Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 15, 1944, Page 9, Image 9

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jf financing for Export
grow E Yed for Congress
An Nov. IS (!')
5H'N.Trlv,,te fln.no-
iovern'"- ,m .x.
....iiicsi in. i"
1,,c "... i.i tin' country 'i
IW" .-J I., hn I'L'L'uni-
'fu'r "lu.Lcvcli'a ceo-
'CSZ, It ilioiiM bo
Approach tl.o r nl
nor volume '1 hlit -"ffloly
n I will Do
f S iic wd i'!''v"lu-7!,c;
,,Vne plana to procure
'!'; .inkooo worth of
i ihta 'country durliiK lhr
f,V iwo muin liicu. .rede
I'm fr o 8"vorV
irt o( "' program Ik
n. fxoort-lmporl
'iveral llim. nvrr unci re
orcwnl r'lii'H" which
t from miiKiiiK ioiiiw in
llfBP. Him,
lending authority Is
t", handle Ihls pn-it-wnr
a md lot the oximrt-lin-
jnk continue i ii-tiiiu
m.AinwIwn flnnncinK. In
cu, It l contemplated
fcmnt loans woum i c
,ol Weresleil mid only for
UMlUI pronufuvu i-nu.-i-
Mlm nilmliilslriillon ex-
jiree that the ,'ohnaon net
iltlnf loans to nnuona
imoki ron rrni.iCATiON
laillr N. JUS
i or ohkgon in and run
mm or KLAMATH.
OlAMMAflTIN Defendant
iltllam Mrtln, Defendant:
,: you sre ueisuy n(Huiu tu
u4 iniwer the Complaint filed
rur atski of I ho tlili or the first
ca w thlt HuiiDtiuna in in
MM, a newspaper printed and
4 la Xlamalh county. Or rum,
utd lime ia Mm ISIh (lay of
tr, IHl. and If you fail to
(Of wnt tharcof the l'ialntlfl
U is the Court for tit relief
lit in rur compiaini. to hii.
btt of abselule Divorce.
Em irtntlfif the Plaintiff Ihe
uiody and control of the said
km of Plaintiff md Defendant;
wen enter anu further rellal
Ms Court may Mtm Jit and
fcjinmoni t iirvrd upon you by
em, pursuant io an urner or in
Vandenbarg. Judge of tho
;ntia court, mana and an fared
Uw Hlh day of Novembar WU.
crdfr rtquirei that Mum mum
t publlihrd once a wrek for
I'Ctuivt wreki, ami that the
i dm pttblicjtllon of Summon!
i im latn uay 01 r(ovei)ibr,
II. .
Aitornty for Plaintiff
, P. 0. Addreu
13 Mclhaie llldff.
Klamath rII. Or a.
IB; D, S-No. 22tf.
p circuit t.ourtT or thk
mlii uuhijon nowEN, a
brCharln r. rncki. and Mamie
t. Mi wife.
IN C. BOWrN. falhfir nf the
rumrt lianlcy Oordon nown.
if htnbv Clfoif ainrt h-,,IJ
j uov" miiien unuri
iw wimin' rour wecKi from
K II, IMt. to i how catlM. If
rra ha. iwhv n.ni
Iln Prayln for an order and
la hli Court thai the abovo
piinwy cortjfin Dnwfin be adnpt
Pi Petitioner and the name of
;" .""' " Stanley Gordon
I i rtof 0,,,, ,'"(',, wwk fr
fc,.il!.(,,?.?,L lh bov- entitled
wK R. HltORT
S rwB' Mll Cmirt
I D. M3-No. J3I
which dcfntilted on Ihclr World
war I tleutu must ho cither re
puttied or u)uicclecl.
