HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON pace Mine 14, l?1"1 kr eilc--- PLUMBING . , SERVICE liu-d .' '"""I,t'd DAVIS UMBING CO. lUiniiu 7:is . ( Hurry n.l0 Refrigeration Service , KELVIN ATOR 1My AUlliorUrcl Service and Comnio'c"1, , phono Ulll 7 LN EQUIPMENT CO. If u' " 11.131 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Pi'lr ind wrvlco all mkf ;M, vtcuum - other eleclrlc.l lpH We may havo the type of ...k. von need, liouson .rices. Photic niflS. ARS ROEBUCK Tucs.'Thuri.'SnL-tf 34' Aulonioltv 34 Automotlv Expert Body Work ' No Job Is Too Small . . Or Too Large For Our Experts Remove Your Car's Battle Scars AT PONT! AC Rose Motor Co. 4th nncl Klamath rhonc 81(14 CMC Frl.-Ttn. It H.lp Want.d, Mai It H.lp Wanted. Mai. FALLS ELECTRIC MfRAL REPAIRING i n.nu. fl.ii.relore ! .. Itwwinu .,,....... ItlttM OvfHulMl and Re; Itf Afsnt for I'.iro B tiiai ana nan.,... .Francis St. Ph ,v,-rn rnnsmrnE id lultll. Ml O.. I'iwrw 7.11. iuiuoilil. inciliNr. sr.nvici.. ll mak.e. nil. ut 8ii.ii. w.y. la-um (rt'ie rod children. health 6263 II. lime PARK VIEW. DNVALESCENT HOME 193 Gr.nitf St. . Arhl.nd, Oregon Phone 7001 Idiute Nunc in Charge. 13-Hm ay.i. l( you want to work in o logging comp, sawmill or lumbar yard where conditions ore good, call at the office or phone 5M6 between 8.30 and 4:30 p. m. We neod men in all these deportments of our operation which is on essential industry. - WOODS: Choker Sellers and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. TF 34 J 4 AUIVlll ' I ft t V . . . 34 Automotlv. 34 VVwvwVtVMfVfViVrMMArVMMN' Automotive I 34 Automotive Automotlv. SPECIAL NOTICE To Chevrolet Owners OPA HAS RAISED THE RETAIL VALUE OF YOUR CAR Chevrolet Commands ihe Highest Value of Any Low Priced Car SEE US TODAY FOR NEW HIGHER PRICES Sell. To Ashley ASHLEY CHEVROLET CO. 410 So, 0th St. Phone 4113 34 Automotlv It H.lp Want.d, Mai. W.nl.d F.mal. WANTED Experienced 'Sales Ladies AND CASHIERS SEE MR, FISHER is, Roebuck & Co. Old fflf hmitawnrk inri ... -.altrsia inn dlahwaahar Wa. ImlerM, Apply .1 Rltter'l I'm. umu jD-Jipllr lady. Reliable CI. an. 1113 fD-Wcmin for full or parl-llrne "-' onirr nelp. Wholesale Tin 1,',rj 11-IH HltD W.nlArf M.I. ASTtD-llarl Hotel. COOK WANTHJ-IIJO gar mo. lln SU In evcnlnga. 11-15. pern Pacific Co. toi opening for ' ' Me Clerk Hours M. to 12.00 Midnight ''my Fine Benefits nt Conditions Outfit to Work For lo Do Your Part See Agent 11-15 Wanted . xperiencod ' ud Driver-' 'i WR. FISHER ' . ebuck & Co - 16G2lf Im. Off nn and wa.k. "ilon St". "ml Ilr.t-cl.M 11 "aim .j . penenre, . lw i,'!M when avallahl. R. noi n 1,1,1 - uraion, yi atreet. l,p,'al'""T!.,wr?,,.":, 1 ..; 1 11-15 m J!" general varH rM. a, .""""wl. frerl- 11. - "- 11-10 r1 IrlvrrVnTr vtr i, p,'m,t""t overtime. r- - '8Wltrr .., . U'.7tn. Uptown rn,nn Wanted' Tune-Up Man Permanent Job V Good Working ' Conditions .Steqm Heated Garage Rose Motor Co. Phono 8164 . 