HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE ELEVEN II Help Wanted, Mil Holp Wanted, Mai 34 Automotive 34 Automotive, 34 Auiom jttve " 34 Aulomotiv 34 Automotiv lnv""l . 1 M I : It.. t' ' to 1100. un 1 rl- 8:0U ,.. .". m i ,,.,.1 fourth lTutilirMHn IHIhwav. J. 0? ',"'" Li.. inpr tin""1-.1 loaoil I- "17.llir lidding l"ir" V l-Grtf I" '" ., ,, ,i "A i..k ill.nl HUM"., NOW OPEN EL PADRE Fnr the Best CHICKEN and STEAK DINNERS ,J( Chef M'ikcv Dwan DANCE TO Pdc Collry l't'"" . tank Curry lrtiinpci '( uiu.. SI) , Hawaiian C.iiltiir BAR SEKVILU 1 l-30mc AL ORDER of MOOSE ,11 vole on II"-' proposed in liicJlinK "Mil ol November I bi rc urgru uhkiiu and voic. 'I'ur.i Thuri. S.rvlc.i Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR dory Authorui-d Service Household ond Commcrciol Phono 1)0 17 :EC0M EQUIPMENT CO. 127 So. (111. SI. PLUMBING SERVICE bins & Healing Equipment Imtslled and Repaired DAVIS .UMBING CO. fVc Hurry Phone 7035 11-10 alls Upholstery and Rug Service bmng and .Mothproofing P Again Same Day' A.M. PHONE SOAR A tier 0 P. M 12-3 FALLS ELECTRIC ENFRAI DrrnA .nut ."'.""""""".let.. ElMin. I. r..rnVTSn" "'", "'Paired. W ..?.Vt.r""1"1 "" - mil. tries. f Wis St. Ph. 6263 I Millie 11-13 awn Summer 1 I-1U i Hint TAPjUn ' ii. '"" Lull j. . . "ldl' WMllllii. Phn. nun u.i .. . -- SI.M rw 'J??' fAINTINO l Win '1' "I'l'lllinra ro. i itDfiflti 1114111 !? Vp, '"'"i."- Orlim.n. I If you want lo work in a lorjrjinrj camp, sawmill or lumber yard whero condition:, am rjnod call al the ofllce or phone 5H6 liclwicn 8.30 and A 30 p. m. Wo need men in all Ihcic drpartmcnls ol our operation which is on essential industry. WOODS: Choker Sellers and Knot bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers.' Peljcan Bay Lumber Co. TF HELP WANTED KNOT BUMPERS, BUCKERS AND CHOKER SETTERS At Our Camp Near Klamath Falls BEATTY LOGGING CO. Cull ill Our Office, 12,'l North Olli St. 1110 10 Services APPLIANCE REPAIRS Wo repair iind ncrvlco all makes of radios, vacuum eleuners and many other electrical appli ances. Wo miiy have the type of radio tube you need. Reason able prices. Phone SI 88. SEARS ROEBUCK . Tucs.-Thurs.-Sut.-tf CALL ROBINSON'S DELIVERY Phone 7423 BiiKl!"o Piirecla rtccullir Deliveries Hours 10:00 n. in. -0.00 p. ni. 11-30 Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator iiacondilloninK MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Vcurs' Expcricnco Elmer Tripp Home Garage 210 Old fort Itoarl Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. IB Holp Wnnl.d, Male Wanted Shipping and Receiving Clerk. Mere Is nn excellent, pcrninncnt Job tlml not only pays a ood sturlinK salary.' but affords a real opportunity to learn a btincss with future security. Wonderful cliiincc for progress under our post war expansion program, Tills may be your big opportunity , . . Why not conic in and talk it over. ASK FOR MR. FISHER Sears, Roebuck & Co. 1509lf WANTED Turkey Pickers Nov. 9 to Nov. 22 Jinnette Ranch health S;KlN' ii, f, "Na it ."" " ' B"l' ffl!" J r bT1"!" " l-.iom '' ti,.!'' 'f-on ,nd 11 -30m w5Tnn.T - . IS 1 n XT!" i"i"u. i.itf".0"M;."'l,'r ?l"u"1 "M tut' 'w!lHrt. 11144 11-aom PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 153 Granite St. Ashland, Oregon Phono 70U1 Graduato Nurso In Charge 1 1-Dm 1 i i H!LP Wanted ml WANTED Laboratory And X-Ray Technician Dr. Wayne MacAtee 122 S. 7lh Ph. 5535 1210-tf Merrill Phone 0005 Wanted 11-13 Reliable, Slcady Man For Warehouse or Slock Room Work Ask for MR. FISHER Sears, Roebuck & Co. lOOOtf WANTKO Srrvh-e man nntl wife lo st. tiro lioi.li In iclion fnr smnr hcjir wnrk pt.d iiTltiR l.tr .mall boy. Pli. i.m:i nfu-r .v:iu a. m. n-o WANTKI) Kprl li'iti cd clrniirr unci NptiUffr. See U Uunro nt CHHrndc tduntlry. 