HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE SEVEN Jiiiieiiiakiiig IHIiglits !'frky 1 11 ntfullll The ..-.an ni - . i . " ..,vbo roiiAt mint LP"' . .. IIU0I1I, l I""""- Lonitrtlo..'" . i ', waul the ( Y"T,. this unit. Mm. uiliun r.chlevii' "" .1... MHC H HI" vaun tllnu! U not on y i viilu FW. on mo nrcp..rn. ill l,,J"Sory ot nearly every i l iin Inspiration as M.f: without succulent !TCf tiniy niufriim to ,E it? if your "., .", 0.".1 demands 1110 tVon cl lnH'ortRiit oec.i k' r.mrsn best lo smvo l':"Wvin'" liixt the wiiy come to expect tti.Mi . will iillow n oil of Hon you ik"1 "X,1!" oy- KSni tliis yi-r. This roc- I for I" 10 I2 POUIHI uircl. fAutarly fine 'or turkey: Oyitcr Stuffing to 21 quarts bread crumbs eupwm fnvory seasoning teispoon celery need lo 2 teaspoons salt ., - nvnipi-s ueiltly for minulM; llien drain u" tS. In mo melted Int. Jk lie parsley audouio,, tor n riMii. men add thuso in- IcdienU and llc 'I'1"'10'1 oyster I ihc bread crumbs unci dry sou- nlnsi i i Aciimlly, Ih'-ri! m "il U last rules lor iiwhihk ;ulngf. u 1 J . ,r,i . I How are: '"i' ul ui,,ufli II tablespoons of fnl (depend- ,j on liuw iniii-h natural flit ry little omoli, seasoning herbs Celer itulflnii in recummend i eipcclally for noose, corn tit stuffing for chicken, suit rk iiuffnui fur UIIIIICU foul. ti (or duck on exotic sounding ncocllon oi rice mm apricots delicious, and cosy to innkc. Now for Iho roasling: The fol vtlm time table is the one rec- bnendrd by the "Poultry lookcry" bonk. Chicken: dressed weight 4-3 imds, oven temperature F. 330. bit 112 hours. ., Duck: dressed weight, 5-6 bunds, oven temperature F, M, lima 2-21 hours. I Goose: dressed weight 10-12 fundi, oven temperuture F. 1150, pie i i nours. Guinea: dressed weight 2-21 bund, oven temperature F. 350, pit, atwiii it hours. Wrkcy: dressed B tl pounds, ra lemperntiire r. 325, lime ! hours: dressed wclitht. 10 pounds, oven temperature 300. lime 3444 houm: fused welKht, H-17 pounds. n ifmperaiure r. 275. tlme n hours: dressed welirht. 1R-2M r mA'.oven tcinperiilurc F. 250- J. lime tti-71 Honrs; dressed "'Klit. 21-30 noimds. oven teni. future F. 250, time 8-9 hours. tarnabas Guild UNGELL VAT.l.KV Mr. Miter Foote nnd son, Dnvld, of inviicti st. unrnnDBs rJlld of Laneell Vtillnu l. nn llday mcetiiiK nt her homo on lovembcr 2. The Indies spent c day sewing for the biiznnr win do Held nl the parish pll on December 6. Mrs. Koole lived a delicious nn Hit.. fill noon, and served coffee pa smterhrenri m j n'.ii. Ptore Iho guests stnrted home. niuic cnjoyinj the, day were Wlssenbnch, llnzel Morrl- mrs. Frank Dearborn KHmath Falls. Mn Ur.ri.ori Ke'l.herJ" Kenneth, and .nrj- uearborn of BoiiBiv Mrs. Paul M, ,,. ,ii b ""Kiiti:i June, ivns. 11 rrilf11 nnd Moilp. M"'s k. n .ry 1,11(1 Tommy, Mrs. E.JoJV"0"' Mrs. Florence I -., airs Homer Hoberls, M. Wesley Dcnrhnrn nnri ''' Clatirle Murray and Mrs. F Lenvltt, all of Lnmroll ,lCy( c ! The kHIr. ..... f with a giti: 2hrrUl'd "'CCtillS Will be II Lr6at 11,0 l,0m0 0f ' "crbcrt -Innes ot Bononzu. 5 wcen Party ANGELL VALLEY Mr. clftV,'1'""1 Bom": nscn Valley Garden rluh fwrlr InK U,''"1 1,0x1 Wed at ,f '"S mccl1"" was 'cci tvi "'V;'1 oleclion ot ill b0 tL 1 Mls- Bc" n"'s '-U,encw Pfcsitlcnl and Jtreia? "';11"!" will bo the I the pnrlv It.' r' .Al llle cl 5'ncho rP ,csl"oiil3 lo Mrs. """or. Mr. i ' tzlo ,' "ITS. I.nm.r, 13. on Slc ""rl lov, Mrs Alia All, Addi f'iden "9 Machine! Caleul olori "Ik. ml Typewriter: Ch oin Files ,llBM hlld.lr.. i!!?NR PRiNTiwr. And now for tho linal touch. , . . the uruvy: pour the (IrlppiniiH mil ut llin riiHHtiiiK pun mid lei the lilt i-Imi Id the tup of the briiwn stuck. Hldiu oil t ho lut and net It nnlde. For vncli cup ol lliiuld (liruwii uliiek and (jllilcl brolh with or wlthuut udded wiilur), ineiiMiio 11 to 2 table spooiiH of (lour nnd pluce in a runntliiK pan. Willi the flour, blend an cipml (piantlty of the fnl sklininud off the brown Block. 