APPLIANCE ocdAIRS lu ' "V.. eutrivsi ic- f. u n"'" is.uf i nnrutor Motor Rebui 8t" " .ioni, ..Atnu TUNE' ,. ycri' Exii!i-' Elmer inpp Urnnnp Gq r W1 i i ... rtlJ t,'rtl- ItlHH J". " ? :-,ri B:( P". .eVsO P, M. live ' v I 1 1 i MiiillWIMil Health n W . . . . i PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME J3 Granite St. Attilond. Oregon Phoin 7001 Nurso In Charge i WANTED Laboratory And X.Roy Technician Dr. Wayne MocAtee ktlD - Houkxrtr. refined, (or l&iti liar with ion ifert si, at U Writs pr pliono coltnft. Chwf W. It. A.. ntwB". ..-ml: HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ilcling UP IIICO i rage 00 or l.4m ifHALT ROOFS APPLIED frCo Eslimaics. All Types. Cuarontced i AH1R 133811 sat Wanted Fomiilt fcltD-Gtierlr woman to do IliM uwntk. mrxicrn convflniincei. in. krrD-Botflikwpfr from to 13. sin nptrwrm, iioopfr noiir.-rnree ml oi cny, mono dim mD.Lidy or man for elavatnr kriLrr Apply In per ion, nisnaaer HOW. 117 mo XiMrUneH fountain flrl n alio car hop. Call B.VW 16171 Standard OMtl rUD-filrl for housework and rare j tularin. Pnont 7010, MWH iJEKtEPER WANTED. Can l.h.i p k o homa mihta. Call 1A4.1 ki p. m. 11.0 rta-Wltrtu and rtlihWMh.f. H P trtfmtd. AddIv aiMar tnr, - ti-9oqa laimiain fin. KXper I SM MflUiratfl Annlv In I Itndrlrhi tlrix ait. loaotf fTED-Woman to kln n A .... - -v. rsrmaiieni work. M rlD-Wflman lo take ear of you a gBa a week, boo Htlp Wanted, Mil Wanted ShiDDrna nnrl Receiving Clerk ll III P.YCrltrnt Mn,..nMi 111,. I'wiiiuiiium not only pay. g00d r """y. oui arroi-fls 'rmnumy to iDnrn ft Ms w th f - i... ,Ihls n,B.:.b,: big F0R MR. FISHER rs Roebuck & Co, isogtf K" s;.',ij. 1 ft,k , " loy to N or E.Ji '" or ""J how una Willi d' Clii'rSJ" ClMnl" Mnm. "Sir - 383411 r nwon Wanted K-Steady Man' , Warehouse or Room Work ' ' Ask for M. HSHER s' ebuck & Co. KS3"P" muff llolei7 wlft in inl nouns oy. rh. 110 10 BtrrlcM PACE SEVEN 10 Htrvicoi ANNOUNCING Rooponinq of EARNEST'S BLACKSMITH. NG & WELDING WORKS At The Same Old Location 5)5 Drood Phono 7586 EAHNIiST ANI3 IIIIACKMAN Opcrnluri Spselal Attention Given to Farmers Needs. Old ond New Cuslomors Welcome i ff'-P Jfd;! Main II Htlp Wanted, Mai 11-7 If you want to. work In o longing camp, sawmill or lumber yard where conditions oro good, coll ot the office or phone 5116 belwccn 8.30 and 4 30 p. m, W need men In all these departments of our operation which is on essential industry. WOODS: Chokor Sellers ond Knot Bumpcr MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pel ican Bay Lumber Co. TF . HELP WANTED ' KNOT BUMPERS, BUCKERS AND CHOKER SETTERS At Our Camp Near Klamath Falls BEATTY LOGGING CO. Cull at Our Office, 123 North fllli St. 11-10 Slluatlem Wanted WANTBD-'llouitwork by Mm hour. tin. Ill 3 00 riwmooiu. Write IUrlfl NftWl. Box 1430. .l CAPAHl.I WOMAN will Ink. rare nl rhlldrn evanlni. an,l Saturday, rait liar a p. m. 1123 Walnut. 11-7 30 Room and Board ROOM. nOAito Gentlaman. taei era.