. PACE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OKEGON II ISSUES! STATEMENT 0 N Jap Bombers Raid Tacloban Harbor BUSSMANOUERY Mayor John H. Houston is sued a statement to the press Thursday in which he said it was "not the intention of the mayor nor anv member ol the council to 'oust' A. H. Bussman from his position as councilman. The statement refers back to Monday night's council meeting in which Bussman's legal posi tion was discussed. "Last week," said the mayor, "I was questioned as to whether it was legally possible for Mr. Bussman to engage in official council business. The charter states: Provided further that the office of councilman shall be deemed vacant whenever the in cumbent thereof shall cease to be a resident of the ward which he represents." I felt this point was clearly presented by the city attorney Monday night. "The account of the council meeting as given by your re porter and your editorial gives the impression that Mr. Bussman was removed from the council. Mr. Wiesendanger, at the, coun cil meeting made a motion which was passed, that a vote of thanks be extended Mr. Bussman for continuing in service until the end of the year. The mayor fol lowed this by saying that . Mr. j Bussman had made a good coun cilman and that the administra tion appreciated his efforts. "I would like to see Mr. Buss man complete the rest of the year as councilman.' - "Your editorial stated.. -thai Monday night's incident was 'most unfortunate.' As an out going mayor, it is my feeling that it was most unfortunate not to have had our obsolete and antiquated charter modernized when this came to a vote a few years ago. I feel the full story of Mon day night's session was not clear ly stated, and I feel that the newspaper account of this ses sion leaned toward a mild re buke of the administration. "Your editorials, Mr. Epley, . have always been fair, and I know will always continue to be so. May I make this suggestion as a soon-to-be political has-been. In fairness to future mayors, whenever a controversial issue develops in city matters, that the matter be discussed with the mayor so that his view point of the issue could be had before an editorial policy is written." ; 'f . ' . ( ' i . ' f, . I . , ' - . - . I (NEA Tefrnhoto) A Japanese bomber scores a damaging near miss on a Liberty ship In Tacloban harbor during daylight raid in the American-occupied capital of Leyte Island In the Philippines. The mast of the ship Is visible above toe Vity buildings and smoke rises from dock where bomb fell, killing two soldiers. Photo by Thomas U ' Shafer, NEA-Acme photographer for War Picture Pool. . . 1IICKOK . Featuring the Popular BAR-H WESTERN STYLED Belts Buckles Jewelry From $1.00 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main . . Roosevelt Back in Harness After Time Out for Race By HOWARD FLIEGER HYDE PARK. N. Y., Nov. 0 (P) President Roosevelt swung back into the complex duties of his office today, his administra tion policies endorsed by the voters who chose him to head the government for another four years. "We have again demonstrated to the world that democracy is a living, vital force," the president said in a statement issued 14 hours after his victory over Gov. Thomas E. Dewey became cer tain. . ! ' ". ' ' He said the -election "demon strated . . . that our faith in American institutions is unshak en; that conscience and not force is the source of power in the government of man. "To that faith let us unite to win the war and to achieve a lasting peace." The president will return to Washington tomorrow. He came to his Hyde Park home last weekend after closing the fourth term campaign in Boston. It was here Tuesday night that he sat in a litter of tabulation sheets, checking the voters' re ply to his bid for an unprece dented 16 years in the White House. The president arose late yes terday and, except lor wonting a while on correspondence, gave himself an easy day on his estate. He went for an automobile ride with his former law partner, Henry C. Hooker, had a quiet dinner and went to bed early. Huge bundles ' of telegrams and messages were carried to the Roosevelt estate yesterday after it became apparent that the chief executive had been re-elected for a fourth term. I Presidential Secretary Stephen l . suaiiy octiM many ui lilt" nil's- sages said the president's re election meant that "isolation ism is dead" in this country. He made public this telegram sent the president by Secretary of State Cordell Hull: ."I extend my warmest felicita tions on your re-election to the presidency. "Under your wise leadership our country will rededicate it self, united and strong to the attainment of complete and speedy victory over our enemies, and to the establishment of a just and lasting peace. . "The kindest personal regards and best wishes." COMMISSIONER NAMED MEDFORD, Nov. 8 (!) In Jackson county's two contests Tuesday, A. E. Powell, republi can incumbent, defeated Ralph G. Jennings , for county com missioner, and William P. Tuck er, republican incumbent, de feated Fred Kelly for justice of the peace, Mcdford district. El WASHINGTON, Nov., 9 W)-r-The justico department recom mended to the supreme, court todny that tho Associated. Press be required to adopt an "ex plicit" by-law which would ad mit new members without re gard to local competitive situa tions. Tho department filed a brief in its cross-appeal from the