p. , HERALD AND .NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE,. J WEU& w rt -mm; CLASSIFIED KATES ', Waritcx.. Mil It y J. R. Williams "With Major' Hoo, Our Out Way one dey K !9 2 BodrdiriV rtu" ile run r- ----j I If vnu want to worlc In n TMfi DLlrAtvW'S A ; e' word jo soon mornMNG.' HO-MOM.' BEFORE or lumber yardi where condltlonj ore nnoH I"'11 the office or phone 5M6 between 8.30 q51 ,QI p. m. , , . , , Q We need men In oil these deparimcntj n oparation which is an essential Industry. u' . WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bun,pc ' MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay Lumber G. s".", 'in :; ::sjr So,3 o 5ji blcrount (or Payment in Advene 9, Dl.raunt lor Payment hf WW Ad. received bj lioe P I" . wHl PPr ' IP SOU'RE PMiK 1 iK(i ufus poh 5 VOOR VOCAU NOBLE IDEA.MAOC, CORDS CATCH FiCl FEjOM. BUT VNHY MO v r"- EUPANSDITf YOU VdUekTS.r4oTEe. PLEfVSE IDENTIFY FRICTION), RUM th" flr.1 ! " "neelled calllnn 3134 b 10" am. ' VOURSELF -"ARB')'. YOUR. EYtb (OVER. PAGE T0O OF TWIS Mkn PFKXT Ip.KA OUT DIHI'LAY cie.m. type' mu.l b In th day hetnr publico. vol) Mr3oc . KOOPLE OK. OUt)T 6RfUJD OPERA ESCORTS AMU THfcK,; T rM-&rs. . AMD PROFESSIONS W. tUMtvV ? KIT.- u. r.uun " -'" - ,, , rill A. Rodi.r., Mua i.vrii. V'l'nNISHI!n""AnA"'rlTMliNT- - Phnnj , , AkMD THERE WON'T BE WifK ftr ' Wm BIT OF K30TBM.L UNTIL EVERY LJjl t- V mm It-B n 3k lTOMlNJtrie , NEXT FEW ROUMDS i ---.-j - - i-iak ' ' HEROES ARe'mAPE MOT BQRM iTRvVHAMWWl Red Ryder By Fred Harmon PUT LITTLE rxOLLT A ulWCINSj CLOW , y- r'AS REO Wl35 . kflD-Llrt BF. I'LL GET . j& I I SHOT XW J1 . 'ii , " ! r I ' KEiJKOirjE . 1 TOON A HAf)1jJ Wash Tubbi By Leslie Turner r HOPE I T VTiS NEARLy..DU5, FELLAS TIME TO 6ET f YOtm. U5E Trtt ROX A NEW EXPLOSIVE I TAXB ANOTHEA X CAM STARTEP. IF EVERy MAM DOES HIS ASSIISNED BROUfiHT, SEB6EANT. TiS MORE POWERFUL U, LOOK AT TH' CAPTAIM, INTO THIS 1 MS WELL WWSHT, WE'LL ME THRU OKAV J THAM TNT AND STICKS WELL TO SURrACES. i FELIPE, AM' NEVER F0Rarr MONKEV row SS r HERE ARE THE PETWATORS 1 - 7 5 WHAT HE HAD TH' HEART f SOT you lAr x ' I ' iooukebA to attempt towisht HOLD EVERYTHING! i Preekler and ?HiS F riend ' By Bleeser USD,1UHXS NO WAV 'f MV TEACHER.' . I 0 Lv -St , Come 1& ROOM IPLIKP IO DISCUSS V6UE.CAMMI6M METHODS WlTU 5SS?2ND Y0U VE BEQJ KISSIN V fMAV I ASK WUAT. .W6 GIBlS' 'N ANI EFFORT TO j4lVPE CVATHLETICS' iNrUiEMce their, votes; 1 ndu're TkviNa To - 1 r) 1. r VS, , f I BE COMMISSIOMEC iff v ? VM V op? ' f COPa. I W BY W1A &CRVKX MC T. M. itML U. . rk.Otl. II- g awt mum trnwr. t. h wg it a nr. err "Well, good night sco you to morrow, same placcl" LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Of BFARINO 0 FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IB nereny nivsj.r undcrttfntd, John E. Gentry nd Velma Etna Gentry, defeated, have filed ihelr final Awouni m '"Xr?,.h tv and Monday. November 20, IBM. at the hour or ien ociocn n. v";: court room 01 taia oir. m ' Moute at Klamath TalU. Oregon, hat been ror nenrmg wnjci,,,. to and to the leltlement thoreof. .no " D N E GENTnv hk uinvun.T. Executor, of the Estate of J. Etna Gentry, aeceatcn 1-U: N. 1-S No. JM. ' iarJt.ff;-wrr! v-.:.