Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 13, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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fmnttsivn ceremonies high
lighting the valorous deeds of
various units of the corps were
presented at the Marine cur
racks Friday afternoon in celC;
bration of the Marine Corps
moth anniversary.
Names of the corps units were
called and responses made by
members or representatives of
the various groups, iwo cum
nanies of marines appeared in
military review before Lt. Col
nncl fionroe Van Orden. conv
mandine officer, and officers
and townspeople in the review
inif stand.
The ceremonies took place In
a setting sharply contrasting
with the steaming Pacific battle-
fronts where much of the marine
fichtine has taken place in this
war. Hills surrounding the bar
racks were clad with tnc tirst
snow of late autumn, and skiffs
of snow blew over the paradi
Special events at the mess hall
hostess house, and bachelor ot
ficers' mess were other features
of the day.
LONG BEACH, Calif., Nov.
13 (IP) A nine-year-old boy was
recuperating in Seaside hospital
today after his release yesterday
from a 12-inch-wide tool com
partment of an abandoned auto
trailer in which he had been im
prisoned eight days.
The boy, David Bourbonnais,
was suffering from exposure,
hunger and shock and his weight
had been reduced from 70
pounds to approximately . 35
pounds. However a navy phy
sician reported that considering
the experience his condition was
surprisingly good.
A. B. Pearson, a juvenile of
ficer, said David related that a
"big boy," whose name the vic
tim did not know, slammed the
door of the tool compartment
shut on him last November 5.
David said he had climbed in
side to retrieve a jacket which
he said the other boy had
thrown in after an argument.
German Journalist
Minimizes Menace
Of Postwar Reich
SEATTLE, Nov. 13 (Mini
mizing the potential menace of a
defeated Germany, Konrad Hei
den, German journalist who es
caped from the nazis into France
in 1933, declared yesterday that
England, along with Germany
and France, will drop to the rank
of a second rate power in a post
war world dominated by the
United States, Russia and China.
Heiden, one of 28 intellectuals
given special visas to enter the
U. S. from France in 1940, said
"for at least 20 years she (Ger
many) will be psychologically
afraid to effect the alliances that
conceivably could permit her to
become dangerous.
"And within 25 years Ger
many, like France and England,
will appear among the nations
that do not count any more as
first rate powers."
Ethel Barrymore
Seriously III
NEW YORK, Nov. 13 (IP)
Actress Ethel Barrymore, who
suffered an attack of influenza
over the weekend, took a sud
den turn for the worse last
night and was removed today
from the home of a daughter
to a lower Fifth Avenue hos
pital. "Increased congestion of the
lungs. No evidence of pneu
monia. Heart satisfactory."
Miss Barrymore, 65 years old,
was forced to cancel her en
gagement in "Embezzled Heav
en" Friday night when she suf
fered an attack of influenza. It
was the first time in nearly 50
years that she had missed a
New York performance.. :
Independent Bankers
Set Annual Meeting
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 13 (IP)
The annual meeting of the In
dependent Bankers association
here November 17-18 will study
legislation affecting the industry.
J. Elmer Morrish, Redwood
City, Calif., will preside, and
Reno Odlin, Puget Sound Nation
al bank president, Tacoma,
Wash., will speak Friday night.
Representatives from seven
states in the 12th federal reserve
district will attend.
Sounding balloons, carrying
scientific instruments, have
reached altitudes of 115,000 feet,
or 22 miles.
Wonted-One of Patsy's
Puppies for Billy Mann
Does anyone have a female
puppy out of "Patsy," pedigreed
Irish setter belonging to Billy
Mann, formerly of this city? This
may seem a strange request, but
there is a heart-rending story be
hind it.
"Patsy" was given to Billy
here by a young soldier, and
from tnat minute on, the two
were inseparable, and when the
family moved to California, Pat
sy was taken along. The dog
literally worshipped the young
PARIS,. Nov. 13 W) The
army newspaper aiars ana
Stripes in an editorial today de
clared "There just isn't enough
blood being given by the folks
back home" for the bloodbank
in the European theater of op
Under the editorial, headlined
It Takes Blood to Win a War,"
appeared a picture of British
girls donating blood with the
caption: "Stack this against
what medical headquarters re
port about blood shipments from
the United States to the ETO."
