Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 10, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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Cnllnuoui Show
gat, Bun.
12t30 P. M.
tAt Now
William Bondlx
Halon Walkor
Donnli O'Koofo
,n "Abroad
With Two Yanks"
Return Engagement
By Popular Demand
"No Man Has Dared To Go Where I Am
...And Few Will Dare To Follow I"
Spencer Tracy at
Rogtri of Iht Ran
' gars I A great book
thecomas unforaet-
lably thrilling tcraan
entertainment I
Another Hit
UTT VW-i-;J it s'lihluih,illin. II
IfiW .n.ar.o.nrn.nM SWEETHEARTS
r?1i ' V i dfr 4 i'awtij. T Continuous Show
M-TtrlV 77 'jnvV Open 12:30
'rmMmtf' . SATURDAY
V - Socoul Hit -
plgy 1 "When A M.an'$
Geo. O'Brien
GOLDKN, Colu,, Nov. 10 W)
John F, Vivlmi. father of John
C. Vivian, who wus rouluctod
Colorado governor, lost a lint
election day,
'1'hu cliltir Vlvlun spent flee
lion day at his hoinu polling
plnco in the Golden Ilro station,
lln hung hin hut on u fire truck,
Tho truck went out to u tire.
Vlvlun hasn't neon the hut since.
v-1 I. wi Ming tnwi mi mmJI
Box Ofdeo Opens 0:49
Ends Tonight
Bilker 31)
Uunton 31
Clackamas 11(1
Clatsop 45
Columbia H2
Coos 5B
Crook 18
Curry 12
Destitutes 24
Douglas '. 40
Gilliam 7
Grant 17
llarncy 25
Hood Itlver 14
Jackson 08
Jefferson 13
Joscphlno 20
Klamath 78
Lako 20
Lane 120
Lincoln . 35
Linn 51)
Malheur 33
Marlon B2
Morrow 13
Multnomah 504
Polk 34
Sherman 0
Tillamook ." 34
Umatilla 42
Union 30
Wallowa 20
Wasco 22
Washington 58
Wheeler io
Yamhill 33
Total 1820
lipid. Dewey Roosevelt
31) 2450 3000
31 5245 2830
110 12535 14078
45 3021 6038
32 2754 5250
58 4800 6476
16 932 1145
12 827 675
24 2508 3808
41) 6138 4562
7 402 507
17 1000 1272
25 759 997
14 2007 1950
68 8684 6868
13 419 297
20 4010 3206
76 5989 6681
20 1008 1147
120 17083 14379
35 ' 2806 2952
50 6809 6449
33 2839 2233
82 16179 11905
13 747 836
' 502 75951 101261
34 3645 2981
9 475 518
34 . 2482 2585
42 5379 4967
30 2413 3950
20 1152 1541
22 2429 2313
58 9302 9110
10 544 416
33 5677 4972
1827 222,865 244,268
Russia Protests
PW Treatment
LONDON, Nov. 10 (P) Russia
has lodged a protest with the
French government over treat
ment of soviet war prisoners in
France, the Moscow radio said
last night.
"A considerable number of
soviet citizens transferred by the
Germans to France during Hit
ler's occupation did not receive
the rights of nationals of an al
lied power liberated from cap
tivity," declared the broadcast.
"They found themselves in pris
oner of war camps together with
German prisoners."
' (Field dispatches from the
western front frequently have
mentioned tho capture of Rus
sians, Poles and soldiers of other
nationalities who have been im
pressed into the German army.
These have been treated as pris
oners of war pending clarifica
tion . of their status. Whether
the Russian broadcast referred to
these was not clear.)
