PACE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Skymasters Bring Game Eleven to Modoc Field ' Few Changes Made In Fairfield-Suisun ; Lineup For Return Tilt With Marines FAIRFIELD, Calif., Nov. 9 With a "we win robbed" game behind them a 9 0 defeat by the Tonopah (Ncv.) Army Air Base last Sunday the Air Transport Command's Fairfield Suisun army air base Skymas- Sports Briefs By C5 " Hugh- I'STrff Fulltrton. Jr.,'' 'Ijt NEW YORK, Nov. 9 (Be tween now and New-Year's Day a lot of folks who are promoting football games to sell war bonds and for other worthy causes, are bound to be disappointed . . . The biggest attraction, of course, would be to shift the Army-Navy game to a big city but that won't happen . . V Next" best Iikelya would be another.kind-of Army.: Navy tussle, say, Randolph field against Bainbridge, but chances are that won't be arranged, eith er .. . Everybody wants Ran dolph but the word is that after the December 10 game with the Fourth Air Force, the Texas Fliers will be waiting for bowl lightning to strike . . . And the navy teams will have, difficulty getting permission 'to play such proposed tilts as Bainbridge Camp Peary (return match sched uled November 25) at Baltimore and Fort Pierce, Fla., Amphibs vs. Chicago Bears at Miami. . : TODAY'S GUEST STAR . - Tommy Fitzgerald, Louisville Courier-Journal: "General Mac Arthur has been mentioned as possible successor to Judge Landis as czar of baseball, but the job would have to wait for him. Right now he's pretty busy making free agents of the Fili pinos." . THE AGE OF SPORTS ' W. C. (Pop Anderson, Utah State's 35-year-old guard who is the . oldest active gridder in the Rockies, explains that he took up football "because I wanted, to see if I could take it." ... If he takes it another year or so, he may find Sonny on the same team. He's father of two chil dren, one 14 . . . Clara Saj, 15- year-oid outfielder on an Am sterdam, N. Y., girls Softball team, made 29 hits in 31 times at bat last season for a ,9io aver age . . . Les Patrick, age almost 63, still drills occasionally with his teen-age Hockey Rangers and can bust UB.mpstjif their attacks single-handed . . . Coach Rube McCray of William and Mary claims the youngest one-two com bination . at . center this season. First stringer Tommy Thompson of Woodbridge, N. J., is 17 years and 10 months and his sub, George Davis of Hopeweil, Va., won't be 17 until. late in Decem ber. SERVICE DEPT. Corp. Eddie Waitkus, who was scheduled to be the Cubs' first baseman until the armv exer cised priority, sends this report on an amphibious operation in ine soumwesi i-acuic to nation al league prexy Ford Frick: "I can't help but respect the men who planned this one of the" am phibious force and the strategy that gave us a surprise and saved a lot of lives. It was like steal ing home in a ball game. If it worked, swell! If it failed; it looked idiotic. Here it worked." .". .Lt. Col. William Stickney, recreation officer at Camp. Le jeune, N. C, plans . to have his marine basketball team play its home games in a parachute loft ... Ought to be, a good idea if the team gets up in the air. '.' "J tors take on the Klamath Falls Marines Sunday in a return en eaermont. Originally scheduled to meet the Seabees ot Lamp J'ai'Ks, wno have disbanded, the Skymasters cooperated with the marine com mand at Klamatn r ails uy mov ine the originally scheduled date of November 18 to Novem ber 12. Player-Coach PFC John Gian noni. desoite last week's loss, was loud in his praise of his team. "But for a few tough breaks, we could very easily have come out on top," Giannoni said. Although greatly outweighed in every game they have played on their rugged schedule, the Skymasters have given a good account of themselves, and what they have lacked in weight and experience they have more