The editorial went" on to say
that medics have a quota of five
pints of blood for every GI in
combat and thus far they have
been able to store up only two
pints for every man in action.
'ior the lacK ot mat, Diooa
some suffering lit many sui-
fering GI's will die," the edi
torial stated.
'Strangely enough blood don
ations in the states rise when
the war news is bad and fall
when it gets-good,'" it continu
ed. "But when the war news is
good is when the blood is need
ed, because it takes blood lots
of blood to make it- good."
The editorial concluded "All
honor to these patriotic British
girls," adding "American pa
triots please copy."
Col. Zemke Missing
In Action, Report
ER BASE, England, Nov. 13 (IP)
Col. Hubert Zemke of Missoula,
Mont,, known as the fightingest
American fighter pilot com
mander in Europe, is missing in
action, it was announced today.
The Boyisn-iooKine ai-year-
old colonel, who turned down
desk job and possible promo
tion to general to keep on fly
ing, was shot down, inside Ger
many October 30 while lead
ing his Lightning-Mustang fight
er group on a bomber escort
Zemke was leading American
fighter pilots over here at that
time, with 2B planes destroyed
22 in the air and six on the
ground. Three days later Maj.
George E. Preddy, Greensboro,
N. C, ran his total to 29
23 Vi in the air and six on the
Convicts at Large
After Prison Break
SALEM, Nov. 13 (IP) The
two long-term convicts who
escaped Saturday from the state
prison were still at large today.
The men, Martin u. Broom,
63, and Cornelius P. Long, 33,
made a daring break from a
station wagon which had been
parked within the prison walls.
Broom was serving a me sent
ence as an namtuai criminal,
while Long was serving 20
years. Searchers spent most of
the weekend combing the hills
south of Salem, where the car
had been abandoned.
Eugene Man Robbed
By Hitchhikers
PORTLAND, Nov. 13 (IP)
Floyd R. McQuinn, Eugene, told
city police here Saturday night
tnat he had been slugged and
robbed by two men. in soldiers'
uniforms who stole his car, his
watch, $85 and his shoes.
Walking barefooted into the
police station, McQuinn said he
was driving from Eugene to'
Salem when he picked up the
pair. In Portland, he reported,
they put him out of the car at
SE Grand avenue and Morrison
boy, and each day. at 3:15 she
would cross the road to a desig
nated spot to await his arrival
from school. .
On Halloween, Billy was de
layed at school because of a spe
cial -program, and "Patsy, be
coming worried, ventured up the
road to look for him. Suddenly
a car swerved around the corner
and hit the dog, killing her in
The family is grief-stricken
over their loss, and Billy has
been temporarily removed from
school, because his sorrow is so
extreme. He refuses to eat,
cries during the night, and seems
unable to reconcile himself to
the mislortuiie.
This story wns given to The
Herald and News by - Billy's
granamouier, Mrs. Maye Stll-
well, 2115 Stark. Portland, Ore.,
because the Mann family had so
many friends in Klamath Falls
and the dog was . equally well
known and loved by adults and
children alike. She has had two
litters of puppies within 'the last
two years, manv of which were
sold or given to residents of
riiamatn county. Mrs. Stilwell
would like to find someone who
owns one of the female, puppies,
and if possible, buy the dog and
ship it to her grandson. It would
be the best way to help lessen
his gnei, and about the only
thing that could ever take the
place of "Patsy."
Navy Sponsors New
Musical Program
Series Over Radio
Mix 23 toD stars with 12 name
bands and you have the alMime,'
all-high in radio entertainment
presented in the second series of
'Something for the Gir s." 12
fifteen - minute recorded pro
grams produced by the navy for
WAVES recruiting.
They will be heard on KFJI
every Monday and Wednesday at
:o p. m., Deginmng Monday,
November 13.
Ronald Colman. Lilv Pons.
Mary Martin, Bob Burns, Nelson
Eddy, John Charles Thomas,
James Melton, Alec Templeton,
Jane Froman, Celeste Holm,
Dick Haymes, Ginny Simms,
Bert Lytell, Helen Forrest, John
ny Mercer, and Frank Munn are
among the stars who contributed
tneir talents to the navy.