Roadside Planting
Of Trees Planned
SEATTLE, Nov. 13 (!)
full iipproviil for ninkliin L 3
1'iiclflc: northwest un "cveiKreeri
plnyKround" for future tourist
irnfflc, the West Const Lumber
men's nssoelutlon nnnoimcod
Inst nlKlil that n half million
mrikIIIiikn of I'ort OlfonI cedar
and Uouiilus fir from the stock
of tho Forest Industries line
nursery at Nlsqually, Wusli.,
Iinvc been earrnnrked for freo
supiily to special school and
roadside forest plaullni! proj
ects, The nssoelutlon cited ns nn
example of rondslde Improve
ment, the project begun last
winter olonn tho Wolf Creek
hllihwny In Orciton from Port
laud to the coast. Work will
continue this year with exten
sions to the Wilson Creek high
way, both hlifhwnys running
through lands ravaged by flrus
In 1033.
PENDLETON. Nov. 15 ll'l
The population of Orciion, Wuah-
nuiinn and Kinno snould Increasi
2.0110,01)11 through development
of tho Columbia river. Rep. Low
ell Stockman, Pondleton, raid
hero before leuvlng for Washing
ton U. C. Stockman was re
elected to congress for n two
yenr term.
If It's a "froten article you
noed, advertise for a used one
In the classified.
ftala of Timber, Klamath Indian fUa
rvauoit, bk alloc Draw Compariineni.
Healed httla in uupuvate on (orma pro
viued lharrir, marked uuliido "lild
ttkptttifk Draw Coin par IniriU Timber
Unit." and ddreari to the "Superin
tendent, Klatnalli Attcmy. Ureinn.' will
tw received until 2 u clock p. in. Pacific
War Time, November 27, IVU for the
purchase of mercnaniauit timoer on a
tract within the Klamath Inuian lie
rvatlon, Ureaon docrtUeU at lit UKcl-ioi-k
Draw Compartment Timber Una.
ih Unit Include about UUU limbered
Acrea with ait animated cut of 30.uoO.two
feet II M. tt Ponderoaa 1'nir and augar
.in.t, i,l which about l.niU.OOU feat U ftl
of ponaeroaa pine atanda on about JJo
acrea of alloud landa. for wnicrt aeparaie
annmvtd contract! muet aftarward ba
made with alloiuea deairlng to aell, and
on terma almilar to the contract for tha
unallutled tlrptwr. Each bid must atate
the price par thouaand feet U.M. tfcrlbner
Decimal C Ug hen la, that will ba paid
for tlmtiar cut ana acaiea prior iu any
railitiitmnt of rata aa auarltied In
tha contract. No hid will ba cone lUe red
for Icaa than 7.ou par thousand feel
n m tnr naitdarosa and Buaar pinea,
3.00 par thouaand ft B-M. for Douglas
fir and Incense cedar, and tl.90 per
thouaand feat 11. M-, for other iiwciei.
Under the regulation of tho Office of
1'rlce Administration enuueti -ninximunt
rlce ItrguUlInn 4(U Western Tlmlwr."
ntaxlinum prices have been Imposed cf
fnctiva August 31. UM3 which limit ad
rfiKruiK in iha mliilmum accenlablo bid
prices. These are on file In the office
of the Superintendent. Klamath Auoncy,
Oregon and are available to all Interest
etl lit thle unit, earn uiu niuai we as
rnmnanlnri bv certified check In the
amount of 99.000 on a solvent Bank,
payable to the Special Disbursing Agent,
Klamath Agency. Oregon. The deposit
will h returned to unsuccessful bidders.
Tha deposit of the successful bidder
will be annlled as Dart of tha purchase
price, against timber actually cut on this
unit only, or retained aa liquidated
damagea If the bidder ahall not execute
contract and furnUh satisfactory bond
for $15,000 within M riaya from accept
ance of this bid. The right to walva
technical defect a and reject any or all
bids Is reserved. This sale la made in
furtherance of tha war Program to aa
slat In maintaining lumbar production
during tha winter monlha of NH4-1043.
If two or mora hldi, at or above tha
maximum prlcea prescribed liy Mi'H no.
inn. in received they will all ba con
sidered as If made at tha maximum
allowablo price, and tha contract award
erf In arror dance with the nollev ex
pressed In Departmental memorandum
of January 5, 1044. Copies of this mem
orandum arc on file at tha office of the
.superintendent, Kiamain Agency, ure
aron. and may ba referred to upon re
quest. The Contract will specify that all
deslgnaied timner snail ne cut ana re
moved front tha unit prior to April I
1P40. For conies of Ihe contract, re an
latlona. map of the tale area, blanks
for submission of bids, and other Infor
mation, apply to tha Superintendent
Klamath Indian Agency, Oregon,
Dated thla 11th dav of November, 11)44,
at Washlniiton, D. C Oscar 1. Chapman,
Aaalatant Secretary of tha Interior.