11-11 WANTKI)--Mm nml l.o.vj lo nrl pln. I.lfflil w.irlt. i-.H)U d.iv. Apply Itpulins Alley, llll. Mult. p. t.i. or nny evening. &!ilunlY or .sun. lay. 17l!l(r Wanted NURSES For General Staff Duty Salary $180.00 fcr month 8-hour day 6-day week APPLY Dr. M.H.R. Lukens Klomnth Indian Agency llorp.' Klnmnth Aficncy Oregon cod 1 122 DKAl.KII WANTCI) ... 1k ltoutrn mntti (chmI HviiiM. -t0 fni-m-lumit) nccmi tlrsmcUii.'inc. np.cCM. loot!, etc.. well hinm ri rvcry county. For mr ttciilnrs willr IWt wlrii'h's. Dept. OHK U'ikliiml, Ciilif. U-t) 19 Situations Wantod limn school hoy. Kf n. would like Jim n(trr school nun hnttirdnyn. Ill 1. no-: All.in Amniq ti n nooin And Board Roomi Kot flont ' WANTED Experienced Sales Ladies AND CASHIERS SEE MR. FISHER Sears, Roebuck & Co. Sl.KKlMNf: - nooM - UcnUcmcn only. PhnitR 7t!(t CVL'iUmf!. HfHt ROOMS IC1.1 Ml illi- KOOM VOll UK NT - Jefferson. Houkos For Hant 26 TltlR'KM t'Oll KENT You tirlvfl: move vmitrlf. iiiivc Stiles Dc;)ron Sorv Ire. t'.MH ViM M.'i't) IMi'-i)'- niiil tt-ilin 20 Miccclltvtieou f or flont Kl.KC'rniC KI.OOR SANIJFHS nnr) etlRor rcntPit. I)') i our own worlt; Inquire Pnlnt Depl. MONTGOMERY WAI1D ft CO. U-:t0m you RKNT flour Mtntlt-rs, pdKers unci u-nllpiipcr liniovlnit niaclilnes. J. E. PnttciKon I'.ilnt Stoic. Phone :t:i24. lii f.isi Mi)in. i1-:iom WANTKO - lloimrhcrper, rrllnnl. for einplojrd Indy with ton nni nx. hi nnt-o. Wrlln or phone collect, thief Numa, W. R. A.. Newell. Cullf. 11-0 WANTKtJ -Klilrrl.v womiin trt tin llchl hou-iowork, modern rinivcniciucn, i-d. MM. WANTKP-OIrl for hmmnwork and mi or a children, riiono ftiio, an.u lIoYtSEKEKPEtt WANTKD Cnn either may nr go iinmo niaoin, v.m "' flop 11:30 p. nt. nj WAa.rEU Wmtrem n riiihwaiher Wo miin preferrta APpiy imr Coffee flhoo Wflfill WANTED-WnmnH In tnke cni-e or yotinfl I.....H.I it ilava iverk. fit HI Main, M" WANTKU.-Woira.il In look nllnr .ill- ilren dlirlnn lllo liny lor Iwo or uirr week!. On Allnmoiil Drive. Call 7jijt.V 14 Help Wanted Fomalo KrVVVVVVVyMlrVVvA'vvvt',A" Uinnn Ttiiifif l.niuKn.t WANTED Peyton At Co. A N TED P r t I line help on poultry fni-m. Uwli Poultry frnn, liione mi ii-n' 30 noul bstalfc For rtala FOR SALE Modern In every way, -hptlruoin nub iiilwn homp. Just ofr Soulh fllli. closr lo lilrlln'H. Two aerc ol flood noil, double KmiKc ttnil other out nt the ordinary fpfiturps. $71HI0. Tonus. 1 At. SO flower Shop, well torMcd, nobis n ntre luiMinesr.. Totitl pricu $1(11)0. fHh own by nppotnlinenl only. . KK.VKMAl. riOOl) INVir.STMENT PHOI'EHTIIJ-S JOHN Mf-FKE - Rcnltor Phone IMl Cnll nl tin No. 7th ll-ft FOR SALE Sheep puMiirc, J4II itcien nlfnlffl nnd ihoolby uilMrd. noulh of Mnlln (-'nil Ushey Dro.. 7U14. BAItl FOR SALE-Duplex, till modern, elco tric wnler lii-iiler, rlei;lrlo iiinKC nnri fiirnnrr, Phone 5:illt, 'On lilchwny HO. first house oti rlsht nflor passlilR Junellon. Prh-c Mmm. "11-0 FOR SALE - l:t ncit) with 2-rooin cabin. 204(1 Hope. Inqiilro on Sun- dyn. . ii-aa 3-ROOM HOUSE nnd nrrej 4 miles HE. of Kljimnlh foils; nvnilblc wnler. HftltU. tele)l)one. SLiOii. Ensy terms. Kllks. 410 Pearson llltlfl., Portlnnd. Ore. ll-W . , .,'f WILL SELL K!itMTY 1h liome on South Cm roll. he nil I. Untvuln, 11-10 CONSIDERING FIRST COST THERE IS ALWAYS Less Depreciation ON A FORD CAR Sell Your Car NOW : While the Price Still Is High SEE US TODAY We Pay Top O.P.A. Prices Your Ford Dealer Since 1923 Balsiger Motor Co. Rear Estate Tor Sale .ST; FRANCIS PARK Modern 2-bcelroom home built 1930, completely furnished, ex cepting refrigerator and one bedroom. Yes, there is a dining room, fireplace, one good bed room suite, dining room set, etc. This home In good condi tion; lias front and rear lawns, gravel drive to detached garage. Can get posesslon within two weeks. Price $5000. F. H. A. terms. Bogiie'"Dale, Realtor 120 S. 0th Tel. 6972 .11-13 List Your Property With Us. Fair Appraisals and Satisfactory Sales. a Joe Perry with F. L. Weaver Real Estate and Insurance 330 E. Main Phone 6764 12-8 34 Automotive RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-KREEZE. BATTERIES Monarch Service Station - B K. Teed . 