Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 10, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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Play final
Tilt Sunday
Leathernecks to Be At Full
Strength For Return Battle
With Fairfield-Suisun Team
In the last game of the sea
ion on Sunday, November 12,
the fans of the marine gridiron
team will have an opportunity
to see the Leathernecks and
the Fairfield-Suisun air base
tangle in what promises to be
as thrilling a struggle as their
last encounter in Vallejo, Calif.
The Marines defeated the Sky
masters in that game, 14 to 12.
The kickoff for Sunday's game
is scheduled for 2 p. m.
The Skymasters' team is built
around two top backs, both of
whom are triple threats, Elmon
Sasse, 190-pound flash, and
Monk Myers, former Xavior
star. These two men have two
capable pass receivers in Wade
and Dansby. It was these boys
who scored the two touchdowns
against the Marines in their
last game. Wade on a long pass
from Sasse, and Dansby on a
88-yard run after a pass inter
ception. The Marines will go into the
game at full strength and Coach
Roberts is confident that his
eleven will measure up to their
previous victory.
Dravin and Darnell will most
likely be Roberts' choice to
start at ends. Dravin is the most
consistent pass receiver and will
probably team with Bancer, ace
halfback, to provide the mar
gin of victory.
At tackles will be Fiorc and
Taylor, at guards, Byrne and
O'Connor, and center, Golden,
rounding out the Marines' prob
able starting forward wall. All
the Marine backfield men are
in top shape. Mahan has been
bothered with a bad wrist and
foot in the last two tilts, but
has fully recovered and will be
ready to aid Bancer with the
tailback chores. La Paglia, who
is the Marines' most consistent
ground-gaining back, and Fad
gen can go in top form at full.
Currie and Albritton will alter
nate at blocking back, and Jack
Walters will probably open the
game at right half.
Fairfield-Suisun is noted for
its spectacular plays and Coach
Roberts has warned his men to
be on the lookout for a game
opening long pass or some other
unorthodox play.
A capacity crowd is expected
for reserved seats are on sale at
the chamber ot commerce omce
Arizonian Hurt
Riding Bronco
In Boston Rodeo
BOSTON, Nov. 10 () Jimmy
Schumacher, . 24, of Phoenix,
Ariz., suffered two broken ribs
and a cut chest last night when
thrown from his mount under
the hooves of a wild Brahma
The' injuries will cost the Ari
zonian a chance for the Boston
rodeo bareback bronc riding
championship. Up to last night
he was tied for first m that field
with Bill Linderman of Red
Lodge, Mont.
Dan Poore of ' Yuma. Ariz-
turned in the best time of the
year in the wild cow milking
contest. Poore scored in 23 sec
onds, two more than the world
Other winners included:
Cowboys' saddle bronc riding
contest: First, Shirley Hussey.
Moses Lake, Wash., on Home
Brew; third, Johnnie Tubbs,
Spokane, Wash., on Smoke
Up In The Air
fit j
d...i.:.. ; DFr Walta Rvctriti of Milwaukee. Wis..
170 pound end for the Fairfield-Suisun Skymasters. Sunday after
noon at 2 p. m. on Modoc field the Leathernecks will play host
to the Skymasters in a return engagement. The Marines won
the first tilt between the two elevens, 14-12. , .
. i j neraia ana new XJrJ I
Grant Battles Roosevelt
Friday for District Title
PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 10 (tP) ,
Many oi uregon s nign scnuui
football elevens will piay iram
tional Armistice Day contests
Saturday, but a Friday night
struggle to determine a district
champion, and a state playoff
entrant overshadows all tne rest.
Grant's Generals, defending
Oregon kingpins with a 194
record of seven victories and no
defeais, go against Roosevelt's
Teddies in Multnomah stadium
for Portland s district 4 diaae-iii.
Roosevelt, with six wins, no
losses and one deadlock, musi
whip the Jerry Lillie T-Boys to
gain the title. A Grant con
quest, or a tie, will give the
Generals the flag.
District 2's elite Medford's
Black Tornado and Coquille's
Red Devils, both with six straight
victories should have little
trouble with tneir Saturday op
position. Medford goes to Asn
land and Coquille to Myrtle
Point. They, alone, are in the
running for the area champion
ship. Six clubs still battling for the
district 3 crown will see action.
