HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE ELEVEN Market A.ifltations I ,.!,.' " Ul.l l"S.nl ' i . inllrl av.ragii fJ?','I.""" mi :;. Irflor...i. ii BoU . I, CM"" - . " ill l W" irt , I V at s'"1 ; . ,id oil -- ,1 SIMM - (in - nut UHl ,; WMM ... inn ... an. .. i ii. ... ii .. a" . 4n .13111 , in'. . r. . nna . Vii . :ivi . a.1, . ir . fl:i . lit'. .... v. ai 1 lit it ... . m r ;uv W, 'i .... U't IB IHI ' in1. Potatoes Yonki Set Up Gun Battery On Leyte mfjzjaM- Muni in. . n . ruT-iiiiijrr' M.mnrji.BUZk ifc'XlV m - tint B (rti'- r -' (tAOO, No'. ,,. M7 ,g,. KtS "f-:r.w,"n.,iTi riirfMi..i''..s'.j"u'.. LIVESTOCK L-AND. Ort.. Nov. A r.nrft; Ei-riiidJi otl lou common 1400-rWi wwiiiim ilreUei to JE??ow;Urely KVJS fl.M, can- r:.hu down u no iwiuw. rWmftfmm heel eowi M.50- mon-nwoiui'i Ai.rni intal ) Mil; merkel irtM, niMtiy as cnu hutwr; wiw. )J lllhl Hh II3 1S-U SO. tootl hur olfi ouolahl dl.l 1314 XI. lllM. mrdium-ltKHl irede ll 0U- 4ium-ood thnrn lmt fll.W: indra to 113 00, (0(I 7A-H.I itdinf limbl HO 'Ml, ctiiU tAlntil HOO-f OO; food ewu 3 W-7S; cum ;jia to MW. ICAQO. Nor. H tAP-WFAt SaUbla HOT; UUI II jw; nw, a-w iriua liin Tiitdy'i avtraKv1 on weltfhU k 4ewn: hfivitr weiinu end iowi il 111 DO. hulk food end choice lU 11140-14 50: top 114 SO; few flit 11.73-14 33; food clearance. nlUt 9000; lotel 0,wo. Mlerile itoo; totil loog; gnoil end c ho ire ind xiirllnd, active, atroui lo hlihir; rommmt and medium fully Meady hut ilow; top ft to AO. jrtlrllnn: heit weighty iteera . Mtrm IIT Wi bulH fed Btritra iirllnit 114 00-Uon. hulk hfra n: an tnntr hilling ciaitc afllrt; Wflihiv i utter rows lo nat nnntrt W XV 6 00; built very it Iisoo down; itik raid firm mo; choice we tern yearling t iharn y0. total 7.VM; few w!m ftillr lfdy. ('altered lott fA ehclee nalve elaughtftr Iambi ltB;m hld hlaher. early aalei i lUmhttr awei t.van down i Krd!n t trade; three Inadi mwny no. I pelta 14 00. FREE ( mm bob ' Amid bulldlnqi rulntd by rtratlng Nlpponti, an American anti-aircraft battasy lata up 111 guns on Layta liland, whara Can. MacArthur'i lorcai ara lighting to rotaka tha Phlllpplnat. (AP pnoto irom iiflnai corpn. WHEAT CMICAOO. Nov. I (API Grain fu ture ntarketa, it rone; at the itarl today, eaicd back under the prrtture of profit taking but later recovered part of ihelr I , Wheat and rc ihuwed the great I galm. Hhurt covering at the opening met a acari-lty of offering until piirei Jmd advanced etibilatillally, llntlng order were In alt market and traded ihownl tin inclination lo pren the it-ltlna ude. The deferred contract. thoe extending tnlo the new crop year and the new presidential term, war relatively strong ail. Trad aourcei declared flrmneea of the markoli indicated a belief that govern ment price aupport program for farm roinmodlllei. epeclally Ihoae perlalnlng tn gralm and llveatock. will l con tinued with th llooiovell admlnlitra tion. On the lelback In rye rnmmUilon homee ahaorberl tba offering!. When local abort tried to cover later they found little of the grain for lale and prtraa rebounded nickly. The trade in wheat wa mixed. Rest ing drntand for th May contract al about l.A(H wai In tha markrl. At the rloia wbrat wai unchanged to He higher than Monday's flntih. De cember l.64l'. Corn was tio lower to lie higher. December S1.00U'1.. Oati were up to I lc, Iecemler 64"iC. rtye ttm I lo I'iC higher. Oeremlwr I.ta'cl l.t. Harlry wa unchanged to ,c higher, Dcemler I1.031.,. WEATHER Tnnday, Nevemher T. 1014 Max. Mln. Preclp- Etigena ,. fid 411 Trace Klamath Fall! ... 