PACE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON GOV. LANGLIE LAGS BEHIND IN WASHINGTON SEATTLE. Nov. 8 ( Re publican Gov. Arthur B. Lang lie, a 3-to-l favorite for re-election in pre-Tucsday wagers, to day trai'ed Democratic Sen. Won C. Wallgren in unofficial re turns from yesterday's heavy balloting in which Roosevelt won Washington's eight elector al votes. Rep. Warren G. Mag nuson (D.) was increasing- his lead over Lt. Col. Harry Cain for Sen. Homer T. Bone's seat. Unofficial and incomplete re turns from 1590 of the state's 3163 precincts gave Roosevelt 215,481 to Dewey s 153,924. Mag nuson led Tacoma's mayor-on-military-leavc 189,377 to 160,365 In 1574 precincts. Wallgren had 186,995 to Langlie's 162,315 in J.B92 precincts. There still was a heavy east ern Washington vote to be tabu lated, and both sides recalled that four years ago Seattle's ex Mayor Langlie was running be hind at this stage of the count, too. At that time, however, he broke even in Seattle with the democratic nominee, Clarence C. Dill. This time he ran 12,647 behind his opponent in his own city. There are a matter of some 50,000 returns from the more than 60,000 soldier ballots to be finally counted November 27, in addition to yesterday's record breaking heavy civilian vote in Washington state. The unofficial count today in , dicated defeats of initiative 157 and 158 (pension measures) and referendum 25, to authorize pub lic utility district commissions to unite to acquire private utilities in entirety. It also indicated overwhelming adoption of the 40-mill tax levy limit and restric tion of the use of state gasoline taxes to highway purposes, both as amendments to the constitu tion. . Re-election efforts of Wash ington's three republican con gressmen .drew attention today in view of the big surge of demo cratic votes. The lead changed several times during the night in returns from the 5th district but Rep. Walt Horan (R.) began drawing away from House Speaker Ed ward J. Reilly today on returns including 30 precincts from his own Chelan county. Rep. Hal Holmes was leading democratic Al McCoy in the 4th district. Fred Norman, republican rep resentative from the 3rd district trailed Democrat Charles Sav age in a close race. Republican Thor Tollefson last midnight conceded Ren. John Coffee's reelection in the. 6th district. Rep. Henry Jackson (D.) was increasing his re-election lead in the -. 2nd , district . over Payson Peterson. Hugh De Lacy (D.) won Seattle complete and was leading in Kitsap county returns, Republi can Robert H. Harlan to succeed the 1st district's Congressman Magnuson. Democrats were leading for all state elective offices. ELECTED SILVERTON, Nov. 8 (JF) H. G. Allen, E. J. Boesch, R. J. Van Cleave and C. H. Dicker son were elected to the city council today. The mayor will be chosen from the council in January. Yanks Occupy Tacloban, Leyte Capital City 1 1 1 i I IJJ- n " jp-t h t rs.-r " m s .:-T i i- i r 1 1 r 1 1 : l,t..4 lelenkolot Vtule the new Philippine Government is ousy In the capital building (background) L 'lacvjan, uiiio la ma. U. S. Aral)' equipment aua supplies ruinoio u iroue inies lu mu lu cxtiuiuiiuuuit; nimi mp re sistance ou isuwu. Pnow as trams rrisi ir, w-acuib puuiugropiier lur War iciuro Pool. Midland ZmfUna AieuM. Fort Klamath The reimlar monthly meeting of the Civic Improvement club was held Friday afternoon, with the vice president, Mrs. Carl Wilson, in the chair in the ab sence of the president, Mrs. Lloyd Nicholson. Routine business occupied the attention of members present during the afternoon, and the annual election of officers was held. Officers-elect are presi dent, Mrs. Carl Wilson; vice president, Mrs. Ray Prowell; sec retary, Mrs. Bert Gray, re-elected; treasurer, Mrs. Olena Bris coe, reelected. Outgoing of ficers are Mrs. Lloyd Nicholson, president, and Mrs. Carl wnson, who will take the position of president after having acted as vice president during the past year- , j It was announced curing me meeting that on November 17, an all-dav session of the local Home Extension unit will be held at the clubhouse, starting at 10:30 a. m. Officers - of the local branch are: chairman, Mrs. Frank Denton; vice chairman, Mrs. Carl Wilson; secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Jean Reed. Mrs. Winifred Gillen, of Klamath Falls, county home economics specialist, is in cnarge ot me local unit. For the meeting on November 17, preparation and baking of jot rolls will Be dem onstrated by Mrs. John Drake and Bertha E. Pittman. All women in the community are urged to attend and make the Droiect a success. Club members present for Fri day's meeting were Mrs. Carl Wilson, Mrs. Bert Gray, Mrs. Olena Briscoe, Mrs. Theodore Nicholson. Mrs. Don Jacobs, Mrs. Wilford Donnelly, Mrs. Fred Bishop, Mrs. George Den ton, Mrs. John Drake, Mrs. 