HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE TEN 1)1(1 . PORTLAND PILOT KILLED - TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Nov. 10 (P) Marianna army airfield dis closed today that a combat train ing iliglit plane crash Tuesday cost the life of 1st. Lt. Edward C. Antlion, 28, Portland, Ore. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice if hereby given that the under signed ha been appointed Administratrix of the estate ol John Spolek. deceased, by the Circuit Court ol the btate of Oregon, for Klamath County, and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present same to the said Administratrix, with proper vouchers, at the office of Harry D. Hoivln. 205 Williams Building. Klam ath Falls, Oregon, within six months irom the date of this notice. Dated November 10. 1944. NETTIE L. SPOLEK, Administratrix. N. 10-17-24; D. 1 No, 218. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON FOB THE COUN TY OF KLAMATH. LETT1A NAPPO. Plaintiff, VI. JOSEPH NAPPO. Defendant. TO: JOSEPH NAPPO. Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. GREETING: Yon are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit and court on or before December 8, 1944, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wit: A divorce from you up on the grounds of Desertion for a period of more than one year. This summons is served upon you by publication pur suant to an order of the Honorable David R. Vandenberg. Judge of the above-entitled Court, said Order being dated November 9. 1944. and by pub lication thereof once a week (or four Red Ryder Wash Tubbi GT. LINK CROUCHES UNTIL THE Freckles and Hit Friends frOSH SHOOTYwEIUiF IT 11 1 FtRtWA WOlUf$ BETTER j ( 1DQ KND0 "N fT flR "JIT THAT YfiET INTO THS SENTRY'S LJrlSrjk , I uPO . wHWP 1 1 t id B(H WD Rrk? M TI0N , LINK IS READy w w A-ii-i aw i - rn iii ii m ii urns tfU V1 r II THE GAS OF TH SUAkP : jf 3 f"r ' rr51 ,1 I iBetttr. luck Nexr time , dbipTkebb's J "TUP WFlU roMMlSSIONEB- OF ATHLETICS Boots and Her Buddie WJV - Alley Oop Little Orphan Annie p II -M-uro I I ' ( VEH! BUT DON'T h 1 " f f VELUTHW BEWS ANYTHINQ X- "Z " "' lWEaHExETHB-fM 2K$cVr.VSy?- J "V I I EVEE Srv! THEY YTNBTHER. DOlT i,. ' ' A ( t0 VOU REIVU2E THE J ER -THEnT "fOU GUESS f WHW? OU GO TO ft "r W0WK "WT MUST BE D THE RIGHT, PftMTY ON SftTURDftV? fe bOME IM THIS HOUSE ? T ANSWER, MT FINE mjPVOH MlM' 2 WHY. YOU'RE WOT BEHINt' I IS "NO" GIP.L! 1 consecutiv -and -successive wwta. Tht- date of the first publication is Novem ber 10. 1944. and the date of the last publication is December B. 1M4. W. LAMAR TOWNSEND. Attorney for Plaintiff M Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon. N. 10-17-24: D. 14 No. 322. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE Is hereby given that under signed Executor of estata of Henry C. Harmond, deceased, has filed In Circuit Court of State of Oregon, for Klamath Counts-. Probate Division, his Final Ac count, and that said Court has set Mon day, December 11. 