HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE NINI at no's Re-Election Lures Meet With talin. Churchill I ,oHK M. HWHTOWBH i? Kuy certain that m.:;i an eurly meeting W .M Churchill. . r5 - Vn key quoauons " itl" " ,n iho confer. nolloy. I"'?:..H .llCOIltl SOSSIOI1 rM.ir.hr... a yr .flcr " Vniilble now bccauao 7jTo Tuesday's vol !2S.Sj lo diplomacy itv loit durltiK hecllc I BIBS WHILE UD POSTS I tr NORMAN BtUU rfiiTU ATR FORCE. Nov. KUn (in Two flights of lllin-baiod Llbcrnlor and lull tomberi raided Para Lro InilallBtlons today In (h coniecutlve nuy oi m- an Japan a Mime isiunas. .aaiHm in hnmhlnu nnd .n damage lo docks, build up nr neiat uuiun mo i.wi turn imall enemv ua - - - , wii atrafari on October m.. tnui vine Mitchells ... umiaI amnklna and the ton fire ind listing drunk- u lha water. 'Mi on today's mission frf inslallstloris on Pnrn. to strait, reporting 50 per I mu, LIDeraior oomnta hvhl, but results wore uiv tvri. 1 binli attacked In tho prevl lf.. itiui lnrltiHiH Invfnlln, i on Onekotan, and clocks KiilMlnffa at Tnmarl panii Tinmiithlrn. That MltrhaJla lanlired flv fighter on Itxr3l, but the enemy ships m, hnmhara w.ri alra-nHv ltd by anti-aircraft fire ill planes returned safely. Kompoied Body Man Discovered boFOD. Nnv - i-.TaW r -. . - - f.ounty Coroner H. W. Con- ma toaay the Body of L bldlv rlrninnnc.1 warn p ui Hogue river by duck tXOrMU-d tho nnlnlnn 111. fcodv fnillH ha that An ro Midlers believed to have rwo near Camp Whlto al years ago. campnlgn weeks. Then foreign governments did not know whftlhnr thoy would havo to reckon with Mr. Roosevelt or Governor Thonrns E. Dewey In mo wockb auciici. Consequently diplomatic au thorities licre now expect an ac celeration in interniitlonnl af fairs beginning with the nrnlucl. eel blg-thrcu session, which some oidclala hopo may oven ba held this month. It appcura cortnln that at tempts will come soun to speed organization of tho proposed world socurlty organization and to got agreement with Britain, mission ana me oilier miles on control of a defeated Germany Tho grcul political Issue to bo settled in the blg-thrce meeting is basic to American forelKn policy: Mow fur in ltu.slii. Hrii. Bin and the United States will- Ina to go In harmonizing their Interests? Since tho U. S. and Britain havo had long exper ience and share much confidence In their bilateral solution of this problem, tho question really bolls down to Anglo-American vs. Russian Internals. Stalin u believed to bo look ing to Roosevelt and Churchill for answers to these two funda mental questions: (1) Will the United fatutes take part, this time, In h world security organ ization? and (2) Can Britain be depended upon to work with Kusslu nithcr than against her In Europe? These questions also poso for the president one of his great est domestic problems holding popular support for the proposed new world organization ugulust the attacks that arc certain to develop. These arc due to come lo an Ismic In congress over sen. ate approval of treaties com mitting the United States to join tho proposed new league and ovor legislation governing the use of American armed forces to help prevent aggression. Secretary of Slate Hull has bo.cn the author of the world or ganization campaign to date and despite his age and illnesses the president Is expected to con tinue to rely on him for this and similar work as long as Hull is able to remain In office Tho top item on tho agenda of a big-three conference is ex pected to be