Ltrniih A Mr. WCWt KLAMATH fALU wnfcwwn mEKi-L-f mviT i - 1 ACE SIX ' i I ' ii am in ii mi""' ',,1 DOE SPEAKS ALL PARISH. MINIS UfU and SUfU El! I8J.2AA fo) MEETING HERE 1NEW line of bath luxuries has been added to Currin's already big selection . . . And these are lower in price because they're made in Hollywood and the freight or express isn't so muchl It's the Cire line (that should be an acute accent on the 'e In Cire) . . . With Swiss P ne Bath Oil In huge hsndpatnted H-ounce bottles lor only $2 00 . . . 16-ounce bottles of Bubbling Bath Oil, in a very sweet bou quet fragrance, also for 83.00 . And a Bubble Bath in pow der form, in handpainted box that might have its uses later for various other things, at a , m tr. a whnU rmund . Thl last comes in four frag Afoel THINK the new sequin trimmed hats are so intrigu- Iwmtt inj ,itH an T had a chance to examine a number of them careiuuy, wnue waitlne for Ann Lander to This last comes in iuur -- waiting for Ann Lanaer 10 ranees that I noticed, Pine, Jas- et tnr0UBn wjth a customer at mine, Carnation and Apple Moe., Millinery Department, 1 Blossom. took advantage of the time. (Naturally, the SO pr J Th. gtyling is so clever, with federal tax should be added to blt. o mgt-rj,i going this way the prices I mentioned). tnd tnat , , , You wonder how At l-iirrln'l For Drue's 840 Main Street, on the corner of Ninth. ... - and that . . . You wonder how v.a... .iA u AnH then the judicious use of black or colored sequins, few on one type of hat and a lot on another, indi cate good taste throughout But of course, these are Beth and Shorlon hats, and that's to be expected. This if the season of dress hats, you know ... So in addi tion to the new sequin-trimmed frivolities, Moe's has a wide se lection of ell types of feather trimmed hats . . . Which are proving as popular as they were last year. .' Incidentally, I noticed that -aa .BlHaa thnM llUrinEZ Russian shako styles in all the F IT'S liquor seta or glasses Kl.V.i'.. inr Htm to drink out of, Garceions w""" is the place to snop arouna QaceloHl I in . . . Not every kind of M. glass,. however, out an amai ing variety for the times, I think. , There are cordial glasses, wine glasses and martini glasses . . . Lots of the best looking sham-bottom highball glasses in 13 and 6-ounce sixes . . . They're really clever,. with bases of aAlM Vianri-f-llt prvxtaL .npMWt Ha hail a bis stock of liquor sets, -with decan ter, glasses and tray . . . Wine, cordial ana wniwej are . . . And. good-looking por able bars . . . (Not the big kind that you push, but . the small ones you carry) . . . And some lovely crystal decanters. : Lit course, were ue u-.w Moe's is at 512 Main Street. . In ease you don't know, Abbie Green is playing at Cal-Or these days ... Or nights, rather, except Mon days . . . With a dandy little orchestra that we're lucky to got out here la the wide open A Mrvnnni etitnmant of vouth- tuiiy siyieo. nnitnu ifMitM nn lmvea hi vvnv tars . . . in me earner .V.a.4aa wml'll W.nt fnr late Dimuvo jum " vn snri Wlntor wear.' and ui ram-ae. w which, inctaeroauy, ao sien- items, but I couldn't se everJ derlzihg Job; - thing yesterday-while I was in are tailored styles in uarceions . . . ui mom -f""- navy and green . . . Simple at- You can get bobby pins. In a little bullet-shaped contain er to carry Tu Pur At the Studio of Beauty en wn;uri n.aaam Ninth and Main Streets., . fairs for everyday hard wear, that cost only .o. A little dressier, but Just as utilitarian, are the one-piece al laira with adjustable peplums . . They're very trim looking . . .. Ana are .o, too. TTrtf ArK occasions there are a, cleverly-styled frocks with at- UtjlfL Stat tractive details .v. Black : or 7 wv brown with aqua trim, and blue THIS year, again. Your Store with pale, blue trim' . - And fhSTnea'for I Jfc SSSSgh "The X-l ... SehwmeVuertlon ciwV according to your a, to whether the doll? would &JJt2 !!B& "JJSTf" J mvters is at Ninth and ere., etc., line so nmnjr it -t.