1944, at 10:00 a. m. at the time and the court room of said Court as the place for hearing and settlement of same. Dated November S. 1944. ANGELO JACOBSEN, Executor. N. 10-17-24: D. 1 No. 221. CLASSIFIED BATES One day , 3 day run 3 day run 4 day run 5 day run Week run , , . . Month run ... oer word 4c ..per word 8c per word 11c .per word 13c -per word 14c pr word 15c oer word 45c 30' Discount for Payment tn Advance 3 Discount for Payment by 10th Ads received by 1 .00 p, m will appear same afternoon tn "New Today column. Ads go into regular classification after the first day. Ads may be cancelled by calling 3124 by 10:00 a. nv DISPLAY class tried lads with larger typet must be In the day before publica tion Nw Today WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN, ages 3 to 6, in my home. Call 7022. 11-14 4-ROOM HOUSE with bath, two stoves, for quick sale. $1850. Terms. Chris Huck. Real Estate. Dial 8470. 10-17 DAIRYMEN: Time to start feeding molasses. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 11-10 WY. LARD, VOU LOST RV ONLY ONE VOTB THE FINAL COUNT .( WAS 126 TO "WESS. VNSV tTlVO Km 2 Nw Todfcv DISH TOWELS largt site. ISO tarn. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 1110 SECTION AND EXTRA GANG FORE MEN WANTED on Oregon and Wash ington Hues. Good pay and (int-clnss accomnuxtatlon. Slate experience, age, draft stains and when available. Spokane. Portland and Seattle Hall way Company, 1101 N, W. Hoyt Street. Portland, Oregon. 1211 ON ETNA, just off Shasta Way nice 4-room house situated on half acre, large chicken house and cooler, $&!00. Terms. r.ll R.w AiMprhnlt R. P. OLIVER I 111 So. 8th Phone 4710 11-10 "SECURITY" CALF FOOD PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 11-10 FOR SALE-Equity in small home, fur nished, and t acre good soil, house In good condition, ready to move in. Just right to build on, lights, water and bus service. Make offer. 4303 Altamont Drive. 11-13 FOR SALE 3-room modern stucco home with bath, full tile basement, garage, woodshed and fruit room, two lots. Full price t30, 5730 down, payments $29.90 a month. This prop erty rents for $40,00 a month. Phone (ttxta. liwmi SULPHUR) Have car on track . , Buy from cur and save money. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE lt-10 FOR SALE One Baldwin Acrasonlc Spinet type piano and bench. Phone B038. 11-13 FOR SALE About 100 Rhode Island pullets, fryer size, also some laying hens. Will sell entire lot at 93c apiece. Phono 6038, H-13 FOR SALE One outboard motor, 3l h p., like new $100. Phone 803a 1M0 A LITTLE lATE. WHEM FELIPE 0 ATTRACfS THE GUARDS AT FEN I Bur ONE vote- is jusr as 1 BAD AS A MILLION, IP :VOU GET LICKED lsT7 rssmrnirri isi kids ,-- H . . 6VVC StttR IWESE rrrT3A HWiC A to mmmmKtHLiJk 5f. i, 6tMtvKi. we m. tie. v.tlT erf.. and FOH KALE-Huilnesa building with Itv in 8 Quarters. Clwe in. liood invest' tuent. 4t3 Commercial. 11-10 drawbar, recently overhauled; Iron Kuhler light plants: G. E. 330-vol PUnimith motor: new 0-ttlic John Deere plow; also 1000 lb, of various kinds of welding rod. AH equipment Point 1117. 11-14 MOVING . . . Loral. lMg Distance PEOPLE'S WAltFHOUSE r-x-ifui m a null hi-1 cat 11-10 FOR SALE OR TRADE Prewar divan, good shape, 2133 lllchn. U-14 FOR SALE -Two Guernsey heifers. 