N. 13-22 No. 32(t,
IP I I 111 $775
Pi i
Bright Buttons
trim this classic dress
with a festive air! Just
one from huge holiday
irny featuring wft rayon'
flannels in white or winter1
pastels. Sites 12 to 18.,
nn iiinidi inn m
, imilim 1 1 Aim uu.
iss iouwt rrs T.
.W " "it nlllng pat h cmplisnt. Dk SmimiiI (vbl
Carload Potato Shipments
(Higuroa from State-V'cderal Inspector Roaa Aubrey)
Innl S..f,n 1044-4 Baalim IS4S-44
Nov, 10 Hitmuii Nov, to B,on
Jtu. Il.llv ii.ii to ii.i. Dally Oat. lo D.l.
I 108 105 3442 36 36 3IIMI
a Ma 347ti Hia si 3au
u 303 a 44 gs JS7
a sun :ioua 40 iaa as7
.... 3118 TODS SO IS 3.147
(a 3J1 3(W 46 331 M:i
S3 .103" 3730 1 33 M4
' US 4i 37DS SO 301 34M
a s:i si 4 liiiai 71 372 3034
0 n S73 :miiii 04 436 33ns
10 37 IWO M4 17 403 36S5
II .... M0 !iil46 46 830 J701
' 88 (1(17 40O4 48 S7 374ir
13 MS J757
H 2d 62J 37SS
IS "'" S3 67 8 28.18
18 78 7, 3,14
17 SS S10 3073
IS S3 SOI 3034
I" 47 S 3101
30 8 44 3106
31 " lOOS 3167
33 71 1063 3348
33 04' 1U7 330
34 Z. 1147 3309
26 . " 3388
3" 84 1247 340S
27 139S 3418
38 87 1313 3478
S3 1.T06 385S
. "
Crlo1 1308
Overloads and Trucklota 362
CHICAOO. Nov. 16 fAPi- Polatoea: ar
rivals 110; on track 220. total U. B. ship
ments 83d; auppllca moderate; for west
Urn stock! demand good, market very
firm at celling; for nest quality northern
atnek: demand fair, market steady;
Idaho Husset Hurbanks. U. S. No. 1,
;i 2.1-3.3B; Washington Itusscl Uurbanks,
U H. No. 1. Nebraska and Wyom
ing lllls Triumphs. U. S. No. 1, 3.2i;
Colorado Ked McClurea, U. 3. No. 1.
3.24; Minnesota and North Dakota Ullss
Triumphs: commercials 2.30-2 35. U. S.
No 1 washed 2 00-2.84, Cobhler com
mercial $3-30; Early Ohio, commercials
12 45.
(AP-WrAl Catties 100. Active, fully
steady; few medium steers 13, 00-13.
medium to good heifers salable $11.00
12.00; load food 070 lb. range cows
111-23, odds and ends common cows
tff.O0-9.5O, ce nners and cutlers mostly
$d.oo-e.oo. Medium sausage bulla lo.ou
10.73. Calves: 200. Fully steady; about
130 head medium to good ;tM).30 lb.
northern California slaughter calve
$14.00 light aort.
Hogs: 000. Steady to 25 cenia higher,
adjustment on 210 -y 00 lb, averages; few
loads and packages good lo choice 200
270 lb, $13.25, 2V0-30U Ibl. $13.00, Odd
good sows $13.30.
Sheep: 3400. Consist about 1200
Oregona, 300 north coast, 1000 Sacra
mento valley. Much sorting necessary,
undertone generally steady: choice grade
salable $14.00-14.13 and common to med
ium $10.00-12.50; wea quoted $3.00-0.00.
