rayon, ties . in up-to-the-minuta colors. Resilient construction. Ends faced with rayon satin. AH wool lined and hand-tailored for better knotting, wrinkle resist ant. Stop in . . . see them todayl I it- Ov '"av 1 " )9k "Nobility Vw-..::.:a9' a''. fciaV u ,i zr viv.t. Minify ffiy-tm . attr iz . n r . "v' ti V ''" i at ,r,", i ri.iiifkT m m u iaw mu v vm :jt: nmivr'9'xsf w a i, c- fci w Heavy 33-oz. Melton Jacket C49 Extra warm because the wool melton cloth is extra heavy. A well made, long wearing jacket at .welcome low price! Favorite- Cossack style with double convertible ! collar and three handy pock ets. Navy blue. 25 V4 inches. Sizes 34 to 46. 33-oz. Pure Virgin Wool 8s : Leather's Always a' . Favorite! . Superbly tailored ' of ' water repellent 100 virgin wool in full 33-oz. weight. Fully lined with luxurious irrides cent rayon. Cut extra roomy. Big, warm turn-up collar. Cozy muff pockets. . Extra long ... 32 inches. Blue, , maroon, brown plaids. Sizes S4 to 48. Economy pricedl 10 Man-tested, 'this' capeskin jacket is. a sure fire, gift suc cess. You can't go wrong on ' its clean, .snappy' lines . .. '. its smooth' leather . f . or" its , meticulous tailoring.' . Lined ' with' durable rayon. Aviation ' tan. Sizes' 34 to 46. . He'll Appreciate These NOBILITY HOSE A iine -selection of rayon socks. Mercerized cotton top ' and double sole; reinforced heels" aild toes .'. i' add . to their -durability.- Snug fib bed top. Choice of regular length or slack length. .- V-- Belts for Gifts '..: All Leather Billfolds . ... All Wool Plaid Shirts Sheep Lined Coats m ...... ..bo .y3.98 .....3.98 9.69 ' ; WP ,SrfMJ ' Gift xtSjjOp' Helps ON THE BEAM FOR ... i Polo Shirts "Boyville Jr. DcLuxe" qual ity in colorful stripes. Crew neck, . long sleeves. Choose blues, maroons or browns. Buy. several now. "I 1ft Sizes 4 to 14. I I 7 Jackets Warmth, stylo, service, all at small cost! Lightweight mols-ture-rcsistailt poplin. Body lined with warm, bright plaid cotton flannel. Elastic side in serts. Button fly front. Tan. Sizes 8 O OO to 18. J.70 Boyville Leather Jacket 10.95 Just what every lad 4 to 8 w.ants-p-a real -grown-up look ing leather jacket. The rich supple cfipqsin will defy wind and weathqr, keep him snug 'n warm. Lined with fleecy -Kasha. Sporty half -'belted back. Two fine slash pockets. Tan. ? ' ..- Boys' Gift Sox, pair Boys' Suspenders Warm Wool Plaid Caps Boyville Deluxe Shirts : Boyville Flannel Sleepers ....... Cord Caps with ear muff Boyville Dress Hats Boyville Sport Coats Boyville Dress Pants .... 19c .... 49c ... 1.29 .. 1.79 ... 1.19 98c . 1.49 ... 8.90 ... 2.93 Extra Fine Belts This fine assortment includes steerhido leather, ribbon web with leather tab and buckle, and khaki fabric with mili tary buckle. Sizes 24 to 32. 59c Sweaters Here's a real eye-catcher, ui al coat sweater. Fancy woven I front and knit sleeves and back. Rib knit cuffs and bot tom. Swell assortment ., of colors. Sizes O AO 4 to 18. aS.TO ' I niinai 1-ii, Phone 5188 133 South 8th Street