30 months old, $43 eacN, Henry Hutsch man. Ht. 1. Box 916, ON PACIFIC TERRACE Immediate possession, three-bedroom home, all in first class shape. Fireplace, full baiemenl, furnace, lots of shrub bery. Shown by appointment, MILLS ADDITION Ha blocks off bus line, choice loca tion, two or three bedrooms. First class shnpe, floor lurimco und fireplace. $3300, CLOSE IN ONE BLOCK OFF SHASTA WAY 4-beriroom home nearly new. Room for chickens ami garden. $3230, E. G K A Y R F.A LT Y SERVICE Esquire Theatre Blilg. Office Phono 3GU3 Homo Phone 40M GOOSE AND DUCK FEATHERS Must be dry picked with no wing or tall feathers 7,V per lb. Old font hers 400 See Hob Coen PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE BAG PLAKT 819 Broad "-10 By Fred Harmon By Leslie Turner By Blotsei 5k There- are om iso knos im SCHOOL i SOMEBODY VOTED Tiwir.F i r W4 By Martin By V. T. Hamlin By Harold Gray WHY. I'M ASTOUNDED THftT YOU'D EVEN THINK OF SUCH ft TUIkll ftDfLJTV IkllMTCNl at mrs winks! . 1 Nw Today J : . . , TRY 1 1 ODG EN-BREW STEP Specialised Feeds: k Kgg Producer ' 3 Star Dairy $) Rabbit Tidbits Goat nation Dog Meal PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE "Feeds and seeds for all your n 'o wiMTi,nnnml homes for 3 kittens. Phone 3030. H-H Tvvrv AMii roiin CYCLE Gas Engines, Welding and repairing. Bodenhamer Saw Shop, ... LOST - lady's round rose-gold Bulova wrist watcn. lie warn w -Ji rmnn W4B. - TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS On account of moving to our new location 0M KLAMATH AVENUE l below Stage Depot! We will be closed all day Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Will be open again November 13th. JOHN SEN TAILORS 1113 WANTED Maldi part time, Man Hotel. 11-13 WANTED FIRST-CLASS MECHANIC. Top wages to right man. See L. M, Qtinm at Humes Motors, DcSoto Plymoulh. Jllfl So, 6ih St. 11-10 WANTED Experienced truck driver. See Mr, Fisher, Sears Roebuck Co. 11-10 STOHAGKf Yep, "If It's storable, we store It." PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 11-10 WANTED -High school boy, not under It), work evenings, Saturdays, Bell Studio. ISTltf FOR RENT-One-room furnished house keeping room, suitable for gentleman. 1143 Pine. n-iO FOR RENT A cabin, furnished, large enough for one or two, on S. 8th street. Inquire at first house on left hand side on S. flth street pail Tower theatre. 11-10 FOR SALE -8 large modern apartments completely furnished. Income $323 month, low overhead. Owner moved away. Sacrifice price. Phone 9433. 11-14 TOR SALE-A good car for winter has heater, new floor mat, good brakes, Prestone In radiator, good motor. $123. At 3134 Oregon Ave. 11-10 FOR SALE 8-piece California living room suite. Also dining room and bedroom suites. Prewltt'g Trading Post. 3344 So. 6th. 11-14 FOR SALE Large electric popcorn pop per, cheap. Phone 6448. 11-14 FOR SALE Winchester 13-gauge Mag num pump shotgun, like new, 13 noxea nign grace a-incn sneua, Bts E. Main. Phone 3310. 11-10 FOR 8ALXVjicuum cl.an.r, .l.etrlc Mix M.iter .nd other artlcl... A31 Alam.d.. ll-to TRUCKS Two Diamond T, on. Federal Lofflnf; three trailer.. For Inline dl.to ule. VALLEY TIKE SERVICE. REDDING. CALIF. 11-17 FOR SALE . El.ctrle White Rotary iew Inl marhlne. folding model, tike new. Price $100. 