'Wil liam C. Hackler, Mrs. Ray Prowell, Mrs. Frank Edwards, Mrs. Frank Denton, Mrs. Jack Thomas, Mrs. C. L. Blickenstaff, and the following special guests of the afternoon, Mrs. Sarah Stocum, Mrs. Anna Strahan, and Mrs. Sumner of Prineville, who is visiting here at the home o her son-in-law, daughter and grand-daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Donnelly and daughter Gwendolyn Jane. Mrs. Dick Jockish and small son of Dunsmuir, Calif., visited here this week at the home ot her oarents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. G"orden. Tuesday shoppers and visitors in Klamath Falls included Mrs. E. M. Brattain, Mrs. Alfred B. Castel, Sr., and Mrs. Joe Taylor. Mrs. Joe T. Mclnturff and son Bobbie left by stage Tuesday morning to visit at The Dalles for the next two weeks with Mrs. Mclnturff's sister, Mrs. Gladys Bishop. Mrs. Fred Zumorun went to Klamath Falls Friday and re turned Sunday evening. During her absence Friday and Satur day, the local postoffice of which she is postmaster, was in charge of Mrs. E. M. Brattain, former local postmaster for 14 years. Mr. and Mrs. William Kendall and daughter Jane returned Wednesday to Klamath Falls after spending a few days here on an elk hunt. So far. no elk have been reported killed in this vicinity. The Kendalls expect to return here for further elk hunting, and during their stay in Fort Klamath are house guests of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall and children. Harry Engle and son Clifford spent several days last week in Ashland on business. I NOT RATIOHEO ( NOT RATIOHECT Q&& rgUYl GUARANTEED "atVK Shasta View Edythe Andersen entertained a group of classmates at a Hal loween party at her home. Hal loween games were played and a prize for the best costume was awarded Evelyn King. Apple cider, doughnuts, apples and pop corn were served to the follow ing guests, Lois Young, Louise Sexton, LaVonne Haney, Joan LaSalle, Darleen Harris, Evelyn King, Melvin Hansen, Lloyd Mudder, Earl Baker and Ralph Swindler. Final plans for Shasta PTA harvest festival have been com pleted. It will be held at Shasta school, Friday, November 10, with doors opening at 6:30. Wrestling matches, bingo, fish pond, movies and chance games will provide entertainment. There will be lots of eats and fun for all. Everyone is wel come. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Benson have moved into their recently purchased new home at 1764 Wiard street. Betty Haney entertained group of school friends of Alta- mont junior high at a party, Hal loween cvenine. Mrs. J. C. Grove entertained at a dinner honoring her moth er, Mrs. U. G. Simpson, on her birthday, November 3. Guests were members of the family and PROMPTLY RELIEVES TORTURE OP STUBBORN SKIN IRRITATIONS 'extra-strength liquid great success! Tf you're discouraged about hard to re lieve eczema, psoriasis, athlete's foot and similar akin irritations due to external cause apply bxtra strength &emo. First applications relieve itching and V,..: J V. "I .Ila. haotirw, A rw- tor's highly medicated, inmibto liquid sola at ait drugstores. rim trial cuiiviucroi ZE1YI0 Have a "Coke" Ahoy, mates . . . or keeping up the good work Faster and faster the ships go down the ways In the wartime shipbuilding program. From sunny California to the coast of Maine, workers have learned that the pause that refreshes helps everybody do more work and better work. Have a "Cote" says a hard-working shipbuilder to his mates. It's a little minute long enough for a big rest. Whether in a shipyard or in your own living room, Coca-Cola stands for the pause that refreshes, 'has become a symbol of