Eugene, unbeaten in the section,
plays at Salem (4-4) Friday night:
Columbia Prep, with a perfect
record, travels to faeaside Friday;
Gresham (6-0) entertains Esta-
cada Friday, Lebanon (6-0) plays
at University High of Eugene
Friday night, Vernonia (6-0)'
hosts Rainier Friday, and Cot
tage urove (4-0) entertains
Springfield Friday. Newberg,
unstopped in six starts, has an
open date.
Over in district 1, where La
Grande has already cinched the
title, the Tigers move to Baker
for a Saturday tilt. La Grande
has won eight in eight starts,
Baker three in the same number.
Other games:
Friday: The Dalles at Hood
River, Oregon City at Milwaukic,
Toledo at Newport and, in Port
land, Jefferson at Commerce,
Franklin at Benson and Wash
ington at Lincoln.
Saturday: Pendleton at Mac
high of Milton-Frecwater, Rose
burg at Grants Pass, Bend at
Klamath Falls, Albany at Cor
vallis, Astoria at Tillamook,
Hillsboro at Beavcrton, Sweet
Home at Junction City.
New Hockey Player
Signs With Eagles
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 10 (VP)
Buster Zobrosky, young British
Columbia defense man, was
signed today by the Portland
Eagles of the Pacific Coast
Hockey league and will join the
club in lime for the game
against the league-leading Seat
tle Ironmen here Sunday night.
Coach Jimmy Ward simultane
ously announced that Ken Bar
ker, Vancouver B. C, defense
man supposedly en route here to
join the Eagles, had instead
signed with the Ironmen.
Army Hits Notre Dame Saturday
WEST POINT, N. Y., Nov. 10
(iP) The shock-troop system,
an idea that helped Knute
Rockne to the gridiron heights,
comes back to haunt the Irish
in tomorrow's annual clash with
army in New York City's Yan
kee stadium.
Lt. Col. Earl Blaik, head
coach of the all-winning Cadets,
said today he would continue
his two-team plan and that the
upper classmen's varsity with
Doug Kenna at quarterback
would start against the Irish.
In the second quarter an e:;ire
new team, mostly plcbes, will
take the field.
This aggregation has Capt.
Tom Lombardo at quarter,
Felix (Doc) Blanchard at full
back, Glenn Davis as one - of
the halfbacks and up front has
Barney Poole at one end, De
witt Coulter at a tackle and
Hcrschel Fusion at center. .
The only changes in those
plans will come if Army kicks
off. Then Blanchard will toe
the ball and trot to the sidelines
until his plcbc mates are sent
into the fray. Bobby Dodds,
fullback on the upper classmen
team, likely won't start because
of a leg injury and his place
will be taken by Dean Scnsan
baugher, the ex-Ohio Stater and
erstwhile right half on the
plebe outfit. . ;
While Blanchard, Davis and
some of the other Army backs
have been attracting the head
lines, it is Tom Lombardo who
gets the pats on the back from
the Army coaches.
"There is little if any differ
ence between Lombardo and
Kcnna in ability or general
ship," said Blaik, . ."but we
thought that the plcbes would
steady down and be more re
laxed knowing that the player
I 61S Klamath Ave.
; Mu!c By '.' '.
Ausplcei V.F.W. .
calling their signals was the
team captain. . Technically, I
suppose that Lombardo, our
captain, should be in the start
ing lineup but he has given up
that honor to help the team in
a much greater way."
The Cadets leave at noon to
day and will work out in Yan
kee stadium at 2 p. m. The civ
ilian members of Notre Dame's
squad -will arrive In Gotham
some time today and will spend
the night at Bear Mountain, N.
Y. The Irish V-12 players,
whoso absence from their
campus is restricted to 48 hours,
won't reach New York until
Saturday morning.
K-Men Set
For Annual
Bend Battle
Armistico Day Encounter
Finds Many Boys Donning
School Colors Last Time
On Armistice Day the Klam
ath Pelicans play their tradition
al tilt with the liend Lava Bears,
this year on our own Modoc
field. Tills is the last game ot
the 1944 football season for the
Pelicans and, gosh, how wo hope
the kids win this one. A victory
over the Bend eleven would givo
Coach Marble Cook and his boys
an oven break for the year and
wind up the season nicely.