-. - - -' - - - ir"--rk -v. . ' loots and He. Buddies . ..".' .':' -!v . .: By Martin WHO STOVE. OO CKZ- .11 II v.ri' . ifai Vk-i g 1 Yb A. ChftVi6tO. VtRSOK) fWE.Y. "ttVE.G'RAM . l I las " m Or ,VYS ?SOM VY OSA -XT' ww. fffl tf nfT iJt-tvx me. t. u.VA U, I FT. off. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE Ur Uncuun tun iifnmnwi -rlTMTV IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Of GEORGE RINt-'AIU. lwchwo. -Mtif ( horchv stlvi-n that I have been appointed Executor of the I-t Will nri Tfinmnnt ana eniaie ri ufarxn riu- cald. deceaied. All person havlnf claim! agalntt tald estate are required to present them Vith the proper vouchers to me at office of William Gnnoni. 724 Main Street. Kiamam rant, urcjion, within six mortini irom anw narcoi. Dated November 1, 1944. .. JOHN E. H. KEATING. Executor of Bald estale. N. 1-8-15-02 No. 214. FOR SAI.V tna acra farm, all under cuUlvallnn ...ri irr.Batlnn Fine, fleap Bandy soli. er1lritt potato ground. Two modern lioniet and other euimtuniniB. iirin just out of Malln. Prlea VM pr arra -aoi down, liaUure on tarn.B, 4-room modern hnme. furnished one ere tract, located at ananv rne. Price 1S00. 9AO0 down, balance like rent. . FOR BAl.f. A-room modern hnme with far If In- rated on North (lih. clo In. Imme diate occupancy, i.touq. lerma nee Henry Newhouie - , at T. B. WAITER S - Realtor 01ft Main St. Phont 41M K1043 EVtllingBI ll'fl FOR SALE H section, all tillable. l 3 cash, a miles win, u imnn Dairy. R. C. Blgelow, llH WIU. RKU EQUITY In home on South Carroll. Phone mil. Darsatn. n-io TOR SALE-One Bulck car radio, wood lathe, hp, motor, iot jonnion. U-B FOR SALE -Cabbage 4c Ib.t carrots Ac in.; parnniprt w m.; mix mw.n 1 It. mill nnrlhwesl of Malln. John Konilk. 13-8 FOR 5AI.E-1 daveno bed and rhalr. newly recovered, 1 studio couch: 1 used bed studio couch: 1 used pre-war davennort and chair: 1 newly recov ered davenport and chair, Carlson Mattresa Unholsterlng. 340S 8, 0th. 11-10 PLACE YOUR ORDER for geese, for Thanksgiving now. Lewis Poultry Farms. Phont 4500. 11-15 WANTED -Furnished house or apart men l by couple. No children or pet. L, C, Sllkman, Pelican Hotel. 11-10 WIU PAY CASH or trade good elec tric ranee for las range. Phone IM0 WANTED Child's large tricycle for Christmas; 'also matireas or studio couch or daybed. Write P. O. Rnv 203. Klamath Fells. 11-0 HOI.' 5 1 WANTED USO worker with wife and small child need 7 or 3-bed room unfurnished house or apartment by December. J., Call W. Richard Meyers, Hotel Wlnenui. 41 ni. . ii-io WANTED - Part-time help on poultry farm. Lewis Poultry Farms. Phone 4380. V 11-10 : . HELP WANTED KNOT BUMPERS, BUCKERS .CHOKER SETTERS- At Our Camp Near Klamath Folk BEATTY LOGGING CO, Coll t Our Office, 123 North 6th St. tost and found LOST - cnlor. . String of rosary beads, IMS Auburn. dark U-i LOST "T" ration book, ford. 1340 California. A. M. Brad-11-8 LOST-Gray leather folding purse tn Wards or Scars. Contained "A" book and "D" book and ration books, Re turn to Herald and Ncwf, Homer, Smith. 