ACE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FDR 111 LEAD FDR OREGON S SIX BALLOTS (Continued from Pace One) of Willis Mahoney, Klamath Falls democrat, who conceded Cordon's election only two hours after the polls closed. Morse, who defeated Sen. Ru fus C. Holmnn in the primary, won even more easily from Ed gar W. Smith, Portland demo crat, who? was only five minutes txuimd Mahoney in conceding J. to 1 Victory Rep. James W, Mott, Salem, won more than 2 to 1 over O Henry Olecn. St. Helens demo crat; Rep. Lowell Stockman, Pendleton, had the same margin over C. J. falioro. kaurandc aem ocrat: Rep. Homer D. Angcll Portland, .held a 3 to 2 lead over Lester Shecloy. Portland demo crat; and. Rep. Harris Ellsworth, Roseburg, had twice as many votes as his opponent, Floyd tv Dover, Grants Pass democrat. Mott is the dean of the con gressional delegation, having served since 1932. while Angell is finishins his third term. Ells worth and Stockman are ending their first terms. ' Scott Leads Treasurer Scott had almost a 2 to 1 lead over William Lam bert, Portland. Attorney Gener- al Neuner staved off the bid of Bruce Spaulding, Salem demo crat, Neuner leading by 10,000. It was the second try for the job by Spaulding, who almost de feated Van Winkle four years ago. :." : The long battle of Sen. W, E. Burke, Yamhill, to restrict the sale of. fortified wines to liquor stores appeared to have been won, hi; bill winning the voters' approval by about 4 to 3. The legislature passed the bill but California wine interests got it referred to the people, and then fought it as a prohibition, meas ure. Vat Aid Paius - The measure to provide edu cational aid to returning war veterans passed almost 2 to 1, but its companion piece, which would provide home and farm loans to veterans, had hard sled ding. This latter measure was winning today, but only by a few hundred votes. The constitutional amend ment to' remove, double liability of stockholders of state banks was carrying almost 2 to 1, after twice having been defeated. The amendment to allow the legis lature to grant the vote to ex convicts was carrying by 5000 votes, while the amendment to allow counties to have the man ager form of government was winning by 3000 votes. I Texas Students Protest Rainey's Dismissal , V . , . ; f - ? 1 ' . .J i" , ', v A Stuaems of cne University of Texas, thousands strong, march through streets of Austin. Trx.. to Smic Cap Xol In protest of discharge of university's president. Homer P'. Ralney. The resents dismissed Ralney. charg ing he had made statements "reflecting on (he motives nd good faith of the board." Stilwell Recalled in Chiang Kai-Shek Row iiVKcv3v NY L ' - tS ' ' V' V. I . - ' II V: Ikk. -.vit 7i .. - VP J T,-l. I Gen. Joseph W. Buiwell (center), relieved u TT. n. mnuiriw In Var u-aef in unniinmi mn. mhiiv. , edly stemmed from direct demand by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek. Lt. Gen. Daniel I. Sultan (left) will """"land American forces In Burma-India theater. Ma. Gen. A. a Wedemeyer (right) will command the - muna.ineaier Cornett, Semon, Poofe Elected (Continued from Pago One) ' islative vote at last count: Se mon 6587, Poole 4668, Dal West 4458, Thomas Bustin 3413. : Klamath county gave Republi can Lowell Stockman a whack ing lead for return to congress, and it also voted for the republi can senatorial contests, Wayne Morse and Guy Cordon. Willis Mahoney, former Klamath Fails mayor, fell behind Cordon. .The county went heavily for the state school support mea sure, which lost in the state. In local district voting, Joe Mahoney, democrat, and G. B. Cozad, republican, were named justice of peace and constable of Linkville district without opposition. Tom Dewey' Goes Down