(. on much-wanted items; . Main Streets. f , . If you remember, tne aons are attractively dressed babes . . . Twelve character in each of the lines, which are named the Mother Goose line, the Toy. land series, and the Garden group ... They are about eight, inches high, and are boxed so that shipping is easy; Prices are $1.75, $2.35 and $2.50 each . . . And the dolls are attractive-enough novelties that grown-ups who collect character dolls will enjoy them as much as children. Your Store will gift-wrap and pack them for shipping, as usu- This country has a right to expect business statesmanship that matches its military leader ship, Rilea W. Doe, vice presi dent of Safeway Stores, Inc., told a large audience at the Thursday noon Kiwanis lunch eon at the Wlllard hotel. Talking on the subject, Ob jectives for Citirens," Doe listed as worthy objectives the win ning of the war, the exercises , nt,tM.htn nrlnrlnles. and the election of strong, sound men to public office. In emohasis of the need for real statesmanship, Doe dis cussed a number of national problems, including me mourn ing national debt. He reminded kl. lta.n.H 4l,at MrMV lUm-TPS- JII3 Itoiciica ...... ' " , j , sary debt incurrence is loaded unnecessarily on the shoulders of the sen-ice men who return fu, fl.klin. 4h nation's bat. ties. He pointed out that pres sure groups are constantly de manding things from govern ment that mean an added debt burden. . ..... , "Remember, ne saici. wiai somebodv Is always asking for miit holding our hands out to the govern ment. . . .He also criticized the "picayu- at.M a.fl.Flnif nt Vti ,l na-jt" hv bureaucracy and the vast vol ume of law being written ny bureaucracy "outside the eon- stitutlon: througn directives, orders, etc. He said there are now 3.000,000 federal employes exclusive of the armv and navy, and that in California there are 239.000 federal employes com pared with 30,000 state em- Doe urged real sacrifice on ...a Mnma ,m.t ,nn pnnmnu. tion by every citizen to the welfare of his community. He was introduced Dy Tea Medford. district manager of Safeway. Wives o' Klwantans were wests, as well as a num ber of Rotarians. Funeral Scheduled For Oregon Editor mr i AMnnv Nov 18 t!P David Arie Decook, 58, editor a. ,1 Vii.lnain nanaDAP fit thfl Tillamook Headlight-Herald who AtA t . Taction,! hocnital Mon. u.m i, a a i -- day alter, a nean attacit, win ha V,t,T.ta1 hara PriHav. Ua TnaA Kaon in-nnPf of the Headlight since 1929 to the time it. merged, with tne Herald ana continued as part-owner of the f r, m K l n a f inn His widow, Elsie, a son, David w., three brothers ana a sister survive. . His important role in making naval history in the destruction of the Japanese fleet oft the Philippines doesn't prevent Vice Adra. Mare A. Milher, carrier task fore commsnder, from cut ting a fancy cake with a smsll boy's gusto. He's pictured seated at a special mess aboard the aircraft carrier Lexington. TVta martmA n-"na im nnHlM- a major general commandant who receives orders from the secre tary of the navy. al, you know Street, 721 Main OME very lovely new -lines am 1 hava hn arirlM) at The Art V and Gift Shop, and Mrs, 1 1 Kierulff told roe the other YJ day that still more are ex- p e c t e a as- deliveries are made on tne items sne nas J 1 alnaa h. 'Ann VlPr hll band bought the store early this Vail When I wag In this week. I noticed especially the new fig urines ... And I want to tell ..... aUa.. Iham There is the California Dresden- line, with the exquisite de tails and delicate coloring that made the original Dresden china famous. rruaa. ! tho CnrAav line Of dainty china figurines, which i-,Kl"n M 4l.a lir-aal V,a 4nlH ma IK mflOP DV rElUKCCS H vyi- x ic, .tie name uwi" w ... -r lor'- Wallrviner inj Polnf from Drpsdea nOW- living 1H H Store" fool you, you new- Philadelphia.. ' ; comers . . . Because Goel- And the Knox creations in . . . . . if.. i 4.- HamiAe ier s ines xo nave an Kinas cnina ana puneijr . . . o things for the home, in animal and bird figurines, this addition to wallpaper and paint house puts out beautiful mm a a MHM i. uAm iiiro raarottf. boxes nnu iiiuic Dvuvrv to muoh In all tl,a tlmo There are framed pictures of all sizes, on all subjects, and of all types . . (Just about) ,.. . Mirrors, whatnot shelves and various gadgets for the home. I even saw a big stock of real leather picture frames . . . And noticed Imitation leather ones, too ... As well as goodlooklng wooden frames. Goeller's is at 434 Main Street , . . (Down by the ration board). Heads Leyte Japs - nrst , .""aim r -w:-r.-Jiiaj)i. W.a. ..ajL.jl j V.; r mfivy Lt.-Gen. Shiro Maklno, above, commands Japanese, opposing the American forces on Leyte ' Island, in the Philippines. He r is believed to head the infamous Iflth Division, which General MacArthur said "did the dirty work on Bataan." Today On The Western Front By The Associated Press Tf tt-k l.rmKerCV which cloaked its operations tor montns was umiip day and it was disclosed to be operating in Holland un der Lt. pen. William H. Simpson. U. 8. 