de cision of a federal expediting court in tho government's civil anti-trust suit against the -nonprofit news cooperative. The A. P. likewise has appealed, and the high tribunal will hear oral arguments next week... ... Tho lower court ruled that tho A. P. could contlnue'to' pro-1 vide its news reportexclusively, to members, to demand the lo cal news of members exclusive ly and to retain its contract with the Canadian press provid ed the A. P. modified its by laws on admission of members. SMALL MARGIN - BAKER, Nov. 9 (fl)By the margin of four votes, incumbent Leonard Waterman defeated George Slzomore for Harney county district attorney, , Eldon Sltz was elected sheriff, beating two opponents, . . The ttodd to iterlln vuyi.nnririnnnrin-i-i",- - --- By The Aiioelited Press 1 Western front: -301 miles (from west of Duren.) . '. 2 Russian front: 304 ' miles (from Vistula north of Wursnw.) 3 Italian front: 1 11(17 'miles (from southeast of Bologna.) ' -V '. ' Stat Building Program Eyed SALEM, Nov, .() The pro posed building program for state Institutions will bo dis cussed by . the state board of aontrol,' next week... when- the board considers the institution budgets- for, the fiscal year be-ginning- July; r,.,'1045. .. , The, board 'had . no meeting this- week.- . ! - DEVELOPING ENLARGING - PRINTING PHOTO SERVICE 111 Underwood Bids. FREDRICKSON EDGED OUT GRANTS PASS, Nov. 9 (!) Incumbent W. A. Johnson edged out Pete Fredriekson, commissioner, for Josephine county judge, and Virgil Hull was elected coroner over Mae Hall. Attention BOYS AND GIRLS If You Can Dance, Sing ....... or Entertain REPORT TO 115 So. 4th St. or Esquire Theatre Phone 4282 I 919 E. Main I 1 ' , : CtRULOVE'S Chicken Center IN REFI 1 iur Iff PURE CAME SUGAR insist on .J" NIKY-PACKID CONTAINIRS GH sugar A PUN CAM When Yon Want Try Tht Chicken Center Colored HENS I X P . lo. 39c Link um. Plg Sausage . . lb. 35c WIENERS . . . .... lb. 35c RABBITS . . . . . lb. 49c PORK STEAK, no points lb. 30c W. Carry a Complete Lin. of Fish ATTENTION? We Pick and Clean Your Ducks end Geese " . RE-ELECTED SHERIFF McMlNNVlLLK, Nov. 9 l'i 'Gooruo Manning wna ro-ulccted sheriff of Yamhill county mid tlomor Hons nninuri commission er In the only two conU-stud offices. rj.WARDS...iW JviliX ' wo Me load H3 Buy a Fine Suit! m m - . mo " ' tea SEASON jYontgomeryWari HAK PRODUCTION BOARD'S 1S SURVEY Or PURCHASES BY AUTO JUNKYARDS SHOWS 75 PERCENT FEVER CARS BEING SCRAPPED THAN IN 1942-43 . mwmmmwJr. ss ts. scrapped than in y Winter months ahead mean "CHANGE OIL NOW" Beware of old, grimy oil. Be nre with clean; fresh, winter-grad. Golden Shell motor oil. Shell ex perts will change oil for you while they provide your car complete winter protection with Shellubrication Service. ENCOURAGING, BUT"- Wartime Stop and Go Still Junks Somebody's Car Every Single Minute I Tour car can be one of the 60 that jive up the glio.it every hour of tho day . . victim of ;Wartime Stop and Go. Unless, of course, you are one of those who take precautions. ' ..'.' ;. Shellubrication service is a precaution thousands of car-owners depend upon to keep their cars off the scrap heap. That such precaution pays is evidenced ' by the WPB report, on the ncwiy-rcduccd rate of car junking. Start this protective service today. Shellubrication dives you a receipt showing exactly what's been done. Further than that, it reports on tho condition of many hidden parts where destructive wear can start. Get : Shellubrication noto.ShclI Oil Compmy,lncorporated. GASOLINE POWERS THE ATTACK -DOm WASTE A DROP SHELL fade a THIS SOUTHERN STYLE FOR company fare , or : hearty family meal,, here's a . dish in -the best traditions of the Old South famous for its cooking While its style is Southern, this ' Mary Mills' tested recipe is created especially for use in the West . . with a flour that's milled in the Pacific Northwest . . . depend able Enriched Fisher's Blend! Blended to better ' your best in baking, Fisher's Blend Flour is balanced so.that it's equally food for bread, cake, and - pastry.' Use every-purpose; Fisher's, Blend Flour to thicken the gravy in Sweet Potato JPork Pie -and depend upon Blend again for the topping of tender flaky pastry. : zh fflrnCT.UH.u.;i:(m ' " For poit-Thtnkigiving uie, nWstitutt'ltll'ovtr turkey 7 1" P' " '' "tuny mmn duH pi , - 9f1IM I-nl.rl rtiUmA Mn.lr 3 cupt coolud cubed ttvm polM t cup cooked pi. V4 oip minnd onion '' ; ' ' ' l midium- pm ptppw, minnd i cupt combintd nxat ind veettibli Kock Vz cup enricned i iihtr i liltnt Htm Vx P cold wattf I , 1 tcaipoon utt. , ; ' i 'zi tMpoen ptpntr Pirtry mada with Enrirhtd tlihti'i, Blend Foitr ' . , i Fluta p'atfry adgtt' and prick holat in'top (or'aiaam lo aarapa, Balia at 4)0' P. about 20 minutei, er until pamy it dona. Satra at onca from lha bating diah. ,' ' rL ICIllnlllB MHM 'U Ft 1 I Combine pork and vjgaiablaa, aaving maat now anq vrgciaoia llquldk , Thldcaa Mode with pana of Bland flout ' Add maonlnft and cook unlit thicktnad, atirrini Iraquantly.'' I Add-to pork mixtura and pour into larga , np uimon, ir 4 to o individual tai- , Roll-out. paltry, and Kt ovar pork mixura in caaaaroia.' ... I I. "I nosKiiiift?,0!"" y. ills ,.,;"" ol Da, J c comb". u,"""i IT'S THE SUBiJ WAY TO W ... nritl ... ot a i-" (of i , lot oh,ri"' y,, MO"""' Mm iriuuiMiiii ' At your grotti ,f (c ' ; , in sites lo suit v ' ' your need j A zs&ftti Im nu u jiiji ji in i.i ' i n '