rGE SIX HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON November 8 NEW EXPLOSION OP RED DRIVES LOOMS IN EAST . LONDON, Nov. 8 W) The promise of explosive action hung today over the long eastern front, where for the past two davs Moscow has announced there have been no essential changes. Torrential rains hindered red armv troops jabbing at the out skirts of Budapest. The Rus sians were moving infantrymen into the front lines beside their tanks, while soviet artillery plumped shells into the city. Berlin said the Russians were preparing for a new large scale attack toward Tarnow in south west Poland from the soviet bridgehead on the west side of the Vis-tula river. The nazis de clared the Russians have been withdrawing mechanized forma tions from the east Beskids area of the Polish-Czechoslovakia border to reinforce assault di visions and "the early beginning of a big battle is assumed." Ultimate aim of an offensive in this direction would be a pene tration of German Silesia. Soviet troops in northeastern Hungary have pushed two new blows 75 and 125 miles above Budapest, the Germans ad mitted. A supplement to the broadcast soviet communique said a recon naissance in force was carried out in East Prussia, and that 600 Germans were killed in East Prussia and eastern Czechoslo vakia. The Budapest radio said Rus sian troops were repulsed in an attempted landing on 30-mile- long usepei island in the uanube river, but admitted a landing was effected on a nearby smaller island. Csepel island reaches into Budapest s precincts. The Road to Berlin ? Br Th Associated Press 1 Western Front: 301 miles (from west of Duren). 2 Russian Front: 304 miles (from Vistula north of Warsaw). 3 Italian Front: 557 miles (from southeast of Bologna). New Administration Building Planned PfYRTT.ANn rw ht. o m t-onstruction of a new adminis- xraiion DUiwing at Oregon Ship- the $600,000 structure destroyed -a ,i""UBJ' w uegm soon. Albert Bauer, assistant gener al manager of the Henry J. Kai ser yard, said the maritime com mission had authorized rebuild ing. The new structure prob ably will be erected on the ori ginal foundations. Dederer to Judge Annual Mink Show STAYTON, Nov. 8 (VP) Mich lei Dederer, president of the Se attle Fur Exchange, will judge the annual mink show at Salem's state fairgrounds, November 13. The show will be sponsored by the Oregon Fox and Mink asso attion, with entrants limited to Oregon breeders. f ToreUit.dlitrM.of MONTHLY Female Weakness (Mu Fin Stomachic Tonic) Lydl E. Plnkham's Compound 1. fomctu to relieve periodic pain end accompanying nervous, weak, tired out leeUngs ell due to functional monthly disturbances. Hade eEpe clslly lor women heist iwfurer Follow label direction.. LYDIA L PINKHAM'S iK kd Roosevelt Reduces Dewey's Michigan Lead; May Win DETROIT, Nov. 8 M') Aided by a hcavv democratic vote in Wavnc county (Detroit), Presi dent Roosevelt today rapidly was reducing the lead of Gov. Thom as E. Dewey in unofficial re turns from Tuesday's election, and democrats began talk of a Roosevelt victory in normally republican Michigan. The president, who earlier trailed Dewey by 133,000 votes, trimmed this to almost 25.000 as nearly one-third Wayne coun ty returns arrived. Still to be counted wore somo 400,000 votes, from 405 precincts in heavily democratic Wayne county and 426 in scattered out state areas normally republican. The Detroit News, which sup ported Dewey, foresaw a Roose velt victory in Michigan by near ly 33.000 votes. The Roosevelt ballot strength was not felt by the democratic state ticket, incomplete returns indicated. Michigan's republican Gov. Kelly appeared to be piling up an ouUtate lead of nearly 250,000 over Edward J. Fry, democrat. Rep. Clare Hoffman, republi can bitterly opposed by the CIO, was re-elected to congress in the fourth district, and six other re publican incumbents also were assured of re-election, Complicating the prospects for an accurate decision was a tabulating mixup by inexperi enced election workers in Wayne county (Detroit) which . may leave up to 50.000 votes unac counted for until the official can vass. County election officials said workers In 100 precincts failed to consolidate totals for regular ballots and for soldier ballots. In somo cases the clerks reported only the regular totals; In others they entered only the soldier to tal. Lt. Col. Van Orden To Speak At Rotary Lt.