'V thu uniooth nilxlure, add Hie cool or lukewarm liquid nlowly witli coiiHlnnt sllrrlnu over a low fire. Cook the ravy until thick ened d If there arc any lumps, bent smooth with an cK bealer. Sciimiii the Kiavy to luiile with salt and pepper, and, If denlrcd, clionped parsley, or any favorite herbs, Servo plpluit hot. The poultry cookery booklet which contains thche, and other recipes, may be had free of chnriitj from your home demon stration nfji'iil. s s s Wed Thursday Odette Itland S h I p p e n of Mnrysvlllc, Calif., and Corporal Clcorde Kdward Wood, of Bos ton, Mass., were married In the Klamath temple here Thursday nitihl by the Hev. Daniel U. An derson. Tho bride was lovely In a brown Mill and a Kardenlu cor oiijie. She was nltended by Mrs. A. C. Laberee. PFC Paul L. Stlckncy was best man. Present at the weddlnt! were Mildred Washburn, Lester Ship pen, Lee Itohiuson, Jim Bum uran, Wlllard Payne and Fred Mnyfurd. Tho young couple will make their homo in Klamath Kalis while Cpl. Wood Is stationed here at the Marine Barracks. Juveniles of Ihe Neighbors of Woodcraft met Monday. N nvem. ber (1, nt i p. m., at Ihc home of Mrs. C. O. Urydcn, senior Kuar dlaii. 010 N. llth, for 11 business meellni!. liames nnd refresh menls. Mrs. Urydcn was assisted by Alia Clark, uuardtan neiifh bur of the NelRhbors of Wood craft. The new officers will be Installed at Iho next meeting. Delta Gamma chapter of Del phian will meet Tuesday, No vember 14, nl 0:45 a. in., with Mrs. E. H. Balsltfcr on Melrose. Topic will be "Science in Our Everyday Lives." 1 m tmi nrfir f M1 -'r''aiiitea MARRIED Cleo ZurbniRK, dniiRhter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Zurbrugx, 4517 Blshec, was married in Bishop, California, on Saturday, October 14, to Phillip A. Marin cnu. Cleo Is a 1043 graduate of Klamath Union high school, and has been working In Bishop. Phillip returned recent ly from overseas duty with the United States navy. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mar Ineau ot Bishop, California, nnd a graduate of the rrlncvillc, Oregon, high school. G 'S . ':p 6 Yf.t 'fill 7 V ' The Oregon Vederalion of Women's Clubs plans to add to the Navy Armada during the Sixth War Loan drive. All women's urgani.ulious in Klam ath county arc requested to con duct a drive toward that end, under the leadership of the Klamath Falls Library club. It is hoped that women's clubs in Klamath will make their usual showing, and that enough money will be derived from the drives to purchase a Superfortress inscribed for the Klamath county women's or ganizations. Presidents or secretaries of all women's organizations arc asked to contact Mrs. Esther Lawlcr, secretary of the Sixth War Loan committee, nt the chamber of commerce in order that quotas for the different M and Mr. j. r. Smilh, 1423 ,11 iL' f i Dayton, is engaged to Leslie iw iifo rirA r.- i."