.v.; 16, 1944 '' HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' PACE SEVEN hi returnca i" -k'I'ih It "iHlc'r-ln-luw. MM. I' iur slsler-ln-luw. mrs rttM.rJurt Whor 1.11(1, nc lir.M. "ii r. n.) Zumsky In .'i T n Iho Smith I'.ncUlc f" i,,V luiltlca off tho I'll I ! Mile i ot Mr' -hJrlM Click or w. fhioltr MMlinfl-'fhero will t"'r',a nf Iho Tail chapter t S T. s Biiin Phi at the homo In, lonlgm. uvii.v. - I. Hold 8.10-Tho Mother. ;ub of s"'."r", r, till hold ."D .i. . Mi-. Kp on N. 8th, Saturday, ioitmiwr m MtttThe Mothers chili or I m ri-Kuliir meeting 'In the f .mv Sudltnrlum . nt. 1:30 hl.iimtvil'i.tl 111. r.u i a ; Klidav at Fremont school to Kd J208.20, according to 0 re- Mil iruui flu Bcouti-The Sen Scout CmIIdi t thc i""'nry tonight, I0vtm"trl6, at 7:15. HIGH SCHOOL M-'ii'ri'iiiiisatiiiliiUNiiiiill a. JUAN1TA 8HINN niHord Rowe. Journalism In Ihwinr. loft for Portland this ilternoon to attend a meeting II the state com- frillte on tcacn-p -v Th Tp Toil-If k division of fee Girls' Lea jut, ro plan um lo 'vc a icilliy lea ioi- otflnf the k.-L. Hi .. I n fl ihiiiudbi v , n h w lkaa ntxtt iC! Leek, preceding t :.. ,','"1 he Thanksgiv-fcj, f vicallon which will be No. totter 23 and 24. Pelicans, high school radio nillsh class, will make its first Romance of the year tonight Jvrr KFJI at 8:30. Prizes will be offered at the lotkini. dance lo be held In ! ilrls . aym Frldov niuht for piouaest pair of socks. Every- pe in attendance w it check li shoes with his coat before iiering the dance. ... . . . . . ' Noon dances arc again mak- M sn aoDcarancc In KIIHS ne first one of the year is to ! iven tomorrow. Marcolyn llns. orcsldcnt nf llm Dn I1, tint), has general charge sn oi ine amices. However, ! ClUb Is divider! Inln four pmmiuocs, each taking a week um.iiiii eacn month. Dancing will be from 12:20 12:43 .on FrlHnvs nnri Ton. fyi. The Friday dances will be 'Wle the Tuesday dances will I io utincc. LEGAL NOTICES ttw x.ii.iin.iM fcriT; nJ""'1 C01IKT or THE KNTY0r "EaN fOR KLAMATH HHnVlS" r Tins estate or ftllttf. -norbn, Colt! h..v" .n." '"I'1 '"! Ih. ' 10:00 a If ,emlHir iut0).n, 7hip;iV cc""u " CATHEniNE CARPKB have ra ha 1 tftt, k.:--- "I FINAL HIITTI fcm .'."."y lvan thai Jii, I" A. M mBS'I, ,M4' ' "I F 11 "li Cm ,.' .'in;S n'1 '"e Iffis-" -Mat. of WANTED: Carpenter's Helper VOU ron'l.... .. ' a. L'"""ni! hnn teri ;,"n bit nbout led) "" 1 11cpd In .01"":" Pacific I Iter's Hi ,or y" . ft?- "c ncr - a vllnl llthv n J '"e "no U'. -"" nor work, hi I."."' siat on. T F " v Wl Vs.. .. re at "cd up), U rhic"so!1'ble prl c'eclUL0n ,the "no r with . vllnl b, vi" . Permanent Kt 3. .P.?. . Jvbi " rlu t..,. ' '' ran., n( hammer it car fn hns a Car-war building good rnra Good ces. nwny a limits.. Too with eep- war war itin-advantages B. P. your Holiday Basilar Women nf tho Flint ChrlHtliin church, hcucl cd by Mrs. C, S. Koucrtsun, will sponsnr li holiday huziuir, Sutur duy, December 2, In lliu lobby of uio rirsi reiii'iui niivliigs and l.onii company, comer nf Main mid Utli. Delicious home made mlncemenl and candies, all types of aprons for children and adults, anil a large iisHiirlmenl of gifts will be offered lit the biizaar. Vltltt Her W. L. Birdsell nf Mukegon, Mich., arrived in Klamath Fulls Tuesday to visit his sister and niece, Mrs.' Editli Snyder und J. K. Snyder, 500 Altamoiit drive. Mis. Birdsell will Join her liunhand In n few days. Shu Is visiting the S, A. Snyder family In Seattle, Racovtrina Betty Wright. daughter of Mr, mid Mrs. I. A. Wright, route Z box HIS. s re covering nicely at Klamath Val ley hospital lollnwing nn opera tion fur the removal of her ap pendix last Thursday. Betty is a Henley high school student. Servicemen's Invitation Blank Klamath