Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 13, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    ACE FIVE ;
Vlilli Parsnls Mildred Wll-I Hunting W 1 1 b u r Arnold, (Eagles auxiliary will meet In the ModoC Defense Meet
Hams, freshman nl the Unlvcr-! former Klamath reildent now upper FOE hall on Friday nights . - ii . i
vltatlon extended by the Cham-'hotel Is being planned,
her of commerce, It was an-1 Mitchell TilloUon is In charge
nounced today by Charles Stark, I of arrangements for the meet
chamber secretary. i ing.
telopa lies down for defense. In
this position, every part of tha.
body and legs can ba protected
by the long, raDier-like horns.
lty of Oreiton. has been horc!llvl8 In Mcdford, wai among j until remodeling of the lower Jiaiu ir rviumuui
visiting a few days with ,ler j "weekend hunlcra In thla ice
pureiils. Mr. and Mn. Edgar ,,
Wllllnmi. ! Auxiliary Membera of the
hall It completed, It was an
Modoc county defense conn-
nounccd Monday
Thirty-five Modoc county
ci will meet In Klamath Falls ; Buests wm be present, and a 1IE8 DOWN FOR DEFENSE
Hans Norland Auto Insurance.
Phon 6060.
Mi- ond mrs.
Clanillii-fl Ads Brinit Results. ' Saturday, November 25. on In- large banquet at the Willard When wounded, the sable an-
Otl'l'.-T" iH5 Ivory, Iihvo
HV ! . '
Loll''. Van Born. M
' 11 LI'" ' II.. ...Mllf 110
It J1.0 ,,f hoimr I"r c, f
w" """J? hi ii r for effio
blB? L "conduct. Ills
Isl'li i" .ion unit will;'
"'SttZZw. November ,
iWfcJbr Slrwrl addition,
lobn Vee":. rT.tinn on the mak-l
'd,?. lioon hv the committee.
S&S.TKrd to bring their
IT table wrvif.
,.j Mrs. Harold D.
P'?hss received word of the
r,,ncU,, or "cr husband from
,0tf Ml m-ulcwnl. French
,con(l ?in tionrd In France. Ills
XZ ? former Charlotte
EVifht and is num...
HhWlU on .he Midland,
V' o .. i. (..unloved as a .
ptrta lhe M'"' aehool.
I .nTnnndence committee of the i
film campus. Object of the
Ijmmitlcc Is to lid oil a scrvico
S fdillon of I he Daily Kmcr.
"rnipui nrwapapcr. It wl
,ntiln luminary of all the fall
rrm cimpuj news.
IAUh. Chtpttr - Members of
Jnha chnplcr, Order of the
Hltrn Stur. will meet In regit
ir KUlon Tuesday at 8 I), m.
i- the Masonic icnipic. iirciui
till b initiation of candidates,
fin. Arthur It. Dickson, worthy
atron, ntici r.nri
nnlrnit Ulll COrdilll
Llitlon to all members and
biting memoera 10 miciiu.
Will Mttt The WCTU will
I ... ..on - , Ti,lnv ill
i;ta n v -
K First Christian church In '
bticment room left of the
fciln entrance. Tho change ol
me U due to mo lunerm hi
In, Margaret Peck, which Is
j be held at 2:30 p. m. Friends
iirt memDcrs nra tuiumtu
iiltd lo attend the meeting.
umv Wives of two navy
Ltn underwent surgery at Hill-
it Iiojd Hal November 7, anti
ire now recovering In the same
toom. iney arc mrs. isynncy
Bulls. 913 Jefferson, wnoso iivik-
Kind Is on duty at the Klamath
nil a r station, and Mrs. Ar
ils Huff, 1U9 Lincoln, whose
Jiband is overseas.
reotnrlnters Mttt The Klanv
h branch of the International i
tootprintcrs association, made
(. ol law enforcement officials
3d laymen, win meet luesday ,
illht al the WI-Nn Mn hotel cof-:
h shop at 7:30. Lt.-Cnl. George
i. van urcicn win be me spcaK-
Hlffli Son Mr. and Mrs.
libert Faus, 434 Conger, arc i
went ol a son. their second
Inlld, born November 7. elec-
Inn day. nt Hillside. The bov I
f u occn named Robert Benja
min, raus is Willi tno Lnlllornln I
Jttjon Power company.
lldlii Aid Tha Klamath
blheran Ladies Aid will meet i I
uciclav at 2 n. m. in tho church !
Klrnrt with M m n cnii
I'd Mrs, Pete Brandsncss as I
smieuci. .
iAddiorv Board Th Kalvn
Wm Army advisnrv hoarrt will ,
wt Tuesday noon at the Salva- '
army ninlng room, accord-
lo Martin Swanson, chair-
tulaloni Chapttr DBUgh-'
j"". mo American Hevolu-
Eulnlona cliRpler. will
Ji tonight. Monday, at 8,
fflock at t,c homc n( Mrs.