- ll-lft ii Rooma For Rant SIjrPINn BOOM - a.nll.jn.n only Pnon 7620 avenlnia. Maail nooMS-eu nnh. ROOM rOR RCNT-lma Jalterarm 2B Houiet For Rent Wh'!h '"N": room with nrlvale v" ... .rrvire rnupia lor wilai BMlatanra In homework. Modern homa, 2 amall children. Phono mm. 11-7 TRtmKft .On MWM-r. . .ava tira nearon Kerv. LJ-llL-jJjiM n Qui 28 MltcelUneou- For Rant .CTRIC ri.OOR BANDRRS and adrer ranted. Do your own work. Inquire Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WAnU co- ll-SOnt Real Eitata) for Salt FOR SALE 5-room home. 2 blocks north of Main street, full basement, au tomatic oil furnace, electric writer henter. Immediate pos-sc.-sion. Price $5300.00 3-bcflroom home on Crescent avenue, full basement, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, uuuuiu piumoin. Price $5500 00 SEE FRED COFER Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8th Phone 41f)5 11-3 ron nKNT-rioor ..n.lrr.. ediari and wallpaper rrmovlng machine.. J r. Pallerion Paint Store, rhona iMi 30 Real Etfet For rial HOT SPRINGS Distinctive 6-room home on El dorado,. Has fireplace, concrete ".ocnicni, on lurnacc, recrea tion r n a m ti,mn l... - .... t.ui.u.t. 1,1L1IIIUII1J. Immediate possession. IRRIGATED RANCH a. we.-., a. nllfl Willi 127 arrti itnrfn ri.1titroiinn a room modern house, born and fnlfn, pototoM, pena, wheot. run pnee ipio.uuu, icrms. CHILCOTE & SMITH in n. mi, Phone 4584 mmediate Possession 3-room modern home located on wtntcrs, Just off Summers lane, finished In knotty nine. Floored nttle could be used for addi tional bedroom. H acre of good ground. $2000, $1000 down, bal ance $27.00 per month. R. P. OLIVER 111 So. 8th Immediate Possession 8-rotim modern house, located on Crescent, situated on a large corner tot with plenty of gar den space. $2800 S500 down. Dalancc easy monthly payments R. P. OLIVER 111 So. 8th Phone 4710 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR izi IM. Bin Phono 8491 ll-lm 3-ROOM MOUSE and a3 acre: 4 mllei r. oi tiamain Fall.: avnllhle water, llfht.. telephone. $I3M. Ea.v term.. Kllka, 410 rcarton Dlda., Portland "re 1 1 -in Phone 4710 118 For Sale 6 ACRES LAND Highly Improved. Fenced and Cross-Fenced. Modern 7-noom House, Lots of outbttlldlnKS. 3623 Anderson Ave. Close to Airport. 11-13 FOR BALK Sheop paalure, 3411 acie airaira and ilmoiny nuxen. aoutn or Mann, call LUkey nroi.. 7Bi. b.iiii FOR SAT.Rntiplox, all modem, alec- trio water neater etartric rania anu furnace. Phono flfllfl. On hlshway 08. flrat houno on rlelit after paa.lna Junction. Price 13000. . il-ri P6R SAt.FJ-Three-hedrooin hnnna and furnlahlnsa. In SI. rrancli Park. May bit aeon after 8:30 evanlnea or Hun. dayi. Call 7407 daya or 7R4S avenlnitn. v 11-8 ron SALn - ta cr with a-room raoin. 3048 Hone, inquire on stm daji. 11-83 rOR RALIi OR I.KASK -t.ar0 Jnil- modern houae. frull room, sarase. woodshed, barn, chicken hoiwe. nn five aerea, rtnbhlta (all kinds), hutrhca (or aale. W. M. Bra. Rl, I, Box toll, old Midland road, near Tavener & Purdy racking riant. 