PACE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON November 1 Farm Production Goals Set by WFA For Record Year WASHINGTON, Nov. 16 jP War Food Administrator Marvin Jones called upon farmers today lor another all-out production year In 1945. Assuming continuance of the war in Europe until next sum mer or next fall, and consequent heavy military and lend-lease de mand, Jones set production goals closely resembling 1044's. . "We must make certain,' Jones s.-ld, "that we have plenty for our armed forces, for civil ians, for our allies and for relief needs. "We cannot risk the possibility of a shortage." Jones recommended about the same total crop acreage as plant ed this year, but with some changes as to individual crops. His livestock goals call for slight increases in the number of pigs farrowed, in milk produc tion and in beef cattle slaughter ed but a 16 per cent reduction in egg production. The 1945 goals and the 1944 planted acreage or production, respectively, include: Wheat 67,640,000 and 66,705, 000 acres. Corn 99,606,000 and 99,606, 000 acres. . Oats 44,023,000 and 44,023,000 acres. Barley 14,483,000 and 14,483, 000 acres. Rye 2,515,000 and 2,325,000 acres harvested. Dry beans, 2,340,000 and 2, 340,000 acres. Dry peas 457,000 and 746.000 acres. Flnx seed 5,000,000 and 3, 285.000 acres. Sugar beets 951,000 and 646, 000 acres. Potatoes 3,100,000 and 3,084, 000 acres. Truck crops, fresh, 1.683,000 and 1,852,000 acres harvested. Hay and hay seed crop, 68, 053,000 and 65,161,0000 acres harvested. Milk cows on farms 26,347,000 and 26,112.000 head. Hens and pullets on farms on January 1, 420,000,000 and 515, 000.000 head. Chickens raised 700,000,000 and 745.800,000 head. Chickens, commercial broilers, 213.000,000 and 213,000,000 head. ' Ttirkevs raised 35,666,000 and 35.666,000 head. Pigs, spring crop 57,000,000 and 55.925.000 head: fall crop 33.000.000 and 32,000.000 head. Cattle and calves slaughtered 35.000.000 and 33.900.000 head. Sheep and lambs on farms, January 1, 50.000,000 and' 51, 718.000 head. Milk produced on farms 120. 000,000,000 and 118,200,000,000 pounds. Eges produced on farms 3, 920,000,000 and 4,676,000,000 dozens. If it's a "frozen" article yo-j need, advertise for a used one in the classified. Pablo Poses At i i & V J Pablo Picasso; renowned Span ish artist who worked on un molested by the Germans dur ing their occupation of Paris, is shown in his studio in intimate pose with one of his creations. A map with its center at the North Pole accurately shows three-fourths of the earth's" land area, on which 90 per cent of the earth's people live. FESTIVAL SHIED Groundwork for a spring festi val to be held about the first of May for Klamath county home makers, was laid Monday after noon when members of the Klamath home extension county committee put their heads to gether at a regular meeting of the group in the office of Hume Demonstration Agent Winnifred K. GiUen. County committee members plan to attend a festival in one of the neighboring communities before making final plans for the one in this community. Other matters taken under ad visement by the county commit tee included a special meeting for cxtensionists on time and mo tion saving methods of doing household chores, to be conduct ed in January by Mrs. Gillon. The group made plans for a speaking tour of extension units and other civic organizations by Dr. James Miller, Portland, a speaker on the value and ap preciation of democracy. Women in attendance at the Monday county committee meet ing were Mrs. Rex High, chnir man, Poc valley; Mrs. W. S. Met ier, Altamont; Mrs. Davo Camp bell. Bly: Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick, Merrill, and Mrs. William Wil liams, Henley, and Mrs. Gillcn. Tax Information Available At County Agent's Office With