Salable and total cattle 230. calves 100;
market active, steady lo strong: few
good ahortfed ateers $14.23; common
grass steers $9. 50-10.00; common-medium
heifers $8.50-11 00; few medium-good fed
helfera $12.00-23; light dairy type heifers
down to $6.30; canner and cutter cows
largely $3.00-0.30; shelly cowa down to
$4.00; fat dairy type cowa ST.30-8.AO;
medium-good beef cowa $fl.00-l 1 .00;
medium-good bulla tfl.30-10.00; good veal
era $13,00-50; alaahle lota good 323-U40
lb. grans calvea $12.30; medium grades
Salable and total hogs 400: market
rather alow but steady with late Tues
day; good-choice 180-240 lb. $13.23 : 243
300 lb. $14,00-30; few light lights $14.00;
good aowa S1D.00-2A; good-choice 106
lb. feeder nlga $1X30.
Salable sheep 230, tola! 400; market
active, steady to strong: gond-cholce
wooled lamba SI 2 30-73; common-medium
grade $9.00-10.30 medium-good kinds
$11.30; good-choice ewes up to $4.00;
common-medium fradei $3.00-3.00.
CHICAGO, Nov, 13 (AP-WTA1 Salable
hoga 1.1.000; total 23,000; alow, early
trnde weak to 10 cents lower, later
trade and closing 10 to 13 cents lower
on welghta 370 Iba. on down, weights
over 370 lba. and aowa ataadyf good and
choice i 00-270 lba. $14.15-14.30; top $14.33;
few good and choice 130-180 lbs. $13.30-
ii,io; weignis over 770 toe. i.w; duik
good and choice 300-300 lb. aowa $13.83
14.00; good clearance,
Salable cattle 10.000: total 11.000; sal
able calvea 1000: total 1300; fed ateer
and yearling trade steady; general mar
ket more active: top $18.30, paid for
101 6-1 b. yearlings aa well aa 1 335-1 b.
ateera; several loads $lfl.0(M8.4O; bulk
$14.00-18.00: heifers steady to strong, top
$17.30; good grade cowa active, firm at
913.00-14.00, other grade weak; cowa In
liberal supply but bulla and veal era very
acarce, both classes fully steady; choice
vealers $13.80 down: not enough stock
cattle here to reach trade requirements
at firm prices, mainly 911.0011.10 on
a lockers.
Salable sheep 4000; total 9000: opening
steady; early sales good and choice
native slaughter lamba $14 40-14.80, some
he'd higher; scattered sales small lots
native slaughter ewes $3.79 down.
Courthouse Records
JONXS-WEEKS. Hay George Jonaa,
44, rancher, native of Oklahoma City,
Okla., resident of Modoc Point, Ore.
Sarah Weeks, 72, native of Pelican City,
Ore., resident of Klamath Agency, Ore,
Complaints riled
John Glbeson versus Haze) G the son,
suit for divorce, charge cruel and In
human treatment. Couple married De
cember 23, 1040 in Reno, Nevada. J. C
O'Neill, attorney for plaintiff.
Justice Coart "
Dick Jsack Ehrman, operating motor
vehicle as private carrier without per
mit. Fined $10,
Classified ada aer results.
Want RtlUf From
Try Ty$)mol on This Monoy
Back Quarantoo
If you are Buffering from the atab
bin it pains of arthritis, rheumatism,
sciatica or neuritis, go today and buy
a tube of Tyamol at any good drun
store. Apply thla delightful absorbent
to the part that hurts and watch re
sults. You should see a difference ftei
the very first application.
Should Tyamol fall to give satisfac
tion by relieving the torturing pains,
aorencaa or atlffnena In musclea or liK
mcnta, Junt return empty tube and tha
manufacturer will refund your monoy.
Tou will find Tyamol pleaaantly dis
tinctive among preparations of Its
class, Guaranteed to be free from nar
cotics and dope. Sold by leading drug
RiMa everywhere. Caution: Use only as
directed. Alwaya In stock at
Leather Baas....
You've Tdate'at'SeaK.v.to see'
out collection of new dressmaker
in fine leathers! Featuring this,
shirred lambskin sofrie'with'an ...
elaborate frame of simulated tortoise. "3
m:iis. i;i)i;i;m k i d.
