Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 09, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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NoVBmbur 9,
; (Continued from Page One)
the siio of the Jap force we've
had to spread ourselves a bit
Spencer Davis, another Asso
ciated Press war correspondent
with the 24th, in a dispatch
filed yesterday, but delayed in
transmission, descnoca an as
sault bv American troops on one
of the'Ormoc valley jridfies dur
ing the hciRhth of a howling
wind and rain storm. The Japs
fled leaving shattered mounds
of unburicd dead behind.
Baiil Undecided
Still indecisive, the battle cen
tered in ridges abutting a horse
shoe bend, with the tiny village
of Limon as its focal point.
Neither side claimed victory.
General MacArthur's communi
que stated simply that "heavy
fighting on the ridge lines is
taking piace on me
' (Continued from Page One)
ton tied at 546 votes each for
Draw Lois
Change of a single vote in
the official count would break
the tie. If that does not happen,
Finnigan and Newton will draw
lots to determine which will be
the first ward councilman.
- County Clerk Mae K. Short,
defeated by Charles DeLap fbf
county clerk, issued a statement
tfcanlrinff VlPr SUDDOrtelTS.
and expressing appreciation to
election Warners, iut "-j""'-and
News, and radio KFJ1 for
cooperation in the election work.
nili-hrlftt Haunt
SV,nrf atkpd that it be
noted ' in the paper that Gil
u;,.i. rtatta hr inR votes, to 22
for her opponent, inasmuch as
. 1- r 1 1 -J 1 ,hniv
tauny press wuiiw wwcu m
the Gilchrist count in a table
published yesterday. The unof
ficial count on this contest was:
DeLap, 63ZZ: snort, ooit.
For the first time in many
wlumath eniintv will
have 'republican representation
In tne state nouse ui ichc"
tatives, it appears on the face of
returns in the -"representative
n -nT- rinmatli
contest, nuae .ruvici ibiub.
Falls republican, holds an unof-
fininl loud fnr .inf. nf the legis
lative posts. Leading the entire
linu 1U1 fcll- " " ' - p.
Semon, conservative democrat
and a veteran of the lower
house. The house will be pre-
Jn-tnl FAmiKlinon ..
" Despite the colossal scores
achieved In Leyte Bay, selfcon
ceit will absolutely not be per
mitted. Premier Kuniaki Koiso.
Dcwey-Bi'ickcr 5989
Roosevelt-Truman 6661
Thomas-Hoopes 59
Watson-Johnson 28
U. S. Senator (Short Term)
Guv Cordon 6308
Wiilis Mahoncy 5926
U. S. Senator (Long Term)
Morse 7092
Smith 4485
C. J. Shorb 3653
Lowell Stockman 7901
Stat Treasurer-
William T. Lambert 3030
Leslie M. Scott 5796
Attorney General
George Ncuncr 5583
Bruce Spnulding 5107
Stat Senator
Marshall E. Comett 6772
Marius Petersen 5117
State Representative
Thomas E. Bustin 3682
Rose M. Poole 4891
Henry Semon 694.!
Dale West 4709
District Attorney
Clarence Humble (No contest).
County Judge
U. E. Rcedcr 7416 j
Walter West 42d
County Commissioner
Dorothea Buck 4415
John R. Reber 6952
L. L. Low (No contest).
County Cleric
Charles DeLan 6322
Mae K. Short 5514
County Treasurer
Chester Langslet (No contest).
County coroner
Dr. George H. Adler 6905
Dr. Samuel D. Earhart 4808
Llnkvill J. P.
J. A. Mahoney (No contest.
Linkvill constat"
G. B. Cozad (No contest).
Bank Bill
Ves 5728
No 4768
County Manager
Yes 4092
No 4334
Veterans' Loans
Yes ;.. 5210
No 4546
Voting Privilege
Yes 4861
No : : 4178
Veteran Education Aid
Yes 6710
No 2934
Rttail Sales Tax
Yes 2130
No 7206
Fortified Win Bill
Yes 4957
No 5355
Public School Support
Yes 6350
No 3539
Income Tax Annuities
Yes 4775
No 5669
Mayor i
Kenneth McLeod 901
Ed Ostendbrf i 1870
M. L. Shepherd 1487
Walter Wiesendanger 1700
City Treasurer
Ruth T. Berry 3427
Anne Mason 1881
Councilman (Ward 1)
Matt Finnigan 546
Angus Newton 546
Councilman (Ward 2)
Paul Landry 609
Lynn Roycroft 507
Jail Fund Measure
Yes 3244
No '. 1540
Memorial Park Measur
Yes .'.....2527
No 2415
North Annexation
For 3365
Against 1180
South Annexation
For 2425
Against :...:..:.: 1176
(Continued front Paso One)
from Herbert Hoover by more
than 7,000,000. j
Six Million Margin
Hoover's margin over Al
Smith in 1928 exceeded 6,000,
000, Calvin Coolidge won over
John W. Davis in 1924 by more
than 7,000,000 and Warren G.