Andre kostelanetz, Raymond
Paige, Sammy Kaye, Gus Haens
chan, Al ' Goodman, Meredith
Willson, Victor Young, Robert
Armbruster. Gordon Jpnlrinc
Phil Spitalny and Paul Weston.
Postwar Development
Of Farms Discussed
Postwar agricultural develop
ment will be discussed at the
17th annual Eastern Oreeon
Wheat league meeting at Arling
ton December 7-9, inclusive.
Charles W. Smith, league sec
retary, said here that speakers
would include a war food ad
ministration official and a fed
eral laboratory specialist from
Illinois. ,
Relief At Last
For Your Cough
Creomulslon relieves nrnmnMv ho-
cause it goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, in
named bronchial mucous mem
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulslon with the un
derstanding you must like the way it
OUlCklV Allnva th nmtnh nr ,mt,
to have your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
t Fa mi ! Jar
tBAJE jmrkhJ W Si pat. Off . 1
Six Polio Cases
Reported in Portland
Six new cases of infantile par
alysis were reported here last
week, bringing the year s total
to 91, the city health bureau
Nineteen deaths this year
were due to polio, compared
with five for the same 1943
Council to Meet
Tuesday Night
The city council, which meets
regularly each -Monday night,
will meet this week on Tuesday
at 7:30 o'clock in the council
chambers of the city hall due to
the absence of two of its mem
bers. Successful candidates in the re
cent election have been asked to
sit in on this and future meet
ings of the council until they
take office.
Don't Neglect Slipping
Do fa lie teeth drop. slip or wabble
when you talk, eat, laugh or meeze?
Don't be annoyed and embarrassed by
uch handicaps, FASTEETH. an alka
line (non-acid) powder to prlnkle on
your plates, keeps false teeth more
firmly let. Gives confident feeling: of se
curity and added comfort. No gummy,
gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Get FA3
TFV.T11 today at any dnig more.
Why Thousands of Doctors
Have Prescribed
nova rieauriueu
Pertussin mutt be good when thou
sands upon thousands of Doctors
have prescribed It for so many years.
Pertussin acts at once to relieve your
coughing. It loosens and makes phlegm
easier to raise. Safe and effective for
bolli old and young. Inexpensive!
Organization of a "Third
Armv" here in Klamath Falls,
made up o! retail trade employes
who will work on tho 6th War
Loan drive, cot underway al a
meeting of the retail merchants
committee held In the chamber
of commerce Friday.
Carrying out the a rmy
Idea, salesucoolc of piirtieipatltlg
stores will wear cardboard tugs
denoting their "rank through
out tho drive Dcriod. They will
be privates until sale of their
first $25 bond, when they will
receive their PFC rating, and
will increase in rank as they sell
more bonds. Sale of $5000 in
bonds will make them full gener
als with four stars on their tags.
A city-wide meeting of store
employes is scheduled for the
morning of the opening day of
the 6th War Loan drive, Mon
dav, November 20. The meeting
will be held on store time in the
Pelican theatre. Entertainment
will be provided, arid the "Third
Army" program will be ex
plained at that time.
Merrill Farmer Dies
In Hospital Here
Ernest Buck, well-known Mer
rill farmer and potato grower,
died at Hillside hospital Sunday
morning following a lengthy ill
ness.. Mr. Buck, 49 years at the
time of his passing, had operated
a farm one mile north of Merrill
for the past eight years. He was
a. native of Jackson county, Ore.
Mr. Buck was active in affairs
of the Merrill lOOF and Rcbok
ah lodges and the Merrill Ameri
can Legion post. His wife, Lena,
survives. Arrangements arc be
ing made by Ward s.
Five Armistice Day
Babies Born Here
Weekend reports from Klam
ath Falls hospitals showed an un
usual heavy crop of babies with
four girls and one boy arriving
on Armistice Day, November 1 1.
At Klamath Valley, girls ar
rived for Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Maggini, 2121 Radcliffe: Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Cummings, 521 Jeffer
son; Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott of
Beatty. It was a girl for Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Williams of Mer
rill and a boy for Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Ash of Tulana Farms,
both registered at Hillside.
Planing Mill to
Be Constructed
H1LLSB6RO. Nov. 13 UP) J.
G. Vincent, Aloha, and associates
have purchased property here
from the city and plan to start
immediate construction of a
planing mill.
