ACI THIRTKh Automatic 14 Automotive 34 Autom tiva ' ' 34 Automotive 34 Automotive Autemottve 34 Automotive n i' .n rinrinrmr nnr n r Hi i "ni -ri '""' SEE ROSE ' : NEW MOTORS for your CAR INOINXERED HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALL5, OREGON CHRYSLER Nearly All Models In Shck Plymouth $180.00 Dodge: 1 80.00 DeSoto 220.00 Chrysler 220.00 Dodge Trucks 220.00 ln,J',';llM Not - Reconditioned or Rebuilt B0RNESS MOTORS Cor. 5." 6th and Walnut . wi m wt' tin I inn r " "ii isrmhnm nl'il' ".S"u!7r m or .ny evening r .:...v nan Hiiuitiont Wnlid 01001 OY. see IS. Ji .mi Ktim.1 "I . ... .11 A AlUii Artl'.ltl 11-9 Boom tnd Boat, . . lOAHD-Csntlemen. 1(107 Cres ll-io TIRES Complete Stock of Grade ' Few Sizes Grade III Room' Por Rent) ' kill) ROOM - denllemen only. It Il svenlngs. 14211 TO! ltlttT-1028 Jefferson. Houm For Heat I TOPI MOT-You flrlvei move ir. mvs t. Binti iwiaron nerv. HUcilUntou' For Rent C noon SANDER mil edgar Do your own wtlrk. Inquire Dipl.. MO.NTGOMIMY WARD 11 -Win nrvr ti i i- .. WW rfmortni manbtnes. J. E. iwn Film store, fhono 3314. xyxaBsaaEEsxzBHBBBBMaess I Rmi Estate Forgdale . Iiediate Possession modern home located on I. tilt off Summers lane. N In knotty nliw. Floored muld be used, for .addl bedroom. anre nf oncrl H 12000. $1000 down, bnl- S2;.!0 nor moirih. P. OLIVER 8th Phone. 4710 . 11-8 Winter Fronts Tire Chains Fog Lights Driving Lights Wiper Blades Defrosters , r , r:v; Batteries Tail Pipe Extensions Locking Gas Caps, And many other necessary haraSto-get items SPECIAL NOTICE '' Tc " Chevrolet Owners OPA HAS RAISED THE RETAIl VALUE.OF YOUR CAR :', Chevrolet -Commands the Highest Value of Any Low Priced. Car SEE lilS TODAY FOR NEW 'HIGHER PRICES Sell To 'Ashley ASHLEY CHEVROLET CO. 410 So. 6th St. Phone 4113 34 Automotive Anti-Freeze Du Pont Zerone.. $1.00 per gallon '. in your container $1.15 per gallon In our container Dick B.Miller 7th and Klamath Ph. 4103 11-8 Let Us Winterize Your. Car With ,, Lighter Grease, Zerone, Etc. For Sale, : , ACRES LAND ' Highly improved. " Ictd ind Crojii-Fenced'.' lim 7-Room HoiiM. lli Ot out-tauflrllnc. . Andcrsor) Ave. yiwo to Airport. 1113 pate Possession (-- ....uMivti on h iHrge lot With nUnlu f ...... pO $50ft down. "y monthly pnyments P. OLIVER 1 !,1 Phnn 71ft Ii fc ,UR BAur :: !-ilrooni nux: l,j ,fhr,r!' ' Mp loll. Umihl. I". Tnm. " "ra,H"" . , f'ni only. u, 1 MM,m ;1 iiMllor Ulll 11 111 Ma Vth l'Sh?,,:u,'.,:.;,io....y! i" i.ukw b.;. I Ji,;1"1' '" "il bm Z , !,,0n.'"hwy . ' llH itZrr-r s fc lilt, , i. '"" " rrk. M.y ll-O "Hoo."',' h a-rom i ""P. Inqulr, gun. II-.I3 I'' !. u Vii tT.H.Ti.r:. J!? m. n"i" w. m i"" "nun, riuirhoi r"ns:o",.ci i. wi-Am: -rt,:: K'""lll 'r.ti nHM 11.19 COMPLETE LUBRICATION, TIRE SERVICE ' Hauger's Service Station Main at Broad Hap Caldwell, Manager 114.8-13-22 SO Heal EitaU for HOMES FOR SALE BVERiTT DENNIS, REALTOR 131 N. 8th Phont 8491 34 Automotive JOII BAtJt-a-room modrn houw. full Hifmin, no lunwi. ....... lur. f hon U1I. 34 Automotive we: : test-:: ' . Brake. ust where you . use them orj the street, and,. .... You'll get a quick,' even . longer lasting brake here. Stop here, to stop safely. LEO'S GARAGE . ' Uth and Mela St Phone 8803 Mon.