HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE NINE 34 Automotlv . .34 Automotlva .?4 Automotlv. .3,4. 'Autom.lly 34 Automotive Automotive tutomutiva Wanted Car NEW' MOTORS for your CHRYSLER CAR EVERYBODY Washer says 'Good Sola-y jjsicam Healed Bldg. Istcody Employment i li 3, Miller Co. H ... ..I s-n,. 21) 1 tf WANTED har Washer Good Wages JpcJy Employment 4k B. Miller Co. Mechanics Wanted (miliar Willi General ' ator cars w---. i J nulcks , I Apply aUlCK GARAGE 1330 Mnln 121 itoxvw m"n .,noli" if".'" .n i.K..r llnv lob., fl- ! m una no" r.-.ri..rr.l sash ruller. An '!,; Bros. Phi" MM. M1" Trrzz, ..In. 2ntk?vml I'". Apiily Howling J Ml M.ln P m. or any "'" "7 ANP rXTItA GANG FOUR. iwANTEP on Orn and Wih. hm tiood ray and fir-t-cUn S-oditiorw. Slal experience. Irift ilh and when available. Ji-t I'ortlnnfJ and .Vat tie Rati $mpany. 1101 N. W. Uol Street, irj, Oreiun. HH jn . Eptrf nrett hotel clerk. &ffmi. Write Box 3. Cire I it new. uroii iient-iom j.ii.non l roil HCNT-You drlva: mnva Vt. IV. ",. Stiles Deacon Serv Kjit Mahr IMmiir lUOl 12 Mm Hticellftnoou' For Rent fVT-.tr nr.lB, 3.00 month. Wmim. i7:mi IC H.OOR SANDERS .nil adgar .. uo yi.ur own worn, impure Dipl. MONTGOMERY WARD ll-SOni INT-rinor iinrf,.. ..... frrtr removing machlnoi. J T. Wm P.lnl Slor.. Phon. .1324. M.ln, U..K)n, Will Eitau Kor Sal Small Court I COttarr, nnflU, t.i.nUU ont income $50.00 per ."tunic COUICI DO 111 OV ri'nnvntinn n.wl .- Plinj. Price only J30U0 flue Dale, Realtor I Te . RD72 11-30 r Sale by Owner Nm home In Eldorado L M B t. A ... t . " w u o a noors incplncc, extra jiivinR room, z.one-licatcd f "I floor furnnccs. Hock. Jrisulalion. Very desirable T"i'uu or ehi rlrin. '"only Ihree years old '""I to F.1I.A. speclfica- u landscaped, with m fenced. Double ga- Phone 8575 12-2 Ijomes foiTsaII f rr DKNN1S, REALTOR 12-Hni t8""",,""'". 3V cr.i I c!ll i S.0""- """ "" !"Uik Bro... 1(14. USUI iTTr, Wl Ti 1 ,,Aur 1-wnlt moclern I mo. . T. "on. urorrrl.i. J"n rr.uirnce. Writ. Ilmfr ft 12-1 ileLu....' li h.V.,. I" mnrn hmme. 'M;ri,om (nrnlih.il hou. In monlhly iwymenu. Phont ll-a III ,cr'"" "ALE 'Unt m.;."! """lorn homr. I'nonc 4inn Ho,,.. . .. ,?.''nnln. Onlv -n -.HI.TT DENNIS th . """or Phona moi rXMi".,""".'"'- 11- ;.r. eZrr down rrTtrt inti' nlc. l 1011. Phone 84. nai own B) -Sftttr and handy man. Clnnf-Ir-hr. Co. f.iii nun 4nnt 5)tuit'.oni Wntqd P wind mploynif nt. Can type Ikt ihorthand. Phone 3830, eve. 11-30 Ir.NCEn bmikkroper and aUnn jkr dciirct position. Phone H2:i;t aND BOAnD-aa Michigan. i floomi Tor Rtnt , "no hlhwy. u.j0 Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- ' We Will Sell You a Car OR We Will Buy Your Car TOPOPA ' CEILING PRICE New Chevrolet Trucks for Essential Users Let Us Help You With Your Application Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. CASH For Your Car We Need YourCar Do You Need the Money? COME AND GET IT 1 Lombard's Phone 3136 424 So. 6th St. , 521 So. 6th St. AUTOMOBILE Careful SERVICE Complete Prompt' Estimates Gladly Given Convenient Location 734 Klamalh Ave. Phono 4149 ODELL MOTOR CO. Wed. and Sat 30 Rftal fcitaU For Salt 30 float batata For Sal FOR SALE ONE LARGE BUILDING Must Be Removed A large quantity of lumber, sash and doors can be salvaged for use or resale as there are no restrictions on second hand material. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. Phono 30 RmI Et.t For Sale Immediate Possession Clean, 2-room home, one-half acre good soil, good location. $1100, $300 down, balance $15 per month. R. P. OLIVER 111 So. th Phone 4710 11-29 FOR SALE Nice home In St. Francis Park, hardwood floors, fire place, basement, pipe furnace, largo lot. Price $5800. Terms. SEE FRED COFER BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 S. 8th Phone 41!).r) 12-1 FOR ttFNT-Sm.ll 4-rnom hou,. unftir nlihert, 13 cr.. MM Alv SI. FOn SAl.K-fl-bfdroon, home. Mills ert Hlllon. rn and rclrllernlor. Phono 1931. "ao FOR SALr-2-be,lrnom home, .iitmnnllc hnl wolor hpnl.r. hnrdwooil floor.. wlrl! for eleclrlc rainr. piped for .H henl nd Mime. Inrllides rlrrll lallnf healer. Price 30US. Phone 16. H-30 FOR SAI.B Three-room home, two lots, garage, wood.hed and chicken hou.e, larae front lawn and earden pare. Will ell furnHhed or unfiir nlihed. 130 Wocui SI. Phon. IB5J. , Phone 4113 Mon. Wed. Fri. REPAIRING 5146 12-4 30 Real Estata For Sale CLOSE IN 4 blocks off Main St., 5 npls., completely furnished. In a re stricted rcsidcnlinl district with pcrniiincnl tcnnnls and a sub stantial income. Price $0000, terms, AND 5-rooni home with Inrfic utili ty porch, 5 blocks from Main St., on north side. Immediate possession, Price $2750, with easy terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. 0th Phone 4504 List Your Property With Us. Fair Appraisals and Satisfactory Sales, Joe Perry with F. L Weaver ileal Estate and Insurance 330 E. Main Phone 6764 12-8 Fort SAI.E-laname Model No. 13 Win chester pnmn shotgun, $00.00; also shells. Call 1.103. 11-30 FOIt HALE 3-roon, modern home, fur nished, fairly close in. Immediate possession, si.ino insurance. Prlre 33S0. Dial " Sell YourCar NOW (Buy Bonds NOW!). While the Price is Still-High Your; Ford Dealer Since 1923.. Balsiqe.r Motor Co, 30 Real GstaU Tor sial FOR SAT-E 2-bedroom home, larse lot. new furniture and rims. Immediate nosaoMlon. near Weyerhaeuser mill. Phone 0018, Otto Mlkkclson. $2200. ' 12-1 34 Automotive FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need COLOR MATCHING AND PAINTING Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So, 6th Phone 6942 12-6m Reconditioned and Guaranteed Exchange Motors Ford Models A, B, 60 h. p. 1934 to. 1941 85 h. p. 1939 to 194190 h. p. and Mercury Chevrolet Models 1935-36 1940-41 1941 141-Tork Chevrolet DodRC 1935 to 1941 Internationals and others. I. C. "IKE" HEATH Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. 12-23 TOP CASH PTIICE for your clean. Inlet mod.) car or tqully, Se. L. M. Quam at BURNESS MOTORS Aulhorlred DeSoto-Plymoulh Parta and S.rvlc. Goodrich Tire Distributor 310 So. 61 h 39H7H FOR SAl.E-Model A Ford. 4 new llres. new battery. 3123 Blehu. 11-30 FOR SALE-lO.ia wrecked Eisex sedan, all or part. Keno road at McArthur SI. 11-30 FOR SALE Two 1043 Ford dump trucks. A-t. Celling price or less. Conlart Sherman' Mayer. Union Ser vice Station. No. 1 Main alreel. 11-30 Fanning's Richfield Service Station Automobile Repair Shop 1102 E. Main Phone 0031 12-1 We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main ll-30m SEE MEL HENRY al Lombard's Used Car Lot. Ml S. th St. Top OPA CASH PRICE at once for your car. ' All makes and models for aale. 12-lSm WANTED TO TRADE-1034 Chevrol.1 DcLux. sedan, extra good rubber, for a picluip or a panel. Call at 1121 Oregon Ave., after 9:30 p. m. 46tftb FOR SALE-"2f" Model "A" Ford. Good condition, $103 Cash. 411 Lincoln. 