than made up for with gameness. They go into their invasion of the marine camp at full strength, with the exception of their regular back, Lt. Robert H. Lester, who sustained a frac tured collarbone in last week's contest. -.. Giannoni announced that only a few changes will be made in his starting lineup. At right half will be Sgt. Fred "Monk" Meyers, former Xavier college luminary around whom the Sky master offensive game is built. His running mate at the other halfback position, remains open in view of Lt. Lester's injury. However, Giannoni will an nounce a replacement for Les ter after Wednesday's scrim mage. The light forward line of the Skymasters receiver especial credit from Coach Giannoni for their stellar work in the Tono- pah meeting. It was largely due to the hard charging of these linemen and the amazing pass interceDtion ability of Meyers, that the AIC outfit outplayed Tonopah in the entire second half. Tickets for the tilt are on sale at the chamber of commerce of fices, i Chicago Catcher Returns to Fold CHICAGO. Nov. 9 UP) Catcher Thomoson (Mickey) Liv ingston, who came to the Chi cago Cubs late in 1943 and push ed Clyde McCullough out of his regular job but was in military service last season, says he'll be back in 1945 to take over as the club's No. 1 receiver. Jim Gallagher, Cubs' general manager, said Livingston, in a letter from Newberry, S. C, ad vised him he had received a medical discharge from the army and was all set for the 1945 baseball season. Gallagher, who in his search for catching talent since Mick ey s entrance into the army late in1 1943, was elated over the news and was confident his re turn would bolster the club's most glaring weakness and greatly enhance its pennant chances. The Cubs finished in fourth place in 1944. "Whitey" Kurowski Not Only Standout Athlete In Family PRINCETON. N. J.. Nov. 9 (VP) George "Whitey" Kurowski, the St. Louis Cards third baseman isn't the only member of that Reading, Pa., family to seek fame in the field of sports. His broth er, Anthony, is a candidate for the tailback spot on the Prince ton football team that opens its season against Muhlenberg Sat urday. The 21-year-old younger Ku rowski is a V-12 trainee, who reported at Princeton from Penn state November 1. Didya Know? i V 3 gem 2TATB,6EC&5lf ietf pcilj rfcNN WEPH HLD TO MINUS YAPDr AfJ'i VWlUAM PeTNN PLAYS fWlD lASTlO MINUTES' VflW fcrexEN LEG- 1434 1 Paavo Flops Bulldog Jackson t AY t f ... . -rt vw-i - , W .:: x te:i Paavo Katonen is shown applying a reverse stopover toe hold lo Bulldog Jackson in lhoir mat go last week. Pete Belcastro. the Wood Assassin, grapples it out with tho Qroy Mask this Friday night in the main event. In tho prelims Ernie Piluso tangles with "Blood and Guts" Davidson and Bulldoa Jackson meets an unknown opponent in tho opener. In the absonco of Wally Moss by Belcastro's request, Tox Porter will roforeo tho show. PhillyStar Serves Under Three Pilots Portland Pro Says Iron Shots Will Win Tourney PORTLAND, Nov. 9 UT) Lar ry Lamberger, host professional for Portland's $15,500 open goll tournament, yesterday tipped ofl participants to sharpen up their iron shots. "The fellow with good lonp irons is the one that stands the By JOE REICHLER NEW YORK, Nov. 9 (P) Ronald James Northey, Phila delphia's slugging outfielder, has; best C,ance of laking off with the unique distinction of serv- ton money. Lambcicer- said ine three different owners and "Myself, I'm getting them rcaclj three different managers in his three seasons witli the Phillies. With the exception of Chuck Klein, wno win comino nis ac- richt now." Tho tnnrnrv. nnpnini' the rich est winter circuit in goffdom's history, will be staged at the Portland Golf club, November 23-26. Lamberger, the club pro for 17 years, is being touted by many divot fans as the tournament's