The Lava Dears arc going to
have something to say about
that, however, and the two Bend
speed merchants, Ferguson and
Lammers. may be especially
vociferous. The local lads should
be able to keep them pretty well
bottled up and we sure hope
they do, because once in the
clear these boys arc long gone.
On the old comparative score
basis, the Pelicans figure to be a
bit better than their rivals. The
two elevens have encountered
three joint opuoncnts. namely
Grants Pass, Salem and Medford.
Bend skidded by Grants Pass, 14
9, and toppled Salem by one
touchdown. 14-7. The Pelicans
socked the capital city boys, 18-0,
and took to the air to beat the
Cavemen, 12-0. Both Bend and
Klamath Falls were bowled over
by the Medford Black Tornado,
bend going down by a 34-14
count and the Pelicans came out
on the short end of a 21-0 tally.
The fact that neither Snlem or
Grams Pass was able to score
against the K-mcn, while they
both hit paydirt against the Lava
Bears, would seem to give Klam
ath the edge by a whisker. Of
course, Figure Filberts could ar
gue that Bend tallied twice
against Medford while the Peli
cans were held scoreless, but we
think the other over-balances
this, as the local boys would cer
tainly have countered against the
Black Tornado if they had re
ceived the semblance of a break.
This ball game is going to be
close, close, close with the tide
liable to turn either way at any
time. Both elevens will be
cook in' with gas as Claude Cook
mentors the Lava Bears while
our Marble Cook guides the grid
destiny of the Pelicans. Strictly
off the record the two coaches
are NOT related.
The K-men have been doing
plenty of scrimmaging this week
and seem to have regained some
of their former fire. Cook will
start Bill Abbey in the right half
slot In place of Bob Redkey with
Bob Perkins at quarterback and
Berry and' Biehn filling out the
lett halt ana luiiback positions,
respectively. This is the same
starting backfield that opened
the season against Grant and we
sincerely hope that they blast a
few touendown trans to tne tsena
goal line.
Kimsev and Thurman will
again start at ends, with Mason
and Long beside tnem in tne
tackle spots. Guards will be Wil
son and Wirth and the pivot man
is Vanderhoff.
According to figures gathered
from the program of the Med-ford-Bend
game, the Pelicans
will outweigh their opponents a
bit for the first time this season.
Both elevens are light, however,
and the weight advantage will
not be of great value.
The Klamath line will top the
Lava Bears by about three
pounds per man and the Pelican
backfield will have a weight ad
vantage of approximately 10
pounds per man.
Both teams play a wide open
type of football, relying on speed
and deception rather than pow
er". This makes an interesting
and spectacular game to watch
and a large crowd of grid fans is
expected to be on hand to wit
ness the annual tilt. The kick
off is slated for 2 p. m. sharp.
This, then, is the final game
for the 1944 Klamath Union
high school football team. For
some, this will also be their last
game as high school ball players.
Havii.g gotten to know these
boys a bit throughout the cur
rent grid season, let us say that
we have no fears for the out
come of a game that will see
many of them doh the Red-and-Whitc
colors of their school for
the last timet
?y m.mm
' urn win,- it'i
Buddy Btthn will pUr his
last football gam for Klamath
Union high school against the
Lava Burs from Bend, Armis
tice Day at 2 p. m. on Modoc
field. Blahn has bun a con
sistent ball player all union
and will be out to hslp the
Pslicans toward I victory In
thalr final lilt.
Bruins Seek
Revenge On
Golden Bears
LOS ANGELES. Nov. 10 (fPl
UCLA is all set to atone for the
6 to 0 defeat it suffered early
in the season to the California
This hasn't been what could
be classified as a successful sea
son out Westwood way, but a
decisive victory over Coach
Stub Allison's Berkeley boys
tomorrow in the Coliseum would
go a long way to salve the
Bruin wounds.
The dopesters say the Bruins
should win. A quick look at
the Bear lineup also indicates
a win for the home club. Cali
fornia has lost too many players
to the service. It doesn't resem
ble the squad that held the
Southern California Trojans to
a 6 to 6 tic here a few weeks
Th Klamath Marines srs all 1 Last week was one of those
it to lu oil against the Fair- bii-n-it ones with thosu upsets
field Sulsun Skymastsrs on
Modoc field Sunday alUrnoon.