settlement of the voting proccduro dispute left over from the Dumbarton Oaks world security planning. Funeral Arranged For Gen. McCornach EUGENE. Nov. 8 tPi r.i. neral arrangement! are belntf arranged for Brln. Gan. Condon C. McCornach, 04, Kugcne, who uinu in Louormcn General hos pital, San Francisco, Sunday. Brig. Gen. McCornach who waa graduated from tho Uni versity .or uregon school or medicine In IIKH and practiced inedlclna in Portland for a time, wus former chief of stuff of the western defense cominund. He retired from the army last Feb ruary. His widow, Nina Wllklns Mc Cornach and a brother, E. A. McCornach, both Eugene, survive. h and Stripes liners Ballots Nnv 0 t.&i .. c... j r :r""" aim p.w U. S. soldiers' news t;.,Mnnered today "It's FDR DtSM in. Um. i 11 E , a-- .u tug KICHIIUII, Public relations officers w corrpondcnts the war Z ,i nM nilccl Hint sol could nnt k. 1..4 i i kiwi. 1,UI",LI" aspects oi ORE TONITE Cfll-ORi ETflVnn ess HIOHWAV T tOUTH TIN COATS p and Double Walahis j495 $695 Rubber Coats """M Long StyU j395 $695 fOOL SHIRTS 'III or Fan r-i $595 UNIONSUITS' Parent Wool 395 H $545 W- DRAWERS f99p Boots TIN PANTS Famous Hlrsch-Weiss $495 to $695 Rubber Work Pant Waist or Bib StyU $395 up SLICKERS Green, Light Weight $495 up MACKINAWS i or'P! $895 UP Wool , 'Blue, or Plaids FLANNEL SHIRTS Plain or Plaids $147 up Rayon Shorts Fancy, In Bright Patterns $100 REGON WOOLEN STORE Main Phona 6873 Clusslfieit Aas Bring llosulta. Demo Candidates Follow California Victor Swing SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8 (IP) Democratic candidates In Cali fornia generally appeared to bo following President Roosevelt to victory today although tome of that party's contenders In the congressional races wore being pressed hard. The president'! margin over Gov. Thomas E. Dewey edged slowly toward the 300,000 mark. Election roturns from 10,737 out of 14,481 precincts gave Roose velt 1,144,061 and Dewey 857, 680. Democratic Senator Sheridan Downey, seeking re-eleotlon, was Jiung up a seemingly conciusivo cad over republican Lieut. Gov. Frederick F. Houser. The count In 10.n2U precincts was: Downey 871,604, Houser, 781,188. Helen Gahagen Douglas, for mer Broadway actress, now dem ocratic national committeewom- an, wus only a few votes ahead of William D, Campbell In the 14th district congressional con test. Eauallv closo was the race be tween Rep. Jerry Voorhis, demo crat, and uoy P. McLaughlin, re publican, in the 12th. In the 14 other districts In which there were contosts, demo crats wero leading in eleven and republicans elected in one and leading in two. Four republi cans and three democrats were unopposed. Tentatively It looked as if the state's congressional del. egatlon might line up as 18 democrats and seven republi cans. Two years ago It was 12 democrats and 11 republicans. Tho voters apparently rejected a proposal to pay $60 monthly pensions to persons over 60 and also piled up a one-sided vote against a measure to guarantee workers against interference In their Jobs becauso of member ship or lack of it in labor organi zations. Hal Styles, radio commentator who turned to politics to run for congress, on the democratic tick et in Los Anpcles county's 15th district, was trailing Gordon L. McDonough, republican, 25,062 to 35,738 in returns from 278 precincts of 708. Classified Aas Brinp Result. WINS DINGHY REGATTA BOSTON MassachuMtti In stitute of Technology retained Erwln A. Schell trophy In fourth annual dinghy