darkhorse because of his knowl edge of the course. - tivities to coaching in 1945, Northey, who joined the Phillies in 1942, has served the club longer than any other player on the team. ' During that time the 24-year-old outer gardener has secured his paychecks from club presi dents Gerry Nugent in 1942, Bill Cox in 1943 and Bob Car penter in 1944, while taking or ders from managers Hans Lo bert, Bucky Harris and Fred Fitzsimmons. Like the two previous pilots, ,VmTS c5nf,f gridders to leave at 5 p. m. to- stocky 200 pound, 5 foot 10 inch 5:nt or their ame tat,urday power nitter nis best atniete Kicks Up Trouble "Northey has the makings of a great player," says fat Freddie. "We're counting heavily on him for next year. If he continues to hit the way he has the past couple of years, we re a cinch to climb out of the National league cellar." The record shows that North ey ranked third in the circuit with 22 home runs and 104 runs-hy Saturday, 28 Utah University Gridders Make Trip For Colorado Game SALT. LAKE CITY, Nov. 9 UP) Coach Ike Armstrong named a squad of 28 Utah university night for their game Saturday with Colorado college at Color ado Springs. Only Darrell Hafen, right half, was unable to make the trip because of injuries. Hafen saw no action last week when Utah played Denver lo a score less tie here. Tackles Bob Repich and Jack Okland nursed slight injuries but were expected to be in shape batted in, and led his team mates with a .289 batting aver age. For tho second successive season, Northey paced his mates in total hits, runs scored, dou bles, and triples as well as in home runs and runs batted in. Los Angeles Angels Draft Two Players LOS ANGELES, Nov. 9 (P) The Los Angeles Angels of the Pacific Coast Baseball league have drafted two players: Hal Douglas, New Orleans outfielder who batted .284, and Charles Osgood, a pitcher with Newport News, Va., in the Pied mont league. . WORSE THAN JAPS WITH THE SEVENTH INFAN TRY, LEYTE, Nov. 9 (P) PFC Peter Gomez, 24, of Chicago, finds snakes on Lcyte a bigger problem than the Japanese. Ho killed two while crossing a rice paddy with Lt. Col. John Finn of McCoy, Ore., but one of them bit him before he saw it. Penn Slate's grid coach, Bob Higgins, who has lost 22 play, crs, including six talented kick ers, via transfers, ineligibilities and injuries looked up during practice tho other day to see an erstwhile manager trying to kick placements . . . "This," said Bob, "is total war." If it's a "frozen" article you need, advertise for a used one in the classified. At Logan, Utah State polished up its "T" formation for a home coming game against University of Idaho, southern branch. San Diego Gunners Decide to Disband SAN DIEGO, Calif., Nov. 9 (Pi The San Diego Gunners, members of the newly organ ized American Professional Foot ball league, have disbanded, leaving only five of the orig inal eight which started the sea son so bravely despite all the manpower problems. Coach Ed Storm of the Gun ners said the club had decided to fold because it wasn't mak ing any money. Classified Ads Bring Results , i PAUL MM HAINES by GRUNTS AND GflOANS Altor Klsor roluiod Mutch maker Don Owon to twist tor sos with tho "Oroy Monk" in Owon't Salom rouling circiu, tho Pttcitlc conit king muit hove ronlggod, ai ho took a go with tho hooded hsol by tno dUqualiflcution routo Monday nlto In Portland. Tho wav wo got It. tho set-to had gone lo u fall iipleco wlu'ti thn "Musk" hulled Jack so vici ously he opened a cut Just below Klsor s o.vouiuw unit aisu put u tJnsh In his own lunik in the process. Tho hooded qrnpplor thon procoodod to work on Jack's oyo only to huvo tho rolorso stop tho bout and aivo Klior tho nod bocsute of illcgul ttic tict. Laddlot, this tmalli strongly to ui of tho old gumo of two brothori and a trail gorl The "Musk" has tluoatonod