A victory for the Leathtrntcks
111 bring tnsm up io nra
wins, two lossas and a 11 In
th suson's grid Udgtr.
So fnr this season tne Marines
have scored it lotal of 42 point
in five games against 64 liillit'il
by the opposition. Moro than
half the points scored agulnsl
the LcathernecKS we.ro ruuen up
In the first gamo by Willamette,
Simmons and Co. This organi
zation trampled the boys from
the barracks, 33-14,
Two lngth.ol-th-llld touch
down gallops war rglstrd
against th Lutharnecks from
within th opposition's own flv
yard strips, on an vn 100
yard dash as a result of a pop
up fumbla. and th other good
for SB yards on a pass intor-
Tho longest touchdown dash
by the Murines was an 83-ynrd
run by Albrlttim on a puss in
terception against Willamette In
the closing minutes of the contest.
In th Individual points scored
column LaPaglU luds with 12
still ringing In my ears. After
Friday hail passed 1 thought 1
was right back on (he track
after predicting a tie Unit came
true. Let's see now, Out of ubimt
40 predictions your prognustlcu
lor only dropped about seven so
I'm still as happy us If 1 had
guild sense.
Each weak It gats liltl
tougher to pick 'am, I figure out
how they should end up, read
seme big shot's tallies from
back east, his doings don't live
with mln and then I ask,
'why?' Back I go through my
meagor files lo sea why the
hock that character Is dlflorent.
Anyway, 1'vo looked at the
other imea and they say Army
over Notre Diuue. Umiumni,
could be. Then again, they say
March Field over Washington.
Again, could be.
If 1 have to predict two up
sets, I'll ilooil It. So with a
bu.. bomb In my buzzer and
proplo whispering, "Don't do
it, Foster," 1 ny Nolro Dame
13, Army 7 and Washington 20,
March Field 13.
As for the KIsmathBend
game, there s really only on
followed by Mahan, Albritton, ; answer. Bend is batter than
Fadgen and Dravin with 8 and
Bancer and Currie with one
apiece on extra point conver
sions against the Skymasters at
Lal'aglla Is the most consist
ent ground gainer with an aver-
ago ot a mile uctier man tnree
Klamath this year ... by some
margin. Your promoter could
write a half a column on "The
Faults of the T Formation" and
would argu until th wee small
hours on II. For about 10 yurs
I've followed Klamath teams,
usually they ended th season,
Pete Belcastro Gets Shot
At "Grey Mask" Tonight
Tonight's the night Pete Bel
castro, the Weed assassin, climbs
through the ropes at the armory
to endeavor to give the busi
ness, with a capitol B, to the
savage "Grey Mask."
These two torso-twisters arc
carded to meet in the main
event at a one-hour time limit
or two out of three falls. Upon
Belcastro's refusal to rasslc un
der the guidance of Wally Moss,
Promoter Mack Llllard has se
cured the services of Tex Porter
as arbitrator.
City and military police will
be on hand to keep the affair
from getting out of control and
a capacity house is expected.
Pete has threatened to make
the hooded heel take a Brodic
to escape tho punishment he in
tends to mete out, but the
"Mask," as usual, was silent on
the subject.
The fans have been clamor
ing for this match ever since
yards per try and Dancer ac-1 o.k. A fw years back I saw
mo nigniy i a oiamura pier
the single wing back of Oregon
State and gel their pants bent
off. Yen, I guess It was all right
when It was new . . yss, new.
Now every other college around
the nation Is using It and every
one and their doa knows II by
heart. Oh, happy days, if ther
was more room for a serious
talk on that but your writer has
to get back io the local high
school game.
There could be a miracle but
lleiul gets my nod about 10 lo
6. Pretty high scoring for tho
"mud bnth" field but Just by
lurk there might be n few boys
who arc good In slushing
through (ho gumho.
This Is one upset I wouldn't
mind at all.
As for the Marines on Sun'
day lt looks Ilk they'll take
another on. If they play Ilk
they did against th Coast
Guard last waek I'll give Ihom
th nod. too, 13 to 0, I think
about Sunday they 11 all go
homo singing uumboogle
"Mudboogla" or soma such
Now for the gnmes:
llllh rtrliool
nrnit IS, Klamath .
nrnnl Kl. Itutiaffvett 7.
Mr-dfortl 21. AillUnfl 0.
