Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 14, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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International President D. A.
Skeen o the Lions club was
principal speaker and honor:
guest at a dinner dance held by
the local club at the Willard
hotel Monday evening. .
Skeen appealed to the Lions
club, and to all similar organ
izations, to take steps now to
help bring Americas returning
soldiers back into community:
life as private citizens with the
least possible economic or spir- j
itual shock. , , !
Mayor John Houston, wel-
" Sr 01 t K-lamalh Falls. 1
coming aftccu ....... -
made a brief address in which
he said that how communities
uch as this discharge their
war-time duties will determine
whether they are worth fighting
and dying for.
Skeen came here on a tour of
the northwest from his home
in Salt L,ane uiy. no ""
five of Paul Skeen, president of
the local club. I
Clarence Humble, national
councillor, presided at the meet
ing. In attendance was Robert
M Fischer Jr., Eugene, district
' governor of Lions International.
A number of Lions from near
by cities, including Bend. Med
ford and Lakeview, attended
the dinner.
Dayton Woman Dies
In Auto Collision
head-on collision between her
coupe and a Motor Transport
truck yesterday afternoon on the
Toledo-Newport highway took
the life of Mrs. Clara Kenney.
Dayton, and seriously injured
her son, Ralph.
Police said that no charges
were filed against I. L. Foss,
Corvallis, driver of the truck.
' PORTLAND, Nov. 14 iP)
The Portland planning commis
sion has started a study of pos
sible future aviation needs here.
These include a downtown air
port, landing spaces for helicop
ters and longer runways for
giant planes. .
Today On The
Western Front
By The Atiociatad Pratt
U. S. 3rd Army Captures
fourth fort guarding French
bastion of Metr, lengthens
bridgehead over Moselle river
fo within 1 miles of Ger
man border, scores advances
on other sections of Metz
front. . ,
U. S. 7th Army Advances
two miles in Vosges moun
tain area south of 3rd army
front, captures several vil
lages and smashes German
counterattack southeast of
U. S. ltt Army Halts
counterattack in Schmidt
area and advances slightly m
Hurtgcn forest in Germany.
Canadian ltt Army and
Britith 2nd Army Patrol
Holland front and continue
artillery duel witli nazis
across Maas river.
Kitchens Become Tin
Mines For War Items
Women of Klamath county
can "mine" tin sufficient for 136
Flying Fortresses mis year.
These ligures wuie ..
bv J. A. Stewart, vice president
of the American Can company,
on the basis of canned foods con
sumed bv civilians in the county
during i943. On the basis of
last vear's consumption, civilians
will open 3,2HU.zou cans oi wuu
this vear, he said. According to
a table recently issued by Wash
ington, 24.000 cans provide tin
sufficient for one Flying Fort
ress. Portland Cannery
Workers Vote Strike
PORTLAND, Nov. 14 (iP)
AFL cannery workers here have
threatened a walkout protesting
delav in receiving wage increases
granted by the WLB.
The wage stabilization board
is studying the wage increase.
Officials of the two canneries in
volved, Libby, McNeil and Lib
bv, and Starr Fruit Products,
filed an appeal claiming mey
could not increase wages unless
ceiling prices were lifted.
Workers voted to walk out
Saturday but postponed action
for a few days.
National Book Week from No
vember 11 to 18, is being ob
served by all "book people in
this country and in other lauds
where the war is not too press
ing and such observance is pos
sible. Because of the number of
libraries being served, Klamath
county library is observing the
entire month of November as
book month. This gives Mary
McComb, county librarian, more
time to make trips to the various
libraries in the county and a
longer time for emphasis on this
year's slogan, "United Through
In visiting the libraries over
the county, gay, new attractive
books will bo found to be the
center of numerous exhibits. The
allied flags with dolls dressed lit
native costume add color and in
terest to book displays. The
Newberrv and Caldccott prize
books, "Johnny Tremain," by
Forbes and "Many Moons," by
Thurber, arc coining in for a bit
of special attention. A book quiz
appearing in the November, 1944
Good Housekeeping magazine
has added interest during this
particular ween.
