6. I'14 ..rnbflf 1G0HNUTTEE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON .'ACE NINE RED HERE I ...Hon of ii county vet ''"' . ,,?,rni advisory com- vln.milh county Wllh lic'T 1 1. .u held In 'PW4 NuvcmUor U rl ; Joint nuieliiiK with Ii" committee COW m nrovlde . IIMIH I '- rinsf- " ... vtlcr:', ay.rln.1 tlnlhUC" .!. II(,n(., c, committee win t&wt A, ar.ry. ch... El The comnilttws consist 3".' veter.iT. or World In addition 10 unoir min Allen the county commlltco o John U"11-"1,7;'" iiainiini't ----- . - DfhlliiBor. I I'1?. ":." ft ; p i.- v . tUnu nf tla fnrtt .wn'"V";," in tvde sveiiuuro , Lion on wrfcu I Jiral pro. ilon, mrK.uK ....... v .1.. ...I. IIia nnnnlu d mostly iiiiu"" Lnilon office; to recommend V'A via cormmi" " ...... ..-it ...rl..r unrlniie Infill 'ditiom, end to make a aur- ' . i ....nKinnil Ui email. e to veternns, either to leaso ipurcnsje lurms. V, n. Mimnii hit hi win incsc iuiniiM"v.v.v ...... -.a tried oui uy wc i-i .wui- IllVC MIHIM'MI ivn.u hi I .. itin r.miiixl nf I tin I food administration. County E..i unrri(trnti nvnlnineH the -onal scope o( this movement, k far local commlttncn !n every ... 1. llnil ClfllAI amy in wuiwm wm-B fay lo render advisory aslrt- K i0 (GUuiiiiiK vviutuiiD uuou- II. ;. w, amun, county tRcni ifr of the extension service ii the ?ct-up of vnrlous corn- l-Mtln the lnlr nnH thr rmiii. lind use committee, with lh the velcrnn's advisory com- ;: Him inc iiKKtintiiitu jjuau TOPS NATION IRTLAND. Nov. 18 &l bion topped the nation In Oc- k: wal recrumnn, lining ioj ! Km of lit quota, RlnJ. Bcr d P. Cody, district command ! o.!iccr, said lotiay. Puppet Dies ft VhO1"7 ft J ' CWf.Vt Tthphoto) Want Chlnj-wol, Jnpnncc-pon-aored prraldent and premier of the Chlnf e NnnklnB Clovommont, whoae Irnili waa announced by Tokyo. Wnim, rruurded by i lie OmuiKklnt Oovornnirnt aa Clilna'a No. 1 traitor. tillered the Jap honpllal In which he died In March, aller an operation on old bullet wound Inflicted by would be aaaaaaln. ' dmssino 4Mj,,?jxr Weekly Market Trend rltior'i Nfitat Th following markt Information la tuppllH from mUnrlnl obllnr over thn govtrnmant lrr wir (n 1h off Irn of the xtnilrn rnnomiit al Oriinit 5 fata col )-(, 'I ha material, In tha form of wtrnkly aum miry of Iranrfn In tha llvnitck market la not InUndtrl to roplao day by day markat raporta.) Tha rafijlar flow of livaatorh to mar kaU waa contldt rahly dliruplrd by tha taction holiday mnt by Umli'd trading in Armlilka Day. Thta contrlrnitad to vry aciivt markat on Monday. No. venihar 13, whan alauahtarara wera on hand to build up auppliaa for the week'a t'ATTI.R MANKfTR Tha aupply of mltla at North Portland Monday wai limited lo only IWXK) hal, ana prirai on cnnti mort fad a1ari ad vanced ai milh NO f onlK, wlilla Allia c-lauaa uara up 23 cnU from last waak'a rloaa. Good antra fold no to 115 and rnndlum fraia iUtra to a12.ft0. HMVrP AND I AMI! MAIIKKTK nvrajipia m tna aiiaap dlvlalon at North Portland on Novambar 11 war noarly dniiblt thot of weak earlier but tri ln wa ictve and prkat firm lo 31 rinU hlfhrr than laat waak'a cloie. One load of fJ woolad lamha brought I3M while truck-lna ranged from U.ftO lo 13.70, Federally Impeded ilaughter of lamha In fUptemhor waa 18 per cant laaa than In flapUmbfr lftt-l, but 7par rent alxve average. For the flrat nine mnniha of thla year, however, tnineciad alaughtrr waa only 3 per rant under a year prrvloui and 12 par cant above aver- Hfth MARKRTff There waa moderate aupply of hois t North Portland hut trading waa active and p rk-ea advancrd '24 rente with ino 240 pound hoga ailing up lo tha calling of am 23. Merketlnfa of hog In the mldweat are Increasing but continue