r 0, If SON SJiySVICTORY II : SURE IN ITALY ROME. "?v- V, i." ".".v. . MaitUllin "iinwii, wwm- "'rln cli ef l allied '" t'n"i?J ..rrnnonn. lold hie ln . in Holy tody victory !"..'to ' 11 ' not ,0"g tlc" "liin order of the dny on the " 1 ,5 anniversary of the -hind-SStoSS I. Afrfc., heprol.ed Ul'.nicd troop, for "ureal vie ""M'alllrH headquarters, com Jlu e ctl-lo:..-cl that P0IM1 J5 of the eighth ormy cop tZ Cosnluctu. unci progressed in fl7e hldH t-oiiotiy between the jibbiindMonlonc rivers south 'trtfvity elsewhere on the Ji f ont w restricted to King, the communique add. fd- .-j hrtmhrtm of teTs:ih Wi.lr force """'..i bombed bridles r""J ""''ICt, Shim l"'lv u"d troop con" Sston l,," Yugoslavia right- . bombed and strafed targets h southern Yugoslavia, and BAF medium and heavy bomb- w hit rail '"rf" c,'bln' A Troop concentrations and bridles In northern Italy wore l also by tactical air tote medium bombers. .-rnlitni! construction work- in lor the Tripler General hos In Honolulu. .lack Oswell will b in Klamath Falls through I Siturday, November 11, and miy be contacted at the U. S.I Imployment office at Third and Miln. , , . ! Clerical, professional and su-. wrvlsory employes arc not mritfd. but laborers, carpen ten. reinforcing rock sellers. piintcrs, plumbers, steam fitters, tlKtrlciani, lathers and dlesel wchsnlci arc urgently needed Trinioortatinn to Honolulu boird and room In transit and W hours per week at contract iiliry will be provided for lhs selected for employment. Contract will run for one. year. ind board and room In Honolulu will coit approximately $53 per month. Applicants are remind i (hat they will not. ba ner. milted to take their families with them. All pertonj accenting work In Hiwal must have an authorized referral from the U. S. Employ. wnt office, and nrrsnns em ployed in essential activity nt i present time need not ap ply. TS iiTOjro exhibits on display at , '"o project it In Klamath county. The WW of this exhibit Is to Rive mllon and awards to these m who have fullfllled their Wet requirements, which Is wnlmum of one acre of pota- iMilkii . . . . . s..'.r. ' wu'y ageni, nna Ct.. ci " wcrB ", 'ouows: fcii1 r,V:.vJ ." uoraon Wa sX . i.. I0n. fourth; it"hVfl?'Wsy.pober: tf.."i 'l vciuni Ed ion a iu ' SV""". l" earn. 'vl7 "umcm.00. aent In. mi5:!"d"? ? "1 'tale la-;?:" .neJ n Portland lub mlmfc 01 Wocr- These K"5Sc.r!,F"'Fd t rec i'ttmenii .i . 8 lJ1B nr'" flvo eS' S 6?. George blue s,r "l"7 .winning TOi. ,0P state Mutton Suet And kS I",n;-Cuhlnf. Rheu. LI! ' P""' Hom F&'1Wton.hrnl serle. Kobe Cii 1" j T cr ,mPl SiWi.,..1,f'1 "ted her rub hut th, m m,utton ",let Sh . Todiu . i V" 10 relieve ..T? el'l-tlmo pain relief S ntton suet plus QnH " ,Mollle no" '"ted tM. tor 1,cr ol'l Wl told,- .mvor re,1,if- WrtSl "j:0 melt,8 in ies hi V5"?0 eheatmns- &!tlea"'te,' i";inore,."S."JS!,,nl? Logging Landlords Warned To Register Housing Units with less than n wcok of grace rciniilntnu In the o(Cc of price adminlsinition rent con. trol registration drive. Murvln Ulxon, exiimlncr for tho Kluin ath f'ulln clcfcnscivnliil arcii, nduy wus tnalninsj hl ,K,1(( on K K I n tt hoiiM.kec)luK uiills, Heeplnu rooms unci flrst-riinlnl niOHt Hf thom , nilshlnu from Of'A records, Cltlwi the example of opera tors of apartment buildings, hotels, rooming houses and other frocitcdatu rentals inoro than 2BO0 of them arc ulreudy In the records II ixuii iii-gi'd other hist-mlmilcr ri'ntors to it port In before the November 15 deadline set by law, Registrations will continue after that date, Ilixon said, but landlords who delay action ure In danger of losing what pro tectlon a clear record of com. fatogS. . . The Store WITH The CHESTER' 29.9 Undisputably the Coat of the Hourl . Just like Brother's Coat Beloved for its Man Style Simplicifyt Handsome Warm All-Wool Fabrics. pllancn would give them, when llio round-up of dellnfiuonts gels rolling. "It Ik a risky business for landlord to hopo to get by with mil registering," Ulxon said. When tenants' complnlnts be gin coming Into tliu office, un registered landlords arc likely to bo caught with their defenses down." i( Inunedlule registration Is a niusf' ulto for nccominodations rented for the first time since October 1, 