303 Pacific Terrace. isiTir JUST ARRIVED, nation. Mr advertlied 8un Spun Chenille bedipreada. In 11 lie and twin le. Colcr. white only. LUCAS FURNITURE. IM E. Main. We will be closed Saturday. u-14 FOR SALE-One WKO Altli-Chalmera 83 h.p. tractor with Baker hydraulic bulldoier. completely reconditioned and guaranteed. Wett-Hltchcock. 423 So. 0th. H-17 APPLES-Jonathan. Newtown. Dellctoui. 90c box and up. Bring container.. 3", ml. So. Highway, Medford. While Apple Stand. 11-33 WANT TO BUY -Cocker Spaniel, red or blonde pup. Phone 4879. 11-13 WANTED TO BUY Home dole In or clone to bua line, 011 Jefferaon. 11-10 WANT TO BUY-Electrlc range and bahy crib and electric train. Phone 9597. n-13 WANT TO BUY A fa. circulating heater. Phone 8394. u-14 CHIMNEYS. FURNACES Cleaned. Re pnired. Oil Heater Service. Phone 8040. n-17 SPENCER CORSETIERE Mre. Enid Burch. 631 Oak. Phone 7A1 lor appointment. 12-8m SEWINO MACHINE SERVICE, all mnVM. cnone 071. jsih snail Way. 12-pm FOR RENT 3-room cabin, partly fur- nintia, auiianie i or ainfir man or couple. Rent reasonable. 1832 Logan. 11-13 FOR RENT 3-room modem, furnlihed nouie (except bath) at 20.1 Rooievelt St. $17.50 month, Inoulra City Dump. 11-10 FOR RENT 1 -car carafe. U.00 a month, 1403 Upham. 1738tf TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourtrlf. Mvg Vi. Stllea Beacon Serv ice, 1201 Eaat Main. Phone 8304. 12- FOR SALE-S acrei. 4 mile out, Rood well, large barn. Will take truck ai part payment. Inquire Rt, 1, Box 1011. Old Midland road. 11-17 FOR SALE Man'a and womin'i coat, like new. One cot, 903 Monteltui St. 11-10 FOR SALE For caah. 120 basa L'ltalla piano accordion and caie. Cannot be told from new. Shepherd Muilc Co. 345 E. Main St. 11-13 FOR SALE Good highway bualneii site. Junction near Klamath Falli. About S acrcH. concrete hoi i mi foun dntlon. Price for quirk lale, .100 cflnh. Inquire Van Dukcr'i Station. Bend highway. n-U FOR SALE-4 cycle Brlggg Ac Strattnn gnioline motor, Vk h.p., 130.00. 2817 Front St. tl-10 WANTED Job lortlng potatoei. 5036 Cottage. Phone 3319. 11-13 PAYING up to 92 lb. tor rabbit nklni. Million wanted. Ruh ahlpmenti to day. Valcauda Fur Co.. Seattle. Wn. Mon-wd-rrl Lost and Found LOST Gnu ration booki A and B. Mr rill A, nodgem 3202 LaVwrne. ll-to r . flow w ON ARMISTICE DAY t Loit and round ijijijifinnrrrii'i'i - -- -- -- ' I.OHT On Merrlll-Malln niirtway, lieJur eaptvuie meter, hlara, ilpiter r.H. Hevail. Phuite collect, Phvllla lleanltley, luit. iwuii LOKT- Laily'a Hamilton wateh, plait ntim anil tilanumil., Ltlial rewarii Fhoite 41111, IttHtm Hi, before 3 p. in. nr iMlvveeii U Blltl 1U U. III. Nu Ull.a- tlona aikeil. il ll LORT-Oray leather routing puree tn Wartla or rleiira. Cuntalnetl " A" binik and "U" limtk and rallnn iHHika. turn to lleralU ami Newa. Homer fimlth IL Mtttlnq Nolle. Klamatn rail. Aerie No. aHHHI. Keaulai All 17 nirellii every Tuei MA r o t hall, lb anii K!l;aaS Walnut VUltliu wVP'rteSMW member. eordLlly CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 Meetlnii til and 3rd Wedneiday eve ntnii or eai'h month, 7;3u p. til., at Labor Temple. 