regatta on Char, les river. GOOD HEALTH Your Great aal Possession lUaedB a !, being lllvd I H.morthoW. (PI1..1, Fli aura, Flilula, Harala (Duo- luiai, uur aiarnaa ai noi man! wltaaut aateliaj ap aratlan uccasilullT uaad tot 3 yaara. Ubalal eradit Uraa. Call iar airaiataaHoa. aarul lor fEEE aaoklal. Opan fvannji, Man., Wao, Id, 7tol, Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC V. X. Cor. t, f urasM and Orand Avo. Tlpboa EJurt 3919, Pertlasd U, Orgw Claw ded ada ttT rctulUi ' V1W1 FOOD Next tlrna your tjlnnar doesn't Set wall, and you feel sick and mlur able, M aooltonj rsrTO-MMOL help you. Rtlieves heartburn, amir, upset atomach-helpa retard gaa for nation and aimple dlarrhaa. Aik your drutiiit for nrro-MIShiot, trien your itomtch it upset, 4 NORWICH KOOVCl THE GRACEFUL WAY TO CARVE n Look before you eat! Try buying brilliantly .olored fall fruit and vegelanlea when they arc firm and slightly under ripe. Use them as table and home decorations while they're reaching full maturity then turn them into delicious health-building food. I-ol your imagination run riot even the most casual arrangement will sometimes produce the . most dromntic effect. , The following ideas suggest the unlimited poo-' nihilities. Arrange) applet shiny and red in a pedestal or low bowl, and tuck among them three sprigs of ivy, of different lengths. (It's a safe rule always to use some kind of foliage in these arrange ments.) Or unc green apples, if that color seems more appropriate. A. a a 7T 7 a- p. For a centerpiece, hang garlands of grapes over the stem of a richly yellow pumpkin. Rest the pumpkin on a circle of brown leaves. Flank it with tall orange candles. String three grapefruit, of graduated sizes, on a balloon stick, (or attach one to another with toothpicks). Tuck ivy or lemon leaves between the fruit and around the bottom. Use flower frog to stand the arrangement upright. btand a large eggplant, atom up, on any flat dish. Hang a cluster of grapes from the stem, and aurround the eggplant with lomons, and stand a few bananas nround it if they are available. "Garnish" with ivy Icavee. Sajewaf llomemakers' Bureau JULIA LKE WRIGHT, Ditaclat pa SM OMse.rruHOco y but rr so - ' ;- aar - . -r- Kiottr in mT jartMPLC! johm saver NOW.WHOWm I ' llja I Jf JOHN. HOW W, I LP NEEDS TO STEAO JUUA fc-W-rrr1' ' J . - 1 aM .TW -inif,iii I. . -.TT in i ir.ir ..taaw i I S SO IIMFll TO OIT that aooKiar, mil warn a urm oa ronai cae toai, askino roa Tout cost oi tmi luusnaTTe aooxin "cut. TINS alMARKS" WHICH THIS how to CAava ALL KINDS Of MI AT, POIHTRT AM Fit H. aomus IT TO . JUUA III WaiOHT, pMcret- SAFIWAT MOMtMAKMt' UKt A, BOX AAO-CB. OAKLAND A. CAUT. e 1 1 .i wn STORES CLOSED SATURDAY NOV. 11 Marearine :s-ai. bal. COCOA Our Mothers for baklnf. Km TREE TEA Orange Peko Black MADEIRA WINE Imported vintage TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dawn (30 pte.i TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dawn (40 pU.) GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Town Houae. Fancy GRAPEFRUIT JUIC" Town Hou, fancy HEINZ SOUP Cream of Tomato BOUILLON CUBES Kraft s-cuba pkf. HI-HO CRACKERS Sunshine Butter Wafen SODA CRACKERS Snowlake or Honey ma id Granatin No. 3 can p. 12c 9c $2.39 10c 2lc 13c 30c 1 2c 8c SUNNY BANK (2 pts. Made with freih milk it- and pure vegetable olU. P" Lb. Pk. 2-lb XSft pxg. www Evap.llilk 18e Cat of CHERUB BRAND Cote of 48 Baby Tins $2.24 pu.i 48 tall S3.98 flofp QUAKER 3-lb. waia Regular, Quick pkg. 28c ALBER'S 3-1 