people ore asked to mail this blank, filled out, to 817 Main street, USO headquarter!. Do It now! NAME ....... address '. : i. ; : city .... phone...;...; Purchis Kama Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Parker recently purchased the Hastings homo on Uikcshore drive, formerly owned by Phil Hitchcock, and will rcsldo there permanently. To Sacramento E. L. Ste phens, ucting superintendent of the local bureau of reclamation, Is In Sacramento, Calif., on offi cial reclamation business. He will return here in a few days. From U, of O. Maryellen Wright, n student at the Uni versity of Oregon, has returned to Eugene after a brief visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie B. Wright of Klamath Fulls. ' Surgary Vlcttn Garrett, 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Garrett of Tulelake, underwent major surgery Wed nesday at Klamath Valley hospital. Has Operation Clcsscn Mcch am, son of Mrs. Elmo Crapscr of route 2, is recovering at Klam- atn vulicy hospital following an operation for appendicitis. He is a student at Henley high. Belton Assured Senate Post, Report - PORTLAND, Nov. 16 Ml At least IS senators have pledg ed to vote for him as president of tho state senate, Sen. Howard C. Belton of Clacknmns county asserted here last night. A ma jority, 16, is necessary for election. Jackson County Sen. Earl Newbry's Portland supporters claimed 11 votes for mm. I wont torvicemcn for dinner on the following dates: Thanksgiving . Hour....; Christmas Hour.....'........ Other date Hour , I will pick boys up at Outpost USO Club........ COMMENTS: 'Simplified' Withholding Rate to Become Effective WASHINGTON, Nov. is WIT Some 30,000,000 wage- and sal ary earners were reminded by the Internal revenue bureau to day that the rate of withhold ing from their pay will change January 1. Under the tax simplification law passed this spring, the with holding rates were adjusted to collect the entire lax of persons with wages and salaries under $5000. Under the old law withhold ings were calculated to take only the approximate tax, leav ing a year end adjustment to be made. A table showing simple week ly withholdings to become ef fective when the new rates ap ply, January 1, follows: Withholding - 'si 1 I -Is I5 a so sun $11 $ .20 $ .00 $ .00 15 1.00 .10 .10 20 2.00 .30 30 25 3.10 1.10 40 30 . 4.10 2.20 50 35 5.10 3.20 .70 40 6.20 4.20 .80 45 7.20 5.30 1.40 50 8.20 6.30 2.50 55 0.30 7.30 3.50 60 10.60 8.50 4.60 70 12.80 10.70 6.70 80 15.10 12.00 8.60 90 17.30 15.20 . 11.00 100 19. DO 17.80 13.50 In mail cases the new with- whereas the new system col lects on specific dollar levels up lo $60 weekly. . , Malin Knocks Over Merrill Eleven, 6-0 In a grid battle between Mer rill and Malin at Merrill, Tues day, Malin upset the dope bucket by nosing out the - reputedly strong Merrill eleven, 6-0. The game was closely contested all the way through, although Malin had only played one previous tilt. That was a practice game with Sacred Heart academy some weeks ago. Joe Victorinc, Malin halfback, was the oustanding player on the field and chalked up some siz able gains. In another fracas that prom ises to ring the bell, Merrill rnects Henley, Friday at 2 p. m., at Henley. . Classifier Aas Brine Results INCHES QF SNOW REPORTED AT LUKE T. C. Parker, assistant super intendent of Crater Lake nation al purk, has moved his office to winter headquarters in the feder al building. Parker stated ' that recent snowstorms at Crater lake gave the park 31 inches of new snow. Up until Thursday, the road from the soutli entrance to the park headquarters has been kept open, said Parker, and Chief Ranger Clyde Gilbert has been staying with the new caretaker, who will remain in the