11-0 ron SALE By owner, a hedronm new homa, wall lo wall carpet, rireptare, larae lot. ahruhi Cloia In. 974 Altl aon, Aahtand, Ort, 11-8 FOR SAl.R-9-rnotn modern hnuac, full natetnrnt and furnace, some lurnt lure. Phona 4378, SAutom FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build 'Any Typo Radiator You Need COLOR MATCHING AND PAINTINP Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 0th Phono 0042 12-Gm RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 6th Phono 7071 ll-13mc We Buy and Sell ; . JSEDCARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 11.30nl SKK MKt. lir.NnV nt l.onibnrd'a ll.ed Car Lot. B'il S. Illh St. Top OPA CASH pnlCIK nl oiuo for your rnr. All ninkoa and inotleh for anlc tl.lflm FOR SAI.K -I Whllo ti urk, t Chovrolet pickup. I trailer hnnr.c. Innulre and trailer at nohltmon's Ti-nller Court on s. mu. u-7 FOR SALE - lo:i4 Chevrolet conch, Nice litttlv. nooil ttrcn, Molorola rn.dlo, Call Nnvnl Air Station. Etx. 100, r. W. OlKon. 11-fl 10.14 FOHD COUPE for anle. motor. Call 7HR0 aftor 8 p. m. Good FOR SALE 1033 Chevrolet coupn, fair conultlon. ttooit ruDticr. mono H777. Rl. 1. Box aa. U-7 34 Autom jllv 34 Automotive 34 Automotlf SPECIAL NOTICE To ' Chevrolet Owners OPA HAS RAISED THE RETAIL VALUE OF YOUR CAR Chevrolet Commands the Highest Value of Any Low Priced Car SEE US TODAY FOR NEW HIGHER PRICES Sell To Ashley ASHLEY CHEVROLET CO. 410 So. 6th St. Phone 4113 34 Automotive Anti'-Freeze Du Pont Zerone $1.00 per gallon in your container $1.15 per .gallon i - .in our container Dick B. Millet 7th and Klamath Ph. 4103 11-8 Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends- ll-10m Goodrich Silvertown Tires and Tubes Most All Sizes Dick B. Miller Co. 7th and Klamath Ph. 4103 11-8 TOP CASH PRICE for your clean, late mooei car or equity, sea u M. Quam at BURNEBS MOTORS Authoriiad Deloto-Plymouth Parte and Sen-lea ' Goodrich Tlra Distributor 318 80. 6th SOSItf FOR RALE 11133 Chevrolet MaiUr coupe, new runner, food condition. Phllpolt Bros, Ranch, Bonania, Ore. 11-7 FOR SALE-1D33 Chevrolet coupe, good runoer, ?4uu , caan, tiruf California. 11-7 35 Fuel Heating . RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best 'Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 11.30m 3B MiscUanoui For Sal ron 8 ALE. -no tons of tinu hy nrt w tons of oat nn ftlfAlfa mlxtd. John Aosi, Box 28, Ronaiua, 118 FOR SAl'G-AIHt Ch Inter hkrvttttr, nqiiippen wiin motor, xcutnt con ditlon. rhllpott Bfot,, Sonanti, Or. rtit.t.rn bru.ihtb - citm Jovw. is Martin. Phone SA77. 1130m THF.nE WILL BF. buyer nl th ue- uon Monday, Nov. a (or flood .print er dairy cowl. Cdnilm jour iprinlar rowa for ntxt Monday'a auction, l.akovlfiw Ltveatork CommlillOn Co, Phone 7.15, Lnkeviaw, Or. U-7 AUCTIONRRR SKRVICI - If you are planninf farm salt or auction of any ktnd, sea R. R. RHODR8, Auc tioneer. For tale datei phont 17fl, Lftkevlow. or contact LAKEVIRW LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO,, phone 7.13, Lakevlftw, Ore. All claslea at ltveatock iold at auction avary Mon day. ll-i.l Car Troubles? 'Eliminate Worry and Expense Sell Your Car LOMBARD'S We Are Paying TOP CASH . Lombard Motors 521 So. 6th Phone 3136 n-a 36 Miicelleneoui For Sale 36 Miscellaneous For Sal Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR ' COAT NOW WITH OUR ..ALL RISK POLICY Coll -John Sondmeyer Phone 5195 . C. S. Robertson Agcncv First Federal Savings Bids. ll-30m Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment tor hot mopping. Sealey Bros. . Phone 7709 1173-tf FOR SALC White enamel wood range. 