well below the record numbera of a year ago. federally Impacted ilaughter of hogi In September, according to flgurda re cently releaied hy the J1AE, were only 14 per rent of thai In September 1fH:i, During the flrat nine montha of Jftt4. however, the Inapected alauihter wai 2.1 per cant greater than during the tame period of 1043. Thlt la a reflection of the record ilaughter In the early montha of 1044. Hogs alaufhtered thli fall have averaged conaMerably lighter In weight than year ego. A very heavy movement of domeitlc wo'ilt occurred In the Uoitort market the pail weak- A large volume of fine end r'icnrn iapte, graded, and original bag territory won I a were aold following the awarding of contracia for more than one million yarda of Id-ounce aerge. Aa the aupply of quarter-blood fleece wool a became exhausted, buyer turned to the higher priced three-clghlha flttee and territory juerter-blond woola, 'I hrte type were nurrheied for ue In order for aork and aweater previoualy piared. flalca of Montana, original bag. bulk fine itapla wool were made al the fol lowing price: 43. 0 cenla, 47.2 cent, 47.0. 82 4. 0.1ft, and OS 2 centa. Graded half-blood Utah ataple wools with a ahrlnkage of 07 per cent aold at graaie price of W.fl cenli, while lota ahnnklng 31 per rant brought 90.3 rent a and ouarter-blood ahrlnktng 00 per cent waa 40 ccnu In the greaaa. imF"to mulch- BOZEMAN, Mont., Nov. 16 (A') Montana State college hort iculturists send out this SOS: It's time for victory Kardencr to mulch those strawberry planttr. Mulching Is best done with straw, often obtainable at homes of nearby milch cows, or old potato vines. The experts frown on leaves ra ked from lawns they smother wintering plant. If you're wondering, mulching keeps plant roots warm and comfy. TO ELECT DIRECTORS PORTLAND, Nov. 16 (R Eighteen directors will be elect ed at the annual meeting of the Columbia Empire Industries, Inc., hio tomorrow. Black Jeans C OREGON WOOLEN STORE Mala at lib ti i ! fed BIB BOTTLE 150 PIUS DEPOSIT CAHAD Cheerful Earful! Drink, mind with Canada Dry Water evan tound batter. "PIN POINT Carbonation" givei tham a tparkle you can hear . . 4 a livelineia that laita. RY WATER . w TANGYTOUCHhS ...J...I.L.. k. w laladi, cold maati NSj; aatoodi, oopatliari '. BEST PATENT Ml, Ih, LV"I, "."an .i;,"""- ."tit. '"hi, "l" '.;! ""ai Hwlthy apptlllat rqulr neolthM foods! Glv lh youngsferi, and grown ' "Pf too, pUnryof the kind f bread you mothers can foka wlfh Crown fn flchod Flour, 0WN"KlTCHINOUIIN"KOU CIOWM AHtAKI N WAIKI MM "OWN "MI.CHOIC,.. ,0U, CROWN WHIAT OHM 'NOW0,OMllMI5INlnua WNCAKirioJ. ? CIOWN8.AHAM(lOU 0WH.AITIrnoul cOWMMCWDWMIATH0M "VMWYIion, C0WNWH0tlWHIAT0tl sk ym mcK m crown UU iyujHM e-a i I VV. II ' tmM I I mm mm Easy to bake for Uae.laelame.aT aaIim m I nuiiuaj cauiig; THI HOLIDAY season is "just around the cor ner" and now is the time to think about the good things we can bake good things to top off any 6ne dinner! For example, a fruit cake or a special pie or a holiday pudding. ' DARK FRUIT CAKI 1 sua enriched flour 2 eupt aaedlese rai.ini 'l tap. nutmeg tap elevaa V, tip. aalt ' cup fhortentnt 'i cup brown aug firmly packed 4 .ggi Vt cup thinly aliced citron Yi cup thinly aliced candied orange peel 3 cup chapped nut meeta, peanuta, wel nuti, pecane, etc. Sift and measure flour; sift again with spices and salt. Cream shortening; Add sugar gradually, creaming until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, boating well after each addition. Add flour mixture gradually,, combining thoroughly. Fold in fruits and nutmeats; mix. Pour into loaf pan (8x5 Hx3) lined first with well-greased manila, then waxed paper. Bake in