4X1 Main. C. n. I.ONO. Hep. anil li. A. Olllce Open law to II IKI P. M. Every Wedneiday, Phone ;ul GUneral Nottcat NOW OPEN EL PADRE For tho Best CHICKEN and STEAK DINNERS Our Chef Mickey Dwan DANCE TO Pclo Colloy Plimo Frank Curry Trumpet Put Drum". Sil llnwiiilun Gultur BAR SERVICE ll-30mc 10 Sorvlcn PLUMBING SERVICE Plumbing & Heating Equipment Installed and Repaired DAVIS PLUMBING CO. We Hurry Phone 7035 11-10 REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINE and Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Service Man Klamath Refrigeration Phone 7038 2000 South Sixth St. 12-1 IMC Falls Upholstery and Rug Service Cleaning and Mothproofing 'Use Again Same Day' PHONE 0(155 6014 to 9 A. M. After 6 P. M. 12-3 APPLIANCE REPAIRS We repair and icrvlce all makes of radios, vacuum cleaners and many other electrical appli ances. We may have the type of radio tubo you need. Reason able prices. Phono 5188. SEARS ROEBUCK Tucs.-Thurs.-Sat.-tf CALL ROBINSON'S DELIVERY Phone 7423 Baggage Parcels Regular Deliveries Hours 10:00 a. m.-8:00 p. m. I 11-30 Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator1 Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 218 Old Fort Road Phono 7034 bnforo 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. ELKCTROM1X CI.KANEHH. complete eervice. rnone lu, ioji main Hi. U-20mc phone .ran ron spray paintiho or guaranteed new roofa. lxmf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED and In etalled. Phone 7u;i3. 12-20 ron MACHINERY TI10linl,E anil In aUllatlon, alto electrical appllanro re. pair, phone 7ftl, avedlt AVON PRODUCTS Mra. Pearl tlnm. Phon. 8H. lt-Mm SION PAINTINO Rnhl. O. Orllman. Phone B0II7. I7M Pierce Ht. II -.Wine OlMTAn INSTntlCTOR want! atiidenta. Call after 5 at BOS Victory Urlve. Shasta View hoiialnf project. 11-13 ALTERATIONS. Conla, tulla rellned and made to order. Mra. Zwelgart. IIH4 Lowell. Phone B242. ll-30m HOME NURSERY-Phone M.I0. ll'lS HOME LAUNDRY Phone 3K, 11-13 HOSIERY MENDED- 2(110 Summera Lane. Phone 111)43. 11. 10 CARPENTER repair, remodel work wanted. Phone 4n.Kt. 1377K SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Have mo darn equipment Call 3230. Ed T Kin,. WANTED window waahlns. Thone 014(1. 11-13 IB Help WcnUd. Male 11 If vou want to work In n lr,ni p. m Wo need men In all these department . operation which is an essential Industry 0f WOODS: Choker Setter, and Knot Bumpe,, MILL: Dry lumber handler. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. KNOT BUMPERS, BUCKERS CHOKER SETTERS At Our Camp Near Klamath Foil, BEATTY LOGGING CO Cull nt Our Offloo, 123 North Utl st, 10 SorvlcM Refrigeration Service KELVIN ATOR Factory Authorized Service Household and Commercial Phone 6817 ORECONTT-QUIPMENT CO. 127 So. 6th SL 1103m FALLS ELECTRIC AND CENERAL REPAIRING Mf hi Plant. Gnrtor. Etvclrlf Motors Rawaund and Rplrd. Gmt KnxIfiM Ovrhutd and B palrad. Agent for Dolco Light Plant and Balla.. 633 St. Francis St. Ph. 6263 , ll-llme HEMSTITCH INO DRESSMAKING, nullum and Buckle, covered. Alteration, on new end old clothlnf. Mra. II M. Allander, 731 Main, Room lie. Ph. 7M3. 11 -30m MAKE YOUR DATS In advene (or paperhatiKera at J. E. Pallereon end Hon Paint tilore, 123a Ead Mam. Phnne Xl2t. 13 He.lth PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 153 Granite St Ashland, Orciior, Phono 7001 Graduate Ntir.10 In Charge. 