301 So 6th Phone 7071 ll-13mc For Sale 6 ACRES LAND Highly Improved. Fenced and Cross-Fenced. Modern 7-Room House. Lots of out-buildings. 3623 Anderson- Ave. Close lo Airport. 11-13 Immediate Possession 6-room modern house, located on Crescent, situated on a large corner lot with plenty of gar den space. $2800 $500 down. Balance easy monthly payments ; R.P.OLIVER. Ill So. 8lh Phone 4710 COURT Five 2-room cottnRcs on Shasta Way near So, 6th street, all partly furnished. Room to build additional units. Present income $50.00. Price $3250.00 cash. . Bogue Dale, Realtor 120 S. 9th 1 Tel. 6072 11-13 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 84) U-14m FOR SAUK -4-room bouse end fl acre. Good brn. chicken house, brooder bouse, woodshed end srage. nt. .1. Box :i47. J..E. Bnldack. 11-10 FOR SALF.-8-room modern house, full basement nnd furnace. Some lurnl- Inre. Phone 4H7B. 3 Aulomotiv TOP CASH PRICK for your elenn, late model enr or equity. See L. M. Quam . at nun NESS MOTORS ' Authorised DeSdtb-Ply mouth" ..." Parts and Servlee Goodrich Tire Distributor . 3Jfl j. eth 300711 MODEL A-ln.19 to 1041 R3 h.p. recon dltloned motor, 11)41 Ht Tork Chev rolet reconditioned motor. Write Box 2020. care of Herald and News, 1114 10.14 TO loan B5 H.P. reconditioned ford motor, and Model B motor. Mercury o h,p. motor. Write aoao. ' care of Herald and Newt. 11-14 FOR SALE 10 acres Irrigated land, one mile south of Ashland on Highway 01). BulldinRH, cll.v water, block from school. $4000. Geo. Yokel. Phone 51)81. Ashland. 11-14 FOR SALE U section, all tillable. 1 ;! cash. 2 miles west. 1 south Drib V. ft. C. B He low. 11.10 Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. . Where 8th Street Ends lt-lOm FOR SALE ' . RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Typo Radiator You Need COLOR MATCHING AND PAINTING Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 6th Phone 6942 12-6m We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 11-UOm SF.ti MEL HKNRY nt Lombard's "Used Car Lot. Ml S . Klh St. Top OPA CASH PfttCK Ht once for your car. AH mnkrs and imn1eU for vilr 1 1 - K?m 35 Fuel Heatlnp RICHFiELD Stove nnd Diesel Oils Best Quality rronipt Delivery I Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor ll-30m 3B Misrollancous For Snlo 4yyyyyVVV,VVM'''wwwifJiiifc..aill AUCTIONEER SERVICE H yort ure plannlns .farm snle or atirtion of anv kind, sec n. "., RlIODtS, Auc tioneer. For sale dntcsi phono 17.1. Lskeview. .or rotitnrl LAKEV1EW LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO., phone 7:i3. Lnkevlrw. Ore. All classes of livestock sold nt auction every Mon day. U-13 FOR SALE One Bulck car rndlo. wood lathe, h p. motor, 1344 Johnson. 11-8 FOR SALF.-CabbaKC 4c lb.; CBrrotn 3c lb. j panmlpn Sc lb.; table beets 2c lb. 1 j mile northwest of Mnlln. John Hmuik. ia-H FOR SALE - ln-Raur.e aholgun. Link River Cottage No. 22 after S:iQ p. m. 11-0 FOR SALE Urlvewny cinders. Cnll 4Uta 11-18 SPECIAL NOTICE To. Chevrolet Owners OPA HAS RAISED THE RETAIL VALUE OF. YOUR CAR Chevrolet Commands the Highest Value of Any Low Priced Car see us today for new higher prices; :::: Sell To 'Ashley ASHLEY CHEVROLET CO. 410 So. 6th St. 36 Miscellaneous For Sal TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters . f and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook top, especially priced, $57.50. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from S59.50. Circulating heaters priced from $37.50. HARRY HAFTER'S -FURNITURE. STORE Where the Cash. Buyer . Gets the Break He Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath ' 3773-tf Ladies Attention! r INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ' ALL RISK POLICY - , . Call John Sandmeyer Phone 5195 C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bids. ll-30m Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping, ' Seoley Bros. Phone 7709 " 1173-U FOR SALE-One Royal Crown hottle cooler. Merit Washing Machine Ser vice. 611 So. 6th. - U-20 ALL TYPES of small gas engines re paired. Bodcnhamer Saw Shop. 331 E. Main. U-13mc INFRA-RED ELECTRIC HEATERS. $29.50 F. B. Hanger, Open All ' Day Saturday. 313 Market. Phone 7221. ll-20m LANDSCAPING - Evcrgrecni. flowering shrubs and trees. Make your selec tion now for fall planting. LAKE SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phone 4082. 11-lOm EL PADnE NOW OPF.N-Dlnc. dance. Bar service. Only 10 minute drive from cily center. Tl-30mc FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS Roy Scbincck. Phone 4003. Rt. 3, Box 1042. . ll-30m ALLEN Adding Machines and TRtDEN Calculators. 124 S. 0th St, Pioneer Printing St Stationery Co. " ll-lSni' GLASS Mirrors, rcsilvcring. plate, win dow and nolo class, furniture tops, shelves. Kimbnll's Glass Shop. 527 Walnut. Phono 7378. 12-4m NEW 24 FT. HOUSF. TRAILERS, also n good selection of used trailers. 10 to :i0 ft. Terms. 2171 Market St.. Hcddins. Calif. U84 FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joyer. 1435 Martin. Phone 3677. - U-30m FOR SAl'E1 daveno bed and chair, newly recovered; 1 studio couch: 1 urcd bed studio couch; 1 used pre-war davenport and chair; 1. newly recov ered davenport and chair. Carlson Mattress & Upbolstcrlugr 2403 S. 6th. 11-10 FOR SALE-Whitc gold diamond wed ding set rings. Cost $Uu. Sell $43 cash. Phone 3223 after 8 p. m. U-13 FARMERS! Running water, electric llHhta.,-refrigerator, radio. You can have all these with a Montgomery Ward Electric Power Plant. 20 dif ferent plants to choose from. $64.30 to S710 tf.o.lt. factory. Come in now. Got complete priority Information at your Word store. Montgomery Ward. 0th and Pine. 11-10 FOR SALE Lester parlor slse Grand pi.-mo. This instrument has a beau tiful tone and is in exceptionally fine condition, 730 Mt. Whitney. Phone 4742. 11-9 STOVES REPAIRED. All available parti stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 3071, . ll-30m SEWING MACHINE PARTS and sup plies. Al make. Phone 0771. 3218 Shaata Way. 11 -30m 1P42 EASTERN HOWARD Trailer House. 2.1 rt.. ajl steel, insulated 6 -ply truck tire. A-l shape, electric .brakes. See at Roosevelt Club. Tulelakt, Phone 6203. Tulclake. 11-14 FOR SALE 100 tons bated hay. III cut alfalfa. Oats and rye. at Keno. See Guy Moore at ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett. Tulclake 7MM xvvtir 42 Miscclluneous Wanted WANTED One Rood oil hr.Ung ,tov.. Iuqulie m Waldorl drill. 12581! Phone 4113 Keep Your Car- -Top Shape FRONT WHEEITALIGNINC ' - FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment ; Experienced Help - . . : LOMBARD ; MOTORS 424 S. 6th St. Phone 3138 Thurs -Sat. 42 ' Miieenaneous Wanted SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR BONDS If you have any no-longer used articles of any kind lying around your home or office then you have a - real opportunity to help the war ef fort. In the first place, other people actually need these no-longer used ar ticles: then, too. the money you raise i by selling things can be converted Into bonds. Phone 3Zi. Classified Ad - Dept. today. 870lf WANTED Dead and worthless animal. Phone 4036 collect. 