to inotest tho decision to tho Port laud commission and ho may he justified. We would like nolli- mi! bettor Hum lo soo I'oio uoi- cn.stro give the hondod lire! the business in a great lug way, r rl- day night, but not over the dis qualification path. It it known that tho Mask has forced somo promotori to post S500 forfoit monoy in the csso that ho is unmnnkod by his opponent or tho (nns. Ho also domands and receives po lico orotoction wherovor ho rasslos. The HKivcment that local Pro motor Mack Lilliud has with Un masked rnsxlor spoulfios that ho unmask if bontoii, hut rciiiros that Lillard put up a .substantial guaraiilec before he will venture into the ring, It all boils down to tho fact that the "Mask" tooms to bo a tough buizard to qot ulong with, both in tho ring and out, but wo do not think it quite fair to disqualify him for mak ing uso of his concroto dome. Tho head butt in ranting is a legal, though dongorout wea pon, and many grapplors em ploy it, althouqh not with tho offoctivonois ol tho "Maik." So, with Body Bender Tex Porter acting as tnu third man in the linn, Pole Bcli-astro gets his chance Friday iiIkIU to sec what ho can do axuinsl the "Grey Mask." The armory is expected lo bo jammed to the rafters by fans turning out in numbers to sec the natural between the two tough grapplors. . Let's all enjoy a good match uml not lot the at- lair turn into a donnybrook. played tholr cleanest against ui,' woro Pholan'i words, "However, with nil lluil ii.tnlst ii m v from lite iipponltltiu, t still bellovo wo wore jusllflod In play ing our kids against grown men. It has helped iiuiku men out of our buys uml as they bccoimi of service age and leave to Join tho colors they will bo better men for having played tho game." Lot's dolt tho old lid juit once to thoio kids who, al though hopoloiily outclassed and outwolnhod. woro never outgamad, and woro willing and oaqor to go out thoro and give all thoy had not for gain, not (or glory but (or tho pure love of tho gainol SORRY In Tuesday's column wo iniule an error that wo would llko to correct right now, Tho lushum atlotis of dirty play iniido aualiist Ihe Klninalh murines wore made by tho t'anip lloalo Hour aggro gallon ii ixt nut Fiiliflold-Siilsun. lt seems wi' miKiiitdorstnod Mil jnr Itiihoj't.i on Hut Issue. Our apologies to the major uml Ihe Skyinaslois, McDoniels After Big Dough In Encounter With Angott Friday NEW YORK. Nov. 9 !') Jimmy MoUunlols, Los Angeles scrapper, is gambling heavily In Friday's Madison Square liar don bout with Suiiiniy AnKolt (or a ohaiiro at tho big money The west const prospect's man ncer. lliilnh Gaiubiuu, (mures un upset win over Aniiott, former champion, would make MoDaii- Ids a coiist-to ciiiist attraction, K.I-.. . Mills Takes Tournament Mills won ii... . spool ball !,, o WJ ii ml m ' vor' Vlllis m """,," i thn nhvi ,..i J;;;!(('V"ywiLC Tho winner, wen. i tho wav. i,.,,.i..". ahead I IK ill 1 1 1 i . ' I .i-S count (s "WIM tho diiikhmse hi I l-oully gave the M ui " 'W nme, however, und n, r"'tKl never Uucliled until ,rm, whlstlu, Hio lij Wally Eik ?' Millt torcr nf tin. im w ?.yMJ 'lillo l'orrv K ,, ' SJ . Mills bullied thi-li. ..... .1 ine (IiiiiIn ,v iictc,., , " M IM. and KulrvK 'M nuns reserve, ul uiroo iiiine.s. -..n Mills bullleil lh. , the (I:h ,v ,rV , o pon s in coin-1 nt I.:.1. , With Kd All,. iryJ'S Hoosovell r,,,,i.. .? 