PACE SIX Mock Trial Given At BPW Meeting An amusing mock trial, presented under the direction of Agnes Geddcs, program chairman, provided an entertaining eve. ning at the Business and Professional Women's club dinner meeting November 6 at the WilJard. Esther Shepherd 'was cast in the role of defendant in the trial and was accused of being only a part-time citizen and of failure to vote on election day. Presiding over the court as judge was Isabelle Brixner. Agnes Geddes was the prosecuting attorney, Fllnn Udo. .defense attorney, Wlnnifred Gillcn, clerk, and wit nesses were Bertha Cciger, Edna Russell, Jennie Crandall. and Betty Jones. The twelve jurors were Mari etta Conklin, Jacquelin Newcom, Lelia Robinson; Stella Bowne, Elenora Weatherford, N e i t a West, Gertrude Tollc, Lucile Tweed, Willie Uhlig Veneta Hunter', Dena Backes and Edna Haupert, the latter acting as foreman. , . The program was closed by group singing of the song, "Swinging on a Star." Fred Peterson, county school superintendent, discussed briefly the school support bill which was on the state ballot. Reports on the district con ference held at Corvallis last weekend were presented by Nor ma Miller, president, Ellen Upp, second vice president,. Willie Uhlig, Annis Struthers, Lucile Tweed, Mrs. Gillen, Mrs. Brix ner and Mrs. Backes. Members of BPW will act as hostesses at the service center on Sunday. November 12, and all members of the club who can are asked to furnish pies to be served on that day. The emblem ceremonial and social hour will comprise the program for the meeting of No vember 20, and will be in charge of Lelia Robinson, chairman of the emblem committee. To Confer Degrees On Saturday evening. Novem ber 11th. Klamath Lodge No. 137. IOOF. will hold a special meeting in the IOOF hall at Fourth and Main streets, to con fer the Initiatory and First de grees on a large class oi canai dates. Invitations have been ex tended to several lodges in southern Oregon to be present, bringing with them their canal dates for these degrees, so a large attendance is assured. Invita tions were also given to the of ficers of the Grand Lodge, and we hope to have at least one of. them present for this meet ing. As hosts for the evening Klamath lodge will serve a ban quet in the dining room of the IOOF haU at six-thirty, to all the candidates and Odd Fellows nresent. Lodge will start oromnt- Ty at eight o'clock, when the de gree staff of Klamath Lodge will confer the Initiatory and First degrees on the candidates. Up on completion of the , degree work, light refreshments win be served. All members of the lodge are expected to attend this meeting and all visiting Odd Fellows in the armed services, or from other lodges are cordially in vited to be present. Pairhgvep PTA The Fairhaven FTA held a very successful meeting October 13, at which time Mrs. Isabelle Brixner gave a report on con stitutional amendments. A re port was made on the rummage sale, which was extremely prof itable. Prizes were awarded the rooms who won in the rummage collection contest. Mrs. Alice Egan, president, announced her committee chair men as follows: budget and fi nance, Mrs. A. H. McLean, pro gram, Mrs. Melvin Gallaspy, membership, Mrs. Harold Schief erstein and Mrs. William Mar- ander, publicity, Mrs. Frank Tarr, summer round-UD. Mrs. H, Johnson, welfare and victory, Mrs. Wesley Cross, hospitality, Mrs. T. Z. Zinn, historian, Mrs. Lee Holliday and parliamentar ion, Mrs. B. C. Johnson. Tea was served by the first grade room mothers. LANGELL VALLEY Mrs. Frank Pepple entertained with a chicken dinner at her home No vember 8. Guests included Mrs. Mary Dearborn, Mrs. Elliott House, Mrs. Lester Leavitt, and Frank Pepple. The occasion was the 45th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Pepple. After noon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Watkins and Charlotte of Mer rill, and Owen and Bob Pepple. VISITS Visiting .his; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Brown, in Tulelake, is seven month old Paul Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown of Seattle. i j - Kennell-EUis Birthday Dinner Mrs. Frank Wells entertained with dinner for her husband on his birthday, October 31, at their home on Wiard street. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rutchman, Mr and Mrs. Harry Wiard. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thorpe and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells. Pinochle was the diversion of the evening, with high score for ladies going to Mrs. Kutcnman and high for men going to Mr. Anderson. Highlight of the evening was a long distance call from En sign Donald Wells, who was in Baltimore, Maryland, after be ing in the Pacific for 17 months. Ensign Wells will be in gun nery school in Washington, D. C, for further training "ftcr January 1. Orion Club . The Orior.s held their regular meeting on Monday, October 23. The group met at tnc Kea Cross headquarters, where the first part of tho evening was spent in making surgical dress ings. Later they met at the home of Mrs. Myra Snyder for the business and social hour. Mrs. Pauline Baker and Mrs. Ray Garrison served as co-host esses. Those attending the meeting were Mrs. Troy Cook, Mrs. Al bert Gaster, Mrs. L, T. Pappas, Mrs. G. C. Baxter, Mrs. S. R. Balsiger, Mrs. Wendell B. Smith, Mrs. Juanita Melchert, Mrs. William Stalk, Mrs. Paul A. Lee, Mrs. J. E. Eichendorf, Mrs. Christine Neubert, Mrs. Charles E. Finch, Mrs. Ray C. Brown, Mrs. W. L. Terwilliger, Mrs. Ken Samson, Mrs. Nick De Wit, Mrs. Frank Lambo, Mrs. Elsie Blackmer, Mrs. L. A. Murphy, Mrs. D. O. Potter, Mrs. Wil liam L. Boyer, Mrs. Ray Ward, Mrs. L. E. Juniper, Mrs. G. E. Crapes, Mrs. J. W. Weber, and the hostess. World Community World Community day, ob served Friday, November 3, in the First Presbyterian church, was very well attended, and al most all of the churches in the city were represented. Taking part in the program, which centered upon the subject "The Price of Enduring Peace," were the Rev. D. F. Barrett, the Rev. Victor Phillips, Mrs. Ro land Wright, Alice Waldron, Mrs. E. K. Looseley, Mrs. Paul Edwards, Mrs. Hutchins and Mrs. F. C. Wissenbach. Music was provided by Mrs. John Best ana Fhyllis Hutchens. Lewis Gaster, of the Naval Air Base, sang without accompaniment "The Lord's Prayer" and "If You Get to Heaven Before I Do." The program, an annual event, was presented by the Education al Committee of the local United Council of Church Women. Committee Chairman Hazel Mor rison presided over the meeting. Basket Social Friday, November 3, members of the Loyal Order of Moose ana their families enjoyed a basket social following a very interesting entertainment which opened with an orchestra num ber by Victor Vasak, Shorty Wilkinson, Agnes Vasak, Newell Hiss and Victor Vasak Jr. Also on the program Wan a dannf. hv Jackie May Murphy, Kay Ang- sieaa ana Janice rex, a piano duet by Mrs. C. T. Sterland and son Ronald, and a vocal solo by Mrs. Ackerman, accompanied by Mrs. D. J Zumwalt. After an orcnestra interlude came a vocal soio oy rar. sandefur, accom panied by Ninon Nyback, a piano solo by Manorie Frazier. and a duet by Opal Guest and Harry Mason. Governor Aldrick Nyback gave an interesting talk and presented A. A. Wilkinson with a past governor's ring. After another orchestra number Bill Sweet auctioned off a number of lovely baskets. The first award for the most beautiful basket went to Opal Guest, sec ond to Ninon Nyback, Sojourners Meet The Sojourners met at the Willard hotel on Wednesday. November 8, for a no-hostess luncheon, followed by bridge anu pinocnie. 