4th and Klnmnth , , v . ii.i3c WANTED Inletllront. mhlllout man , Mlftinun T(Hln nft roUU rorer In . IWuthern Of jon for teitdlni milk ; n.nuicuirir. Ttyi . poillion U pr- ntnnt wltri fins op pon unity ror an vnccn.nl. . Good lry. rompmiy rr oti expftnira, Anawer n your own hanrtwrmnf, lvlnf COMPLETE hualniia nit lory, miaineii ana prr. annal reforencfa, full quallflcallona, . arhool, and aie; Hat tflfphona num. , bar and drafl cUaalflcatlon, AH re - nllos will ba hold atriiMlv ronfldfn- tlat. Wrtta Box 10U. cart of Horald " and Nrwi M il. It Situitioni WinUd EXPERlENrED womin book Kot per, ttnosraphar and lanera office worn r netirea pnanion. nai reirenrri. wrllt pox ipw. care ucraia aun It 1(1 Rflal tit it For 8til FOR SALE - DUPLEX - Two Apartments Stcnm lioiitcfl mid very close lo business district. Goth apart mcnts newly painted and doc orulcd. Situate on lot 89x110 feci. Inquire ot 425 Klamath Ave. between ) :00 and 6:00 p. m. HOT SPRINGS Distinctive 8 rooms, on Eldora do. Hns, flroplnce, concrete base mint, oil furnace, recreation room, double plumbing. Imme diate possession. 2 .bedroom nttrnctlvc home, close in, near Upham St. This property has had an owner's care. Immcdlnto possession. Price only $3250. Easy terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors 111 N. nth St. Phone 4584 11-14 RECAPPING 1 Day Servlc. Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed ' 301 So 6lh Phone 7071 . ll-13mc 20 Room and Board noOM, BOAnD-.a.ntl.man. cent, rhmip naia. 22 Rooma For Rant SI.r.F.PINa BOOM - aanllam.n only. Phona TOiO .v.ninsa. i.ttrfii UOOMS JUJ JlllH. nopM ron hcnt-ioj j.ff.raon. 24 Apartmanti For Rant WILL EXCHANOE amall furnlhad apt. for lane furnlnhfd or unCurnUh?d pi, Call 630ft before fl p, m. 1110 ron RBNT-mrnlnhetf 9-Hfdroom apt. Close in.t KVo.oo. .Adulu, no pets. Wrd n.K imo rare Herald and NVwi. 1B70 26 Houtti For Rtnt TRtJCKS ron nKNT -You drive: movt vniti-aair uvt t.. Stllei Raarnn 9rrv v lea. 1201 Eait Main. Phone M04. U-m wANTi-nrAiinl- mint be rePfinlbl to abate my home in txrhanfce lor ' taklnfl rare of two Itrll. Call In per- mn mm aMclvmi. 9S MUcelleneou- For Rtnt trrm Wf..li, (ariia. 1.1.00 a mntllll HO" Uoham. 1" wnvmr: rt no. HANmcnfl and crlrpf .-rnlad. -Do your own work. Innnlf. . Palnl Dept. MONTGOMERY WAnO a, co. 11.30m ron nr.NT-rioor aandara. ertl.r. nfl . wallpap.r rmovln machinal. J. H. . n.t...An p.inf Hlora. Phona 3.124. l?5n Fait Main tl-Wm 30 Ral Eitat. For rial. TOR HAl.KS lr modern aparlmenla complelolv furnlah.d. Income S2JS month. Inw overhead. Owner moved away. . Sacrlllc. price., Phona a. Fort nAlT. a-room modern alitcro ' home wllh hath.' lull tile haeemrnl. 'lUrase, woortalied and fruit room. ' .'two lol. Full ni'lea IMft VIM ilown. payment. .J0.S0 a month. Thla nrop- arty rent, lor MO.oo a month, rhone " io.n: '"n't LRnnM MnllRf. wllh hath, two atnvrf. tnr oiilrk aale. S1B.10. Term.. Clirla lluck. Real Ealate. Dial IH70, 10-17 rnn .fiAI.t-.Hnno fixture, a) acioa allalla and llmolhy mlx.d. aoulh of M.lln Call Lllk.V BrO... 70U. S3IU roil HAtr. - la arra wllh i-room rahln. 3040 Ifope. Inquire on Sun- nay.. 1 WIM. WCLl. FfJIIITY In home on South Carroll. Phono Hill. Bamnln. U-1S ron SAI.r. in:i7' lludaon Ilfl.uxa .j . dan. healor. fadlo. delrolter. OO'V prewar runner. ranio, wi .... -Phobe 11.110. I1-1S P1 M.t. 