342lf Nearly All Models In Stock Plymouth $180.00 Dodge .-. " 1 80.00 DeSoto 220.00 Chrysler 220.00 Dodge Trucks 220.00 In,Son Not - Reconditioned or Rebuilt BURNESS MOTORS Cor. S. 6th and Walnut 34. Automotive Used Cars Bought " Sold Traded odell Motor co. 744 Klamalh Ave. Where 8th Street Ends 1212m Motor Rebuilding . Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience . . Elrncr. Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. 1214m . RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B K. Teed 301 So. 6lh Phone 7071 11-lSmc 35 Fuel Heatmo RICHFIELD Slove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF - Distributor ll-30m 36 Miscellaneous For Sato FOR SALE I', h.p. electric motor and one 30-30 carbine. Fixit Shop. 141 Klamalh. 44011 FOR SALK-lOO-gallon oil tanks. Fred It. Hcllbranner. 021 Spring. 11-30 FOR SALE EASTER LILY BULBl.ETS, medium also. Kcnyon Davis- strain. Price SIS a lb. under 5 lbs.; $12 a lb. over S lbs. Box Ift3, Brookings, Ore. 11-29 FOR SALE First culling baled altalln. 2I.OO per ton. Clink, Box 110, Tule lak. Phune 301.1. 12 2 Why Let Your Motor Pound itself to Junk and waste your gas When a motor over, haul here will Save both motor and rationed gas? Let us help you to save every way. LEO'S GARAGE 11th and Main Sts. . Phone 6603 Mon-Wed. 36 Miscftllaneoui For Saie . Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Sealey Bros. Phone 7709 1173-tf FOR SALE 1936 - Indian 4 1 Motorcycle Can be seen at 2964 So. 6th. Must sell by .Thursday. FULLER BRUSHES Rep. R. V. Morftan. 532 So. Riverside. Phone 3348. 12-24 GLASS-Mirrors, resilvcrinR. plate, win dow and auto ulass. furniture tops, (.helves. Kimball's Glass Shop. 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 12-4m EL PADRE NOW OPEN-Dine, dance, nar service. Only 10 minutes drive from city center. ll-30mc FOR SALE-Trailer house. 24 ft. '42 model Plymouth. Exxellent condition. Completely equipped, Klamath Auto Court. ftltf HAVE LIMITED STOCK for modern ising treadle sewing machines. SEW ING MACHINE SERVICE, 3218 Shasta Way. Phono 6771. ll-30m FOR SALE-Applcs nt W. L. Moore's, east of Ashland, south on Tollman Creek rond. $2.00 per box. bring con tainers. 12-8 FOR SALE-Cabbr.ce 4c lb.; carrots 3c lb.; parsnips 5c lb.; table beets 2c lb. l'j mile northwest of Malin. John Honxtk. 12-8 STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 620 Klamath. Phone 5671, 11 -30m CANARIES - Pedigreed Rollers. Fine tiingcrs. Also hens. Ail colors. Write for prices. Dc Voc, 1127 W. Main. Mcdford. Ore. 12-18 FOR SALEPlano, davenport and chair. Dial 6713. 1836tf FOR SALE Baby Grand piano and bench, mahogany. Price S465 cash, for quick sale. Shepherd Music Co. tl-30 DRIVEWAY CINDERS delivered in city or suburbs. Dial 7078 or 7643. 12-4 FOR SALE-Mclottc cream separator, beer cabinet, stoves. Also men's suits, overcoats and mackinaws. Sixth Street Exchange, 502 S. Oth. Phone 7160. 537tf FOR SALE- Circulating wood heater in good condition. $25.00. Can be seen at 007 llomcdalc road between 4 and ' 6 p. in. or phone 4787. U-29 TRAILER HOUSE FOR SALE-20XB ft. Modern and fully equipped. $400 rash. Inquire Negus Grocery, Cres cent, Ore. 11-20 NEW SHIPMENT of folding baby bug Kiev S22..