1-rizes were awarded to Mrs. John Monahan and to Mrs. A. J. McManus. Hostess for tho aftornnnn uas Mrs. Allan Fletcher. A special Huest ior me atternoon was Mrs. W. R. Petty. Meetings are held at the Wil lard on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. All newcomers to Klamath Falls are cordially invited to attend. I 111 MADt ITBEIT J VISIT HERE Private and Mrs. Percy Steers and daughter, Dianne, wore here recently from Fresno, Calif., visiting Pvt. Steers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steers, 3300 Anderson. At the end of his two-weeks furlough, Pvt. Steers returned to Fresno. Dianne, who is one year old, will remain here with her mother at the home of her grandparents. Comart. Holiday Bazaar Plans Announced Plans are being completed for the annual holiday bazaar sponsored by St. Paul's Episcopal church and scheduled for Satur day. November 18, in the parish house. It will be an old fashioned bazaar, the kind that features everything from a country store to plum puddings, stuffed ani mals to crib covers and dish towels. ' Mrs. Charles Robertson is chairman of the affair assisted by representatives of the Woman's Auxiliary, Wednesday club, Guild, Altar Guild, church school, vestry and membership at large. They include Mrs. Le Roy Tyrrell, Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Jane Howell, Mrs. John Lam bert, Mrs. Harold Shaffer,' Mrs. Fayc Catlin, Mrs. Bristow Hood and Mrs. Frederick C. Wissen bach. Pre-war materials will be used in the frocks which the dressed dolls will wear, aprons and pillow slips. There will be a booth ' for plum puddings, cooked foods, candies, and in the country store a collection of garden produce and canned delicacies will be offered. The public is invited to at tend. Neighbors In the absence of Alta Clark, guardian neighbor, Dicksy Weed, advisor, presided over the meet ing of the Neighbors of Wood craft Monday evening, November 6. Following the business meet ing was a social hour, with very clever games and awards making the evening outstanding. Erma Miller and Martha Gi',;rist were hostesses and served the refresh ments during the evening. The next meeting, November 20, will be a Thanksgiving party and each member is to bring one or more guests. Vera Reeves and Leola Thompson will be hos tesses. HALLOWEEN BABY Little Del ores Robinson was three years old on Halloween, October 31. Delores lives with her mother at 433 North Ninth. Her father is in the navy, sta tioned in Los Angeles. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Robinson on Derby. o v Refrigeration Equipment Co. Karl Urquhart SU Klamath Phona MS For Commarelol Refrigeration SALES and SERVICE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON o ii SHARON Sharon Waymire, five-month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. R. Waymire, is staying here with her parents at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Stella Bowne, at 313 High. Her moth er is the former Sybil Bowne of this city, Kennell-Ellis That Hoorer Cleaner of roars it not nimble aow thsn ever. Let Hoover help too ttka car of H with genuine Hoover Companr service and parts. WearetheauthoridHooverserricagaeyxfippil with everything it takes to put your Hoover Cleaner in tip-top shape ready for more good cleaning. Register yoor Hoover today fot a tnt iospecriem. Service charges are low. All work guaranteed. t,i imies furnished. Take so chances wkh naadtoriaed service. CAXL (Wwrt PftfcWG nwfwfcr) i - ... to kP V00r,'7 .AM hr-l- inttalleJ mii tmi IJ-m"" HOTATO or gat repld Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Main St. Socia Calendar Dr. tutwn Nthu to leclur tafort KUmith Villi Women'i Llbraw club it S p. m. in mln library auditorium. H4ntT. Nmhr 1 PI at off Don Coaaarka at Paltran. ipnn awd by Klamath Community Concert aolatlon. Salr4ejr, Nevember II Annual holiday bataar and tea hv Bl. Paul a IpUcopal church In parlih houat. rrliay, Noramhar 10 Snjoumor Apron Overall danre at Lekeihor Inn. T: p. m. Member may in vita two jutiu. for reierva tlona, call 8406. Tutaalar Navtmber it Delta Gamma chapter of Delphian, intttinf at home of Mr. K. H. Bel alger on Melroa. 