Harding defeated James Cox In
1920 by over 7.000,000.
' Woodrow Wilson's m a r g i n
over Charles E. Hughes in 1916
was only 591,385.
Meantime, the nation bound
up its election wounds and set
tled down to a let's-gct-on-with-the-war
Unity Urged
"Let us unite to win the war
and to achieve a lasting peace"
was tlie solemn request of Mr.
Roosevelt as lie prepared to re
turn to Washington from Hyde
Park. This was the attitude too,
of Dewey.
Mr. Roosevelt's vote of con
fidence will still be fresh as he
heads into an expected talk be
fore Christmas with Stalin and
Freshmen Write
Own Dictionary
.tfUQENE," Nov. 9 iV W.
r). MorriHin. - University . of
' Oregon assistant" professor of
geograpny aim gcoiogy, cuino
forward today with the usual
crop of freshman whoppers:
Tfak is u vegetable similar
to an onion.
v. Coke is - found in Spain,
where the 'coke trees grow.
Legumes nrc the crossing
of the winds, causing preci
pitation. Latex is a type of rainfall.
The Orarks are in the Med
iterranean region.
Pledged Johannc Siemens of
Klamath Falls, was one of 650
coeds to be pledged to a sorority
at the University of Washington,
the University Panhellenic of
fice announced this week. Miss
Siemens, the daughter of Mrs.
Elsie Siemens, is now a Sigma
Kappa pledge.
Auxiliary Dinner The auxili
ary to the Veterans of Foreign
Wars will hold its annual
Armistice Day dinner on Armis
tice eve, Friday, November 10,
at 7 at Lucca's. All members
are urged to attend as guests of
the auxiliary.
Hebekahi - to Elect At the
regular meeting of Prosperity
vember 16, election of officers
Will ha D AV..l. U x
..... i.ivi. iicuvnaiia invet 1U
the iuof hall at 8 p. m.
Mevt Mr. anrf Mrs Rnu Al.
kinson, 616 Adams, have moved
to dia tasi Main, mo. 7 in the
Lincoln apartments. Mrs. Atkin
son is the. former Josephine Cal-
tison. -- :,. -. . ... .
We Will Be Closed
Saturday, Nov. 1 1
In Observance of
Remember the
American Legion Dance
Saturday Night - Armory
... .
Fred H. Heilbronner
.. ', 'TuIi That Satisfy" Plus Srvle '
. . . Sine 1919
4 821 Spring St. Phon 4153
Meeting Slat d Regular
meeting of Royal Neighbors , of
America will be held Friday at
the KC hall, 409 Main at 8 p.' m.
Fund Litigation
Finally Settled
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 9 UP)
Lengthy court litigation over dis
position of approximately $682.-
000 was finally ended todav with
a federal court order that the
fund be turned over to the AFL
Boilermakers local union.
The claim of Charles W. Robi
son and the law firm of Tanner
and Clark for $12,000 attorney's
fees was referred back to the
Multnomah county court for fi
nal decision.
Two Klamath 15-ycar-old
boys met obstacles when they
set out to go deer hunting out
of season instead of going to
school on election day. When
the family car got stuck in the
mud, the boys unloaded their
bedrolls and guns and walked
to a used car lot on S. 6th,
where they broke the window
of the office and took a ring
of keys.
After some difficulty they
found a 1940 Studebaker that
one of the keys would fit and
drove around town knocking
on doors of several hqtiscs un
til they found one where no one
was home. They walked in,
searched the house for money,
and finally took a half-empty
bottle of whiskey.
While they were devising
means of getting money and
tickets to buy more gasoline
for the stolen car, they were
apprehended by city police of
ficers, who had been notified
by the boys' parents that they
had run away.
The "hunters arc now held
in custody by Harold Hendrlck
son, . local juvenile official,
pending further investigation.
Stolen property has been re
turned to the owners.
(Continued From Page One)
massing for a new blow in the
cast. The first snow of the j
winter falls in Holland. j
In the Pacific, our boys on
Leyte are fighting in a blind-1
ing typhoon against reinforced j
Japs commanded by the General
Yamashita who took Singapore.
He boasts today: "I told the
British commander at Singapore
that 'all J want from you is yes
or' no' and I expect to put the
same question to MacArthur."