NEW YOltK. Nov. 14 'APi Stocks
ahnwed selective recovery tendencies
today after early heaviness.
fractional losses weie general nt the
opening on a sleabla acruinulatlon of
selling orders Drum uteri by the market's
sharp reiraals ysalcrday and Monday.
Closing (juota'tona:
American Can BT't
Am Car At Kdy ... v. Wt
Am Tel & Tel Hn ,
Anaconda , HO1
Cat Tractor 47'
Commonwealth V Hon 1310
General Electric
oeneral Motors
Gl Nor Ry pfd.
Illlnola Central
Inl Harvester
Long-Hell "A"
Montgomery Ward
N V Central
Northern Pacific ....
Pac Gas & K!
Packard Motor
Penna R R
Republic Steel
Richfield Oil
Safeway Stores
Seara Roebuck
Southern Pacific .
SUndard nranrtt
Rumhlne Mining ....
Union Oil Calif ...
Union Pacific
U S Steel
Warner Pictures ....
CHICAGO, Nov. 13 (AP Wheat was
strong but other grain futurea markettt
wore unset fled today, rallying after an
opening break only to fluctuate over a
fairly wide range the remainder of the
The strength of the wheat market
reflected a scarcity 6f offerings and re
fusal of traders to press the selling side
while government price support meas
ures ere In force.
Corn rallied sharply after hitting a
new low for the season with tha de
ferred contracts showing greatest
Short covering by local traders near
the close disclosed a scarcity of ofer-
inn In the J ye pit and prices rallied
Data turned firm wllh other grains.
At the close whsut waa l' to l',c
higher than yesterday's finish, Decem
ber S1Q3V Corn was up j to Tc,
December HM',. Oatts were ' to lc
Mifiipr, December fl.V, ,. fte was up
" to l'c, Dccnrnber Slf'.-a. Bar
ley was ' to 2 Vc higher, December
The funeral service for tha late Cain
Hrhuiichin, who pasted away In this
city on Sunday, November 12, 1044, will
tdko place from the rhapnl of Ward's
Klamath Kuneiul home. fi5 High, on
n may, rvovemin-r n, ai io;.to a. m.
wllh the Kev. vertt Tuning o! Ihe
Friend fhurch of Sprague River of
ficiating. Commitment services and In- '
Icrrnenl will follow In the family plot ;
of the Chief Schonchin cemetery, Grave-
aide KervlrRK will be held at 2 p. m.
Friends are respectfully Invited to at
tend tlie services.
Final Rites For
Allen Delayed
Final rites for Thomas Hail Al
len, who died suddenly at hit
home at 218 Lincoln last Friday,
will be held upon tha arrival of
a son, AMM 1c E. V. Allen,
U. S. navy. Port Columbus, O,
Mr. Allen had made hit home
here for the past 25 years. He
was the father of Mrs. Helen
Wray. Ward's are in chart.
311 Uaderwood Bldg.
When you'ra feeling low because
your stomach ii acting up, gat back
on the beim with soothing pepto
Bi5MOL.lt helps bring prompt relief
from the distress of sour, stckithup
et stomach acts to retard gas for
mation and simple diarrhea. Taatom
good and does good. When your
stomach is upset, take soothing
Proipecm Mty B Obuinti frm
InvotfPMitt SaeurWot
n - 1 1 ' l1 YKf . . .
if' - .7. J .:
Sable-Dyed Coney
Fur Coats
kl : a iraetieal price; thf mqtt ' T fj 23
1" fur'eoert ef werm-f4oe!.con)y
flakes top'honorsl.Yoii'H trejasuf Hi '
s( beauty,-and ceiforroblwmlk
v A hew pom-pon wow,!wirh'ttirn-boek.eua,
4 "
a Eos Payment Pon
WiH Coll Service
Cash, if you wih i
Start aoSEOUFT
FUR BONO it your
ouoranfee for afyfe,'
quoliiy . ernd, vettue I,
,f..; .-;
!m' ! '
(I :