-Wed. . rpn sale RADIATORS . Or ALL TYPES . Will Build Any Type , Radiator You Need . 'COLOR MATCHING ' AND'PAINTINQ .Klamath - : Radiator Works 2221 So. 8th Phone 8941 4Ulll ,T6l CASH fRlCT.for Tour L !. '!? . moati ear or quuy, " .... . at tmntea motori Authria iwaoto-flymeulh , Pull n4 (Mrv1t Goodrich .Tir OutriWitor lit o. ath " Goodrich Silvertown Tires "and Tubes . Most All Sizes ' Dick B. Miller Co 7th and Klamath Fh. 4103 11-8 RECAPPING. 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES. ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station . B. K. Teed 301 So. 8th Phone 7071 ll-lSmc MODIt.. A-1K3 to 1 9 ti p. IWW dlllon.d motor, 1M1 HI Tyrt Chjv. rolol Mcondltlonod motor.. Wrlto ooj SOM. ot i Horald tnd Nw. 11-11 34 TO list S t.J:c",",l0"4 ' rord motor. nd Modil motor. Vortury M tip. motor. Vrtw JJJO. cm l Hrtd aad Nwi. Used Cars Bought " Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO, 744. Klamath Ave. flth Street Ends 11-lOm S MltL WTNHV t Ljmoird ll UmJ jUl'mokM an modoli tor U-Wm We Buy and Sell f ! USED CARS ; BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main" ll-30m 1P34 FORO COUP for ul. motor. ui7hb inn njjR Good 35 Ful Heatiiig RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils ; Best Quality . Prompt Delivery. Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor ll-30m 3t Mlicollaneoui Tor Sale Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR . COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call John Sandmeyer Phone 8195 C. S. Robertson Agency Vlrt Vcrisral Snvin RlriB ll-30rri Roofing Compoaitlon and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Sea ley Bros. Phone 7709 1173-tf CONSIDERING FIRST COST ; THERE IS ALWAYS ; Less Depreciation :WOH A FORD CAR" N OW Are You - SURE You Are Setting I TOP : PRICE For Your Car? Rose Motor Co. Pontiac 3 M C" 6th end Plum Phone 6130 wmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmammmtmmtmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Car Troubles? ' Eliminate Worry and Expense :i . . . Sell Your Car LOMBARD'S . ;i; We Are Paying ; ; TOP CASH : Lombard Motors While the Price . Still ' . . Is High . ; ' . BEE US TODAYS We Pay Top O.P.A. Prices ' : . 7.-: : Your Ford Dealer . .... .. , Since 1 923 v .... . : Balsiger Motor Co.; 521 So. 6th ' Phone 1 . -Ui - AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Careful Complete .Prompt' Estimates Gladly Given Convenient Location 734 Klamath Ave. Phiwe 414 ODELL MOTOR CO. I. Wed. Uid Mi 36 Mltcellanroui For Sale ton ALI-Om Rol Crown bottlt cooltr. Morlt Waihtnf Mochtni Str vim, an So. ath. n-20 ALl, TYPES of mall niln r. patrod. Bodtnhamtr Saw Shop. 39t E. Sum. n.lSme irrrnA-nin blectbic h e a t e b s J0.Jl. r. B. Haur. Open All Day Saturday, oil Marltat. rhono 7U1. It-JOm LANDSCAPtNO - Evernraana. flowertm ahruba and tra. Make your afire tlon now for tall nlanllnc. . LAKE SHOBE GABDENS NUBSEBY. Phona M2, . , ll-0m El, PADBE NOW OPtN-Dlno. daaca. Bar aarvlco. Only 10 mlnutM drlvo from city cantor. ll-30mc and GRAY CINDERS-Boy Schmeck. Phona 4003. Bt. 3. Box 1M3. 11-om ron SALE. New i Inch alactrlc drill, loaa Lytton atreat. 11 R Ton SALE 8. Inch circular aaw., huMnnwir motor. S30.O0. Alao band aaw, J20.00. SIMM Wlard U- ALLEN Adding Macnlnca and TRtDEN Calculatora. 