9:45 a, m, Wtdneadar, Nertmbtr II Frlendihlp Court, Order of the Amaranth, wilt meet at I p. m., Ma onto temple. Tbtiratfay, Nevambar I Wednesday club. 8t. Paula parlih houa. , Thankuivlni party. 8lrdejr. Dtrimbir Pre-ChrUUiiat hataar to b held In lobby of rtrat redaral Bavlnn and Loan tmllitlna; by the Women' council of the rtrat Chrlatlan church. Lloneaa benefit colfta. Willard hoUl, Sinfer Dancing club, drat party. Iteamei Oolf and Country club. - Wedaaiday, January IT William Prlmroae, aponiored by Klam ath Community Concert ataoctaUoo. The Pelican. . s Hobo Party A group of little boys In hobo costumes called at the back door of the Elmer J. Gardner home for a "hand-out" recent ly, when Mrs. Gardner gave an unusual Halloween party for her son, Joe. Each "hobo" brought several required articles tied in a red bandana slung over his should er on a stick. Chili con carne was "doled" out in tin cans, home-made bread was served in a frying pan, and donuts were passed on a coat hanger. After playing "Hot-potato-cold-potato" to decide who would build the fire, the little bovs sat around on the floor and told tall talcs, until a ghost appeared and told their for tunes. Later the group played "Murder in the Basement." Best dressed hobo was Danny Mahoney, who came in a rag ged suit, wearing his father's old shoes, one of which was open at the front, revealing a bandaged toe, and with a pipe in his mouth. Prize for the sec ond best costume went to Joe Towcy. Guests were Tommy Dtxon, Dick McVeigh, Dick . Marsh, Danny Mahoney and Joe Towey. Pelican Junior RC Pelican school has enrolled 100 per cent in the Junior Red Cross. The project for the year will be making comfort and rec reational articles for the armed forces. Julia Gigler is In charge of the Pelican group this year, and room representatives were elect ed as follows: First grade, Rich ard Bellah and Ronnie Peyton: second grade, Philip Willard and . Marion Simpson; ' third grade, Betty Edwards and Clif ford Ambers; fourth grade, Clifford Yantis and Janet Over- ly; fifth grade, Beverly Eclls and Leslie roccnlnl; sixtn grade, Patty Redhead and John Yantis; seventh grade, Coleene Nale and Tommy Sherry. Gocdtteixl OI rOUt WITH JMIFflt Head Colds Quick relief from dis tress of bead colds Is what you want. Bo use Va-tro-nol. Afewdrops up each nostril soothe Irritation, relieve con gestion. Also helps pre vent many colds from tnctu DniMt-Oilty Mni Drtse witiurut aiiMmii Titrtum -M- A. I developing If. used, tn BJrT?N.! tlme.Justtryltirollow ar KM directions In folder. f 1 VICKSVATRONOL i Phona 1353 Pioneers Celebrate 60th Anniversary On Sunday, October 20, Mr. and Mrs. Finis t. Galloway were host and hostess at a surprise reception In honor of Mrs. Gallo way's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Sherwood at the Sherwood's lovely country home near Earllmart, Calif. The occasion w tho sixtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Sherwood. Manv Invitations previously mallod to relatives and old CAROLYN Little Carolyn Flcgi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Molvin Ficgi, Is lust nine months old. Her daddy is a foreman on the Chet Barton ranch and hnr mother is the former Virginia Alexan der. Club Dinner The annual dinner of the Stingrrette social club was held at Lucca's cafe Thursday, No vcmber 2, at 7 p. m. Attractive placecards carried out the pa triotic theme and bore