Cnfitllllfl 10. Myrllc Point S. -Kucrnr
13, Kalem 0.
Columbia Prrp 37, Hvailtla la,
Iji Cirancle 3(1. nakrr 0.
Jeffrnon IX Cummcrrc 12
nrninn IS, Franklin II.
Waitimgion ID. l.tnrnln 0.
Ciranla Pam 1.1. Ilnarhiirf 0.
Corvallla 13, Albany 7.
Olhar Nraraa
Waihlnilnn 2(1 March Field 13.
IICI.A 14. California 12.
Nnlr llflnta 13 Army S,
Navy 111. Cornell a.
Cireal Ijikrra lu Thlrit Air Force 0.
Mlrhlian 13. llllnola S.
Clrorila Tcrh 23. Ttilane 7.
Duke 13. Wako Format 0.
Okla. AtfSlea 20, Texaa 7.
Inrllana 32. Mlnneaol 0.
lxa AKRlra 0, H. Mathodlat 0.
counted for the most yards from
rushing In any one game with
102 against the Camp Deiile
Bears. Last Saturday's game
with tho Pilots was tho first
time tho Marines have been able
to score by tho aerial route.
The nod for this feat goes to
Dravin, right end, who snagged
Banccr's pass In the end zone
for the Leathernecks only coun
ter of the day.
Th barracks boys are show
ing marked Improvement with
every added fray and this till
will be no exception. The shoot
ing will start at 2 p. m. and
tickets are now on sale at the
chamber of commerce.
Let's all turn out to a
bang-up gamol
One again we mov ovr for
Johnny Foster's grid oracles on
the big grid tilts throughout the
country over the weekend. Here
comes Johnny and he Isn't "call
ing Phillip Morris."
Another week and another
headache but your writer still
likes to come back for more.
the unknown bicepper started
twisting torsos on the northwest
mat circuit, and there is no
doubt that it is a natural.
Popular Ernie Piluso will
bend bodies with "Bloocl-and-Guts"
Davidson in the scmi prc
llm and this will be another
bout to the liking of the fans.
In the opening go, the one
and nnlv Ttiillrlntr .Ttirlrvrm nlh,w
Yukon Jake will crunch cran-!
iums with a yet unnamed op-,
The show gels underway at
8:30 p. m. as usual.
ribrwt.fc' ' 1 i - w , , i w , w - .wwr
. MaJMa.EaAajMajmeaeaeaeaJ
st iii i. - i jmwmn a . k -r
Kill ipnn puiinncH vijv r si tnimze
Bill Abbey, who ,7taJ
eony in tne lesion, will J
at hi. old right h.lf .1J3
Bend Armistice rw
Bill's last game for Ik, J
rial Inn . I i ... 1 "S
there to make up for M J
UO Hoopsters
Open Basketball
Season Friday
E U C! E N K Nr. m ,
Conch John Warren's UnhJ
. vii-K.m varsity hoopj,n,
open the 11)44-45 srsms mj
twn-gnmo serin nunln.i ikJ
nllle Const Gunnl here frj
and Snturclny nlnlitj. 1
Bob llninllton, Infcl
scoring ciinmpion forthtc
ern division, Pacific Coijit
ference, Inst year, will in :
only regular. Lou KolnitlS
pound husky from Fullirl
Cnllf., will piny guard il
with llnmiltiin, whilt KtnEil
u-foot .Inch sophomore, i
take the crnlcr spat.
N Lota or Tim
Parraananl Raaullal
ChlrtprECtfe PtarileUn
N. life eiqulrt Tbtalr Oldi
Phnn 10M
You Drive Mov Yoursell
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im Lwnoownt otsnuarr
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Quick, Guaranteed Service
116 N. 9th
Phone 7522
Across From Montgomery Ward on North 8th
We Will Be
All Day
Armistice Day and November 12 and 13
All departments will be closed
Armistice Day and Sunday
Our shop will be closed Mon
day to finish a complete oaint
ing job.
Balsiger Motor Co.
Main and Esplanade ;
Saturday Night
Sponsored by Townsond Club
Modern and Old Tim Dancing fliOO 'TH l'00
Men 50c
Saturday, Nov. 11th
at the
Admission: Gentlemen $1.10, Lodioi l&
Servicemen 60c.
(All pricei Include federal