124 S. 9th St. Pioneer Printing ft Stationery Co. 11-lBm GLASS Mlrrora. reallverlnd. plate, win dow and auto alass. furniture top, ahelvea. Kimball. Glau Shop. S27 Walnut. Phona 7378. H-4m NEW 24 rT. HOUSE TBAU.EBS. alto a good pelertlon of tiled .trailer. 16 to .10 ft. Termi, Jill Market St.. Bedding, Calif, 11-14 rut.t.EB BBUBKES - Clam Joser, 143S Martin. Phono w. u-sum AUCTIONEER SERVICE If you are planning a farm ante or auction of any kind, ice R. E. biiodeb, auc nnn.r for riatea nhone 17.1t Lakevlew. or contact LAKEV1EW LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO.. phone MB. Lakevlew. Ore. All elaaaea of aolri at auction every Mon day. "-13 TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters and ViCOOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE a All-white oorcelaih circulating type' trash burners with cook top, especially priced. S57.50. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from S5B.50. Circulating heaters priced from $37.50. HARRYHAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash. Buyer Gets the Break He' Deserves' Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath. . . a . .. .. . 3 ?73-tf TOR SALE-Trailer. 4x8 ft., good rub ber. 25,0O. 1204 California. 11-8 TOR SALE- Whlte cold diamond wed ... . ... r-n., aim. fitl R43 i-a.h Phone 3223 after P. m.- 11-13 rOB SALE-Imported prewar EnglHh dlnnorware. aervlce for 8: a ro.torla hand-etched gobtcta. 7 glau gobleta. 12 lovelv tall trosled gla.ael. large ' preserving kettle " and rack. Quart Jars 23c a dozen. No. 3 Prescolt St. Phone 8237. FOB SALE 4203. Driveway cinders. Call 11-18 TOR SALE . Lester parlor slie' Grand piano. . This instrumeni nas a nwu tlful tone1 and Is Jn -exceptionally fine . ,,,... vo. Ml Whllnav. Phone 4742. ., . . . 11- jron SAl.E-30 torn, of alfalfa hay and on inni or oat and alfa fa mixed. John Rose. Box 28. Bonanza. 11-8 rOB SALEAlltl Chalmers harvester, equipped with motor, excellent con dition. Phtlnnttsaros.. Bonanza. Ore. ..' 4l- BTOVES REPAIRED. All avallablb parts stocked, usea rurniiure, stoves nouam, riK Ri.oott Hand Store. 820 Klamath. Phona 3671. Il-30m BtwlNd MACtttNR PARTS and sun ollea. At makes. Phona 8771. 32l8 Shasta Way. " 36 Miseellaneoui ftt Sale ...-it 1942 EASTERN HOWABD Trailer Hausj, 23 ft,, all steel, lneuiaieo, a-pty stuck tires. A-l Shape, electric brakaa. Sea at Boosevelt Club, Tulelaka. Phona 8203, Tulelaka. son eAt.VL100 tons halad hav.- 1st cut alfalfa, oata ana rye. at nano. aav Guy Moore at ranch before . crsaslnt river or cU Doug Puckett. Tulelaka 7104 SOT 43 MUcelleneiug Wanted iayaeevaa,saaa,aasaaasaaeeaeaja aaavaaaaeaa7aBtasaB7aBaa WANTED One good oil heattiuj stove. inquire at waiaorr urui. iww 42 MUeeRnneous Wasted WANT TO BEKT a furnished or partly furnished small house or apartment. Registered nurse with ana child. Call 080. ll- WANTED TO BENT Furnished house or apartment by navy officer and wife. Call WUlard Hotel, Boom . 507. 