-0. $20.50. $27.50. $37.50. $44.50. Lucas Furniture, 105 E. Main. 12-4 FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS-Roy Schmcck. Phono 4093. Rt, 3, Box 1042. 1 1 -30m FOR SALE Back gas range. Late model, trash burner (separate. Phone 8122, Tulclakc. 11-20 FOR SALE-Trailer house. 18 ft.. 1041 model Levee Bro. Good condition, completely equipped, good tires. See Ed F. King nt SL Francis Trailer Camp on So. Oth. 11-29 FOR SALB-Wcddlng ring set. Apt. 15. Esplanade Court. 11-28 FOR SALE First cutting bated ha: Rt. 3. Box 393, Keno road. W. V Vincent. 11-28 FOR SALB-Axminster rugs, bedroom, living room and kitchen furniture, circulating heaters and cook stoves. Pre will's Trading Post 2244 So. tith. 283tf LANDSCAPING - Evergreens, flowering shrubs and trees. Make your selec tion now for fall planting. LAKE SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phone 4082. 12-20m 1043 EASTERN HOWARD Trailer House. la ft., all Htccl, Insulated, tl-ply truck tJrra. A-l shape, electric hrakes. See at Roosevelt Club, Tulelake. Phone 620.1. Tulelake. 11-28 FOR SALE -Oliver standard typewriter, como..? t rly reconditioned. S35.00. Also .'18-55 rille with 2 boxes shells, $35.00. nr will tt-nrie for 12-gatiRff shotgun. Phone 8200 or can be seen 4056 Shast W.ty. y 11-28 SEE ROSE If you want to sell your car. Rose buys cars no monkey business. ROSE MOTOR CO. pontiac ,K.';sr GMC, USED CAR LOT 6TH AND PLUM 36 Miscellaneous For Sale TRASH BURNERS , Wood and Coal Heaters and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook top, especially priced. $57.50. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from S59 .50. Circulating heaters priced from $37.50. ; HARRY HAFTER'S ! FURNITURE-STORE Where the. Cash Buyer. Gels the Break He. Deserves Entrance Corner 9lh and Klamath 3773-tf Ladies Aftentidn! ; INSURE THAT FUR . , COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call John. Sandmeyer Phone 5195 C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bldg, ll-30m FOR SALE - Slabwood and driveway cinders. Sec Franclie at Anderson's Garage, No phone calls. 11-30 FOR SALE-Furnace sawdust burner, hopper and control. 1124 California. . evenings; ... 11-30 FOR SALE- 100 tons nhlcd hnv, 1st cut alfalfa, oats and rye. al Keno. See Guy Moore at ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett, Tulelake 7104. 3353tf FOR" SALE CHEAP One Montague two-oven oil burning hotel size ranee. See at 6lh St. Exchange, 502 So. filh. Phone 7160. 531 f FULLER BRUSHES - Clein Joycr. 14M Martin. Phone 5677. ll-30m ALLEN Adding Machines and FR1DEN Calculators. 124 S. 9th St. Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co. 12-14m FOR SALE Winchester lever action 30-00 deer rifle with shells. Model A Ford, good motor. 16 inch tires. Weav er tire spreader, 'passenger car sirf. C. C. Huskinson. Keno, Ore. ll!-2 SHELLS It boxes 3-inch Supcr-X 12 gnuge". best offer. Box 168. care Her ald and News. 11-30 FOR SALE Homemade, well built trailer house. Suitable for storeroom and garage. Altamont Trailer Park. So. 6th - H-20 MARlNR COUPLE desire 3 or 4.-room furnished house - or apartment Imme diately. Call 3614 days, ask for Sin gleton, or 3762 evenings. 