slow oven (275 F.) 2i hours or until done. Makes 1 loaf. Note: Cake is the "quick-baking" type. May be stored for only a few weeks. Safeway ttomtmakers' Burea:. JULIA LEE WRIGHT. DincUx Want proof? Make this easy tendei teat, -tub lightly with your fingertip across slice ot Mrs. Wright's Bread and do the same with your present bread. Bread that's been skimped on milk and sugar will feel rough and coarse. Mrs. Wright's Bread 'will feel smooth, satiny and tender. It's marvelous breadl Lb. Loaf IV2-6. Loaf 12 Guaranteed Fresh or Your Money Back! Values In Holiday Baking Needs! ci nne Hrve.t rwn M-lb. Ik. SI. 70 i'.i-lb. par. 32c BlMiom . I5-Ib. www BISQUiCK FLOUR Creeker SOFTASILK CAKE FLOUR 26c BAKING POWDER e 23c MARGARINE ( at,. Ik.) Lb. lie; 1-lb. 35c TR0C0 MARGARINE (S U. lb.) lb. pet. 25c VANILLA EXTRACT L 35c FLAVORING nvnf;:Dl SNO'WHITE SALTi'iu." GRANULATED SUGAR i"ic.T ... 33c -oi. bet. 10c : ni. 7c KARO SYRUPY 15c BROWN SUGAR " 7c Kitchen Craft Enriched, l AA I" La IX 50-lb. Sack $1,93 25-lb. Sack j),UU S H O RTE N I N G r' 3Lb-ju 59c BAKERS COCOA N. Llrnltl LARGE PECANS -lb. pis. . 1-lb. pkf. 10c 57c SUN-MAID RAISINS WTU, rVl 14c CHERUB MILK HONEY (1 point can) . Kraft Amer GRATED CHEESE ICE CREAM MIX SNOWFLAKE CRACKERS 3 cV.'. 25c . Mb. j.r 58C . S-.I. pkf. 9c 3,375.00 PANCAKE CONTEST Write in 25 words Which you prefer DOLLAR SIZE ? C ( OR K&FS COWBOY STYLE 107 CASH PRIZCS, Fret enfry blank and rules at SAflVAY SUZANNA PANCAKE FLOUR m-ib. m-ib. ie. aw 1 Pkg. 9c Pkg. Old Mill Pkl. Sodi. ... 1-lb. pkf. I2c 33c WESSON OIL For Cooking, Salads plnt 27c BotHe-" Duchess Salad Dressing Fresh-Tasting - 35e Eggs, Grade A Small Dozen . . . 43c CDCEI WHILE THE rlVEE. SUPPLY LASTSI The newest smash hit by Hoagy Car michaol, "My Christmas Song for You." One copy free with each pint or quart of NuMads Mayonnaise at your Safe wayl Hurryl NU MADE MAYONNAISE 47c TURKEYS Local grain fed government graded prime birds ... all number ona quality. Hens. ... .lb. 49c Toms . .... lb. 48c Standing Rib Roast 10 Lb. Cut. "A" Grade, (8R) Lb. Link SausageLTb!P45C iyP, 4, Lb. i w d Shoulder "A" Grade Lamp ivoasis (m Sirloin Steak Lb. 'A" Grade, (lanj Lb. Edwards Coffee lb. 28c; Mb. far 54c Nob Hill Coffee lb. bag 23e; 2 lb. 4Se Airway Coffee lb. bag 20c; 3 lb. 58e Canterbury T Va lb. 22c; Vt lb. 43e Champagne, Monte Criito 26-ox. bt. $1.98 Rip Olivet, Lindsay Select 16-oz. gl. 20c Tomato Juice, Sunny Dawn (40 ptt.) 46-oz. 21e Orangi Juice, Florida Sparkle, No. 2 con 18c Fancy Peal, Libby Sweet.. No. 2 can 16c Corn, Butter Kernel WK GB No. 2 can 15e Dal Maiz Nibletj 12-ox. can 14e Fancy Spinach, Libby No. IVt can 19e Libby Potted Meat No. Va can 6c Deviled Ham, Libby's 3-ox. can 16e Noodle Soup Mix, Lipton's 3 pkgi. 25e . Apple Butter, Libby No. VA jar 29 30c 35c 34c 40c Beef Roasts XZfSS'Itc Oysters Fresh Medium Sised ... Pi. 65c POULTRY U. S. Prime Hen Turkeys, lb. 49c U. S. Prime Tom Turkeys, lb. 48c We Are Pledged to Keep Prices Down! SUPER SUDS CONCENTRATED 23c 240s. Box LIFEBUOY SOAP For Refreshing Balht 3Rn.B.r. 20c At Close-Out Prices Roma .'.......25-oz. bottle $1.15 Crista Blanco . . .25-oz. bottle $1.27 Monte Cristo .....25-o. bottle $1.36 Madeira ,..25-oz. bottle $2.39 $AFWM PRODUCE! Safeway produce Is priced by the pound to save you money you pay only for what you gat. AppleS Medford Delicious Box 18 Yakima Spltsenburgs ......; 2 Lbs. 21 Yakima Newtowni 2 Lbs. 21 Yakima Winter Bananas 2 Lbs. 18c CRANBERRIES Weal Coatl, Lb. 39c HEAD LETTUCE Hc.dl, Lb. 11 Vie CELERY Golden Rear! . Lb. 8c GRAPEFRUIT Tax Vltika Lb. 10c YAMSu. Ke. i Lb. 8V2c DRY ONIONS Yellow Denver.... Lb. 5c SWEET POTATOES I'.: L 812C GRAPES Red Emperor Lb. L