11-0 WANTED -Position as apartment man ager. Write Box 1434, car Herein and News. . ll-fl FOR SALE-4-room house and 6 acres. Good barn, chicken house, brooder house, woodshed and garage. Hi, .1. Box 347. J. E. Baldack. , .11-10 FOR SALE- 10 acres Irrigated land, one mile south of Ashland on Highway 99. Buildings, city water, block from school. $4000. Geo. Yokel. Phone 3981, Ashland. 11-14 FOR RALE 1B.13 Pont lac sedan, good condition, good rubber. aoo. Call between 8 and 4 at S. P. ticket of fice. After 4 p. m., call at 333 Mor timer. 11-10 FOR SALE- Wurlltier cabinet radio W Colonial Jr. wood range 930; also want to buy cot or day bed. 734 N. 10th. a 118 FOR SALE 10-gauge shotgun.- Link River Cottage No. 33 after 3:30 p. m. 11-9 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. i JN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WALLACE H. CASEBEER. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the admin istration of the above entitled estate, and that the Court has appointed De cember 1. 1944. at 10:00 A. M. as the time for hearing objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. ELSIE CASEBEER. Executrix of said estate. NY 1-8-15-23 No. 213. FARMERS! Running water, electric lights, refrigerator, radio. You ran have all these with a Montgomery Ward Electric Power Plant. 30 dif ferent pi xnts to choose from. 884.30 to 97io tr.o.D, factory!, come in now. Get complete priority Information at your Ward store. Montgomery Ward. 9th and Pint. 11-10 Alley Oop By V. T. Homlirt AVES. BUT THEVLL HAVE " A CHANCE T0 9fOT-US.fi ANU WHAT WITH THE RUMPUS WE , KICKED UP 6ETTIM6' OUT. THE WHOLE CITY WILL Bb ATHIRST FOR OUR BLOOC CK-iRM, t- -AkVBINTBfe? WEApSnI'IhI I MAKE IT BACK GATES jCPEM hgKfe hfi&i?giff?$ BETWEEN Will -.f ' J.1 l . -. . "-r.-- ..'... wllT ' just I HAFTA a. risk rr.'l jkl Little. Orphan Anqie By Harold Gray ou auTMtiMfi! SHE'S fvWFUL! ftLI.- 9 Th KlbS KNOW HOW SHE . TBcfi-tR aMMie !' 5 t t"MM,'ryii ei0;t;iuaw m f TVT-.MRa 7l ,ftHftH iu!i NOT I k lS,'ft " V " 'T- . 'F PEOPLE S-"BUT CALLING PEOPLE NAMES DOES NO GOOD" WE . Must "THINK OF SOMETHING MAMA. WHY T WONbEPUtT CANT I HAVE I WE'LL bQ IT; JANE'" I A PARTY AND I ON SATURDAY J J annie? hPft:imP Ration Calsndar War Price and Rationing Board. 4.10 Main atreet. Office hours dally. 0:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.: Saturday, 0:30 a. m. to 2 d. m. Phone 8181 for all Informa tion. All applications must be MAILED In to the War Price and Rationing Board at 430 Main atreet, and NOT presented in ' person - SUOAR Ration hook 4 Sugar slam pi 30 through 33 valid Indefinitely, S pounds eacn. sugar stamp 40 valid through Feb. 28. .1943 lost S pounds home can ning only. For mora canning sugar, ap ply local board using spare stamp 37. PROCESSED FOODS- BLUE STAMPS-ratlon book 4-An through 28 and AS through W9 valid indefinitely, MEAT. BUTTER, CHEESE- RED STAMPS - ration book 4-A8 through Z8 and AS through P3 good in' definitely. V OA50LINE-"A" 13 expires December ai, Eacn coupon worth 4 gallons. Cou pone not valid unless endorsed. "B" oi "C" coupons may be renewed within, but not before IS days from date on cover of dook. FUEL OIL Period 4-8 coupons and new period 1 coupons valid through August 31. 