Vincent told city officials a
dry kiln and shingle mill will be
built later, bringing the total in
vestment to $20,000 or $25,000.
Millions of Chinese people
keep pet grasshoppers in their
homes. The custom is an eco
nomical solution to the Chinese
craving for pets.
One hot water bottle contains
enough rubber to make, two
yards of hospital sheeting.
Kidneys Must
Clean Out Acids
Do you suffer from Octtlng Up Nights,
Backache, Nervousness, lg Faint, Dlisl
neat, Swollen Ankles, Rheumatic Paint,
Bladder Weakness, Painful Passages, or feel
old and run-down, due to non-organic and
non-systemic Kidney and Bladder troubles?
If so, here la good news: The very first dose
of Cystex U physlelan'a prescription) usu
ally goea right to work helping the Kidneys
flush oat excess acids and wastes which may
have caused your trouble. 80 take Cyittx
exactly as directed and watch for quick help
and a rapid Increase In pep, more youthful
feeling and Joy 0! living. Cystex must sur
prise and delight you and satisfy completely
or you simply return the empty package and
your money back Is guaranteed. Don't suffer
another day without trying Critex onhf
35c. Tear tht out; fake to your aruggiit; be
sure to fftt guaranteed Cystex.
Proves Wonderful
For Itching Skin!
To promptly soothe itching, burning
kin of Eczema, Pimples, Athlete's
Foot and similar akin and scalp irri
tations due to external cause apply
Zemo a Doctor's highly medicated,
invisible liquid backed by 36 years
success! Zemo ALSO aids healing.
Over 26,000,000 packages sold. First
trial convinces! In 8 yfum f
sizes. All drugstores. mm lyl IB
Accident and ladennltr Company
General Insurance Agency
615 Main St Phone 4193
By Expert Technician
For All Makes oi Radios - . '
Quick, Guaranteed Service
116 N. 9rh
Phone 7522
Across From Montgomery Ward en North 9th
. Mm m ar m ark
.isUflaT r sr w mm r
wm ,
FO Robert A. Ncndel, 21, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Jiur.es L. Nondel,
218 East Main, cq-pllot.of tho B
17 flying Fortress "Flying
Ghost," has won an Oak Leaf
cluster to his Air Medal . for
"meritorious achievement . . . .
coolness, courage and skill" dur
ing eight air force bombing at
tacks on targets in Germany and
nazi occupied Europe. Ncndel
is stationed in England.
The Oregon airman Is a mem
ber of tho third bombardment
division, cited by the president
for its now historic England
Africa shuttle bombing of mul
Messerschmitt aircraft plants at
Regcnsburg, Germany, in Aug
ust of 1S43.
2nd Lt. William Laahs, 22, of
Klamath Falls, has been awarded
the Air Medal for "courage, cool
ness and skill" displayed while
on bombing attacks over nazi Eu
rope. The airman is a navigator
in an 8th air force B-17 Flying
Fortress group. Lt. Laahs is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Laahs Jr., of 1109 Pine, and
prior to entering the army air
forces in July, 1042, was em
ployed by the Lamm Lumber
company at Modoc Point.
Italy PFC Paul W. Juveland.
412 Walnut, is serving with the
53rd signal battalion now In its
27th month overseas, and is fight
ing in the Gothic line In Italy.
This particular group has en
gaged in four campaigns, and has
fought In northern Algeria, Tuni
sia, Sicily, and Italy. Juveland
drives a truck for the army.
(IP) Of 221 western labor dis
putes settled by the U. S. depart
ment of labor conciliation com
missioners during October, 3D oc
curred in Washington, 38 in Ore
gon and 6 in Idaho, E. P. Marsh,
regional director, announced yes
terday. Classified ad ter results.
A quint recognition of Armis
tlco Day was observed In Klam
ath Falls over tho weekend that
saw all veteran organizations
participating in services.
Tho American Legion 40 ot 8
held the trmlllliinnl dawn snlulo
Armistice Day on the hills buck
of town. This win followed by
the annual breakfast nt tho Wll
lard hotel ut 7 n. m.
Commemorative services wore
then held at the memorial shaft
In front of the courthouse with
the firing sqund from tho Marino
Barracks, assisting.
Open house was held nt the
Legion hnll all day and in the
evening the annual Armistice
Day dunce was held nt tho ar
mory. , .