the Sting- erotte emblem. During dinner paper and pencil games were played, and Mrs. Henry Red man, Mrs. Frek Eck and Mrs, A. B. Guthrie received awards. At the close of the dinner Mrs. Paul Home presented a gift to the president of the club, Mrs, Merrill Klous. Members attend ing were Mrs. Homer Caldwell, Mrs. J. J. Pex, Mrs. Carl W Henry, Mrs. Fred B. Eck. Mrs Henry Redman, Mrs. Nathen B. Gale, Mrs. Anna Brown. Mrs A. B. Guthrie, Mrs. Paul Home Mrs. Merrill Klous, Mrs. Jack R. Chapman. Mrs. V. C. Phil lips. Mrs. Joe Matllck and Mrs. A. A. Myers. PROOF 700 Main jT.tri United States brought letters, cards and gifts, and over fifty guests called during the atter noon. , Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood wcro married on October 30, 1U84, at the home of Mrs. Sherwood's father, the Rev, C, B. Marstnrs, near Myrtle point, ore, Thoy lived for the next sixteen years In southern Oregon, and in lliuu moved to Klamath county, whero thay raised cattle on Klamath marsh. Later they lived In Lake, Crook and Lynn coun ties. In Ifltl they moved to south- ern California, where they spent scvon years nt Orange, return ing to Oregon, wnero tney Bot tled at the "Ten Bar" ranch near Bend, until it was neces sary for them to move to a warmer climate for Mrs. Sher wood's health. After tunning several years In tho Los Mollnos colony south of Red Bluff, they moved to the location of their present home, where they now have a large chicken business and are prom inent members of the Methodist church. Mr. Sherwood Is 8l and Mrs. Sherwood will be 78 on Novem ber 18. Their daughter, Vera, now Mrs. Finis E. Galloway, lives in Dinuba, Calif. LANGELL VALLEY Jean House entertained a group of i girls over the weekend. The girls enjoyed the dance Satur-1 day evening, and hiking and: games on Sunday. Guests of Miss House wero Elda Ayers.j Ruth Brown, Helen Gowen.l Doris Leavitt, and Erlene Brown. ! Wednesday club of St. Paul's, scheduled to meet Wednesday, November IS, will meet Thurs-' day, November 16, In order not i to conflict with the Don Cosxnck ! chorus. This will be the Thanks-1 giving party. 1 Reliable Cleaners Install W wish to thank our many customers for their patience with us while we were having steam trouble and were unnblc to give satisfactory service RELIABLE CLEANERS, OF OUR SERVICE TO THIS COMMUNITY . . . This cvrtuxaie is a ign of our seivicc to this eoeraniaity-for it it awarded only to jewelers of unquestioned reputsiln" long service to their patrons. At auihoritad" leprtttoistivet lot Multl raett Diamond Rlngi, we art preenting the ultimate In the diamond nitier't art. Wi hereby extend an Invitation lot you ta Impact out selection! of Multl-Facei Diamond Rlnga. 9nfytjitat DIAMOND miltS Vr RICKYS JEWELERS Jovamb,,, 0 4 ' a t LEONETTE Leonctte Allpn. nr.iui. tor o Mr. ami Mrs. LcomSI 0 I 03 .Shelley. , ll Mrs. Ci. j. Swufford, Za here In Maninlh Fslli 1 A group of friends iUrJ Mis. Homer Kr,,.n. .W shower at h..r home, Ssoj 1 Pendence llu.r.d.y, g i. he Kfternoon wu IMr P aylng guines and viiliffi chcon was served, ,jt Koertjc received many i-' ijc received many nfo Guest vrr M ft 'r: Mrs. nun Hamilton! MS S Mrs. Willi,,,,,, M.'M M Nora Long, Mrs. Harvtv i'j Mrs. Ruth Sehaefer. -'1 For Cold Weolhn! FILSON . BLACK lUf All Wl - Cruiser Coats " It If $12.30 to $11,10 DREW'S MANS1 -'l m. Own Steam Sysfef We wish to snnountt tie stallation of our own ilna trm, which now eniblnul give considerably better J Go xm as well ns top quillly t 125 S. Oth, Phone 4621 Ci; bun at, TU H :! tn ho: v LA llll Md !-da I0VCI led 'hid o rvei ler I Ion Tht In- I, i Kli ipncf, i Fank fioyd Ptry ikir '!. V Mr: slcr illty The pole lovcm "I. II fa'. Jon Hie I' iw f'oum fl b. S'-Lc ttat the . ini Nche "nor !- Ir on, Phona 3181 Allci Fi II Dei hi ii Ho AND ! So,