!i 1 1 Barnes, also of Klamath rails f 1 7? rii If ENGAGED Lucille Smith, daughter of MARRIED PFC and Mrs. Harold Earl Madison Jr. were married recently at the First Methodist church here. The bride is the former Lois , Mario Elwell, daughter of Mrs. Marlanna Adkins, 527 Upham. : PFC Mndison Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Madison Sr., of ' Ilnrtford, Conn. Sgt. Charles Rollins gave the brido away, and : Mrs. Kenneth Estcs of Klamath Falls and Mrs. Henry Gonpper of I Hartford were her attendants. Cpl. William Salvadore was best man. Following the wedding, a ceremony was held at the home i of the bride. 1 drive, the Oregon Federation of women s Clubs concentrated on buying equipment for the army, and the Klamath Falls clubs united in buying the "Klamath" bomber, GOOD RECORD SALEM, Nov. 10 (!) Of the 207 state prison convicts who have been paroled so they could enter tho army, only one has been given dishonorable dis charge by the army. State Parole Director Hal M. Randall said today. The marriage will take place In the latter part 01 iMovemocr. Maybe it's just a little bit too early for some of the candi dates to talk turkey. lender prt sootht uw, WMrtinj iAcin nd quickly promote comfort, dtpend on RESINOLTsSr Bly The Women's club met at th home of Llla Ross on Wednes day, October 20. A short busi ness meeting was held titer which refreshments were served. Enjoying the afternoon were: Wilma Angus, Mildred Rouse, Jean Cline, Veda Dixon, Mary Luck, Mrs. Casper, Elizabeth Campbell, Ruth Obenchain, Bet ty Armstrong, Ruby Hanan, Ethel Geljabeck, Helen Smith, Lyndell Harrison, Frances Schallhorn, Audrey Anderson and hostess, Lila Ross. Lt. Col. and Mrs. E. F. Hazel ton and daughters, Susan and Dee, from Albuquerque, N. M., spent the weekend at Ivory Pine with Mrs. Hazelton's mother, Alice Jones and family. They left Sunday for Portland, where Lt. Col. Haielton Is to b sta tioned with air corps. Mrs. Norman Dyer and Infant daughter, Mary Lou, arrived home Sunday from Klamath Falls. , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith have as their guests Smith' mother, Florence Smith, and his brother, Jake Smith, of Tiller, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hadley had as their guests the past weekend Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ban nister, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ban nister, Mrs. Julius Pauck and son Teddie, all of Paisley, Cpl. and Mrs. G. Elder. Cpl. Elder Is stationed In Texas and Mrs. Elder is working at San Fran cisco. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ban nister and daughter Diana ot San Francisco. Classified Ada Bring Reaults. If LI k (ft four Underthings , Ara From TUt TOWN HOP Main at Fifth IT s TJjBX-&rtfer-ft kSfri8l If mi Past Noble Grands of Rebck ah lodge met in the IOOF hull, Wednesday, November 8, for a potluck luncheon at 1 o'clock. EiRhtcen members were present and one guest, May Anderson of Merrill. Hostesses were Alma Cofer and Laura Ucrllngs. Al freds Stcinmctz and Lucille Hei fer will be hostesses for the De cember meeting. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene Dorothy Davis and Mary Jnne Drake, both of Klam ath Falls, have been named as solicitors in their living organ isations for the campus-wide World Student Service Fund drive. The drive began Mon day, November 6. ' Miss Davis will represent PI Beta Phi and Miss Drake, Susan Campbell Hall. A staled meeting will be hold for Friendship Court 11, O. of A., on Wednesday evening, No vember 15, at 8 p. m., in the Masonic temple. All new members of 1944 will be honored al that time and re freshments will be served by Jack Schulzc and Ted Reeves, followed by an evening of cards. 5 LANGELL VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burnett entertained with a dinner at their home on Friday evening. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kent of Klam ath Falls, and Monte and Rich ard Burnett, Major George Hillis Named PX Chief Mn. George W. Hillis, for mer Klamath Falls businessman and on duty in the South Pa cific, has been named chief of the post exchange branch at headquarters, South Pacific base command, according to word from New Caledonia. Mnj. Hillis, whose family lives in this city, haa been on active duly since January 31, 1041. and prior to leaving the United States October 23, 1942, for overseas duty, was assigned to the quartermaster school at Camp Lee, Va. Bride in Rites LANGELL VALLEY Ann Lucille Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Walkor of Lan gen valley, became the bride of Marvin Jacobson of Klamath Falls on November 4. Vows were exchanged before the altar of Sacred Heart church where flowers had been attrac tively arranged by tho Sisters of that church. Reverend T. P. Casey officiated, and organ music was supplied by Sister Hilary. The bride was lovely in a suit of winter white wool and car ried a white prayer book and flowers. The bridesmaid was LaHayno Bell and was attired in a soldier blue suit, and Ihe best man was Bud Cummings. Following . the ceremony, ' a reception was given at tho home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jacobson, of 1007 Derby. Guests at the reception were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ja cobson. Father Casey, LaRayne Bell, Bud Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jacobson, Mr. and Mrs, Clay Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Orln Hankins and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Bundcson,, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMahan and daughters Barbara and Patricia, Mrs. L o r c n e McColluin and daughter Marjoric, Mrs. Lloyd Hoover, Mrs. Emma Manning and daughter Roberta. Mrs. Henry Jnnigian, Mrs. R. A. Nel son and daughter Berthill, May I McPhearson and Marion Hank-1 ins. 1 The brido and groom were i presented with many pretty and useful gifts for their new home. DEVELOPING . ENLARGING PRINTING ' PHOTO SERVICE 211 Undarwood Bldg. No Need To Wait Until After the War For flood Lioiolen Expert Linoleum Laying The best linoleum will not prove satisfactory if it not laid properly. Our Work Is Guaranteed Satisfactory And We Can Glva Reasonably Prompt Sarrlct Special Offering . . . Inlaid Linoleum Samples Klamath Furniture Co. ARMSTRONG - LINOLEUM - NAIRN 20 KLAMATH FALLS WOMEN NEEDED NOW TO FILL IMPORTANT ARMY JOBS! 1 V F ... . .i-fi.1 : - .1.T. ' - k h. " V. 1 r " frm; t ry. . ir . -.frs-v 1" wK.t t "L 3 r"4tLl .crv, f .r'M..- -.-.-s.it frriaiiArif'4-ff ri -1 rr Army Air Forces J Klamath Falls Women Urgently Needed For Important Jobs With the Air Forces This Wac is a Plane Dispatcher in the Air Forces Army Service Forces J Klamath Falls Women Needed to Take Over Vital Jobs in the Service Forces This Wac is a Photo Technician With the Service Forces s s nrt I ' - ! ; s v I li a'f It' . , KsJ nv: Army Ground Forces Klamath Falls Women Needed Now in the Ground Forces Visit the WAC Recruiting Office or Mail the Coupon Today to: This Wac Proof Reads Maps for the Ground Forces WAC RECRUITING STATION, POST OFFICE BLDG., KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Phona 8401 Please send me, without obligation, the new illustrated booklet about the Women's. Army Corps. Nam , Street . City . Stat This Ad Sponsored in the Interest of Victory By: STATIONERY CO. Phone S353 221 Main Street KUmth Falls