Many townspeople attonded
the traditional football game be
tween Bend nnd Klamath Falls
at Modoc field and saw the Pell
cans come out on top. Ki ll. The
high school band nnd tho Pep
Peppers performed before the
gamo nnd during the half, and
made n colorful nrruy, .
Sugar Stamp 34
Becomes Valid
Sugar stamp 34 In war radon
book 4 will be good for buying
five pounds of sugar beginning
November 111. 11)44, Wlllnrd
Case, district OPA food rationing
representative, announced today.
Like sugar slumps 30, 31. 32
and 33, the new stamp will be
good indefinitely for buying S
gounds of sugar, Cnse explained,
luce March 18. 1043, tho OPA
has been validating one sugar
stamp good for 5 pounds
every two and one-hall months,
he said.
Sugnr stamp No. 40, validated
February 1, 1044, Is good for
buying 3 pounds of home can
ning sugar through February 28,
Clnlfliv1 Art Hrlnp RftiH
nulcklv relieved by Penwtro 1
Grandma's old-time mutton met
idea Uc V9lneil by modern trlcnctv:
Ini relief. 2o, double tli 3!tc. ftf'ltU
The four studvnts taking
honors at thn Sudio Hawkins as
sembly Friday wcro Chester
Morulund, ' freshmiiu, Bonnie
Ellis, ui)inr, for the Individual
prizes for tho most original boy
nnd girl, und Bob Perkins und
Shirley Martin, both seniors for
the culti.it couple.
Tom Hopkins and Edna Ron
ncr won tno door prlzo nt tho
dance. In keeping with the
door prlzo themes, they wero
presented with a tinrn door.
Nino more Krator kubs have
been admitted to the stuff after
successfully passing a written
test to discover their writing
ability. They aro Kathryn
Ramsey, Nudlne Yockcy, W. D,
Miller Jr., Donna Rno Warden,
Marilyn O'Neill, Janet Lind
berg, Margaret Grubb, Rulho
Huston and Harold Gillette.
June Hanger will entertain
tho Honor Society nt her homo
Tuesday evening. Each member
of the society has been assigned
something to bring, and tho eve
ning will be spent In comiilllng
grades to determine tho honor
roll und the grand honor roll.
SALEM. Nov. 13 (fl'l Delin
quent taxes in Oregon have been
reduced from $20,220,010 to $14,
2H4.3U4 within the past year, tho
state tax conunlssion snld todny,
Classified Ads Brine HesulU
For Cold Weather!
All W..I
Cruiser Coats
till. It I. M
$12.50 to $18.50
Radar TraiiTen K
come so great tl ,',"""' n
Program nt STi
list. iiccrthn , . i10'"" at
neclnllst r(l7, "' ; ySckt
"dA r. rno,c.i
nnd nioro , ni,Pe,r
needed on ll. i
""Mi nnd M,me lit
vnl planes ,, .."""Uoli
App rants wh, .
mnn first cinu (J' "IIMiii
" . "W"1 and ll
'uiimii-s. mi nigs n ;;l,tM
con, can he ear,,, ' &ffA
r Upon ,, ""Ifl
Ol "CERTAIN DAYS" 01 lh Ik
If runriionM d.hi,. ir.."1
tit.,i our-M ,ui '1
Compound io rrli ,JS
lo (rand ui,ch ffif
Motorists Now Get
' Extra Gas Milea
ThouMimls of molorlitij
cnb. truck n,,H .-...l:"1!
nre now
and trctnr
Y. UP lo u:
nnd (nileker ilnrti,,. 3PI
Vucu-matlc on their tJ J
new, improved, meUI v3
mntlc operates on the Sua!
tomntlcnlly nnd con beltotil,
Ihe Vacu-nwtlc Carbid
Co., 7017 (I80O Staled
wmiwnioiin, wis.,
a viicwmauc u nnvont
will install It on his at
netp introduce It to ttA
wiry win ginniy send lul
pnriiciuiirs if you wrilt bi
or juih Bcno your name tti
dress on a penny poit art
For coffee
f... J
m m
.. ..AW
., 'Ati tu ,W't
like f1"' ... Vji10'" -.tC0- .rWCV- ..Vt" r,0O
14 I
at3 ' .
nW"- rrrtW' ntv- . V J