HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE frVt .a-- I . Mrs ltmiry- u. in - viiion, ! 'JV 1.1111.110 of Mel wnd InKmi " , AMU,r,.aii wr -..t nifo in " . 5 Aiml or son wn", '10,r W in trl..ln f. . - 'ITnl w wrestling bouts. no towurd a mqv- 'n"....: nrnlcctor tor tlie (hOOl. . ' .. . A I 19. Z& vcmberlUh S women's cnuncl rollP " ' Vlrit Clirintiiin church will 1 . the church, comer of Sh lid I'lne fr )0,lll"-'k ViS firouo 2 bus charge If n SieSenli. A business t "" hi f..llnu nimix Mill V piwr mo iiiiivi.- irsiviiru. Kl a-l. lnll rJV' Arm .lice dinner mnwrdby the auxiliary and i!lwmbcr5 arc urged to attend. luon-Ortrall Dance The So- Jntrswlll hold an apron-over- In dinner dnnco at Liikcshoro nn, Friday. November 10, nt 10p.m. All ll:.ui-.n hiu ..- littd two KUfais in... .....jr w KirvatWs by culling 84U0. T Portland Mr. nnd Mrs. Irthur WIIboii will leave by In Thursday night for Port ing1 where wu.on win uumia In abstractors' convention. They tiin lo return in a wcck. ta Niw Qulnaa Mr. and Mrs. M. Chllcotc nave receivea Lord that their son, Slit. Bill fhllcolc, has arrived somewhere Ktw Guinea. OBITUARY HABLI IMNet MADMEN ViU Irani Mirlien. reiltlent of bsiih Fall (or the Pitt eight yeere. kuti iwar In Ihl rlly Novemler T, f d. il 06 . m. The riereaeetl wei h'Jit of wiuonviin. liu nu wee H X) tun, 2 monihi and IB rteye I'M rilled. Surviving her arc her lubnd. Kilph Madien. a d nuttier, fr-jUM Midten: two brother. William I Qtndtne and Charlea K. Ctendtnen. mi btr fither. Charlta Clendenan. alt niifUka, ceiir: auo a iiaier. r.on iNk of MrrmUlrn. Or. The rc i ml In Wrd'i Klamath funeral m.m lllfh. where (rlendt may rait. ktift at the funeral will apfwar later. VITAL STATISTICS HAG tN Born at Klamath Vallav haa. til. KUmalh rclli. Ore.. November IH4. to Wr. and Mra. Robert M. m. Ipnrua River, boy. Weight; i nunoi u auncei. WALTTHR Rom it Klamath V11av bpt(il, Klamath rait. Ore.. November lIKt. lo Mr. anrf Mra Jack W)tatra ilWmttand, i boy. Weight: T pounds Bnra ( Klamath V.ll.u Vtul. Klimilh r.lli. Or.., Nov.mhr im. io nr. ,na Mri. n. I,, w.t.r. p Win. boy, w.lihl: T pound. Pythian Matting Pythlun bIhIitb will moct KrUliiy cvonlntt ut I ho Llbrnry chili. Oil lens iili'tino bo prfsciit u t 7:1)0 for ..H...,n.. ii..r..u..... ...in i... iii:iii-niiiiii:iiin Will lit: mirvfd, Vlnltlnn members welcome Improving The condition of fi. 0. Motley, Khimiilh Knlls bimlnesnmiin who hiin been surl. ously III In Klnmiilh Viilley hos pitul, wus reporled Improved wudiiesduy. Flu Flrt The city fire do nnrtmcnt win cullerl In 221 N. Kith nl (1:51 p. in. Tuenduy when n iiiio uru wiia rcporlvu nt tho T. H. .SklllhiKton home. There wns no dumniic. Monthly Matting The Ore- llOri KllltO NUI'KCS IIKHOCilllllm nl I district number eluht will hnvc us reKuiiir mommy muctlnif, Thurstluy, November 0, ut 8 p. m., ut lh homo of Mrs, Lllllu Chilbory, 725 N, 11th, Card Party The Women of the Moose will sponsor a curd imrty In the Moosu hull, Frlduy, November 10 nt 2 p. m. This will be the first of a new series nnd tho public Is Invited to attend. Hnlscy, Btunrt und company, Inc., heads a uroup of invest ment bunkers which is publicly offering $1:1,500,000 of the Cnli fornln Oregon Power company rirst mortgage bonds, scries due November 1, 1074, 3 per cent, ut 102.80 per cont und interest. Net proceeds from the sale of tho bonds, together with' gener al funds of tho company, will bo applied to tho redemption of all of tho first mortgage bonds 4 per cent serier duo 1008, now outstanding. Upon completion of this financing, tho compuny'a cupltiillzutlon will consist of the $13,500,000 flrat mortgage bonda, $2,800,000 serial notes, preferred stocks - of $7,702,700 pur value and common stock of $7,800,000, stated vulue, Tho California Oregon Power company Is an operating public utility company serving elec tricity, and in some communi ties, water, to nn est I muled pop ulation of 148,000 in southern Oregon and northern California, the principal cities being Klam ath