Reg., Quick pkg, ; 27c Canterbury Tea Black Orange Pekoe' ' 'i-Ib. Ctn. of 16 Bagt 13c pkg. 43c II'OI. can PlkV. 19c 33c '3,375.00 PANCAKE CONTEST Write In 25 words which you prefer -DOLLAR SIZET ' -jf S OR COWBOY STYL 107 CASH PRIZIS, h anfry blanks md nUt at SAflWAY SUZANNA PANCAKE FLOUR X' 9c aag taw smwM msu come days! Mince Meat Libbys Fancy Grade Lb. 19c NOB HILL Airway Whole Bean Coffee 1BL23c 2-Lb. BAG 45c Whole Bean Coffee fe 20c EDWARDS COFFEE 1-1h.iar28C If you haven't used Edwardi, try a Jar now with our money-back guarantee! 3-lb. jar 54c M-J-B Coffee ....... Hills Bros. Coffea... Golden West ........ ..lb. jar 33c ..lb. jar 33c ;..lb.Jar33e Mck -. an4 igoious Beans, Briargate, cut, No. 2 can 17c Beets, All Gold, diced.. . 303 gl. 12c Corn, Butter Kernel, WK GB, No. 2 can 15e Dicod Carrots, Dal Monte, 303 eon ......12e Honey, Beeville... Mb. gl. 30e Marmalade, Exquisite... 2-lb. gl. 33e Cough Drops, Luden's Menthol or Licorice 5c pkg. 4c Guava Jolly, Ferro, No. 2' can 29c Peanut Butter, Howdy, coarse grind 2-lb. jar 45e Peanut Butter, Beverly, 2-lb. jar 45c Peanut Butter, Real Roast, 2-lb. iar :. 43c Floor Wax, Penn Champ, pt. jar 49c Window Cleaner, Windex, 6.oi. bottle 14e Whito Magic Bleach 'j-gol. 17c Purex Blaach Vi-gal. jug 25c Prince Albert Tobacco.. ..lb. can 73c Tobacco, Geo. Washington, Lb. can 53e I Granulated Soap 24-os. Boat .. Oxydol . 23c Camay TOILET SOAP 3 b.r.20C You must bo pleased with every purchase of Safe way meat or your money will be refunded In full. Fresh Side Pork Sliced Lb. 30c By the Piece - Lb. 27 Fresh Pork Link Sausage 4r- Type 3 Lb. HOC Type 4 Lb. 35 . veai " Crystal White SOAP Regular Bar 4c Shoulder Roasts, Grade "A" . Rump Roasts, Grade "A" ..... Steaks Shoulder cuts, Grade Veal Chops, Grade "A" Veal Loin Chops, Grade "A" Veal Round Steak, Grade " Breast of Veal, Grade "A" . "A" ...lb. ...lb. :..lb. ...lb. ..lb. 28c 33c 28c 38c 42c A" lb. 44c lb. 19e Beef Roasts Grade "A" (SM) ............ Lb. 27c Round Steak (ISM) Lb. 38c Sirloin Steaks (13M) Lb. 37c Flour, Kitchen Craft,. ...... .-...50-lb. $1.93 25-lb. $1.00 Flour, Drifted Snow ...50-lb. $2.38 ' 25-lb -. ;..$1.1 Kitchen Craft Flour 10-lb. sack 43e Fisher's Biskit Mix 2Va-lb. pkg. 29 Parkay Margarine (2 pts.) lb. 25e 2 lb -49e Morton's Salt, Iodised or reg pkg. 8s Sno-White Salt, iodized or reg pkg. 7c Chili Powder, Schilling ..i.....2-ox. can ;14 Cream of Wheat, quick and regular, V Large pkg 22a Kellogg's Pep 8-ox. pkg. 9 Grapenuts Flakes, Post 12-oz. pkg. 13f Mazola Oii Bolli. 31c Nu Made Mayonnaise,.........quart jar 48e Duchess Salad Dreising........quart jar 38a Kraft Miracle Whip '.,.,...;.......pint- jar 27o Durkee's Famous Dressing.. ..10-oz. jat ' .'30e Heinx Beefsteak Sauce 8 -ox. bot. 24 Red Hill Catsup (50 pts.)..:.14-ox. bot. 13s Libby Chopped Olives......Noi Vi can 13s Pickles, Libby's Home Style., .2 Vi gl. 30s Libby's Old Fash. Cucumber,: VA gl. 33s Highway Sliced Peaches (80 pts.) No. 2Vt can ........: ..22s Libby's Potted Meat ....; ..No. V can 6c Safeway Produce is rushed from farm to you GRAPEFRUIT SaT - : Lb. lle ' Texas Seedless Lb.' lOt) - A DDI EC Delicious Fancy and 11a ArrLBd Exlra FanCy Lb. I 'C Wlnesaps Fancy and Extra Fancy 2 Lbs. lit) - Jonathans Fancy and Extra Fancy 2 Lbs. ll GRAPES Red Emperor 1... Lb. 17V2C Stores Closed Armistice Day, Saturday, Nov. 1 lth sbs California 1 0IH3106S Extr r"n Lb 171c hil Klamath Gems Lf" "fOaa Potatoes y sN,. Otbtioc Head Lettuce S '1 13c Cauliflower Hr.!!Lb.5c SAFEWAY it-