park all win ter. Gilbert will leave the park Thursday or Friday, however. and the roads will then be al lowed to snow in for the rest of the winter. Gilbert will make regular monthly ski trips this winter for a snow survey and to inspect parK buildings and prop erty, according to Parker. America Needs Strong Merchant Marine, Asserts Rethmeyer PORTLAND, Nov. 16 . UP)- America needs a strong merch ant marine for Dostwar economic and military, security -and to- avoid anotner depression, ri. u. Rethmeyer, Seattle marine repre sentative of a national manufact uring company, said here last night. Rethmeyer asserted that broad expanses of ocean can no longer be counted upon to give the country time to build up a merchant marine-for another global war. ' Glommen, the principal river of Norway, is 400 miles long. Night Coughs Jf nue io cuius . . . eascu v! irfow' without "dosing". VICKS VA PO R u a Class to Present New Pelican Series Members of the radio English l ciuss oi rkiamam union high ' school will present the first hrnnrlract nf thn n,,ri of Pelicana tonight. Thursday, I The-members -of this" somes-S rers ciass arc uorothy Barlow,.. Bob Brown, Nita Cardellinl, Bil- lie Carson, Betty Christie, Frank- ie Jackson, Myrtle Jennings, June Lutman, John Ogle, Hollis Peace, Maxie Prentiss, Etta Mae Roberts, Betty Rugg; and Mao 1 Stiles...; ( ., . - ' 1 Classified Ads Bring Result. d I! 3 r Allen Adding Machines , . Friden Calculators . . . ' Royal Typewriters :.' Desks Chairs - Files For those hard-to-get items PIONEER PRINTING i AND STATIONERY CO. 124 So. 9th ' Klamath Falls holding will take slightly more from the pay envelope and sal ary checks than docs the present levy. However, it Is difficult to compare the old and new tables, because the old method collected the same amount of salaries within $5 brackets, Board to Visit State Institutions. SALEM, Nov. 16 P) The state board of control said today it would visit each state institu tion before approving institution budgets and their building pro grams for the blennium begin ning next July 1'. Secretary of State Robert S. Farrell Jr., said he would pro pose that money be borrowed from some dormant state fund to provide an extensive building program for the state- hospital. This money would.be repaid by fees paid by relatives , of some inmates. When you think of Insurance, think of Hans Norland, 118 North 7th St. Phone 6060.' AROMA! FLAVOR I STRENGTH! You need these three qualities in a cup of coffee to - make it tempting, delicious, and satisfying. And : you will always enjoy this triple-goodness when Hills Bros. : Coffee is in your cup. To insure this only the finest coffees are , chosen for the Hills Bros. Coffee blend. Then, by Controlled - Roasting an exclusive Hills Bros, process every berry is roasted to perfection. None overdone. None underdone. The result is matchless uniform goodness in every vacuum -packed jar of Hills Bros. Coffee you buy. No wonder drinkers of " Hills Bros. Coffee say, "Now that's what I call good coffee!" Trademsrks Reg.U.S. Pt. Off. W H &a4PHWf,JVW 1 . I I 1 1 EI I wrrmaHT l"i. Miua afwa.wnt.lMe, fVi' -"J1 Va KEEP ON BUYING WAR BONDS-AND THEN KEEP. THEM I The Store With the Glass Door 3 .a .., A Rorgeous New Assortment of Twills . , Gabardines .. Wool Mixtures . . Crones Superb Aqua . , Gold . . filue . ; Melon ; Sequin; and .Metallic Trimmings Adorable One: and Two-Pieee Style! f1 I f v : I ?" J kiss jfeisl r yvyP. Hl?1 .:.v: '-.''V.' . .. t . i 5v r I - . J I.... . -v , . .-I. I ........ I-', 'r Perfect for Dayand Night-Life ' ' Suedes . . Meltom . . Duv-Bloom Fabrics They're New . . They're Warm :- yZfit Our dlayauian Ptan , m ..... ""' S- P. Agtnt, 617 MAIN ST. Open Til 8:00: Saturday,