1049. Not more than 7T. nf season's rations should be used to date. STOVES Apply local board tor pur chase certificates. SHOES Book 3 airplane stamps 1-2-3 valid Indefinitely. RENT CONTROL All rental property must be registered by November 18. PRICE CONTROL Refer Inquiries and complaints to price clerk at local office, . WOOD. COAL, SAWDUSTDHIvery by priorities based on written statement of needs SHOES Book 3 Airplane stamps 1-2 valid Indefinitely. New stamp valid No vember I. Loose stamps Invalid, WOOD, COAL, SAWDUST Delivery by' priorities based on written state ments of needs. PRICE CONTROL Refer Inquiries ind complaints to price clerk at local board RENT CONTROL All rnntaj dwellings must he registered by landlords before November 15. - - WANTED-Late model pickup, 111 Tulclake. O, U Hodges. Phona 11-10 WANTED Garage vicinity of 2020 Dsr row St. Call .nana afier 8 p, m, 1 1 -to Mf)e)tina Notice Kl.m.in nil. Aerie No. 3090. Iteaulei m.etlnf ev.ry 1 "-v da; Dlfht, S r.O.E. hall. i I Walnut V i membere .cort,.!' Invlt.d. if CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 MMtlni. lit and 3rd W.dn.iday eve. nlnjn of each month, 7:30 p. m., at Labor Temple. 423 Main. C. D. LONG, See. and B A. Office Open 7:00 to 9:00 P. M. Ev.rr Wednesday. Phont S337 U-4m Lost and Found LOST - On Merrlll-Malln nljnw.y. DeJur exposure meter, black xlppor ca.e. Reward. Phona collect, Phyllle Beardaley, S914. lOSttf LOST-Lady'a red leather purae con taining 2 billfold., flax caa. and fla.ie., btitlt-ln picture of aoldler. Write Zd(ar Leo Wait, Merrill. Re- ' General Mottctt NOW OPEN EL PADRE' For the Best CHICKEN and STEAK DINNERS . Our Chef - Mickey Dwan DANCE TO Pete Colley Piano Frank Curry Trumpet ' Pat Drums Sll Hawaiian Guitar BAR SERVICE ll-30mc 1 1 Attention! AH High School Ilovs Interested in Forming a Model Airplane Club Meet at 7:00 p.' m Thursday (Noy. 9) POOLE'S BICYCLE STORE 10 8rTlcw . Refriqeratior Service . KELVINATOR , Factory Autliorlied Service , Household and : . . ' . Commercial Phone 6617 0REC0N EQUIPMENT CO. 127 So. 6th St ll-llm PLUMBING i service: Plumbing i Heating Equipment Installed and nepalrcd , DAVIS PLUMBING CO.; ST - 1 We Hurry Plione 763S'- 11-10 Falls Upholstery and .Rug Service' v. Cleaning and Mothproofing.! 'Use Again Same Day' 10 Se .ice. CALI ROBINSON'S DELIVERyl ... i-none 73 n.n ""' i-iirccli , n..,,, .. Drllv.u. n'" Hours-10:00 ,. m,.Mo 13 health , ' PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME . 1S3 Grnlt st Aslilund, Orcioo Phone 7001 Graduate Nurso Id I . Help Wintej rtm.lT - "WANTED Laboratory And : X-Ray Technicior 122 S. 7th Dr. Wayne MacAtee : Wanted NURSES 6014 8 to 9 A. M PHONE . ' 6056 1 After 6 P. M. 128 Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR 'TUNE-UP .. 