11-27 WANTED TO BUY-Ice cream free7er. Phone 7318." " ' lMStfCD REFRIGERATOR WANTED nema Hotel. WANTED TO BUY -Sled with good run ners. Call 3124. 314GU WANT TO BUY 40 to 160 acre diversi fied ranch, equipped with farm ma chinery, in vifinity of Klamath Falls. State full priee. terms and all details In first letter. Write 3046. care Her ald and News. 394t.tr WANTED TO RENT-2-bcdroom unfur nished home by newcomer entering business In Klamath Falls. Phone 63J1. 11-10 WILL PAY CASH for used guns. Bring them in for appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE. 928 Main St. 11 -30m WANT TO BUY-22 S&W or Colt. Have 38 or 43 to trade- Phone B4D2. 146011 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann 120 N. 7th, Phone 4518 or 7175. U-20m WANT TO RENT a furnished or p.irtly furnished - small house or apartment. Registered nurse with one child. Call 6080. ll-O WANTED TO RENT-Furnished house or apartment by navy officer and wife. Call Wlllacd Hotel, Room 507. 11-10 WANTED TO BUY Male Australian Shepherd puppy with blue eyes. Call 8978 evenings. 1605tf WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phone 5078 after 6 p. m. 2273tf WANTED TO RENT - Private garase near Anchor Hotel. Write E. II. tic! vey, P. O. Box 484. 1291111 WANTED Furnished house or apart ment by couple. No children or pets. L, C. Silk. nan. Pelican Hole. 11-10 WILL PAY CASH or trade good elec - trlc range for gas -range. Phone :i7;k!. 11-10 WANTED Child's large tricycle for Christmas; also mattress or studio couch or dayhed. Wrlto P. 0. Box 265, Klamath Falls. - 11-9 44 Livestock arid Poultry GOAT STTTTVTCE 17177 rturn. 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN. For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P; A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL ' FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles Furniture Livestock - Salary , Sales. Between Individ uals .Financed and 0. P. A. Requirements ' CompletecJ . r ..Gome In Phone! In or. Write In Phone 7711 Lic. .M-223 Lie. S-251 ll-30m See ' .K. A. . (Dinty) Moore " For HOUSE WANTED USO worker with wife and small child need 2 or 3-bcdi'ou.u unfurnished house or apartment by 'December I. Call W. Richard Meyers. Hotel Wlnema. 4181. 11-10 -LIBERAL CASH LOANS On Your WANTED-Lalo model pickup. Phone 111 Tulclake. O. L. Hodges. 11:10 WANTED-Garage vicinity of 2020 nar row St. Call 52.M1 after 6 p. 111. 11-10 44 Livestock and Poultry COMPLETE DISPERSAL AUCTION SALE " of herd of 35 purebred Jersey cattle; production tested and classified; constructive breeder award. November 15, 1044. Joscpliino County Fairgrounds, Grants- Pass. Oregon. Write for catalog. M. G. Gun dcrson, Silvcrton, Ore, Sales manager; Col. HuglVcs, Forest Grove, Ore., auctioneer. , JERSEY PARADISE FAP.M Geo. R. Riddle, owner, Grants Pass, Ore. ll-lj-910 AUTO -FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple CVcdit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signcrs Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 . S-241 114 N. 711 Phone 3325 ll-30m HIGHEST PB1CFS paid for lings, veal. lambs and cattle. Johnson Packlii Co. Phon. 3323. nights 3505. II -mm WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3372, - lt-Som WANTED - Poultry, livestock, lurkeys and rabbits. TtlULOVE S MARKiVT. . 910 East Main. Phono 4202. 12-4m PLACE YOUR ORDER Tor geese for Thanksgiving now. Lewis Poultry Farms. Phone 4300 11-13 , First Federal Has Plenty of Money . , Buy a Modern lioitia Refinance Your Old Home Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 9105 I1-3nm 48 ' Business. Opportunities Foil SALK-Vlclory Cafe and rooms fullv equipped. 1343 South Sixth. Se owner, J. R, Murphy f Informa tion. 11-11