Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 09, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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9, 1W4
10 oW
Mrs. w. n.
Doing lc,'"iiiilv" Evans,
.!, Kall orchestra leader,
KW'ty .,i 1IC llliprOVlMIHMlt 111
WKSw N)' Wuo1-
tfveS ij.J nliilil. Ml", r.vans
I"1 cVns.'lousiu-ss mid
htf "''. ? uld Thursday t int
mr" liable to UrtnU her
K uiKnlls by mbui.ncji
week. Mis.
Mrs. Itobort
brouHl't l'B,nc 1
... HoilaiiM Members
.'?!?' .."CJes who will at-
"iih. idnth blrthdiiy bn l nt
I' ,"1:, ihcv ore mked to wnlt
buei arrive.
l, rrnc-Mr. nnd Mrs.
j. it Davis have received
0ti rom the r'on, 1st. 14. Box
lnnt supplies ""' '"K bccn
ttimcni "1 .. lv lo Franco.
K livli.s In the homo of an
H "viu , t,i mid la out of
Z'S. 5S Divto hM been
t ftin ilnco September 1.
Wfintidty Club Members
i titalnrsdiiy club. al. raui
S." church, will not meet
LTwoflncl.y, November 13.
J II will conflict with ihe Don
gck conccrl. The meet nil
Mix held over one dny nnd l
SI ichcduled for Thursday,
.November 16-
m m..i The Dcurcc of
Hmor club will hold IIH re.
,lir buslncM meeting on Moil
Z, November 13. lit 8 p. m. at
kr.il iinatrsscs will bo
Gunvor Motnon. Raima Sollo,
Hi llenclibrriier nnd Inei
DeUmsler. mi niemuvia
juried to iltend.
Oun Houis F I r h v e n
ichool leschors and room motiv
... mill hold "oncn houiio" No.
timber 10 from 10 n. m., until 3
m. A proiirnm win oe pre
fiifd In the afternoon, followed
i ihort PTA meeting. Lunch
Ml be Krved to nil visitors nt
boon In the cafeteria
Modtl School Friday To Klvo
Diironts un ideu of the nurnosu
ol K Junior liliih school unci to '
driimnstratu the classroom work,
a model school will he conduct-!
cd in the 'unliii IiIkIi ut Frr-,
moiit on Friday afternoon, start-
Inn nt 1:110, under the direction:
of Lowell Kuup, principal, This .
will inkii tlui pluco of the ri'Ku
Inr November I'TA proKrum,
but a short inuollnu will bu
held stiirtlnK nt 1 o'clock, tlc
cordliiK to Mrs. Henry Oerber,
prosUtvnl. l'urents of lower
grade pupils lire also urded to
iiltcnd n lid to visit tho class-
rooms of their children.
Birth of the Marine Corps
Tomorrow. November 10, the marine corps will celebrate
Its 169th year as a military force. A belltting tribute on this
day is the message read by commanding officers to all marines
wherever they might be guarding vital island installations,
on the battle fronts, or here in the United Stalest
To Chicago C. S. Hubcilson, !
president oi uie r li st funeral
Savings and Loan association,
left Mundiiy nltihl for ChiciiKu.
He spent Tuesday with his sou,
I'VC Harold L. Hoberlson, sta
tlonud nt the Portland port of
embarkation with the uir corps,
in Chlciiifo, Kobertson will iil
tcnd the United States Savings
and Loan League VVur confer
ence, Upon his return In two
weeks, Hubertsun will visit Ills
son-in-law und daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Ulelin of Se
attle, expecting to be homo No
vember 20.
Forest OHIce Opens The of-
flco of tho U, S. forest service
In the Federal building is now
open with John Sargluson, dis
trict manager lor ignite o mo
Woods, In charge. There may
be some days during November
in which the office will not be
open us Snrglnson may be called
out upon field work, but after
November il win remain open
the majority of the time.
Hold Open House Conch and
Mrs, Marble Conk entertained
members of the Pelican football
squad with an open house affair
Wednesday night at Ihelr home
nt 2025 Earlc. Refreshments
were served, Mr. nnd Mrs. Pntil
Dcller were also present. Del
ler Is assistant coach of tho Peli
can squad.
ON November 10, 1775, a corps of marines was created
by a resolution of continental congress. Since that
date many thousands of men have borne the name marines.
In memory of them it is fitting that we who are marines
should commemorate the birthday of. our corps by calling
to mind the glories of its long and .Illustrious history.
DURING 92 of the 169 years of its existence, the corps
has been In action agolnst the nation's foes. From tho
battle of Trenton to the Argonne; marines have won fore
most honors in war and in the long eras-of tranquility at
home. Generation after generation of marines have grown
gray in war in every corner of the 'seven seas that our
country and Its citizens might enjoy peace and security.
IN every battle and skirmish since the birth of our corps,
marines have acquitted themselves with the greatest dis
tinction, winning new honors on each occasion until the
term "marine" has come to signify all that is highest in
military efficiency and soldierly virtue,
THIS high name of distinction and soldierly repute, we
who are marines today, have received from those who
preceded us in the corps. With it we also receive from them
the eternal spirit which has animated our corps from gen
eration to generation and has been the distinguishing mark
of the marines in every age.