Falls and Mcdford. It also sells a substantial amount of electricity' at wholesale. Most of the company's generating ca pacity of about 100,000 kilo wutts Is hydro-electric, although it ulso operates under lease a steam plant of about 15,000 kilo watts capacity. Dressing Classes Return to Schedule TULKI.AKE Following elec tion week, i(ed Cross surgical dressing classes will return to the old schedule of two after noons a week, meeting Tuesday and Thursduy from 1 p. m. until 4 n. m. Everyone who can help Is asked to go to surgical dress ing headquarters to help build up the classes following the re cent harvest season and to assist In making the big quota for the Tuleluko class, At a recent meeting of the executive board of the chapter. Mrs, O. C. Hedgcpeth assumed the responsibility of the office of treasurer, succeeding Mrs. E. A. Davis, who has moved to Klamath Falls. Cbiw'fieri una ger results. 2 drops In each noalril flhnnk membranea, cold .tutted none open.. Cau tion : Usooniya. directed. PENE7R0 NOSE DROPS IIICKOK Featuring the Popular BAR-H WESTERN STYLED Belts Buckles Jewelry From $1.00 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main To Meat The Junior chamber of commerce auxiliary will meet Thursday evening November 9, at o p. m., at the city library rooms. All wives of chamber members are requested to attend. r-- The bureaucrat is neither wiser, nor better than you pr I doing the same Job for ourselves. He ia merely more Irresponsible. His mistakes are on the house.. Eric A. Johnston, president U. S C. of C. i)YAtlSHlt)( PASTE SHOE POLISH I in the4-oz. . ; J: t Family Jar ' Offlca Closed The local na val recruiting office in the fed eral building will be closed all day Thursday na Dan Schrclbcr, recruiter In charge, will be In Lakevlcw on offlclul business. From Oakland Gnrnctt King, asslslunt general passenger agent of the Si uthem Pacific railroad company, was In Klamath Falls Wednesday from Oakland on a routine business trip. . Merry Mixers Ruth Andcr son will bo hostess to the Merry Mixers Thursday evening, No vember 0, at her home on' the Merrill highway. Condition Bettered Dr. Hoyd Sprnguc. Klamath Knlls dentist, is reported improved at Hillside hospltnl where he has been critically ill the past week. CARII or THANKS T. wl,h lo ""nd our h..rll.ll . L1" n'1 PPWI.Uon lor Ih. art. of kl.idn.ta. Die m.M..,a of avmpatrty nd Ih. In.ullf.il floral off.rlm. for our blov..l huatund nd f.th.r. mr. winm. ..run. .nd r.m v. Any Photograph I Copied, I One Print I 91.00 J Filma developed and printed for any 6 or 8 expoaurea Roll 3Se Reprint, 4c each : Prompt Service HUD'S 1031 Main Phone 7167 The Purpose of Baptism ra.J!l! .""b'0" world haa a number of waya today for II. i,.? ,,T.,d ,rom ,h' ,ln- Bom aay "Juat believe on Sk.,. .!1.d Uk Hlm Yu Peraonal Savior." Still till 7' Ju" kn,l down by your radio and pray. God i V y.ou ,nd mK ru chlld of Hie." Some aay, itand where you are and raiae your hand tf you want hi jJw Tmlti'm" h'' t"chlnB U eomP1,UIy foreign In f,iniC .!h Sc,Ptures are our guide In religious matters look to them to answer the purpose of bapliam. bi.!,j,m 11 ,or th remlaalon of aina. "Repent, and be Ih. V,ry OM vou l" he name of Jeaua Chrlat for rhl i u"? ol ,ln' nd r ""all receive the gift of the 'r Spirit." (Acta 2i38). w'l"6 why tarrieat thouT Arise and be baptised, and in away thy ,!,, cemlltn0 on hla name.'; (Acta 22il6). Uiiu!n,h,t b,11vth and la bapllaecf shall be aaved, but he 3 tli. ..iT,.,h not ,naU damned." (Mk. 16:15. 18). Many iwaft i f iou world ,od"y h,v " ,nl' v",y "Ht ,h,t bt- - o..a miy oe naptisea. ' Blnll.. I- . . . . Itke ,31. .V0' on'y 'or the remlaalon of aina, but It ia l . . ob'lence that puta ua Into Chrlat. "For aa many 1(0,13,2," " baPtl,d ln'o Chrlat did put on Chrlat." WVe110 hk ,h oroml" ' ,h O1" of ,h Ho,v 8olrlt F'Wd avaav nio .nriai. nepeni ye. eno om p- Bniilo, '.i . u Tou n xne name or jeaua inriai lor in 'plilt.' o"!.' ,nd Ve ahall receive the gift of the Holy "itrMl.0.1 'i1 PhrslMl act of baptlam that aavea, but God k ' U, Of our DSlt .In. aihaa manllut Bur fKh In '? "T ubmlttlng to baptlam. I'll me urge ell urhn t..