'f.V. Ann v Rau.ii.. 01 "una.?- "r " vrnln. r' 17J1II ron 8ALK Broom hnluf. partly lur. iiv ..... f.'aali or wll ron. 1411 N. Summer. Line. Write M. 11. rainier. N. Col Ion wood SI.. Portland, 17, Ore. 11-18 ron RAl.r.-To-bedroom modern hotim. Ilreplnre. hnnlwood lloor. In llvlnj room and dtnln room. rvlc porch with hnlll. In trull cupboard. Iar garden .not. fenced hark yard, chirk i . ...i.i. ..i.,,u.v ..110 nnnrd' man fil.. SI. Krani'l. Park. ll-l FOR SALE 5-room home wllh stairway to large unfinished attic. Hardwood floors, fireplace, basement and furnace, huge lot. Located in St. Francis Park. Price $5800. .... One-half acre, 2-bcdroom mod ern home, garage, barn, chicken house, berries, and shade trees. On paved street. Price $3800. See Fred Cofcr BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 S. 8th Phone 4188 11-18 List Your Property With U. Fair Appraisals and Satisfactory Sales. Joe Perry with F. L Weaver Real Estato and Insurance 330 E. Main Phone 8784 12-8 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR 15.1 N. 8th Phon. 8491 U-14m rOR SAI.F.-5 acre. 4 mile. out. food ....ii i.r liarn. will tak. truck al pari payment. Inquire Rl. 1, Bo 1011. Old Midland road. 11-17 rrvn aAI.Ra.rnnm mnd.rn houae. narl Iv lurnlflhed, including oil atova and electric atove. one acre, I4S00. 17S1 Arthur. 11-H rrtn AI.R-9.h.Hranm modem hOUae. fireplace, hardwood lloora. furnace. rioe In nil K7I.1. IfiSSlf 34 FOR, SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need COLOR MATCHING AND PAINTING Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. nth Phone 6942 12-6M srr. MEI. lir.NltY at Lnmoard'. Ilaed far Lol. .ill H. win 01. n'p r-A.ii nnli'ir nl nnre (or your car. Allamakee and model, lor .ale. ll-lem TOP CASH PRICR for your clean, late model car or equity. Sco L, M. Quam at ni'RNrss MOTons Allthirlred lleSolo-Plymouth Pari, and Service r.-nn,iri. I. Tlr. lllalrlbulor 310 So. 6lh 30I7II MonKI, A-loii) to 1041 M ti.rt. recon .i, mni.r ln4l HI Tnrk Chev. rolct reconditioned motor. Wrlla Box 2020. care ol Herald and New.. U-14 u, am. Tn nnv nn nF.NT-.s nr S-room modern houae. preferably acreaie II huylnii. L. P. BellarU, Star Floute. RnaeliurK. Ore. 1118 Used Cars';-. Bought ': Sold .....Traded-,. ODtLL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. . Where 8th Street Ends 11-lOm Keep Your Car in ,,. Jop Shape ' "" ' FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING ' FRAME STRAIGHTENING fclew Modern Equipment -. .. ; Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS CONSIDERING FIRST COST . THERE IS ALWAYS ' ; Less Depreciation h ON A FORD CAR . Sell Your Car NOW " While the. Price Still - .; ; Is High . J SEE US TODAY We Pay Top O.P.A. Prices" 424 S. 6th St. Phone 3136 Thurs -Sat Your , Ford Dealer Since 1923 Balsiger Motor Co." ANTI-FREEZE 38 MUcellsn.oua For Sal. We Buy and Sell ; USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main ll-30m rOR SAI.r-10 acre. Irritated land, one mil. eoutn or A.niana on nifnway M. BuUdlnffa, elty water, block from arhool. .4000. O.o, Yokel. Phone soil, Aahland. 