1st Army Timed to coincide with an offensive by the 9th army to the north in Holland, plunged forward in tne Aacnen -tremendous aerial and ar- .:ila-u VtAmhorHmant. U. S. 3rd Army Drew the net tighter arouna tne iri ress of Met, guarding the Saar area, by advancing to within a mile and a half of h eltv. French 1st Army Plowed ,. rA An a 2R.mlle front to within 11 miles of Bel- fort, on the extreme souinem 1 4V,a f-nnt British 2nd Army Drove to within 38 miles or uussei j.a an tha Rhlnp. cainine from seven to eight miles from the jump - on oi no . i i T1 .1 1 nlfnnclVR. soutnwes. nuimuM W..V.,..... ti B 7h Armv-Took Ste Pole,; 42 miles from Stras bourg. ... . , . r...jl ! Armv Hold Ing south of the Maas river in Holland. SHEEPLIHED SLIPPERS OREGON WOOLEN STORE SM Mala aaJ You really ought to see them , .j. At The Art ana uui onuji, 819 Main street. Currin's now has some more of thosa wonderful pro-fesslonal-type hair brushes . . . With blaek nylon bristles that do a perfect Job and Just about never wear out . . S2.2S , , . At Currin's For Drugs . . , Ninth and Main Streets. Portlanders Observe 70th Anniversary PORTLAND, NoV. 1 W) They remember well when Lin coln was president and the dem ocrats "kept very' quiet," said Mr. and Mrs. John Billman here yesterday on their 70th wedding anniversary. Both of them, former Indiana residents, ' are in good health. John, at 92, has his own teeth and said he never had indulged in coffee, tea, alcohol or even milk. First Church of Christ, Scientist, : Klamath Falls, Oregon Announces a FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE , EntitM Christian Science; The Way to True Peace .. By ; THOMAS I. HURLEY, C.S.B., f LouitvilU, Kentucky Member of the Board of Lectureship ef the Mother Church The First Church of Christ, scientist, in Boston, Mass. In Church Edifice Corner 7 0th and Washington Friday, November 17 8:15 P. M. The Public Is Cordially Invited To Attend St. Paul's Episcopal Church Saturday, Nov. 18 -- Beginning at 10 A. M. PARISH HOUSE Corner 8th and Jefferson Farrell to Ask Extension of Motor Drivers' Licenses ciT.m Nov. 10 iri octiw i ci.ta p-hart S. Farrell Jr., said today he would aslc the legislature to exiena muiui v- . . . . i 1Iaanaaa 4r- annlh. nicie anvers UVCiWC v TU. llaan.aa nritfinallV WCT& to have expired in 1943, but the letriKiature exienaea inciu. j-ai- aT, .alj (ha ..uaniiA 1 nnl TK"H. i aj ulc nffiro larlrfl mif. cu, oiiu iiw. 7. ficient help to mall out new ones, i Overseas Gl's Sent 40,612 Tins of Food rnnVAT.T.IS. Nov. 18 (JPt Gl's overseas were sent 40,612 tin cans of food as i,nris;mas treats from Oregon, the Oregon State collese extension service reported today. fruit canes, nara canmoo, J., Attn nnneoa rnfffti- Slid akaaaa. W m T A 'M-nlpr! intO the cans at county extension offices as a special service, tsenwwi county sent the most cans . -a , a .lit. On.O. 7KUH. i .inn wax tip, i. wiui dui.. then JacKson, wim oaoo. , If It's a "frozen" article you need, advertise for a useo. one in the classified. Flersheim SHOES Stetson HATS Aprons Tea Towels . Novelties: Toys, animals, dolls, baby clothes e Cooked Food Country Store Candy White Elephants BOOTHS For Your Ploasure ' Hot Coffee and Doughnut 1 10c FORTUNE . TELLING booth by ' ONE WHO KNOWS ALU BEST WISHES CLOTHING COMPANY Compliments DISTINCTIVE APPAREL Phonv8222 901 Main Foulger's Beautiful Shoes Sportswear 525 Main Currin's For Drugs Klamath Falls' DRUG and COSMETIC Center Prescription Speclqllsts 9th and Main Phone 4514 Svansen's Barber Shop 623 MAIN Service Always! Centra! Meat Market QUALITY MEATS 0. F KONSCH0T 906 Main St. flrtttfoiu Facta ry-CaatralUe' ItECAPPIXG 4X0.14 7.00 t Orad A QnalHr Oamal- back OnannUad SaUsftction lfe Eatlon Certificate Xeadsd . STORES S2T Main Phone 3234 Protection for All the Family CaU Northern Life Insurance Co. LIFE ACCIDENT HEALTH 3-in-l 803 Medical-Dental Bldg. Phone 3423 James Patterson, District Manager Compliments KLAMATH FALLS BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND H.E.rlauger! YOUR BUICK DEALER HOME LUMBER and SUPPLY CO. Goeller's Wall Paper and Paint Store PITTSBURGH PAINTS PHONE 6704 434 MAIN Klamath Falls, Or. WeVe Always Glad to Help You! ' CARTER'S FINE Corner 7th and Pin FOOD?