December 15 the import ant annual income tax date for farmers, the county ngent's 'of fice has obtained a supply of ex- New Master i (- S. E. Kirk, above, has been elected grange mailer of the Fort Klamath grange. planatorv bulletins, report blanks, and other information for anv farmers in Klamath county desiring such assistance, County Agent Henderson announced to day. The bulletin, issued by the United States department of agriculture, is entitled "farm Bookkeeping and the Federal In come Tax." It is a revision of a similar bulletin issued a year ago and brought up to date in lino with the provisions of the 1944 tax law. While the Individual income tax act of 1944 simplified some of the requirements, it did not materially affect the prob lem of determining the net profit from farm operations, Henderson explains. S. E, IK ELECTED S. E. Kirk, a full-blooded In dian of the Klaniath reservation, has been elected as master of the Fort Klamath grange. Kirk attended a meeting of tho Po mona grange at Malln on No vember 11 to recelvu special In structions, and will participate in the joint installation of sub ordinate grange officials to be held at Henley on December 13. Kirk Is one of nlno candidates for tho two positions of tribal delegate to Washington, at an election to bo held oil the reser vation November 18, Tho Klamath Indian received considerable attention last sum mer when ho attended tho stale grange session. Kirk attended the Carlisle Indian school and has been a member of the Klam ath Indian business committee for 20 years. Wilson Sentenced To Life Imprisonment PORTLAND, Nov, IB (Tl -A former prisoner of the Ger mans and CBS correspondent in Europe predicted today thai a completely communistic Eu rope "Is most likely" after the war. Charles M. Barbe nredicted that most of the people In Eu rope and tho British Isles would vote communist If n free elec tion were held now. iSi hurkys .Ot-' ' cotmsr :l rvj SOMEBODY'S SLOGAN CLOSES 1 l t ABOUT ME WILL ,J1TX JvJtt, i ' UPtJi win a i,ooo.oo 30 :;1 J "5 - Easy-to-enter contest! Simply write a slogan about the man on the bag of Drifted Snow Flour 1 Take a good look at this man! He'll inspire you to write a slogan! Why, the first idea that pops into your head may be a winner! And remember . . . this contest is for Westerners only ... no national competition! I Help yourself to theie helpful hints . "Master of succeeiful baking"! That's an apt type- of slogan for the man on the bag, because whenever you see him you know the flour inside the bag is dependable. The baking per formance of Drifted Snow "Home-Perfected" Flour .is tested regularly by 117 western women right in their own kitchens. "Friend, of four generations"! A slogan something like this would be appropriate for the man on the bag, because Sperry Flour has been a favorite in western homes for ninety-two years. "Guardian of good health"! That suggests itself as a slogan because Drifted Snow Flour is vitamin and mineral enriched. "Bakes everything better" comes to mind as a slogan when you' consider that Drifted Snow is an all-purpose flour . . . successful lor baking cakes, cookies, hotbreads, pastry. Get into thit contest nowl Send at many slogans at you likel Think what a thrill to be the proud winner of a new War Bondl Read Rules below! Contest closet November SO I "Sperry," "Drifted Snow," 'Home-Perfected" and "M.rtha Meid." re regUtercd trade-marki of General Milts, Inc. 1 w mm FIRST PRIZE $1,000.00 WAR BOND 2nd Prize.. $500.00 War Bond "V io Prizes of $100.00 War Bonds 7. . ,, (toe nn lif.. d.-J- izv rrizes or nj.uu nui duiiu ?.jf , (MATURITY VAlUtl v Jjkx IWON-WITHTHE FIRST SLOGAN I THOUGHT OF This COULD happen to you fnfer this contest today! 