SALEM, Nov. 10 (VP) There
were no fatalities among the
932 industrial accidents report
ed in Oregon in the week ended
Thursday, the state industrial
accident commission said today.
rot Mouunoii tut mm o tit;
,.'.." -' Phone 4807 '' Continuoui Show Sunday Box Office Open) 12:30 P. M,
Come on in, the fun'i
final Ocean of lalentl
JA gorgeous new ttar,
1 Either Wllllamit Rlotoui
JRed Skeltonl Two grand
fbondil Scores of diving
' darling In a wonderful
water carnival! It' the'
biggest musical splash
M-G-M ever model
M. " V. . V n ,a x'i4I!,r V 11
i V tt$M 0-XW nd Ms Music Mikns JljolN
& USif KIM -(' jm with HELEN FORREST MU S
v ;: Vt; m : ) m mW Xavier CUGAT Jm
!h- J f (4 H I ' I t?;S 14$ Am and his Orchestra W TB I
M li $ J if ' lcW with UNA ROMAY JfC$r
HM 1 $ Et , . AlltiHrtll .ndfrdnkWoldm.il W fl VkvTT
f .f "T Fiodutod by JACK CUMMINOS yfl
Tlie United States and Britain
today announced transfer of the
allied control machinery for
Italy , from military to civilian
Harold MacMillan, British res
ident minister at allied Mediter
ranean headquarters,, was desig
nated to take over the leadership
pf the allied commission for
Hie commission has been
headed by General Sir Henry
Maitland Wilson, allied Mediter-
luuuan commander.
Davis, Chapman to
Represent AFL
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 10
Kenneth Davis, Portland, and
Frank Chapman, Seattle official
now Working OUt Of Inriinnnnn.
lis, will represent AFL lumber
worners at conferences with
government agencies in Wash
ington, D. C. next week.
' unapman will be the . inter
national delegate and Davis, the
iionnwesi delegate.
Davis said he and Chanman
would demand that government
Hsuncies come out west for nor.
isonal conferences before chant!-
inn .ureters . auceting lumber
SALEM, Nov. 10 (IF) The
state of Oregon has $42,145,724
in cash on hand while the
state unemployment compensa
tion trust fund deposited with
the United States treasurer totals
$59,221,113. State Treasurer Les
lie M. Scott said today.
The total cash balance is about
$1,500,000 less than the high
mark a month ago, because $5,
000,000 was paid to county
school funds.
Amounts on hand by funds In
clude: General fund, $21,610,194;
highway fund, $8,880,480; state
school support, $3,548,730; Indus
trial accident, $3,216,262; board
of higher education, $1,656,544;
land board, $784,313; vocational
funds, $728,841; veterans aid,
$004,441; liquor funds, $566,892;
public assistance, $334,699.
Dingo Pups Shown
In Portland Zoo
PORTLAND, Nov. 10 - ()
Three Dingo puppies Austral
ian wild dogs are now on ex
hibit at Portland's zoo, Arthur.
M. Grcenhall. director, rpnnrt.
cd today.
. About the size of police dog
pups, the Dingoes were a gift
from the San Diego zoo.
W Shadow
Sponsored by
Sundays KFJI 2:30 P. M.
A referendum will be held in
the Poe valley community hall,
Friday, December 8, to decide
whether landowners in that area
wish to organize a soil conserva
tion district.
The referendum is held after a
petition signed by the majority
of the interested landowners has
been sent to the state soil con
servation committee.
A hearing is then held in the
interested district and tempor
ary officers are installed and de
cide upon the date of referen
dum. Polling superintendent for
the referendum is Roy G. Holmes
of Poe valley. Other polling of
ficers are William Tubach, Frank
Sullivan, Forrest Breithaupt and
H. H. Haynes, all of Poe valley.
' The temporary committee set
up to start the organization was
composed of Wilbur Reiling,
George Stevenson, Basil Brown.
V. C. Brown and Paul Breit
haupt, Next Wednesday, November
15, there will be a meeting of
the committee and polling offi
cers at the offices of C. A. Hen
derson, county agent, in the fed
eral building.