SO long as that spirit continues to flourish, marines will
bo found equal to every emergency in the future as
they have In the past, and the men of our nation will re
gard us as worthy successors to the long line of illustrious
men who have served as "soldiers of the sea" since the
founding of the corps. ;
The Klamath County Public
Health association county-wldo
mooting will be held Tuesday,
November 28, at tt p. m in Ihe
Willurd hotel, it was announced
Thursday by Vance Vaupel,
president. ' " -, ' . (
Word has been .received from
Sulfite Orr-Dunbur, oxeeujivi:
secretary. of the Oregon Tubercu
losis association, thai she wil be
present. Mrs, Dunbar will 'be
tho principal "speaker on . the
work of tuberculosis in Oregon,
specifically tolling of -the .mobile
X-ray unit. There will also b,e u
panel discussion arranged by Dr.
Peter H. Hozendol on the subject
of social hygiene. . .
Jane C Allen, field organiza
tion secretary, announced thai
two community groups of work
ers under the association had
been organized. Workers in
clude, Merrill, Mrs. K. C. Burkes,
Mrs. Paul Lewis, Mrs. John Slolt,
Mrs. Anne Fruits, Mrs. Ralph
Brown; Chiloquin, Mrs. W. Zim
merman, Mrs. Paul Mudge and
Mrs. Fritz Markwardt.
Dickinson Appointed '
Consulting Engineer
Announcement was made
this week of the appointment
of C. A. Dickinson, west coast
lighting engineer, to the post
of consulting engineer for the
Commercial Maintenance com
pany, southern Oregon electri
cal engineering and construction
Dickinson, widely known for
ilils outstanding work in solv
ing commercial and industrial
1 lighting problems, visited Klam
i i)th Falls recently to make a
lighting survey of present, and
postwar lighting requirements.
Dickinson stated that he be
lieves that Klamath Falls will
bo one of the leading west coast
cities In conversion to modern,
efficient lighting methods.
Classified nan Bring Results.
NOV. 11
itt, r,,i m-ftaontfillfin nt the No
vember 21) county-wide meeting
nt the wiiiarci.
Red Cross Red Cross rooms
i iln Mnln .1,111 ho MmrpH nil
Thursday nights until the first of
the yenr. They win continue to
open Monday nights, and day
time hours will remain the same.
Receive Word Dr. and Mrs.
Warren C. Hunt, 647 Pacific
Terrace, received the first word
in more than seven weeks from
their son, Pvt. James M. Hunt,
now serving in France with a
hospital unit as x-ray techni
Canton to Meat All cheva
liers and ladies of Canton Crater
rc urged to attend the meeting
this evening at 8 o'clock at the
IOOF hall to practice for in
spection. Refreshments will be
served at tho close of the eve
Meeting The cxceutlvo com
mittee of the KlBinath County
Public Health association will
meet at the health center Tues
day, November 14, at 7:30 p.
m., lo consider the revised by-
N ! l rlmt
rrmnnl HmmUii
cbiioiit rkriMs
IU Itk - eqlrt Tt"
We Will Be Closed Saturday, November 11
Bewitching Holiday
"Lady Lion" Get Your For
mal for the Big President's
Parry Monday Night!
The drama and excitement of gala
nights will not be complete without
one 'of our bewitching holiday for
mals! Reflected In the fluid lines and
glittering sparkle of sequins in these
beauties is exclusive style and charm.
Gorgeous Nets' Nets with Jersey
Taffetas Velvet and Nets Creoe
' with Nets Velvets
Choose yours from bright colors
' ' pastels and magnetic black.
SIZES' 10 to 44.'. :
$10.95 to $22.50
Something you can count on
Schilling flavor
Single and Double Weights Famous Hirsch-Welsi
$495 ,o $695 $495 to $695
Rubber Coats Rubber Work Pant
Short or Long Style Waist or Bib Style
$395 to $695 $395 up
Plain or Fancy Colors Green, Light Weight
$595 up - $495 up
25 lo SO Percent Wool Blue or Plaids ;
$395 ,o $545; 1 $895 up
SHIRTS DRAWERS Plain or Plaids
$350 1, $450 ..ch : $147 UP -. ' -
Logger Boots ;: r Rayon Shorts
!. Leather or Compo Soles-- -Fancy-in Bright : Patteinr
$695,o $1550 y$oo KM
8th and Main ' . Phone 6873
tymm ,,,, H T - - :
' ; -.-..-.... - - . : '
Don't let the strain of poor vision slow you downl Take care
oi your eyes now . . . remember, they're the only ones you'll
ever have. Have a complete eye examination at least once a
year ... and If you need glasses, be sure to get Standard
Optical Company guaranteed glassesl
See Capable, Registered
Optometrist Here for
Complete Eye-Examination
The experienced, registered optometrist at
your nearby Standard Optical office, has
a skill and experience born of examining
thousands of pairs of eye'- Too. he has at
his commend the most modern, scientific
equipment for eye examination.
Hours ( '
9:30 to 6 PM:' - :
.1. A
inn $i i w:i:k!
Mo Interest No Extras No Red Tape
Gone is the old "Black
Button and Cord"
Zenith's new "Natural-Color Earphone and
Cord is scarcely noticeable ... the visible
parts blend smoothly with your complex
Ion. Now eren the most sensitive-minded
person can wear a hearing aid with new
confidence and polsel
READY TO WEAR! Complete with new
Neutral Color Magnetic Earphone and
Card Crystal Microphone Radionic tubes '
Bstttrits. Accepted by American Medl-
. .. .. r - S5 DOWN '
cal Atiociallori Council on Physical
Therapy. . rr r, , .- $5 A MON1l
' NOW!
DR. BYRON FRIEDMAN. Registered Optometrist in Charge
715 MAIN ST. in Klamath Fjalls
If I