11-10 WANTED TO BUY Male Auatratlan Shepherd puppy with blue eyes. Call 878 evenings. lesstf WANTED TO BENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment or heuaa. Phone 5078 after 8 o. m. SSIltl WANTED TO RENT - Private garage near Anchor Hotel. Write E. H. Ret. vay, f. O. Box 484. laoati 4t Financial WANTED-rumlshed noUae or apart . ment by civilian couple. Write Lynn Baiter, care Airport. Worden. Ore. 11-8 WILL PAY CASH for used guns. rlte them In for appraisal. BaTLL'S HARD WABE, 928 Main St.. It-SOnt WANT TO BUY-23 SW or Colt, Have .38 or 48 to trade. Phone 8493. tiSOtx WILL PAY CASH rOB YOUB PIANO Louis B. Mann 110 N. 1th. Phona 43l or 7179. 11-aom SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WA BONDS It you have any no-lengar used articles of any kind lying around "your home or office then you have a .real opportunity to help the war t fort in the first place, other people actually need these no-longer used ar ticles; then, too. the money you tela by selling things can be converted into bonds. Phone 3111 Cletstfisal Ad Dept. today. e7otf WANTED-Dead and werUueaj animals. Phona 43 collect. Il-tt wAvrtn TA a uV 1 . iMitit rnsaanr. Phone 1318. miUCD WANTED TO BUY - SmaU madam house in Merrill or Matin. Will pay rath. ft. It - Woodier. Merrill. Ore. 11-1 REFRtGEBATOIt WANTED nema Hotel. . Call Wl imtf uiMirn rn nttv MmA witk nit run. nera. Call 3124. St4ti WANT TO BUY -40 to ISO aera dlvarel fled raneh, aquippad with farm ma chine,., tn vlelnltv of Klamath falls. State full orloe, terms and all daulli In flral latter. Wrtfaa Sft48. cara Her eld and Neva. aetmt WANTED Boom for woman, near bus line or close In, Phehe 48M. 11-1 WANT TO TSADTSmeU elettrte ral for battery radio. Geo, remlund. Bonanza, Ore. tl-a WANTED TO BENT-1-bedrMm unfur nished home by newcomer AtarUuj business In Klamath rails, Fhani atei ll-ie 44 - Livestock and Poultry . -i r -if r"'i GOAT SEBV1CE-1781 Burns. 11-8 HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs, veal. iambs ana eeruo. jonnson racuutg vo. Phona S3SS. nights 3905. ll-30m WANTED - Ltve poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3313. ll-30m WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits, tbuioves market. 919 East Main. Phone 432. l2-4m lnaacial On Your See ' K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL : CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months; to Pay No Cosigners Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. ' Klamath' Oldest. . M.97R i , 8.S41 114 N, 70 " Phone 3318 -- ll-30ra When You Want a ;; CASH LOAN I For Any Worthy ; h Purpose Call On : P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of ' U: COMMERCIAL! ? FINANCE CORP;: 107 No.. 9th St. , Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On ' Automobiles Furniture , Livestock Salary ' ;. Sales Between Individ uals Financed a n d O. P. A. Requirements Completed K Come In Phone In or Write-In'. Phnno 7711 l Lie. M-223 Lie. S-SS1 ii-3 om First Federal Has ! :' Plenty of Money , a a a ..... . v Buy a Modern Home1 . Refinance Your Old Home j e a a " i Pv Leea Than' Rent Long Terms Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL i SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc! of KUmetb TU Sixth and Main . Phone i 81M ... UjM 4t Busioeu OHportuBlUee i.a.ri.-ijnnnnAnnnnrri - riii ' -r" rOB eALE.Vletorv Cafe anel teejia, fuuy atulpped, 194S South Sixth. Saa owner, J. . Murphy for utiorma uon. , m