1. Write a slojrun ttnout'the mnn on the but; of Drifted Snow "flome Per f cried" Flour. Print the RloRftn on the hand entry blank at rfcrht or on one tilde of n plain sheet of paper (entry blank alto available at srocera). Matt entry to Sperry Slogan Contest. Oakland. California. Your envelope most be postmarked before Hi Id night November 30, VJH. The cover of a Martha Meade recipe folder from any site tack of Drifted Snow Flour must bn aent with your entry. You mar end m many entries as you with, provided a separate recipe folder cover accompanies each entry. 3, Slogans will be judged on the bavls of aptness, uniqueness and originality. 4 The judge will be Professor Royal A. Roberta of the University of California, The judge s decision will be final and binding, S. All entries become the property of General Milts, Inc., and cannot be returned. 4. In ease of ties, Identical prlxee will be awarded. , . Contest Is open only to residents of Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon Utah, Washington and Wyoming. No person connected' with Sperry Flour or 1U , advertising agency or their families Is eligible. 7 r, .V- Sperry Slogan Contest, Oakland, California I am attaching the cover of a Martha Meade recipe folder from a bag of Drifted Snow Flour. The slogan I suggest for tho man ' 2 on the bag is: Street or R. F. P. City State 1H WEATHER VtlniU)'i November in. lull Mux, Mlit. i'rci'ln Ktiit 4H ai .imi Klmimtlt rail 4(1 111 ,tw NurranientM . d'J ,IH Noiih lieuu n 411 .Ml I'tirtUiui ti: ;ia am MmUoitl u . M J.l ,ut Hrlm O Jf .IK) Halt ri-aitctst'U - fl'i 41 .(H Heattlfl 4U JO .00 Cliiswiiipfl Ana Mnnw IhtsulU Flannel Shirts Fancy or Plain Colon OREGON WOOLEN STORE Growers! See Tom Thorn before you Nick Delis Ct 8n Ft.n Branch rMii- w..reH., i pww tiiain ad depend on flavor Schilling Schilling Coffee Thanksgiving and Emil'sl Best Combination of All to uMavaMaBMMiaaauaHaat TURKEYS! ys No. 1 Birds Lb. 49c Get Your Turk.y Early KauScM 1 ai Supplies Are Limited WffTJf. Pork Roast lb. 31c Boil Meat lb. 21c Pork Steak ..... lb. 31c Sausage ....... lb. 29c Pur Pork Ground Beef .... lb. 29c Chuck Steak ... lb. 30c Veal. Grade AA PRUNES PkI. 36c PEANUT BUTTER Aklppjr I6.CI. Jar 34c ALMONDS Fanrjr Soft Hhrll Lb. 69c APRICOT PRESERVES r 49c WILD PLUM JELLY 0. Jir 60c WESSON OIL :. 52c V-8 COCKTAIL ,,0. T, 30c SUNBLEST PRUNE JUICED; . 27c SUNMAID SEEDLESS RAISINS l.i. PukM , IOC BLUE KAR0 SYRUP ..,... 39c Lyon'i Grenadine 24-o. bottle S5t Dull's Ginger Bread Mix 14-oi. pkg. 22t B1'iul:t large pkg. 3lt Krutteai Pie Mix 17-oi. pkg. 24 1 Cinch Corn Bread Mix Pkg. 19i At Lower Pricrt Fruit Cocktail in, Dodge brand No. 1 tall tin (40 Pu.) (J. S&W Fruit Cocktail J No. 2 i tin (80 PH.) jjjk Apricots CHB WhoI, pw .J In Heavy Syrup. No. 2 h tin (60 PU.) j. Peaches j Hun't Supreme Freaitont. No. 3'( tin yy( CHB Cocktail Sauce, 2S; CHB Catsup ., 50 Point,. 14-Oi. Botll. L Royal Club Peas J Small tweet tender peai. Ne. 2 Ho I Wadhams Beans Vertical Pack, No. 2 tin Diamond A Corn No. 2 tin Royal Club Corn Cream Style. No. 2 tin Royal Club Beans Fancy Sliced. No. 2 tin li SWANSD0WN CAKE Poll Toaitlai i ami t uuu 1'iafuitiiaitv .. r- ix ran iiiraeiv tt nip r Sanka CoHeo Mb' lul 1 FLOUR 3 U-m. pUj pint l 14 Cranberries. ..... ... . . . . Ib. 39c Sweet Potatoes . . . . . . . . 3 lbs. 25c Delicious Apples, Ashlan d . ... . .3 lbs. 2c Celery, extra fancy . . ... . - IR- "lc Cabbage, solid heads . . . . . . . lb. c Potatoes, Klamath Netted Gems ... 12 lbs. 45c Banana Squash . . ... ; . - . . .Ib,7 Palmoliv. Soap, bath liie 2 bar. New Crop Walnuti, M.d. SIM M Cry.t.l Whit. Laundry Soap 4 bar. 196 .. . M.d.. No. t M ounnrlte Cleanter ; llrl 5 "" - Peeli Granulated Soap piig, 281J Slufled Ollvei, Grandee 6N-01' aup.r Sudi pkg 23 0rtB 0UvMi Llbby, J-oi. 1 4 I Pumpkin I Shrimp I I Snowdi No- 2! Tin IHC size. Tall Tin 35C clan -- 1 I I J Crisco I (Ft Offlj