Wiesendanger Thanks
Election Supporters
' Sincere appreciation to the
hundreds of friends who sup
ported him in his recent cam
paign for the position of mayor
in Klamath Falls, was expressed
Thursday by- Walter Wiesen
danger, present councilman.
"I appreciate the vote of con
fidence given me and I will con
tinue to serve my community to
the best of my ability," Wiesen
danger stated. He placed sec
ond in the mayoralty race.
(Continued from Page One)
for his battalions and regi
ments." The Fortresses and Libera
tors, timing their blow at mid
morning,, synchronized their at
tack with hundreds uf dive
bombers which hit the same
area, and swept to unusually
low levels lo pinpoint their tar
gets, Fw Flights
It was one of the few times
the heavy bombers have down
against tactical targets in this
theater. A notable previous
striko was in thu St. Lo break
through in Normandy in July.
Pilots said snow blanketed
many of tho buttle ureas.
Front line dispatches said
Patton sent two divisions Into
iictlon .north of Mute this morn
ing and thut frosh progress had
been mudo in the urea of Ih'ig,
Just below tho Luxembourg
border. A third division Joined
the three which attacked south
of tho city, yesterday on n 2!i
inile. front mid gained up to
three - miles.
Mooia Masting Tho Loyal
Order of Moose will meet in
regular session in the Moose hull,
Friduy, November 10, at 8 p. in.
There will be no Saturday night
party this week.
Tht Rho Girls of Thctu Itho
will meet Monday, November
at 7:30 p. ni in the IOOK
hall for a business meeting, en
tertainment and refreshments.
(Continued from Pago One)
groups, srpiunlcd by slivanis
and swamp land, built bonfires
lo keep warm, llonglantl Mild
thoy were able to find an ample
supply of dry willow but all
wine forced to stand throughout
the night in the marsh, About
three Inches of snow covered
the urea.
Al daybreak Aeomh and Hoau
liiml started out for help and
walked live miles to where they
found u nit' from the A. L. Mc
ijuislun ranch. They were taken
lo Hie ranch where Mrs. McQuis-
they llten m.,,.,! ikH
K ,.
. . . IU I
Cl.lloduln and KU '2 "IW
I"'"!' iMr fan, I '.' i"
Ing and n, I," ,
nllfl I'nhl ,, ' 111 U 0ni,l.
lime bench, CR Ntp!
Fear Exprtm,,!
None was tl. w " .
experience Thin sZv , ,'or
Unnuliiii.l mu.i L. ."."y. HotiH,
ety of the seven' haftM
P-cssed due , 'J ,bJ
the lake and the tr, W
rimed .!.. ..... ii... . . .u.r"l Wlta
Sheriff Lloy 1, S , .
for Neptune .',J J n,1'"11
to check on the ,5, , J M
early TluiMduy hell""1"1
reached here .a, H,
Classmen An- iiTmTnT:,,,.
Continuous Show Daily
Box Office Opens 12:30
Ends Today
"The Impatient
Eaglas Ladies C 1 u b The
Eagles Ladies club will meet at
7:30 p. m. at the Eagle hall with
Mary Lewis as hostess.
I ' " ' mii awt
I V Big .
-7 jasamaii
. . & m M MM WW J Phone 4567 Box Oficc Opens 1:30 0:45
I "DRAGONseeon,
f KATHAftlN E t H E P B U R NlSS
k-ssafa WalterHUSTON-AlineMacMAHON y
Turhan BEY . '
.1 yPLUS Hurd Hotfl.ld Agnti Msrhod Robar) Blc ?';. .
fUr I ' II " froiKM Roffarty J. Corral Nalih Hanry Travart 1&T-
Z''! JG? I Rabart Uwli Jotqualin da Wl 1 (
"'i'fl J ' nmibtKX CONWAY and HAIOID HUCOUR ' '"?V -
"! ft4vc4 bv rANDtO S. KtMAN ' .'.Mj
"Jk ' mum ' - v
I milll'd Ml I iffl"-1 .i.i.,..-'i ... . : , ;,.-, t
Box Office Opens 6:43
2 Big Hits
Ann Corio
Buster Crabbe
"City of
Silent Men"
Frank Albortion
June Lang
w !.imi.b
llox Office 0iens 0:43 1'. M.
Box Office Opens 1:30-6:45
mfmfmWMH'mmm L,i" t
l (ill mull JiniM
smr i i.. J Jt , w'JiJQliI W 'I'J H 1 in 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 ft. 1 1 if
Added Enjoyment. VV ' JWI U J
; '..' , SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS ; ' jCCJj f jf I ' ti'