11.14 A Fine Christmas Gift far the Ladies to Make the Housewife Happy The wonder Vegetable, Fruit and Nut Shredder. This little -machine chops and peels apples, potatoes for hashbrown or soup, also onion's in one operation. Shrcda -carrot- f-i-n-e B9-8i)k, shreds cheese and breadcrumbs. Makes cole slaw and shoestring ootatoes. Slices everything tnicK or thin, potatoes for chips, ap ples, etc. Tlie lasicsi saian niar.- er on the maiKei, snreas or slices nuts. This machine makes fine Christmas present, many are ordering now, order early. Send for illustrated literature. We prepay. . Send lor ritr.c Health chart - w i t h clcan?i" diet, with each inquiry. R. J. GROSE The Griscer 1321 So. Central Ave., Lodi,' California 11-15 TRUCKS Two Diamond T, ont r.dera! LOfftnf. three trailer., ror imme diate aale, VALLEY TIRt SXRVICt. RIDDING. CALlr. 11-17 1054 TO 1(3( SB H.P. r.condlllon.d rord motor, ana Moaai h motor. Mercury W h p. motor. Wrllt 9030. car. of Herald and New.. 11-14 WANT-ID Late model pickup. pnone aaip. Ca.h. 11'IB SB Fuel H.atlno RICHFIELD Stove And Diesel Otis Beit QutUty Prompt . Delivery Phone 8307 JACK EICHENDORF y Distributor ll-30m 3S MlteolUntout For Salt Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Seoley Bros. Phone 7709 1173-tf FOR SALB-Cabbiia 4e lh.; carrola flc lb.; paranipa "r Ih.i tahla bU 2c lb. iu mil nnrthwaat of MftllLl. John Honitfc. 3-8 ton SALI Dnvaway cindtra. 43S. Call 11-18 won At.C..AnnlaB at W. L. Moor'!. ftait of Aihland. aoiith on Tollman rpib mart. 12.00 ear box. brim con taintn. W-S ruLLCR Bnuatna - cum Jfoyr, Has Martin, rnont ooit. ii-dwm rnn stAi.icLrak clactrlr soocom nor nr. rhean. Phone M. 1114 STOVrR REPAIRED. All availably part atocken. Uitfi liirniiurr, aiovea nouni, Then 3671. ll30m lAii vastvun TlOWAnTI Trailer Houao, m ri. all iteel. In-ulnterl. 6-plv tniclt tire. A-l ahap. elerlrlc brakes. Seo t nonievalt Club. TulelakB. Phone 8203, Tulelakt. U-14 ron SALE 100 torn baled hav. Itl cut alfalfa, oali and rye, at Keno. See Rnv Mmm at ranch before croislns river or call Doug Puckett, Tulelnke rOR SALl Ont Royal Crown, bottle e-nntur Mrit Waihinc Machine Ser vice. 11 So, eth. MO TMrnA.nr.n rlrctriC HEATERS. fSO.ftO, 1 R. Hauler. Open AH t)ay Saturday. S18 Market Phone 7221. 11 -20m r.t. PAnnr. NOW OPEN-Dtne. dance Rar n-let. Only 10 mlnutea drive from ellv center. U-30me 36 Miscvllsnvoui For Sale JUST AnniVEO. nationally adverticCd Sun Spun Chenille btdxprcads. In full ei.-e and twin s!wt. Color, white only. LUCAS FURNITURE. 183 E. ' Main. We will be closed Saturday. . 11-14 FOR SALE One WKO Alltt-Chalmera r.:i h.p. tractor with Baker hydraulic bulldozer, completely reconditioned and guaranteed. West-Hitchcock. 423 So. 6th. ii-" FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS Roy Schmeck. Phone 4093. Rt. 3. Box 1042. 11 -30 m APPLES-Jonathan. Newtown. Dellcloui. ZWc box and up. Bring coniamera. :tu ml. So. Hiffhwav. Medford. White Anrle Stand. U-22 Now Is The Time To Install Anti-Ffe'eze Dick. B. -.Miller Co. has the nationally' known Du Pont Zerone Anti-freeze and the .Trek, Menthenal Base Anti-freeze-r, made..by the. National Carbon Co.. 38 For al. or Trad. FOR SALE OR TRADE Prewar dtvan. good ,'hanr. 21.13 Bieho. 