Oregon Thanksgiving
May Be Turkeyless
PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 10 UP)
The manager of the Northwest
foultry and Dairy Products com-
pany predicted a . turkev-pss
Thanksgiving Day for most Ore
gon ana wasnington civilians un
less the OPA is enjoined from
enforcing its present regulations
on turkey sales.
C. W. Morton said that dis
tributors, under OPA rules, can't
pay growers more than 38.2
cents a pound for birds for civ
ilian consumption, against 39.2
cents for turkeys for the armed
forces. Growers, he said, won't
sen tor ine lesser price.
Federal Judee Claude Mrfnl.
loch, whose court is being asked
by Norton's company for an in
junction ot ufA regulations,
said he would mull the matter.
Alcoa Eyes Building
Of Bauxite Plant '
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 10 (P)
An official of the Aluminum
Company of America indicated
today that his firm mlcht hnllrf
a Columbia river plant to reduce
oauxue to alumina.
Arthur P. Hall, chairman of
Alcoa's committee on postwar
facilities and development, told
a chamber of commerce dinner
meeting here last night that
Alcoa is in the northwest to stay.
"And we CXDCCt to exnanH " ho
He pointed out that when
Alcoa built tho first nnrthiuoet
aluminum reduction plant at
Vancouver, plans included a lay
out for a future alumina plant.
T G-nl.... TJtrm 13
Thomas, who has been visiting
ncr nusoana s parents, Mr, ana
Mrs. Charles Thomas, for sever
al weeks, left Friday morning for
Portland where hn will viit hoc
grandmother, Mrs. Farnsworth,
ana ner Drotncr, Don Parvin.
From there she will go to Spo
kane WhprO sho i malfini, hi,.
home with her parents for tho
Thanks Extended Ruth T.
Berry, elected city treasurer in
the recent election, wishes to
take this means of thanking all
those who supported her, and es
pecially the friends of her late
husband, Stanley R. Berry, who
did so much to help her. "Every
thing in my nower will be done
to merit their confidence," Mrs.
Berry stated.
Itanh 2au
for your support
at .,
Tuesday's Election
Henry Semon
Get Our Deal
Before You Se
Dehydration Buyers
Terminal Market Shippers
Laavo Mrs. Eunice Vowell
and son Renny of Berkeley, have
been visiting for the past two
weeks with her sister's family,
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Arnett, 822
Martin, :.nd with her husband's
relatives here. She also visited
her parents in Prospect. They
loft Thllfertai, a . .An ! n n t II i-
wetting 1UI MlVir
home in Berkeley,
From Beavarton L. E. "Andy"
Anderson, who is associated
with Shields, Harper and com
pany, is in Klamath Falls for a
few days from Beaverton, visit
ing Coach and Mrs. Marble Cook.
AnHprsnn will alov mm, tk.
annual Armistice Day game be
tween itiamatn ana cena. .
Interest Shown Continued in-
tprosf in tho ITIqmitl. c.
drain outlet job is being shown
ot,u six more western contrac
tors have been here recently to
look nVor tho nrtiopl Tun. m
are expected here Saturday to
ttwiU lilt! JUD.
EnllltS In Kw Tnn-.1.1 Tt
per, 2070 Etna, enlisted recently
navy tnrougn me local
recruiting office and was sworn
In Nnvomhor A at Dnottn,, r
per is awaiting further orders to
9ot,.,o A1,,..
Thursday's KhIa lr
school's war stamp sale netted
$135.50 nn ThuraHaw . it
reported today. ' .
VFW to Sponsor
Armistice Breakfast
Veterans of Foreign Wars will
sponsor an Armistice Day break-
ff,?ti,s?turdar at 8 a- m- in the
Wi-Ne-Ma hotel banquet room.
This is open to post members,
and each may bring a guest. Res
ervations should be made at once
by calling 7488 or 4465. :
Mpmhpre am kka-aa1 L
brate this Armistice with a large
oMeniDiy oi overseas comrades.