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage. 216 Old Fort Road -Phone 7034 before 8.00 or after 5:30 P. M. , For General Slid Wi Salary ' ' $180.00 per month 8 rour day 6-day vA APPLY Dr. M.H;R. Luke; Klamath Indian Ancncy i Klnmnth Agency Oregon ceii WANTED - HouHKMPSf. I amelored ladr with son ifNti once. Write or phont pUtA Nurse. W. K A., Nrwtll. Cttf I WANTCD-Eldf rlr wotnin ta si housework, modirn comtBml Bi.1fl, WANTED Bookksepsr from la 4v. wmmk. 1.00 Mr hM 1 mi ea out civ. rmm WANTED Girl fnr hwMweTk B of 1 children, mom ' " FALLS ELECTRIC . AND GENERAL REPAIRING Light Plant. Oeneratore, KJeetrta Motor. Rewound and Repaired. Ga. Engine. Overhauled and Re ' paired. Agent for D.eo Light Plant and Batlerlaa. 633 St. Francis St. Ph HOMI LAUNDRY Phone !P)3S. . 1I-IS HOfllKRY MFNDID SIIS Summer. Lane. Phono UU. - 11-10 CARPENTER REPAIR, wanted. Phone 43g. remodel work 1377 tr WILL DO rUR MENDINO-Mre. Harney. Call 3ota after S:30 p. an Sill nar row. ll- SEPTIC -TANKS CLEANED -Have mo dern equipment Call 3330. Ed f. King. 11-1 WANTED Window wa.hlng. Phone eito. , ll-U DIS1IMAN SHOE SHOP, M I. Main, now open for bu.lne... Expert .ho. repelrlng. Work taken .la ever7 day. : 24-hour aervlc. . . ll-S ELECTROLUX CLEANERS. . eompleU aervlc. Phona 717. 1031 Main St ll-SOme SPENCER COnftETTERB Mr. Enid Bureh. (31 Oak, 7316 for appolntmenL phon ll-tm PHONE 'taM FOR SPRAY PAWTmO or guarantead nw ' roof. lssltf SEPTIC Ulled. TANKS CLEANED Phone - 7033. ' 1 and In-1S-9S FOR MACHINERY TROtlBLB and IB- alio electrical appliance re- .1.11. lion, pair, phon 7S10, 3Mtl THEODORE DICKSON. 'Upholettring. furniture Shop, uphol.terlng. repair ing, reflnl.hlng, eprlnga reconditioned. Phone 4917. 3041 Shaata Way. 11 AVON PRODUCTS Phon 144, . Mra, Purl Roe.. U-ltm SEWINO MACHINE SERVICE, all make.. Phoh 6771. 3316 Shait Way. 11-Bm RION PAINT1NO - Robt. O. , Orltmen, Phona 6067, 170B Pierce SI. ll-30mc HEMSTITCHJNO DRESSMAKINO. Button, and Buckle covered. Alteration on new and old clothing, Mr.. H. M. Allender, -731 Main, Room an. i Phi' 7393, ll-SOm MAKE YOUR DATE In advance for paperhangera at J. E. Patlereon and Ron Paint Store, 132 la.t Mali). Phon 3334. ll-30m HOME NURSERY-Phon 363S. 11-13 OIIITAR INSTRUCTOR wantt hidenU. Call afler S ab IMS victory Drive. Sh.ila view homing project,. 11.13 ALTERATIONS, Coat", llll rellned and made to order, Mra, Zwaifart. H Lowell. Phon S34. ll-SOm HOusEKEEPra wNnp-ciil .lay or go nom. nil"-. ' after 1:30 p. m. WAi.rED w.ltreu ana tub. eaan preferred. Applr Coffe Shop. .kn-wn iwt, taunUIn Pll I lane not r.qulrl. ApplI La. H.ndrlck. Dru, B 1 1 WANTXD-Wom.o "IjI eml-lnvelld o. ""I Main, ... . U.MR lA lMk "dn duhng th. d-r weeks, On Aiiamoni Help W!SJSU '.. Wanted ;hinnina ano Clerk ttmrm ll 1111 excellent, V&i Job that not only J l.-..i- .olorv. nut Wl ...i nnnnrtunlty 1 m, business with future wnnrforfnl chance W ( , nott-war w program. This may opporiuniiy In and talk It .over. -" ' ASK FOR MR. FIS Sears, Roebuck ... .(.. tj mrA Krr,ensrrOitr - ' "gleaner., I" J wdoTTTRlBrSiv"' . Peylon c"' ifELP WANTED- ... Wanted il . Reliable, Stead .....linllU'l ; Stock Roof Sears, Aikf. MR. FISHE Roebuck