552tf WANTED TO BUY--5 tons baled alfalfa hav. to be delivered. Phone 7it:n. u-;:o BUSINESS COUPLE desire-, small apart ment or house, no children, perma nent. Phone 6835. 12-1 WANT TO RENT-5 or fl-room furnish ed house. Permanent. Hctercnccs. Write No. 162. care of Herald and News. ll-UO WANTEP-Pirk-im truck for cash. will trade ' for I'j-ton Ford dump truck with hogged fuel body. Fhonc 5217. U-.K WANT TO lU'Y A Kodak Hint ll.es (Urn 127, naby Brownie preferred. Price no obstacle. :il-! Cinmon Ave. after 6:0 p. m. or see Sundays. 11 -2D WANTED Small or medium size pull blade or grader. Stn'o condition and price. Santford Jones. Bonanza. O-e-on. 121 Wll.b PAY CASH lor used Runs. Ilrlm: them In lor nppra-sal. BELL'S MAItll WABE. 528 Main SI. ll-30in WANTED TO KENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, urnlstted apartment or house. Phone 3070 after 0 p. m. . 2u,:til WANTED TO BUY Sled with Kood run ncra. Call 3124. 3H0tf WANTED TO BUY-lc cream frrcier. Phone 7318. I2ora0 WANTED Ironing lo do In my home. 310 Martin. Klamalh Falls. 12-2 WANTED - Xtpfurntshed 3 or 4-rnom house or apartment. Call 3300 before 6 p. m. 11-20 HOUSE WANTED -USO tlirrctor with wife, small child, needs 1 or Z-bed-room, unfurnished or furnhhctl hoiec Call W. Richard Meyers at 511.1 or 0103. 12 2 WILL PAY CASH FOI1 YOUR PIANO . Louis R. Mann, 120 N. 7lh. Plume 4310 or 7173. 12-20111 WANTED - Table model radio. Wincnia Hold. Phona 41B1. PHONE 6130 42 Miscellaneous Wanted PAY YEAR IN ADVANCE for modern house. No children. P. O. Box 247. 11-30 44 jytock a nd P O"! try WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeyr and rabbits. TRULOVE'S MARKET. 910 East Main. Phnne 4232. 12-4m GOATS FOR SALE CHEAP-4323 Bart let. 12-2 HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs, veal, lambs and cattle. Johnnnn Packing Co. Phono 5323. nights 3503. ll-30m FOR SALE Milk cows, several head springers. F. W. Brown, Langell Val ley. H-29 WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phona 3372. ll-30m GOAT SERVICE--1767 Burns. See K. A: (Dinty) Moore .For . LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit ' Kcqiirementj Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay : No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned . ' Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest ; M-275 S-241 ' 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 ll-30m First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy a Modem Koine Refinance Your Old Horn Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL1: SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. ot Klamalh Falls; Sixth and Main Phone 5195 11-30IT1 When You Want a CASH LOAN : For Any Worthy : Purpose Call On. P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of i; COMMERCIAL " FINANCE CORP. 1 07 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles Furniture Livestock Salary . Sales Between Individ uals Financed a n C O. P. 'A Requirement: Completed ' Come In Phone In or Write In Phone 77 11 Lie, M-223 Lie. S-25 ll-nnr 48 Business Oupor'unnm FOR SALE -The Shasta View Cat. doing nice business, completely aqull ned. Reason for lellinc. Ill healti Phone IKKS0. . . 11-! FOR SALE-Sniall clrlvp-ln rafe. wit furnished living quarlors. Phone 740 11-1