47 .14 .tin flacramtmto fto 41 .no North Hand - !W Vi .0(1 Portland M M ,n.i Medford M 4T .00 Iteno M J .00 Kan Franclico AO 43 .00 fealtl M M .23 Courthouse Records Cemnlalnls Fllftf Gllheti O, En y art versus Ida Mae Enyart. Suit for divorce, charge cruel and Inhuman treatment. Couple inarrlrd November 2l, 1030- In Eureka. Calif. Plaintiff aka custody of three minor rhlldren. Merry matt and Napier, at torneys for plaintiff, Nettle Nappo vertut Joseph Nappo. ftuit for divorce, charge deiertlon. Couple married In Hrooklyn. N. Y.. Au inn 15. 1042. W. Lamar Townsend, at torney for plaintiff. Juillra Court Grtorga Harris, assault and battery Fined 10 days. Vernon I'rcilry l.ucas. ope rat I nf motor vehicle as private carrier without per mit. Fined 910. , Wayne Arthur Marts, operating motor ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET. . . TELLS HOW TO PREVENT COOUNQ SYSTEM TROUBLES THAT LEAD TO BIO. 'bMaatak .. . fu-WK bills, WASTE OAS, OIL AND ANTI-FRF"E P CAR OWNER SHOULD NAVE THIS BOOKLET 'Jj.jw.tachnlc.llana.i agahow "y V. (o pr.Tni CSZ!,.ndK"',"fn"nn,ta- bbUf ,d":t !tohantail "lota thoy MUM , brMk- WiM-r1,11' w ""Ihtalntnrnwllv.book. as, Lie. - VM kind of anU-fnmt $!uuU i "T.I.. Oara af Vaar eaaltas tyataiii" will balp koep your oar or track run ning for tha duration and longarl Eapaclally raluabla to war werkara. ml aa ai.aty ' rf a abaalirtaly fia. Du Pont, maiar o( laadinf anti fraaaa and othar oooting aya tarn produsta, haa publlahad thia bnoklat aa a publle aarvloa to oar owner. Send tha coupon or a poatai r 1 'or your copy today. mm mini i "KRONE" and "ZEREX" Antl-frM . mn thinoi ro Hma imno . 1 1 tmouoit emiirv B. I. ds Ponl da Namama a. Co. (W noom um N, NMsoura Bulldtai Wllralniton 08, Ualanara riiuua Mn4 ma, wllhniit anr oMItalfaa. 0a haaklat "Taka C.ra of Your Cooling Bytfm ' vvhlcl. without rltaranr. lampi. Flnad .M. Ollv. Shirk Spalding, falling to atop at atop sign, rinacl S5 30. Lillian Virginia Slry.kal alias Lillian Johnio.i, larceny o( car. Held for 11000 ball. OBITUARIES M ARtiAftKT "MAtllllt:" Cltll.OQITIN Margaret "Maggie" Chlloquln, a real dent of Oregon tor th past 31 years, passed away at Klamath Agency. Ore., on Monday, November 8. IU4. The de ceased was a native of Suklyou county, Calif., and was aged 41 ycori. 8 month And 11 days when called. She la sur vived by four sons, Pvl. Rveinnd. U. S. army. Mississippi: Pvl. Edson. tl. S. army. New (iulnea; Wlnfield and Melvln, both of Chlloquln, Ore.; one daughter, Iluth Chllogulu of Chlloquln, Ore.; one hrother, Archl Chlpps of Beatty, Ore., and thre sisters. Dora Decker. Phoenix, Or., Clndla Crume and Nettle .Smith, both of Sprague (liver. Ore. The re mains rest at Ward's Klamath Funeral home, 02A High, where friends may call. Notice of funeral arrangements will be announced later. Funeral home. Pin at Sixth, where friends mav call after ft D. m. Wedr day. Notice of funeral to b announced in this liaue of the paper. FUNERAL i.ouisr CIIAVER Funeral aervlcet for the lale Lnulia Cravar. who pa.ir-d away In San fran. ci.co, uaui., monaay. novemoer B, ma. fnllowlna an extended lllneaa will ba held In the chapel of the Karl Whltlock runerai nome. I'lne at Nlxtn on Thurs day, November 0. 1044 at 11 a. m, with the Rev. Cecil C. Brown of tha Flrat llaptut church of thla city officiating. Commitment aervlcea and Interment lami.y plot in unkvlll. cemetery, Friend, are Invited. Bricker Sees Hopes For Yictory Lost COLUMBUS. O.. Nov. 8 IIP) In the exricutlvc office where for six ycara lie nerved aa citizen No. 1 of Oiilo, Gov. John W. Urickcr early today watched election returns trickle across his desk rcturni that spelled defeat, at least for now, of his ambitions to move to Washing ton. From a radio at his side he heard New York's Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, republican president ial nominee, concede the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt to fourth term. Twenty-five minutes later, Bricker, as Dewey's running mate, issued this brief state ment: "I have done all within my ability to carry the issues as I saw them to the American peo ple. They have spoken. I con gratulate the winners and shall do all I can to aid in the war effort and making our country stronger and better." tat no DtyNlminrlipttiipr Di km (nl beadacky aftir iitlat? Di yon pt sour or .pit iisilyT Da yss fill tlrsd lUtlsts? Do you feel headachy and upwt du to poorly digested food? To feci cheerful nd happy again your food roust b digested properly. Each day, Nature n.iut produce about two pints of a vital dizestlv juic to help digest your food. If Nature fails.' your food may remain undigested leaving you headachy and Irritable. Therefore, you must increase the flow of this digestive juice. Carter's Little Liver Pills increase this flow quickly often In as little aa 80 minutes. And. you're on the r?d to ftaling better. Don't depend on artificial aids to counteract Indigestion when Carter 'a Little Liver Pills aid digestion after Na ture's own order. Take Carter's Little Liver Pills as directed. Get them at any drugstore. Only 10 and 26V. Poe Valley Ruby Kester was a shopper In Klamath, Falls from here one day this week. Junior Kcater is driving a potato digger for the Holmes brothers. Word was received here from Mrs. Hallie Haines from Port land, where she went for medi cal treatment, that she feels a lot stronger and Is anxious to come back to her family. Emll Wells is doing some plow ing for Vic Brown this week. Buck Rodger bought the Holmes' ranch and plans to llva ' there. " . . , -. Tha Frank ' Sullivan family were shoppers In Klamath Fall Monday. Affections are never stolen when kept where they belong. cfli-ora Eaa.T4.vc tin M ION WAV ? SOUTH HIONWAV 1 fOUTHj T-QMIGHT o CAL-ORE Present: Abbie Green HIS Band CS1TIIVCRI1 B HieHWAV T SOUTH Playing Every Night Except Monday CAL-ORT. Tflvcttn sj HI6HWAY fT fOUTM I.OUISK ( SAVER Loul.e Craver. former re.ldent of thl. rny nut lor ine la.t 10 yoara making her home In Nan Franclico. Calif., pa.ted away In thai city on Mondav. Novem- I her 6 .1044 at ll.l.l p. m. following an i extended Mine... She wai a native of Vanlli. Texae and at the time of her f death wa, aged 72 year, 7 month, and I 1" day,. Surviving are one aon. Loul, ; n. braver or ini, city and two daugh ter,. Mr. Zalda M. Jonet and Mlu clhal Craver of Ran Franclico. Calif.: two brnlheri, David Vlckera of Meicllla Park. New Mexico and Thoma, Vlcken of Jerome. Arlrnna. alio one grandchild. The remain, re. I In tha Earl Whltlock DEVELOPING ENLARGING PRINTINC PHOTO SERVICE 211 Underwood Bldg. POTATO GROWERS Get Our Deal Before You Se Dehydration Buyers Terminal Market Shippers CALL JACK MEZGER 7232 NEW CAR ySKJ UVI I .J A . 1 - (Si ' ! . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmcmmmmmmJ i (J 1 WASHING MACHINE it. ' . .;i 'An. .. ."i t'.i IX l -'A )HW4n . i t ar, A ,? 4 nmniwtnr"Jni i TO-Xp' ' I i, r'fPsti1 '! All of these radios, new ears, washing machines, refrigerators, 'vacuum cleaners, new homes and many other necessities -r- will be available after victory. Be certain of your share by saving nowT a Savings Account at XLAMATH FALLS BRANCH QOTEi sums SABLE-DYED J lilt jkjll CONEY FUR COATS Mi - fjf : 13 f "ilj 1: i , II TeTMPORTAWlSAVlNC5:oiiTm' ' (slpopularjityli? ItXgeXt fMetof -v. ' - - . puri12longwar!ngbautiful loblcJycirconeyThjxedothjVjeoarl Gtjarontol by a ROSECRAFT. Fur Bond forJ.iyprblqualifyIandoHronhi TOSTOBtB EdsyPaymenfi win coir Cosh,' if you' w?i A Roiecroftfur Bond guaron-; . .. tlyl, quality and.workmanthio, .-jt mncn e if 27 branches fn Oregon Member f. D, I, C