12-Brn 14 Help Wntd Femlltl WANTED Laboratory And X-Ray Technician Dr. Wayne MacAtee 122 S. 7th Ph. B53S 1210-t( Wanted NURSES For General Staff Duty Salary $180.00 per month 8-hour day 6-day week APPLY Dr. M.H.R. Lukens Klamath Indian Agency Hop. Klamath Agency Oregon cod 11-22 WANTED Experienced Sales Ladies AND CASHIERS SEE MR. FISHER ' Sears, Roebuck & Co, WANTKll-Klderly woman lo do light nouncwurK, modern convenience!, rn. .uno. 11-10 WANTKD-OIrl for hotiaewnrk end care ol 3 children. Phone 71119. annul WAaTED Waltrea. and dtahwaaher Wo man preferred. Applj at Rltter'l Coffee Shoo. Siiniltl WANTHD-Wnman to take care of yoiinK aeml-lnvalld S daya a weak. flOO Main, 301411 MAID WANTKD Hart Unlet. ),1aj IS Help Wanted, Mil WANTED - Inlellltnnl, ainhltlnlii man who can qualify aa merchandlalnc aaleaman ralllna on retail grocer, tn Southern Oregon for a leading milk manufacturer. The poilllon la per manent with fine opportunity for adr vancement. Oood aalary. enmpnny car and expenaca. Anawer In your own handwriting, giving COMPLETE hualneia hlalory, iMialneaa and per aonal reference!, full qualification!, echool. and age: llat telephone num. her and draft claaalflratlnn, All re pllea will he held atrlclly confiden tial. Write Box 1S4S. cara of Herald and Newa. 11-ld WANTED - Experienced cleaner and apotter. Sea Ed laenaea at C'aicnde Laundry. 11-11 WANTED-Bpoller and preaier. Uptown Cleanera, 117 So. 7lh. 13:1411 WOOD TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED - -yu,n 1.0. awuti WANTED-Part-llma help on poultry (arm. Lewie Poultry Farml, Phone 4380. 1M0 aa a or lumber yard whore conditions a, 5 ,awnii the oltico or phone 5146 between 8 1" p. m. JU Ul'd 4:3Q our HELP WANTED Wanted Tune-Up Man Permanent Jot Good Working Conditions Steam Heated Garage Rose Motor Co Phono 8101 4th and KliJ WANTED Turkey Pickers Nov. 9 to Nov.22i Jinnette Ranch Merrill Phone 0605 WANTED-Men and bo;i I, J l.l.ht work. Knotl nay. Annl, In'J nnrj. niu main p. m. or lit lite 20 noom and Bond ROOM. HOAIIP-Grntllliua. mcj 22 Roomi For Rent Bl.rtriNtl room - OlOUtnod j'none ido evenlnri. ROOMS MS HHk. ROOM TOR R&NT-10M Jtlnml 24 Aparlmenlt For Rent WILL EXCHANOK mill fumliM for large itirnlihrfl or univn wol Tall mm lwfrr B p 21 MlicelleneoU' For Urn elkptric ri.oon fiANor.a.i iftinJ ranlrd. Do your own work 1J Paint Dipt. MONTGOMERY 4 CO. rnn nrMTrlM, lanrftn. tdna wallpaper rrmovlni machliw I I'allerton i-aini aiora. r I ago rjr hM,MaBB 30 Real Eitttt Fot Hill r i-i . n.nnnrlu With LJini I uui I lupi.; Fnlr Apprnlitnls nnd SatisfjcJ Joe Perry with F. L. Weaver Te,t tTr.nl a nnH InsUrJK Ill-ell -- 339 E. Main Phml rniiRT Five 2-room cottmtcs on SW . r. ml. itrrrt I way nmr partly furnished. R00"1 ,j aclclltlonal units. Present W $50.00. Price $3250.00 cl Bogue Dale, Real inn inn - . murt enn 5ALE EVERETT DENNIS, MAUI 121 N. Bin ?.... u,ndilinl ". : Box 347. J.J1Ml TOR RALK-ll-ronm ,mso 4 hoioment J ron sale' sTieon p"!S "A alfalfa .nj '1 j lure. i-iHii." Mill III. L.II r rOR..flAI.Ei-11 '7n' rnint u" fln'i i.nnnM HOIISK Mil Jffi Ore. want "to ni'V oMgy modern houf . P, ''. U1 hnyln. ' Roaelnira. flVawl-rrle, .?d rJ'PjJ ahade. "mnl., wf. W, ranar hookup. " 3B03 rreldt --rT Stewart addl'lon. , lawn, """"." MM " wood, U!!"" V" Rt, 3, Bo M