-Col. George Van Orden will speak at Rotary Friday when he addresses the group at noon at the Willard hotel. Col. Van Orden will speak on "Great er Asia Activities on Guam." Andrew Loney's a cappella choir from Klamath Union high school will provide the music. Keith K. Ambrose will serve as chair.nan for the day. Plans for a dance, honoring formal D. A. dinner Skeen, president or the Lions interna tional, were discussed at the luncheon meeting of the Klam ath Falls Lions, Tuesday, President Skeen is the uncle of Paul Skeen of this city. He will be here from Salt Lake City next week to hold an official meeting with the clubs of this district. The banquet will be held at the Willard hotel on Monday evening, November 13, with cocktails served at 6:30 p. m., and dinner at 7. Visiting Lions will be here from Lakevicw, Marshfleld, CO' auille. Medford and Bend. Clarence Humble will be mas ter of ceremonies, and Ed Bur rows, general chairman of ar rangements. In charge of the cocktail hour will be Elton Dull er; tickets. John Saiulineyor; ban quet, Lloyd Lamb; guests and re ception, Vern Moore; dnuco ar rangements, Paul Lee, and police escort, "arl Heuvel. Guests at Tuesday's meeting were Cpl. Dee Gilbert, Harry Goeller and Howard Van Vloot. Following luncheon, a March of Time foreign edition film on Bra til was shown. Boeing Contracts For Superforts SEATTLE, Nov. 8 OP) Boe ing Aircraft company Chairman C. L. Egtvedt today announced the company had signed h con tract for 1000 more B-20 Super fortresses, bringing its unfilled or-rs to approximately $1,145.- 000.000 and calling for near capacity operation of Its Seattle and ltciittm. Wash., plants. The number of Boeing 11-211's Included In previous war depart ment orders was withheld for security rciisuim. Egtvedt said the 1000 plane order is In addi tion to a recent one for 7110 ll-Iitla placed with the company's Wich ita, Kims., plant, If It's a "frozen'' need, advertise (or In the classified. article a used you ono Dog Saves Morso From Strangling HKPI'NER, Nov. 8 (TO This dog is also n homo's best friend. Paul lllslcr's farm pooch "'II ill 111 KI 111- i .'""III,. tnnl,.,.n, lll,,.,r,,r.li Ihe dun. ib;.. . i-in.,.,1 i , . ..... ,. IM iiimer inn ii, , until PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO I A IN NO IIOKI'IIAI.UATION Ns l.uii of Time ' Pertnimitl Heiullal DR. E. M. MARSHA rhlrvprsrllo rbyatrUn tit Ne. 1th Miiulre Thutre nidi Pbnite io RADIO REPAIR Bv ExDOrl Trhnll. GOOD STOCK OF AVAILABLE TUBES-BATTERIES-AERIALS For All Makos ol Radios ZEMAN'S Quick, Guaranteed Sorvica 116 N. 9th p. , Across From Montgomery Ward on Nn,ii. .?.7'H (IIASKIII F qlk nlltf (to ttl Mlnilnf imik M (had, coalertlot wKlilly nodlttue RESIHOL Oban up MONTOOMIRY WAR YOUR HOMI FORIWIHTERvKfiiy.yAHD CLEAN UP IN 1 CLOTHESLINE 3 I. f.l.J A I ? hardwood $C I wf P "5 BOWL BRUSH 1 I f'Ji fHHjSjfl 1 toehold 66C I X SvJ' I o-CEDAR MITT rAOJ I N0W tUT-PRICED! WARDS TOP 1 SoVtd1.39 I QUALITY SELF-POLISHING WAX lTORcEPOUSHur 'TjOj I contains c. Cr .rWWWv' -U- 1 polish'- 1 I ne- 7v l 1 looking- I Equals most famous and costliest I Shines as it driesl Gives a wear-resisting, dirt-shedding finish! Contains Carnauba. hardest war immimt cmteomerv' Ward Shop Before Saturday Words Will Be Closed For Armistice Day, Nov. 11 .. ..V." " . .Lft O"- -rV Sony, can't tell you all now, hut - v "I don't believe it '' But It's a fact. The new Ingersoll Cloclts with the Timex Heart will be virtually toundftuf They'll be wind-up alarm clocks '. . . but with an olmost Inaudible tick. And they'll be tested to 99.93 accuracy! What's more, everyone will be able to afford several of these remark able new Ingenoll Clocks ... for the fi'meffer days ahead "Fantastic Impossible" Nol any longerl The Timex Heart ti a wartime technical triumph. Eliminatei most common clock failurei . . ensures long, dependable clock life. Your new Ingenoll Clocks will be money-savers and time-savers, too . . actually yean ahead in accuracy, sturdiness, and quietness. And they'll be the fiondiom sl, imorfesf clocks you've eenl "You can't do this to me! Sorry, bul maybe you con' buy yovrt yet. They'll be here soon, though, hi. only tho now Ingersoll Clocks villi ho( the astonishing Timox Heart, So ovnll it's several months before your dtoltr has them ... be polienil Wo'ro itilllg' war work. You'll find them WELL WORTH WAITING F6W us TIME Juiy I World's largest walchmakerj. Spring .. . . .,...i;tl uifi nn ....... nil inaUMI'"' -r""ii viawniw viubKSy liming aovtiu iw - .y Harts at Waterbury and Middlebury, Conn. Sales Headquarters at Rockefeller Center, New York 20,