SlA .
, I l0n Jnnn Warren,
r; """Kiucr oi Mr. and Mrs.
arrcn, route 3 box 1230,
TCCOVprlnn .i Tiltiu-
i, T m.i;iy I1UI31UU
u pi! operation for mas-
Ia- She Wfli arlili(Al (rt,....
lulurbin 1. 1 ri.. .... I
,'lNovenber luncheon and
wws meeting of the Subur
in Leamie invili.... ...in u.
.. vniui Will I011QW.
AHW IA I l -
tutr. ""'K cluo win meet
r Mr.. Wilbur Jones, 203
rnniAT. 7 T "morose Keener,
EK?1 Whltlock Funeral
ovemh.. i, cnt mnor siintery
bun.? '.' l 'iiusicle. He is
" "nproving.
IT- i.. ..
'..in wt i n r. Pi-nt,
id Nef.rCilsT!nn.nt Tho Herald
tw . pck niter a bus
F Cold Weather!
Helth Underwear
. ! of Warmth
without Weight.
and Long Sleeve
Site, 38 to BO
V 4. e. mtHHtr ., im. JHp.
To keep you snug at play outdoors,
And cozy at your winter chores,
It's none too early to prepare V
With Penney's winter outerwear I
Mix Them
Match Them
Soft wool, gaily piped in contesting color "990
along pockets ar.d lopels. Fitted styles, nicely m
linod. sw
In favorite colors to go with your jacket and 1 98
blouses, and set off your pretty sweaters. A
Plenty of Dleats' al
Wear Bright, Glowing SWEATER COLORS
Just a joy to wear and own! All pure wool in V398
truly sporty cardigans or slipovers. With im- ji
portant little details. "B
And BLOUSES To Vary Your Wardrobe
Crisp tailored blouses in snowy white or
bright colors. Some with goy stitching or
HI .1. Vibrant Color In
Slimly fashioned In Darbrook
Fasconne a gleaming embossed
rayon crepe that means new
loveliness in color! figure-molding
lines, soft shirring and glit
tering trim for new flattery in
this dramatic group of fall fash
bicond rtooa
Rtductdl Ptnco
Sanitary Napkins
Fine quality . reduced
price! 12 to a box.
Men' Towneraft Sport Shirts
Fine quality rayon and cotton gabardine.
Two button down flap pockets. Long
sleeves. Blue, burgundy, brown and J QO
Small, medium ana large. -
Brushed Cotton Mittens
Two-tone In white and -red, blue and white,
and red and white. Small, ABC
medium, large.
Men's All Cotton
Flannel Shirts
Colorful plaids. Two pocket models. EC
Slrei 14 to 17.
Thty'rt Haral
Talon Zippers
All colors and 25C
t.ona.at Lanoths .
Just Arrlvadl Rtvtex
Bridge Table Covers
Tailored to fit! Waterproof, crack-proof and
washable. Drop sides and tie strings. Red,
white and blue; green and 1 JO
maroon. balcont
Heavy Knit
Stocking Caps
65 wool. Water repellent top. For Oflg
all ages. Navy, brown, wine.
Cotton Filled
Sofa Pillows
Striped, with fancy yarn fringed trim. Blue,
wine and green combinations. Qfle
17x17 in.
Junior Boys'
Finger Tip Coats
Cordurov top with heavy poplin revorslble
lining. Siies 4 to 10. Navy and ,
royal blue. B0WNIAIM
Wool Batts
Comfort slit, 72x90. Made of all
terial. Treated for moth
new ma-
Wonderful Wrr.r. Coats
Sport coats have new fashion details!
Youthful sweetheart lapels, flange
fronts to broaden the shoulders and
taper the waist, beautiful big buttons
all give these coats distinctive trimming
of their own. Chesterfields, fitted and
boy coats in colorful wool fleeces and
suede finishes.
) ' ' V -kjr 1
i- v i fit 1:3 ' i''y
... . jMiJ- V
Teeners Cold Weather Coats JP'J
Coats cut like mother's with a gay young ail iftw-7vrf! J3t? v
Favorite Chesterfields, reefers ond boy coats. f $s t
Warm woolens, all interlined. I 1 -YWfLt-t V,f
Worm Coat and Ski Pants i If
coat bonnets I C5 X f ,Jfryt
6' : 69v y M
Snug princess coats, fleece moterial. Sus-
pender ski pants with zipper fastener. Fully 4 r.-i' I . sd
interlined for coldest weather. 1-3. iawt111" 1 f
i Jt. -i
' Main