10411, ho explained, since rcntulx In such cases ore subject to reduction ir found to be above the established frcete level for similar types of homes. "Reduction orders on house rentals ure retroactive to Octo ber 1, 1044, which means that refunds must be puid tenants charged in excess of tho allowed rent. J'rompt registration, lead- ii 4t ",af v5 1 11! HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON Ing to prompt auditing of the case. Is the best guuruntcc of u mall refund," Hixou sulci. "The longer It goes the morn will have to bo paid back, und eventually tho landlord will find himself subject to strict enforcement action and possibly to treble damages," he said. The OPA rent office in the war price and rotioning board is already receiving complaints from tenants in unregistered ac commodations, Hlxon said. "Registration Is the backbone of the rent program, and from here on In an unregistered rent al It a black market operation and a menace in our drive against inflation," he concluded. REELECTS JUDGE OREGON CITY, Nov. 8 l) Clackamas county for the first time In history has reelected a county judge, Judge E. L. Pone was out distancing Wayne Harding, dem. ocrat, by 1700 votes, on the basis of Incomplete returns. Classified Ads Bring Results. in I r"' -A " J Hi " 7 4 J- f re Vllt V" :'! I' Ml p?',u kj 0k'fmu x far & Vt- I W&i I lU n 1 4 - '- ss USE OUR CONVENIENT X au await CLOSED Armistice Day SATURDAY SET nr CHURCHES Members of the Ministerial Alliance have announced a serv ice for all churches in th city to take place Saturday, Armistice Day, November 11, at 10 a. m. in St. Paul's Episcopal church. Rev. David Barnctt of the First Presbyterian church, will give the meditation. Thia will be a service of prayers and inter cession for a coming peace among the nations, and special petitions for tho armed forces. The public is urged to attend the service. PILOT HUTTON KILLED WALLA WALLA, Nov. 8 (IP) Flight Officer Wilbur A. Hutton, 24, of Jcffcrs, Mont., was killed yesterday in the crash of a rent ed plane on the Elmer Markham farm south of Lowden. Glass Door JPian 9 fatwu to LfMfe 17-lnch BABY DOLL 4.98 What a wettart ttui dress ttorganaiBWKu- . anil a sup, sos au - 7 - yootlMl bonnet, tool whk u eonid possioiy ftarfy Maph Finish 1.98 Doll Bassinet Miniature model of a baby's bad. Eren has one side that drops. 28-lnch length. i-m7ZoW.l TOYS PESIONED 1 i' GERRY GIRAFFE 1.29 That long, long w hsek nw r - nd forth as ho moves. .Brian wjr: . palntod. - Mapla-Rniih TABLE and CHAIRS 13.45 Mada ef hardwood with solid construction. Table It twenty Inches high; chairs. twanty-ona. 1 JUMBO the ELEPHANT jJ I 111 Bis b.ad bob and bis " ; Kttp Littlt Hands Busy for Hoursl I BONDS PUHCIIASED NOW COUNT QUOTA Main Street Store, 527 Main St., Ph. 3234 UttntothtVelfol ThtrtefH ttn Motiff tvenb, MfN. B. C Girl's Drtaml " ,. . , -- 1. DBS- j4 ASS-V 7. ... 3&-3Xf v For Dolly's WoroVofc. I 1.29 DOLL TRUXK Eu inside drawer, hangers and clothes tie. Has a lock Just like the big onesl u GARY 'GATOR 1 HI His tall swishes fr om sldo to 5 and his legs and bead nora. Green and blaca. W W1GCLY CATERPILLAR la29 fhls one irlgglet all over! Walt till fllnnars KOI - JOB rr- - PEG-NAIL TABLE Tha yonsgstera can pound to their hearts' content! Includes hammer, pegs, pounding board, Instruc tions. Ages three to seven. Jit FOR THE 6TII WAR LOAN PACE SEVEN FREE! DONALD AND MICKEY VOMMIO mnlMKKEY Walt Dianey It PASES OF FUN AND FROLICI Get Your Copy Torfoyf So-0-0 Soft and Cuddly I PLUSH PANDA 2.98 This big fellow la mada of rich, silky plush and haa a big, shiny ribbon bow tied under his chlnl Percale ppy.. 1.09 Soft, lovable little dog with simulated leather ears and tall. Els own collar, too. Here's Fun for AM Football Game 9 All the family can enjoy this thrilling game. Every player Ms own quartarbackl '.flee a Real Soldior'tl - SO-Calibor Raidor Machine Gun 1.98 Turn the crank and it goes rat-a-tat -tat I It's a big one 29Vi Inches long. : . Folds Liko fho Big Ooai Child's Chair 2.49 1 Shock Helmet ' 1.00 3 Hade of strong, molded I plastic with sdjustable chin strap. Adjustable size. Asde of strong nsrawooa i with metal parts firmly I riveted. For ages i to 8. I ON KLAMATH'S 617 Main Street