friendly relaxation. ' lOTTtlD UHDBI AUTHORITY OP THI COCA-COIA COMPANY Vt COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF KLAMATH FALLS 685 Spring St. . ... Phone 5632 "Qbke"s Coca-Cola It's natural for popular name to acquire friendly abbrevla L dons. That's whv vou hear Coca-Cola called "Coke". Bv HAROLD W. WARD WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 lTI Labor provided the shuck troops ; for the Roosevelt foiirm term victory. From early until Into, nl Hie end of a shift or the start of one, America's homo front army of war workers from factories, mines and offices, filed Into the polls to pilo up a record war time vote. Spearheaded by the CIO's po litical action committee, a now force arose in yesterday's elec tion for the task usually per formed by the party worker. Tho PAC emphasized the Im portance of KcttuiK out the voto, and followed through In the heavily Industrial areas where Roosevelt received his Kieatest margins by seeiiiK to it that Joe Doakes, the No. 2 machine oper ator, and his wife, got to tho polls. Chairman Sidney Hlllman told reporters Inst night that the CIO-PAC "is expected to con tinue." "The election Is a stunning repudiation of the anti-labor iso lationist and defeatist clement who based their campaign on bigotry and prejudice, Hillinan said. "Wo arc proud of the contri bution to the hnppy result made by tho CIO political action com mittee and tne national citizens political action committee and this contribution has been made by tens of thousands of Amer ican citizens who participated actively in this most critical of all campaigns. Missouri Gives FDR Votes; Donnelly Wins ST. LOUIS, Nov. 8 OV) Mis souri Tuesday gave its 15 elec toral votes to President Roose velt and chose Phil M. Donnelly as its new democratic governor, succeeding Forrest Donnell, re publican, whose bid for a United States senate sent remained in doubt early today when he led by a slim mnrgin. President Roosevelt built up more than a 40,000 majority to day with returns in from 4105 and 4543 precincts. The vote was Roosevelt 696.011 and Thomas E. Dewey 655,154. In the gubernatorial contest Donnelly pulled far ahead of Jean Paul Broadshaw, republi can, and the democratic margin seemed sure to take into office all that party's minor state can didates as well. The vote In 4159 precincts was Donnelly 681.209, Bradshaw 656,168. Today On The Western Front By Tho Aaaoclutod Pram Canadian lit Army Reduces Ciermnu resistance on Will chereu islnnd to single pocket, Britlah 2nd Army Smashes Into Moerdljk, lust German position south of Mans river in llolhiud. U. S. lit Army Unities savagely in llurtgen forest and In town of Vosscuni'k and repulses two German counterattacks nenr Aneheii. U. S. 3rd Army Captures four villages In push along 25 mile front In Nuncy-Molz men. U. S. 7th Army Fights lu Vosges mountains of France, action slowed by heavy ruin, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brokevelt of West Klamath, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Noll, par ents of Mrs. L. Lambert, have gone to Richardson Springs. La ter they plan to go to Palm Springs where they will spend the winter. IN STATE SENATE PORTLAND. Nov. Ml The democrats npnurenlly have gulli ed two seats in tho statu senate, while they lost one or two In the state house, lntc returns In dicated toriny. Tho l!)4;i semiln had 27 re- Rublienns and II democrats, hilo tho new lineup probably wil bo 25 to . Tho 104H house hud 51 republicans nnd 1) demo crats. Democrats have elected 7 to the new house, with one race In doubt. The only Incumbent senators who 'arc trailing nro Louis W. Wipperman, Grants Pass, and Coc G. McKcnna, Portland, fath er of tho sules tax bill which tho voters rejected yesterday. Both arc republicans. Incumbents in tho houso who seem to bo losing out are Dr. F. H. Dnmmasch and Dean Bry son, both Portland republicans. J. D. Perry, St. Helens demo crat, is in a neck and neck race with E. 11. Condlt, Clatskimlc. Shoemaker Elevated To Captain's Rank PASCO, Nov. 8 (Tl Comdr. J. E. Shoemaker, commanding officer of Pusco naval nlr sta tion, hns been elevated in rank to captain. A graduate of Annapolis, he saw action in seven majur l'u cific engagements and came here October 4 after two years at sea ns diimngo control officer nf the aircraft carrier Saratoga, He is 46. His home is nt Pcnsa cola, Fla, Ham Nc.