HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS,. OREGON PACE THREE Us of Congratulations 8, 9 Null. B (P) KANSAS ,.;,, tho now Ln."r.? vice .i-wilU.iit-olcc , r m C Y'V. ' , nv. wllll ' "IP ul,S ohours lt:P. "": i nXtl III tliu llvlnu &?, downtown .hulul .... .rnrvd ot nicssugcs An,onf, o tl-' nil wub ;no -wre?,, niiiiwvolt. The ) " T. ... i It ill"'". KWHM'n i v. ii till m ; .urn very n W K,v ,,llm,. , Ion. fur your 'JS"So iwralloi". 1 will "o UT"i ,lv "noose- It n"1" ' ' tH'' ; ' I...... tt.n vlin nros!- l-nl-clcct w . "'ruT. ... .,,.u,ImIi and WOMEN INI JlSERViCEfe , t In I'llllKl ...... . .... :t ?,n.i hl "" mlKlity bad :0aiti"V i... T,..t hn wpiit to ret of IIIC ui"" " - . ..... ii... i.nlliinnl result LSJrtd In doubt, but the scim ffinlnil to returns with his Mi I"1 I.,i-.iit iirmm lit n l.l" l." A ""llo. .mil iStttto crowd "everybody, Ihii whs loo imich. Ho wont -..,1 ..niifonlriilpH nil LlnjUiedlHii-ull ' Minuet by Werewskl. Ho played without Lre. and turned out u perfect Liomnncc. r i....... . h.lj. trim! him nil I till nviiiu n....- "-i:- t jrlddle for several hour as till returns pimi i 1 lead lor lilt" Liewey-ui icncr ;ltt. At onu time It looked aa Missouri nimm iireim us rcc- ot havinB voicu lor uio Will ie ..ii.ru ..rnvirlni.l li.l ttn. fin v... ................. ..-- a since 1001 as nntlnnnl re tj disclosed a democratic i.id. Thin Ilia bltf city lalmlat Ions, Itch had gotten off lo a slow nt, bcilim to pour In. Soon : imaniKiii uie uewey-uricK. Itid wa wiped out, mid the Ult never wtis in uuuub micr l'u" Mtnomah Soldiers refer Roosevelt PORTLAND, Ncv. 8 (VP) tvlctmon rom Multnomah jnW ureter President House- U Incomplete returns on the kcial soldier ballot count wed today, Roosevelt led Dewey 887 to 1. Tho soldiers favored Willis whey as four-year senator, 1 W.iync L. Mursc for the six- ir term. Gem ijr'iii;ii . b iiwitMom"l'0,.0i.1' ,,HwiSliHitt,l , I ,""" K."M It 't ' I WioasSaylVhen . .with mom )1kClrl. ' . I train . . .. r""l, HHnoli PETERSON NATURALIZED WITH THE Kin'H ARMY. Pb'C Hum O. Peterson, 703 Del. la, Klmnulh Falls, Ore., born in Sweden, recently became o nat uralized cltl.cn ot tho United States In a ceremony In which 1M soldiers took the oath of alle Ulanco and cltlzcnshln at hcnrl. quurtcrs of Lt. Ocn. Mark W. Clark, fifth army commander, In northern Italy, , . PRAIRIE OVERSEAS IflTII AAV IN ITAI.V. o.i Jack II. Prairie, 332 Commcrclai rwuiiniun raus, ure., who has I been III Italy for tho past clht i months, Is now entitled to wear 1 tho gold overseas servlco bar un der recent war. department; orders. I Sitt. Prairie Is an automobile mpphnnln wllh F1.91 f lk..Bi. heavy bombardment group wnicn mis nown over 1U0 com bat missions against tho enemy In southern Europe. . MRS. ROBINSON ENLISTS Mrs. Junlta Fern Koblnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An drew Llghllc, New Pine Creek, Oro., has recently completed her enlistment In the women's army corps at recruiting headquarters in Portland, Oro. Taking advan tage of tho opportunity lo choose her Job in the medical depart ment, Mrs, Koblnson requested trUitlillir AM 11 nilf.l Ctirla A tho completion of her basic I iruimiiK course, sno will be sent to Horf General hospital in Call fornlu. . . MIBS PARRISH ENLISTS Louise Parrlsh. daughter of Mrs. Idu Parrlsh, Morehouse, Mo., has recently completed her enlistment In the women's army corps at recruiting headquarters In Portland. Sho was employed by the war relocation authority In Newell, Calif., before her en listment, CASE PROMOTED Vernon D. Case, son of Mrs. Ethel M. Duron of Henley, for merly of Merrill, hns been pro moted to the rank of corporal In the engineer corps at Fort Lewis, Wash. At present he Is attached with Company A, 52nd E. T. Bn. ASFTC. BALLANTYNE IN HOLLAND F. O. John Ballantync, brother of Mrs. Ruth B. Arnold, 3080 Cannon, who is a glider pilot with the troop carrier command In the European theater, was one of many pilots to land in Holland with supplies for tho paratroop ers that had landed there on D-day. Although the glider piloted by Ballantyne