Several high schools have
worked out book horoscopes.
Bovs and girls answer questions
which are designed to type each
individual. When they look up
their type tney una tncy are list
a fictional character, e. g. Jane
IVrn nw Rm Clptn A CrPRt
deal of interest has been shown
bv students of Klamam union
high school in the high school
.rtmv nl lha p(,iin(v lihmrv where
such an exhibit greeted them
Monday morning.
Krueger Takes Time
Out Saves Life
TERS, LEYTE, P. I., Nov. 14 OP)
Lt. Gen. Walter Krueger, sixth
armv commander, took time out
for breakfast recently, thereby
probably saving his life.
While the general was out, a
Japanese Zero come over on a
strafing attack. Three bullets
ripped into the general's tent in
a direct line with the comman
der's head had he been there.
.New; Notes :M
mliiw illlll'X'llllllimillllHfktBtt
Hfl !
The Klamath County Princl-
Kills and Coaches association will
old a dinner meeting in tho
KUHS cafeteria on November 14.
n-l ,l At. KMSIKiMftra
cuss the basket-1? if." .
ball season A, ,
which win ai- t t
r..... .1... ....I..-.H.
ule for the Wild
cat squad.
It is under
stood that mat
ters concerning
tin-, cnrrelntini!
of the pupiN'j
ledums, atiiu , .
rxnnrt cards. V kl
permanent record cards, and
transfer cards, will bo discussed.
Officers of the Science club
met this noon to begin planning
their program for the ensuing
year. The club was late in or
ganizing mis ycor uccause oi uie
change in teachers, and the fact
that Charles Carlson, advisor,
was working in connection with
the Pelican football squad,
The T. and 1. Stocking dance
will be given Friday, November
17, in the girls' gym. Everyone
dances in stocking feet to music
supplied by Bakly's band. Ad
mission to the dance will be 00
c?nts for both stags and couples.
Thn clnlrt fnvtl,nnt( enmillls-
sion meets in Salem next week
rinse nf business "tomorrow
murks tho end of tho 45-day pe
riod of graco tor rcgisiurniK
rentals under tho office of price
administration rent control pro
gram, Marvin Hlxon. ONiunlnor
for tno AiamaiM r
rental area, warned landlords to-
dl,y: .. J....1H... f
more man ""''""i'
all tvpes are already In tho rec
ords' but there oro still many
landlords, particularly those
operating ''first rentals and
housekeeping units, to bo heard
Although registrations will
continue to be accepted utter to
morrow's deadline, llixnn Imliiy
pointed out tho risks tint land
lord runs who cnicrs uiu vy
records late.
......I.-!,-. .11, in illirllllf tin 4.1
day period' Is u violation of the
reiu reuuiauiiiiH mm i,-i,,n
,.. .iiit.i'itl,lt, u' leu
properly invm i " . :
Ol'A compliance officers begin
checking into mo men.
'Action on any roiiiiiiwiim
and will adopt texts for read ng,
spelling, English composition,
and English literature, through
out the 12 grades. Two commit
(.,., liv utwt lleh school
teachers have been working for
the past year, going over ''
books and making reports to the
overcharging, frequently de
pends on whether Hie violation Is
willful. Unwlllful violations may
result in refunds ami, In some
eases, In payment of $25 to $50
In Ol'A administrator's cliilinn.
Hut willful violation!) seldom are
settled with simple refunds.
More oflen they draw the $25
or $550 penalty, and failure to
register Is the first evidence nf
willfulness when u cam Is
brought to the test," llixnn ex-
ilutncd, '
Novmbr ii ,(
8ALKM. Nv. CTNtl!
""' t 51). I , ;.fH(
ii 'lint it... ..... ov u.
M K Hill
I. ..II. . V" li,,
"PPotnU-d tcHltiv Iim!11'?'.
iii'tj t
hlel i, in, l. ;.' , il-a.l i
riM!'$32i,miii i,;,!',..llww
nimll.ny fm-lllll,..