Smiling NEW YORK, Nov. 8 (IP) iiov. inomas is. Dewey took it on the chin with a smile today, conceding at 3:15 a. m. (EWT) that President Roosevelt had been re-elected for a fourth term. He expressed confidence that ail Americans will join me in the hope that divine providence win guiae ana protect the presi- aem oi me united states. Shipyard Dispute Referred to Heads VANCOUVER, B. C, Nov. 8 A jurisdictional dispute be tween two AFL shipyard unions, which resulted in a one hour sitdown Tuesday by 300 mem bers of the Machinists union at north Van Ship Repairs Ltd., has been referred to the inter national Dresidents. Vancouver officers of the Ma- cninists union and the Plumb ers and Steamfitters local last 'sNo.lAce Navy It'. 4 real victory grin that Comor. David McCampbtU of uilnieles flashes from the cockpit of his carrier-based plane that bears so "Meat balls emblematic ot his record that maXes him Navy's top-ranking ace. iu his latest action ha shot down Jap planes in 5 minutes of combat, ' r night wired their ' respective presidents suggesting that the dispute over a technicality in their agreements be settled by AFL President William Green. Roosevelt Wires Messages to ;; Political Heads, t NEW YORK, Nov. (8 (tp) President Roosevelt," who a Western Union spokesman . said has "the authority to modify, al ter or rescind" the board of war communications' ban- on con gratulatory telegrams, ' today wired messages to political asso ciates and opponents on the elec tion outcome. The president sent messages to Gov. Thomas E. uewey and Sen.- Harry S. Tru man. J. L. Eean. vice nrp.cirlpnt nf Western Union, upheld his com pany's acceptance on the ground that "if the president had the au thority to authorize issuance of the ban, he has the authority in uuaiiy, alter or rescind It. TAKES HARRIER TITLE BUFFALO John Kandal Cornell university. Won nation. al junior AAU individual cross country title by running the 10,000 .'meter course in 34:36. Sampson (N. Y.) naval training center won team nonors. Classified Ads Bring Results Japs Examine Stalin Charges SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 8 UP) Japanese official-.circles are ex amining "with care and delib eration" Premier Marshal Jo seph Stalin's speech Monday in which he termed Japan an "ag gressor nation," Tokyo radio re ported today in a broadcast re corded by the federal commun ications commission. A garden' expert advises planting multiplier onions now so you'll have- them for -late fall eating. . The way -they'll come up will, take your breath away. ' : YANKS LOSE HID IN AACHEN SECTOR (Continued from Pago One) driven buck 500 yards to high ground to the northwest, Hold Schmidt ' The Germans still held Schmidt, 15 miles southeast ot Aachen, onco taken by Ameri cans, and part ot Vosscnuck, two miles to the northwest. To tho south, American third army troops in a down attack midway between Motz and Nan cy crossed the Soille river, and seized four lightly held villages in advances averaging up to mile. Mike Progress Despite tho setbacks from the German village strongholds, tho first army had made consider able progress in clearing the llurtgcn forest southeast of Aachen, A British staff officer mean while declared the Germans had lost from 38.000 to -10.000 prisoners and had been driven from an area 20 miles deep on a 40-mile front bv tho month- old offensive in southwest Hol land, under Field Marshal Mont gomery, Klamath Returns (Continued from Paso One) 3413, Pools 4668, Semon 6587, Wot 4458. (2 lecttd). ' District attorney Clarsnce Humble, no contest. County judge Rttder 7098, West 3988. County commissioner Buck 4179. Rob.r 6646. Sheriff Low, no contest. County cltrk DtLap 6068, Short 5103. County treasurer Chester Langilat, no eontoil. Coroner AdUr Eirhsrt Linkville J.. P. Mahoney, no contest. LlnkvllU constable Coiad, no contest. . . Stat bank bill Yes 5393, No 2709: County mana:r Yei 3873, No 4081. Veteran loan fund Yet 4883, No 4034. " Voting privilege Yes 4188, No 3960. Veteran education aid Yet 6281, No 2804. Retail tales tax Yet 3028, No 6777. - .. ..... . . Fortified win bill Yn 4853, No 5072. Public tchool support Yt 33SS, no 3307. 