-',i,nd Auto Insurance, Phona 6010. Bottolfsen Concedes . Election to Taylor BOISE, Ida., Nov. 8 Ml Re publican Gov. C. A. Hottolfsen conceded his defeat by Democrat Glen H. Taylor for United' States senuto sent today and pledged his support to the victor. Idaho elected a dlvldod con. gresslonnl delegation us it has for tho past several elections but gave Its electoral voto to President Roosevelt and choso a complete slntu of democratic slato officers. Bottolfsen, who has served two terms as governor, conceded when Ihn unofficial tabulation from 710 of the state's 845 pre cincts gnve him 60,834 votes to 03.1182 for Taylor. lt was tho first victory for Taylor, former cowboy, radio singer nnd shipyard worker, in three attempts to gain a senate sent. Novembir LAKE RE-ELECT. Hulll SI LAKKVIKW, Or. Lnko roinilv iL.i-.! "nt ldy, It, deinocr,i '7 H. ij 1038 t 78j. aJ2 Other rni,,... . county: " "om J rtsse 526 '"""r-Snndor, ,j Coroi.r-ou.iov 1 Justice of llio n. "3. fUWMSjl lion dollars possible! Way . v found ii harIfori INSURANT T. B. WATTEI fire . . is Main 81 BIO SOtllt 150 HUJ DINSII Cheerful Earful! Drinto rnlxtd with Canada Dry Wattr avan found batur. "Pin Point Carbonation" iWi thorn a iparkla you can har,,t a livollneti that laita. CANADAtejDRY WATER Acts AT ONCE to relieve SROUCHtAl COU&tNG (OUC TO COLOS) t PrescrlbedbythoutandsofDoctortl ; Portuwln ft famous herbal cough remedy In serlenttflcatly prepared to work Intorn&IIy. It not only relieve your coughing spell but alao loosens j sticky phlegm and makes It onjiler ; to nlM. Safe and effective for both old and young 1 All drugstore FROM KLAMATH FALLS NORTHBOUND EUGENE CORVALLIS ALBANY SALEM PORTLAND Leave Klamath Falls: . 6:00 A. M. 1:15 P. M. 9:00 P. M. SOUTHBOUND , DUNSMUIR REDDING RED BLUFF DAVIS JUNCTION OAKLAND SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES Leave Klamath Falls: 7:55 A. M. 6:40 P.M. 11:55 P. M. Your local Greyhound agent can give you much valuable help and information on any essential trip, short or long. He can tell you ttic best way to go and also the best time to go and he will be glad to help you. Your local Grey hound agent is a good person to know. Agent: JAMES RALSTON 904 Klamath , Phone 5521 tMVIHO ALL THI WEST WITH DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION EMIL'S Pre-view of Pre- Tliiiiibnm FOOD VALUES DC AC Hoyal Club Dainty Dlmplt. II, "SMJ Flncy Qu.Hty No. Tin 'B rflttnit c H- Ba s'v" nw '!vor to hot or 1, Vac5lip eold dlthoi. (50 points) 14 0i. Gliu Hunt's Tomato Sauce t0.. J: FlSh FlakeS Tru Pak lS-Oi. Tin r not JUUCe Wt.lwird 7-0i. lit' n.'.' Marktt Day lancy quality In tha Jt riCHSInS octfnomlcal packaga 4-Lb. Pkj.T Solid Pack Albacora, 7-Oi. Tin Nallay'i. A spscla. dtlletcy )l -1 I uiiu nan (3 p0ntl) a m, mayonnaise (or iu,n 0( ,n kinn .. piauir Diced Beets Dlimond K 1 Tomato Juice SV no. 1 PRICES ARE LOW EVERY DAY AT tHttf Wild Plum Jam, home mada """V Blu. Karo Syrup Sunmald Saodlois Ralilns PT - , . is.oi. oto,ll aunmoia ruiiva naiaina .. . in Gold M.d.l Flour JWM" ' DrHted Snow Flour 'V'S., Gold Medal Flour ''lb' b'! Albert Oatt 3,'M J" Skippy Peanut Butter , ,i Honey, Howard Jlneat pure tirainea r.. ... I'll,. M' fl Sanka Collet CELERY Fancy Utah Type GRAPEFRUIT, Texat Pink DRY ONIONS CAULIFLOWER SWEET POTATOES DELICIOUS, SPITZENBERG APPLES, Aihland "... li!H 3 lk'!! lb, II 3 UA .....3 Lbi. Jf P It G Soap Fatt and easy on the handa. Giant bar I Mtdiua 1 Ivory Soap For washing diahet ,jMj Ivory Soap An Ideal baby soap. Large Camay Toilet Soap The totp of beautiful woman. Cake ;. """""n'.'o Pk) 5 Oxydol No boiling no torubblng " Dui Waahlng Powder Quick, rich luda In lo p Pk v a.Lb. Olm" Crlaco For cooking or baking ,h p,g.l Hi Ho Walort Rich In flavor, always lroih. l . Snowllake Crackers Crltp, tllghtly d- Comb Honey Ftncy . it,t Tillamook Cheete 12 polntt q, Boill'' Bunawoet Prune Juice "" 1B.01! Nnlloy'i Droaslng j pkjl.' Llpton't Noodle Soup PORK ROAST BOIL MEAT PORK STEAK SAUSAGE, Pure Pork GROUND BEEF CHUCK STEAK, Veal, Grade AA , Emil'l Super Market Jj ' iVj NOW TAKING ORDERS tor TURKU Lb, I Lb. id. Lb. 3