11-14 TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters . and : COOK STOVES ' ARE RATION FREE All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook top, especially priced. $57.50. All-whito porcelain cook stoves, priced from $50.50. Circulating heaters priced 'from $37.50. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Cols the Break He Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-tf 42Miic.llaneou , W".,, Girls - Women Be a Practical Nurse . BIG DEMAND-HIGH WAGES High school not necessary. Easy lo learn in spare fime. Ages 18 to 60. War demands have caused big shortage. Prepare now for this interesting, profitable and patriotic work. Write for FREE information. Wayne School of Practical Nursing. Write No. 1667 Care of Herald & News 11-14 Either make, $1.00 per gallon in your container or $1.15 per gallon in our container Or drive in and we will check your radiator hose and connections at o small charge and install anti-freeze to protect your car-from freezing - " - DICK B. MILLER CO. .7th and Klamath For Sale BALED ALFALFA HAY $22.50 per ton, Delivered. Phone 4873 11-14 Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL. RISK POLICY Call John Sandmeyer Phone 5103 ' 1 C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Hlclg .ll-30m FOR SAt.E-Oood upright ntano. 12.11 Adama. S200. 11-15 FOR 8ALE-10:t8 Chevrolet dump truck: drawbar, recently overhauled: Iron Ace two-row potato planter: two Kohlcr light plants: G. E. 230-volt electric welder on wheels run by a Plymouth motor; new 6-dlac John Deere plow: also 1000 Iba. of various klnda of weldlnjc rod. All equipment In excellent condition. Write P. O. Box 408. Medford or phone "Central Point 187. H-14 WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment hniK. Phon. S07R after A p. m. 2273tf WANTED Small furniahed apartment hv local resident, or will buy amall home on bua line or cloi. In. Phona 7605. ""IB want to RENT2.bedroom furnished house on bus line or close In. Write Box 1600. care Herald and NewJ-15 Phone 4108 11-14 44 Livestock and Poultry ((MlaVsttVMtafAMaBaaAAAAAelAat PLACE YOUR ORDER for scene for Thanksgiving now. Lewis Poultry farms. Phona 4580. 11-15 rOR SALE 2-year-old bay saddle horse, also addle and. bridle. V01 Roseway Drive. Phone 6813 after 4 o. m. U-13 WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3372. ll30m WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVES MARKET. 916 East Main. Phone 4282. 12-4m FOR SALE-Two Guernsey heifers. 20 month old. S45 each. Henry Rutsch- mn. Rl. 1. Bov 916. 11 14 I 46 Financial 48 financial See MARINE COUPLE desire 3 or 4-room furnished house or apartment Immt- ri.air.iv. Cnii nun davi. ask for Sin aleton. or 3782 evenings. 11-18 K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL PERMANENT CIVILIAN COUPLE want A C ( 1 ( AMC to rent apartment. No children. Phone , J I U.V. l 'IJ WANTED. Hydraulic pump for 22 Cat. E. E. Kllpatrlck. Merrill. Ore. 11-13 WANT TO BUY - A healer. Phone 6394. a circulating: 11-14 WANTED One good oil heating atove. Inquire at Waldorf drill. 