60 at 60 Yt 4389, No 5357, City ballotino is rcortd at I follows, with all 32 praclnctt complat: Mayor McLeod 901, 0tn- dorf 1870, Shepherd 1487, Witt endanger 1700. City treaiurer Berry 3427, Maton 1881. Councilman . Ward 1 Flnnl- gan 546, Newton 546. Councilman Ward 2 Landry bus, noycroit su. Jail fund meature Yet 3244, No 1540. Memorial park Yn 2527, No 2415. - North Annexation For 3365, Against 1180. South. Annexation For 3425, Against 1176. . Super-Liners On Way fnMSfiT Giant four-englned Douglnt DC-4 and DC-6 planet tuch i thit on war ordered today by United Air Unit lor itt coait-to-coatt and Pacllic coait iyitm. The iourmllt -mlnul DC-4 and iiv-mil-a-minut DC-6 promiia radical roductiont in air patten-gr-mall-xprit limo. United joined two otlitr ol th world't largatt alrlinot In ordoring a total ol 93 tuch planot, coiling In xcati of $50 million. Tho contract which UniUd ilgnod today callt for IS DC-4't plus 20 DC-6't and lh company announced that within a wook it would tlgn another contract lor IS addi tional DC-6't. Train Derailed; Twelve Killed COLFAX. Calif.. Nov. H W Twelve persons were killed when the westbound Southern Pacific Challenger was derailed at Lander, throe miles west ol here, early today, Coroner Fran cis E. West of Placer county an nounced. The coroner did not estimate the number of Injured. Pluvious unconfirmed reports said at least 75 had been hurl. ' One of the dead was the engi neer of tho train, Fred Graham of Rosevlllc, only 30 miles west of the scene of the wreck. Six bodies, all unidentified with tho exception ol Graham, were brought to the morgue here. The coroner said five iidulls and an infant were believed dead in an overturned coach. Bainbridge Roars Into Service Grid Championship Arena BAINBRIDGE, Md.. Nov. 8 (,P A growing crescendo of rum-; bles audible nil the way In Ran dolph Field, Texas heralds the entrance of a new football, pachyderm Into the service! championship arena. It's Bain-! bridge Naval Preflight. ! .Thirteen. straight wins over a'j two-year period, climaxed by lj Sunday's . . 40-20 crushing of j North Carolina Preflight land-1 ed the Commodores In (he na-! tion's top ten for the first timet and place them second to Ran- ' dnlph Field among sorvlco taunts. lni'liuU-d on the star-studded prcfllKhl squad Is Don Durdan, ex-Oregon Statu college. MEW. ', Rox Offico Opens 0:43 ENDS TONIGHT Jbrovueh -Second Hit" r-Thursday 'Jungle Siren' Another Hit "City of Silent Men" fin Continuous Show. Daily Box Office ojicns 12:30 ' NOW 'Hell's Angels' Starring Jean Harlow -Second Hit JEANARTHUR Jt UE BOWMAN a CHARLES C0BURN fpVione 4561 Bo Ottice Ope" 1.30 6.45 ENDS SOON MiBsmm ntrtWKH 1 m sr - am lla I I HUSIOK . MKUUHM & NEXT ATTRACTION LOVE IS BLOOMIN' ON THE BOWERY! 1 is k Box "Office Opcnr - I 1 W KMMlm Ml Oil Oil i - STARTS TODAY trufi - '" CI maim htwiii , 'i m i yi, " i lis MWi WWB, ll tl 1 4 I'm I I'll I 4.1 1 4 SI 4'l 4 111 !(l 1 1 i li It i H 4 1)! writsf int tn.'- tttaiwiww 'f Afo. ., a !TtM "h Ui Jtr Til aw IT II IT IP TlfFflaMI II ITTaTTTW W"W-iaw mmmsffi th .ft " LIV1. o. 'NteMMfflm fit - V. tdrf -7 I 1 '.rLLirirrKrlllt r November 0. 1911 I B "' Op,, ,74, ENDS TONIGH Starts Thursd 34 fell big - a hits ' 1 uu AVB.. novis SUIEETHEnRTS Of THE B.SJ 1.30 6:45 r r -A I X I I i J I m 1 1 il.'lll ' ' vrHIr- 1'