-. ... j . a. k. itA r"h ChVSt.that you mav b " Chtl,,lan ,nd ilnt h,lr f'.Mha1".1,01? your calling, brethren, that not many wlae Mild. k..."i,n.' not many mlohtv, not many noble, are r1 mlgh T ? c,;o, ,h roollah thlnga ol the world, that I" Week fui t0 ,h"me them that are wlae, and God ehoae h thlno, il ?' ' th "o'l"1' that He might put to shame (' " th,t strong." (I Cor. Ii27, 28). RAYMOND I. GIBBS, Evanaallit. CHURCH OF CHRIST ; ' 220S Wantland Ave. 1 ' Klamath Falls, Oregon. , '(Act, 2i30), Dear Sir: We invite your inspection, of a really outstanding collection Of our new winter clothes suits and overcoats, too! They're the type you'll admire;' the kinds you require; Designed, cut and tailored for you! MEN'S OVERCOATS IN ALL WOOL Warmth without excessive weight. Comfortable fit in the broad shoulders, deep arm holes, set-in split sleeves. Beautiful all wool fleece and durable coverts. Boys' Deluxe Sport Coats Tan or cocoa. Bold sport KV U patterns, mosi are ait wool! 8-20; MEN'S MARATHON HATS sib- XiW rimy &A :Jmimm--; : i'f. . oaj a-i-r-. '. I .;nJV 1 iTIr. t 1 Vir 1 -J-'V V .11 . I am. Lrm .VaVI a-I . Ki.m ', . -aV r -t. H-.r.",' v -yr i v. ,it. '--ti .vas i.'rira ava 9 ;.-' . '-I'. I J ;: fiW' t Mi-&tttAMW y Ti VWi HtS styles, handsome 70 a.SaS&ik ' tice Day November W ' f 1 " i D . ... llfSnW I ALL WOOL WORSTED ng colors-cocoa, 170 1 29" .$- f Boys' Polo Cloth FINGERTIP REVERSIBLE 90 (Lower Right) Soft smooth fabric, tailored with care! Water repellent lining! Sizes 10 to 14. 10 Boys' Trenrwood Suits, Firm & Soft Weaves iTC (Left) Herringbones and over- plaids, novelty sport patterns. MEN'S SUITS ALL WOOL WORSTED Everyday Warmth For . Boys Two tone,- coat ' sty les, handsome and rugged! 6-18. " Jim Penney Jr. Sport Coats ' ' Solid color camel, cocoa. Fancy check mmnt overplaid, herring- lYU bone. Lined. w BOYS' SLACKS Sturdy! Gabardines, cav alry twills. Bed ford "'cords. Excit ing colors cocoa, blue and brown. in la mm mm 6' ."V SLACKS STYLED FOR JR. BOYS Rayon and wool gabardine slacks, in . '8 blue. only, button closing. Sizes 4 to 10. JT DOWNSTAIRS eml-drape desired by younger men or the itraight lines preferred by more conserva tive men! Marked with the TOWN-CLAD label, appreciated by those who look for lasting fit! Points cf strain well-reinforced, fronts remcjin smooth, lapels retain roll! PIN, CHALK,' HAIR LINE STRIPES NARROW AND WIDE FANCY STRIPES AND PLAIDS AND SOLID GABARDINES MEN'S DRESS PANTS Reg. U. S. 'Patent Off. MAIN FLOOR LADIES' SHOES REDUCED! Clearance of odd lots In wo men's sport oxfords, pumps, and comfort shoes, These are . part of our regular stock Of Cynthia and Celeste shoes. 10-14. . DOWNSTAIRS 97 MEN'S SWEATERS All wool . sllpon sweaters. Fine baby shaker knit. V ncck, close fitting at cuff and bottom. Tan, brown, blue. Sizes 38 to 42. . MAIN FLOOR 4 98 Rayon and Cotton Edging For Sunny Jill and Jack Lunch Cloths "Cuddle Cut-Up" DoK - - , By the yard. Colors, red and BJ'C Outfit cotton batting, lnclud- 'B 00.' white, blue and white and apa ed '-' -;;'' f '! ecru. ' iF Yi. BALCONY ": :i. ' ' BA1.CONT . " ' " ' RECEIVING BLANKETS GIRLS' SCHOOL DRESSES Just arrived! Medium weight fQ'mg, New bright shades in rayon ' receiving blankets In plain; JFM prints,, checks and plain col-. white, blue and pink. 30x40 , :i. . or,. Sizes 3 to 14. ,' '. . . . . SECOND . FLOOR . '. ' ' ' SECOND FLPOR . ... . . .. SHIRLING MITTENS FLANNEL NIGHT GOWNS Fur,:fabric mittens. ' . Brown 29 .'' Just arrived, new shipment 94 and beige or brown and .. ' X . of printed flannel night . white. Small, medium, large. W - ' -gpim; Sites 3 '; ...:'-4aliJ. MAIN FLOOR : ' ..MAIN- FLOOR .... ', Men's All Wool Plaid Shirts MEN'S SHEEPSKIN VESTS - 2-pocket mode,; fuU cuti In 90 X il95" bright tartan plaids. All sizes. '.'' brown. Sizes, small,, medium, ijfj . nr . .large.' " MAIN FLOOR . WAD' FLOOR ., v-