"ems. Wllluincitc tri
HOUIKTd two WW S, i '""I
000 alrend.jula
2 drops in each nostril
work swiftly to help you
breathe freer again. Cau
tion : Uaeonlyaa directed.
CIliKHifieil mi, 7-
V""- Jj IWiPwilnMniolnil
Ttr SZS I'nrfMlljr Mrll.iw umriifl'M
I "mm a l.un in linkling lilKlibill.
Wtrfmmmm't Sviiw lo mv "ll lliitiilil
v!1;; r t' rini Mo.
innnti Imro'ii ilio flnrit
MurioHM Hliinlifjr a man rouM ik fur.
ffiF&MWX.l&A Hlrllly fl.vorr.l, Iml imuilb
rrvam. IVrfcrl MUfr ff
YOU TOO CAM v"!r 'l"' Mom.nt."
At I I r.M ri)K VUHSAHT Hottvtn , I
men's I tCCTIlniiiffiM FIGHT BY OWH9
111 nWVI SHOP ... . . ,.,nl.MTM..mr.nl.MilJ
uaiiioNiiRcnrooDS-nintHeooll 600 Maln I' I " "" " "1
Are Complete!
Van Heusen
Nack Sliai. 14 to 17 li
Sleav Lengths, 32 to 35
Botany Cheney
Fashion Craft
And a Big SeUction of
N ... ' l I
. J
TO '(i' ill 1 fv vlS I?'
n- iilllr-' I P' a t 11 1 si . mmtW.jfftsfts . xi
k ' 1 li Pft.TJ if U 11 J con1 Jullllard gabardine ,, " o ?!... N.Ov I
I I ' I IV rXl-.' I If Si ' '. V- 07. W cardigan Black or t 'V, I
i i I 1 V V- I if 'I i f ' , , brown. .Sues 10 lo V if J , ft v ' ; 1
: . (.., 1 1 Vfc. I M "I Unique needlepoint embroid- 0 . v' i f ' i I
AmJf W Vt I W ' I cry enhances Jullllard Melton if i)' y , v f 45.00 k
i it : ' . I Xi 1 I m "imiMj f cloth. Yarn-dye grey. Sizes . f 1 1 ' k Ik
: '1 's I iff f 12 to 18. a' !, A suit designed for 'TPjfpJ '
''i i KVI 1 I ! v JV 1 moTro'w. Wdooi ' ' 40
t ' ' ' A I '- I . ' W '" crepc. Blue or
1.1 1 ' Rothmoor Special Feafurei: .1 . l ,.. KLipWS green. Size. 12 to To wear will.
!;-;: . i-.m-f m I f" vOS j fx. I v-.,p ZO. nine prla0'.'
',. '",, V U 8 ormhole ore bound to resist strain ond II jullllnrd ne"
; I f XM; if . stretch after mony ,' 1 i point wool. DlacK.
i' I Wi X ! ' if wearings and " a i hluo or broWI1'
1 Y'W 'if S ' ' If cleanings. ffi Sizes 18 to
mJt l Jr 1 X f.1 pockoli are taped from the armhole r W
, f f ' ' i "i f prevent sag- , ,'Jr J
f " ' 1 r -glng and pulling . f -:'i
' ml .J the coat out o( ' '
j i ' X. mu5'',, ''n'"9 fhfough f"e shoul- , I ty ' 0 t '
I 0 ' mmri jit. ijj, -from losing its 13 Jr "StSm. V 4Ty
'45.00 jM . .jb.m ....... M &jfCf (?v five? V
7iwl W puieniea nvinmuvr i ui rt,ui i Mm ' I
full two-inch homs in coat i
and linings, 0.1
All lime classic. Zarana.
cloth. Round lapels.
Blue or gold. Sizes 10
to 20.
A wonderful, wonderful cloth coat
for softness and warmth, Grey or
black. Sizes 10 to 42.