was hit by flak, he managed to land safely without casualties. In telling of his ex perience, Ballantyno mentioned tho friendliness of the Dutch people who gave food to the pilots after they had spent long hours defending their landing area and thn nenrhv Inwn Ballantync was one of the par- ui-iiMwii.i in mc uKiay onenstve on Hitler's "West Wall," and holds tho air medal,' as well as special group presidential citation. . ' ..,. i ' . ALFORD A PARATROOPER Cpl. Forrest V. Alford, Rt. 3, box 485-a, has won the right to wear the "Wings and Boots" of the. U. S. army paratroops.. He na completed . lour . weeks of Jump training during which time hn nmrl flvj l.tmn. fi. 1..4 1 - ..... juiiiM, tliu IBM DC ng a technical Jump at night ....viiiB a tuiiiuai proDiem on landing, . LEHMANN PROMOTED Pvt. Thomas M.. Lehmann of the army air force, has recently been promoted to the: grade of PrC-according to his command ing officer at Lawson Field, Fort Bennlnir fin Tl,. J., 4 v. IIIBl 11UUU carrier command of which Leh- it ' , mcmDcr, is tne branch ot the air force charged , with transnnrllntr m. ' ....-u , equipment to. the various battle Vr "enmann entered1 the Air Force December' 3, 1941. He Is th nn nr rH r .1 .- of tho Baldwin hitaL T """" Special Ruling '. Enables Vanport Workers to Yore V PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. A (TP) Voting facilities at Vanport City weren't adequate to handle all the war workers by tho 8 p.' m. poll closure, but a special rul ing permitted them to vote, any. way. , . , 1. : Ifnrrv Pnmcrlll inn..l , I 11 ,uc, v iaui ' UL uivuuons, oracrea tne two boards to remain open until some 400 voters, who had stood In line for . up to two hours, marked their, ballots.. . . .., Portland Groups to Receive Honor Shield PORTLAND, Nov.' 8 (VP) The Port nnrl pnminlHlnH n..uw docks nnd the Oregon insurance ratlntf hitman i.,lir ti a '-... "'11 1 tvvivc 1110 coast guard security shield of ""iiu iiciu DHiurnay, Armistice Dny, Cmdr. Cnrloton Kclsey 61 the COnflt' 'rftmiVl PQDn.i.n , Wnfll.t.,M. tonD. C, and Cmdr. 'Amos Peas- lue-oi mo temporary .reserve, Philadelphia, will attend the presentation during a review of the coast guard temporary re serve at the state armory. , Figure Your EXTRA Savings When You Buy Sears 'YELMERE' M(MIF o o BurgundyO Blue Sand O Green O Rose ( SQ. Yv for For wall-to-wall floor-coverlna . size rugs . . . Sears 'Velmere' hoir carpeting solves the problem economically, beautifully. The smooth hair surface is needle-punched through a sturdy backing . . , Wears for years. Choice of Burgundy, sand, blue, green, and rose shades. RUG SIZES AT LOW PRICES! 11.70 23.40 SxS ft, txS ft. 17.55 1x15 ft. 29.25 1x10.1 (t. 20.47 xlt ft. 35.10 I tUas sfyytoDRYr,,.- L&M MfW B U Y ANYTHING new! - . o rug' SM&F 'T ' . " ' $1 " More on I Affiff 7 EASY TERMS SWING ROCKER Coil-Spring Seat and Back Sears Easy Ttrms Sink into deep, coil-spring com fort, A wonderful chair for re laxation. A number of styles and long wearing tapestry covers. MODERN PULL-UP CHAIR 95 16 CMM. VSM U . . woncMMMcorn orftbl xh diiir In Est of bloosJe'finrtti. ee of ' dam thy jeevecr Sprlng Flllsd Seat UNFINISHED CHEST F95 7 Smoothly" sanded select cobinetwood," with reeded drawer pulls and base. Big 30xl4-inch top. Paint'it in your color choice!'. Also 5-drawer 8.95. Well Made BUNK BED i 1 Easy ' Tarms Made . to Sears own specifications for quality. Selected cabinetwood ... all ready to paint. Complete 'with laddei and guard rail. Complete with mattress and link spring 56.75 F'oor Lamp With ' 3-WAYu9hHng Se" Br Term, . J I Cofoniaf.s fv (," . , I I rnope orfj'ow,n9 red " I desert tone PorPU'Qr I I '. shade hm,ent- I J rs trimmeT6 P'Q'n' 1(1 Soft Fluffy SHAG RUG5 , , 3x3 Sit . 195 . Wide selection of smaller sires, 4x6 size :. :. .17,95 SUPER DURALIN 9x12 RUGS More quality ... more wear , . . ; glossy "Superdurlin" enameled sur face rugs with pure . fade-resistant colors on. a mirror-like surface. Easy to clean. 6" Crystal Base BOUDOIR LAMPS Complete -with beautiful pleated-shade. A lovely gift suggestion. . Pair