5 mti Un. big bnlll.."wlth , S 1 the I'elleuns ,y j.J '"iJ drew a bv fo,?;'"". J counter. Lineups: Mill. Mlti-lnim , Loiik II. Kii.spor , T. Kuspor . UK . . Ii- . C . w .. Eck Duke s-record. urn t imposing, but periqi-niiinces ot triple inrcni Gordon Carver and mates against North Carolina Pre-Flight and Navy made it clear thai they would give Army first real test. World Series Films Ready For Shipment To Gl Joe This Week CHICAGO, Nov. 9 tP) Mov les of the 1944 world series, 2400 feel of film highlights of the nll-St. Louis classic, will be ready for shipment this week to servicemen the world over. Lew Fonscca, American lea gue movie director, said 130 of the 240 prints to be made, will be sent to war. theaters around the globe. The remaining 110 conies will be distributed to hos pitals and service bases in this country. introducing the 11144 scries moving is Connie Mack, veteran manager of the Philadelphia Athletics. Fonscca said some five million service men had viewed the 1943 series film. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By The Associated Prois ELIZABETH, N. J. Billy Grant, 174, Orange, N. J., out pointed Henry Jones, 218, New iorn, o; ji mod icy, ill, Newark, drew with Jimmy Pell, 141, New York, 6. BUFFALO, N. Y. Phil Mus- eato, 174, Buffalo, outpointed Bill McDowell, 176, Dallas, Tex., 10; Joo Miller, 140, Buffalo, and Pat Giorgano, 147, Toronto, Out., drew, 6. RADIO REPAIR By Expert Technician ' GOOD STOCK OF AVAILABLE TUBES-BATTERIES-AERIALS For All Makes" of Radios ZEMAN'S Quick, Guaranteed Service 116 N. 9th Phone 7522 Across From Montgomery Ward on North 9th lophiR i. Sf 1 was sfn-V"'J',7 honest f t. j',- IS -fl Services of Passing Acc Lost to Tigers BROOKLYN. Nov. 0 (!') Cecil Johnson, tho passing arm of tho Brooklyn Tigers ot the National Koiilliall IciiKiie, loft todav fur his Paris, Tex., home to report for Induction Thurs day into the armed service. Tho Tigers re signed Hob Tro color, a halfback who was cut loose a week ago, and picked up llaUhiiik Stevo Miirko. a free agent who had been the prop erly of the Philadelphia Eagles and Curd-Pitts. Hteu, ..II. OUJ LE Dcllx-rf Csj ... . . .. mint! ' fun Ill ..... i,,.J fiirU,.,, I II -- 1M Downs .ZZ r; "V 1'rneoy in Smith L BaumnJJ nufflngton :t, Kck . DnZ. H. Stunner 2. Larson 2, Dtd Whon In Midloid SUy it HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Hoim Jot and Anni Eitlij ProprUlon After you've turned in that big bundle of waste paper -. - PHELAN RAVE Jimmy Phclun. former coach of such great grid outfits us Purdue mid Uni- ycrsity of Wash ington, and now mentor of the teen age kids who now com pose the time Gal Gaels Mary's, :ere and in- his praise II, A IflrlD ... n I n V n rl lhoir 1 ip.irlK mil fori him this year. Jimmy l'holan I ha kampui kids novor came close lo winning a foot ball game all season out they picked no easy sledding in California, Alameda Coast Guard, UCLA. Southern Cat and the Float City Bluojackota. No, they picked no oaiy tasks, these kids of Phelam, but they went out there on five Satur day afternoons and gavo every thing thoy had and maybe a littlo bit more. "We didn't expect to win," said' Jimmy, "but wo played the game lo the top of our ability, with all tho intestinal fortitude that can be geared up in a 100 pound beardless youth." Phelan alio praisod tho coaches of tho elovoni his boys went up against along with the opposing players. "They TREAT YOURSELF TO mm After you've turned in flood performance on the home (ront reward yourself with flood Old Hermitage. Nmiotul Diulllen Pio.1. CorpN.Y.' ISIW It- 1 D ANCEL AND 51S Klamath Art. DANCE Muile By PAPPY GORDON'S OREGON HILL BILLIES SATURDAY NITE Auspices V.F.W. TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save 54 Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 Cast Main Allen Adding Machines Fridcn Calculators Royal Typewriters Desks Chairs Files For those hard-to-get items PIONEER PRINTING AND STATIONERY CO. 124 So. 9th 'telamoth Falls BENEFIT DANCE Merrill Community Hall Saturday Eve., November 11, 1944 Sponsored by Merrill and Klamath Falls Moose Lodgoi i Music by Marine Orchestra . Entire Proceeds to U.S.O. Excitement! yfJ 3 W. i Take a friend - '4 Si Klamath BilllTd.. P"' ,l" - w.ldorf. Ph. 68H FRIDAY .'NIG'Hl ARMORY ARENA