1258U WANTED Dead and worthl... gnlrnala. Phone 4M6 collect. 11-27 WANTED TO BUY-lce crear Phone 7.118. freerer. 1239tfaD REFRIGERATOR WANTED noma Hotel. Call Wl- l73tf WANTED TO BUY -lied with lood run ners. Call 3124. 314lf : On . Your FOR SALE -Used daveno and chair, reasonably priced. May he seen at 847 Uerllng. after 7 evenings. 11-15 FOR SALE-Plano, davenport and fhalr Dial 8713. 10.16U ALLEN Adding Mnentr.es . and FRIDEN Calculator.. 124 S. Olh SI. Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co. 11.15m GLASS Mirrors, rcsilverlng. plale. win dow and" auto a!r.ss. furniture lops, shelves. Kimball's Glass Shop. 327 Walnut. Phone 737n. ls-4m NF.V24 FT. HOUSE TRAILERS, also a "good" selection of used trailers. 18 to 30 ft. Terms. 2171 Market SI.. Redding. Calif. 11-21 LANDSCAPING - Evorsreens. flowering shrubs and trees. .Make .vour selec tion now for fall planting. LAKE SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phone 4082. ll-20m WANT TO DUY-40 to 160 acre diversi fied ranch, equipped with farm ma chinery. In vicinity of Klamath rail.. State full price, terma and all detaill In rir.l toiler. Wrlta 3D4S. care Her ald and News. 394811 1 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louls ll. Mann. 120 N. 7th, Phone 4519 or 7175. ll-20m WANTED TO RENT - Private garage near Anchor Hotel. Writ. E. H. Hel vcy, P. O. Box 484. 1296tf WANTED TO BUY Mala Australian Shepherd puppy with blue eye.. Call 8978 evenings. lOSStf WILL PAY CASH tor used guna. Bring them in for appraisal. BELL'S HARD WAHF MalnStU 44 ' Livestock tni Poultry HIOIIEST PP.1CE8 paid for hogs, veal, tnmhs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phon. 5323, nights 3509. - ll-30m FOR SALE . 3 doea. one buck and 24 . fryer., with hutches. S20.00: one 14 ft. spruce duck boat and trailer, com nlelc. X73.no. Call after a D. m.. 139 West Oregon. Phona 4003. 11-18 AUTO FURNITURE NOTE. Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone H325 ll-30m When! You Want a CASH LOAN "1 For Any Worthy Purpose Call On ; P. A. (Buck) Everef. at the office of ':; COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP.: 107 No. 9th styy Klamath Falls; Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles Livestock Furniture Salary 5 Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed In Come In Phone In or Write Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-281 U-30m First Federal Has Plenty of Money ,' ' ' ,: . . ' - Buy a Modern Home : Refinance Your Old Home . - e Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rales FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5105 ll-30m Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower Interest rates Long time easy payments : Prompt Service : It will pay you to investigate the EQUITABLE PLAN r CHILCOTE & SMITH , Since 1909 111 N 9th Phone 4564 Tues.-Fri.-tl 4B Business Onportunm.1 FOR SALE Victory Cafe and Worn., ' fully equipped. 134.1 South Sixth. 8e owner. J. R. Murphy tor informa tion. 11-H FOR SALE Bullneaa building with liv ing quarter.. Cloa. In. Good Invest ment, lino view, 3O0. Tel. 7397