The post will sponsor a public
dance Saturday night at Skate
land. Legion Sponsors
Armistice Dance
The American Legion will
sponsor the annual Armistice
Day dance Saturday in the ar
mory. A grand march is scheduled
for 9 p. m., and the Marine Bar
racks drill foam ..,:ii l. .
, ' " 1 "i (jicaeiu-
The great Swedish naturalist,
Linnaeus, was the founder of
modern svctomatlo oinaeirtAQ
tinn. Hp attomnton1 in non-A
scientifically, describe and cata
log every species of animal arid
NOV. 11
Expected Hera Lt. (sg) Frank
Pierce Drew, accompanied by
Mrs. Drew and their young son
David, are expected to arrive in
Klamath Falls Saturday from
Portland. Lt. Drew left here in
July, 1942, and for more than
two years has served with tha
navy in Cardiff, Wales, and Lon
don. He flew home across the
Atlantic and after a time on tho
east COast "Brno hv nlnnn in Dn.k
land, arriving last week to loin
ma tannic, inv urews will DO
guests here of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs M R nmu, Rto XT
9th, and plan to remain until De-
tuiuer i, wnen tjt. urcw reports
fnr fnrthnr rlxtir ThA., ...in u
- - - uu,r. tuvj viit UD
accompanied to Klamath Falls
by Mrs. Drew's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart J. Moore, with,
whom Mrs. Drew and David
have madp thoir hnmo cinro T.t ''
Drew was assigned overseas serv-
Aid to Meet The Ladies Aid
of the First Covenant church,
will meet this evening, Friday,
in the lower auditorium of the
church, at 7:45. After tho nm-
gram refreshments will be
served. Friends, both men and
women are invited to come. The
guest speaker for the evening
will be Mrs. E. L. Cramblett.
Mrs. .John Borer will ho tho hnc.
tess. -
Buv Pronartv Mr anA Mr.
P. H. Johnsen of the Johnsen
Tailnr shnn ha,u ..nl,l 41 :
- - ... nn.b uuuii. me resi
dence property of Mrs. Alfreida
ClitiniHA,. noc vi it. .
u,wtj,Htit, a iviamain. jonn
sen is having the building re
modeled for business purposes
AAA ...HI -! 1 ..
mm win inuve ins snop irom ine
Pelican building about Novem
ber 15.
All States Dinnor 7m. T ,,11.
eran church. 1025 High, will '
hold its annual All States dinner
next Sunday, .November 12, di
rectly following the morning
service. This dinner, which is
an annual affair, is sponsored by .
the Ladies Aid society. All mem-,
bers and frionH aro nrAorl in -,L
. - wau ' av
To Attend C. A. Henderson,
county agent, will attend the
quarterly meeting of the Pomona ;
grange to be held at Malin on
Saturday, November 11.
Catholic Daughters There
Will ho a fihnrt hucinoe maaUnri
of the Catholic Daughters of
iinerica, ivionaay, November 13,
in the parish hall and all mem
bers of the initiation degree team
are asked to be nresont fnr nrar-
tice. -
Annual Initiation Catholic
Daughters of America will hold,
their annual initiation Tuesday,
November 14, in the KC hall,
and all members are urged to
tie stkar MONaSCH F00 DS-ll I hist n 0M4I
Friendly .
To Every
Creed and Purie
Ward's Klamath
Funeral Home
Marguerite M. Ward
and Sons
92S High Phone 3334
Sound Better
Drinks mixed with
Canada Dry Water
parkle out loud.
"Pin-point Cak.
sonation" insurei
livelineai end sip
- .. o the latt dp.
I.O. O.F. No. 137
Spscial Meeting Saturday, Nov. 11th
Initiatory and First Degree
Banquet 6:30 P. M. Degrees 8:00 P. M.
' All Oddfellows Cordially Invited
5th and Main