50. uarrow, rn. eiuj. 11-7 FOR SALT! One Royal Crown bottle cooler. Merit Waihlng Machine Ser vice. 811 So. 6th. 11-20 ALL TYPES of email iraa antfinea re- pairta. uoaennamer saw snop. 331 e. u-iumc Malcj, INFRA-REn ELECTRIC HEATERS. r. R. Hauter. open All Day Saturday. SIS Market. Phone 7221. 11 -20m LANDSCAPING) Everffreene. flowering ahruba and tree. Make your selec. tlon now for fall planting- LAKE- SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phone 4081, 11-20111 FOR SALE Dlnlnr room aet. Good condition and very reasonable. 3314 Homadale Road, TRASH BURNERS Wood ond Coal Heate' and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE . All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook top, especially priced, $57.50. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from $59.50. Circulating heaters priced from S37.50. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gets the Break He Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-tf SEWING MACHINE PARTS and aup plles. Al makea. Phone 8771. 3218 Shaata Way. ll-30m GLASS Mlrrori. reallvarlnc. Plata, win dow and auto flaaa. (urnltura topi, helves. ' Klmball'a Olata Shop. S27 Walnut. Phono 73T8. la-tm STOVES REPAIRED. All available carta atocked. Uatd furniture, atove bought. OK Second Hind Store, 830 Klameth. Phone S871. ll-SOm NEW 24 FT. HOUSE TRAILERS, alio a good selection of used trallera. If to no tL Terms, 1171 Market St.. Rrtldlne Calif. 11-24 42 Miscellaneous Wantad WANTED Plows and power lift for Farmall-13. 40S N. 3rd. U-7 WANTED one good oil heating ateva. Inquire at Waldorf Grill. IWitf EL PADRK NOW OPEN-Dlne. dance. Bar aervlce. Only 10 minute drive from city center. ll-30mc FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS Roy HcnmecR. rnona 4D93. Ht. 3. Box 1042. ll-30in FOR SALE New t Inch electric drill. 1022 Lylton street. 11-8 FOR SALE 8-Inch circular saw. horsepower motor. S30.P0. Also band saw, 120.00. 2803 Wlard 11-6 ALLEN Adding Machines' ant) FRIDEN t-aicuiaiors. 12s . utn &u fioneer Printing At Stationery Co. ll-ISm FOR SALE 100 torn baled hay, 1st cut airaifa. oata and rye. at Keno. see Guy Moore at ranch befora crosalng river or call Doug Puckett. Tulelake 7104. 33S3H WB HAVE huyera for feeder lions and standing orders ror any quantity of top hogs. Attend our regular Mon day sales with your consignments of livestock. Lakevlew Livestock Com mission Company,. Lakevlew, Ore. U-7 LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALES -Every Monday at Lakevlew Livestock Com mission company, west of Southern Paciflo stockyards. Lakevlew. Special consignments Monday, Nov, 6. con alst ot purebred Snorliiorn hull calves. These are ffarly spring calves and very good. They are from soma of the best Shorlhorn breeding In the west, If you are In the market for a good Shorthorn bull be at the sale Monday, Nov, 8. Also consigned Is e very good two-wheel horse trailer. Will have our usual run of fat hogs, cattle, horses and farm machinery. Phone T3S, Lakevlew, Ore. . u-7 IF YOl? HAVE chicken 'horses, con sign tnem to the auction Mnndnv. Nov. 8. There will be a buyer tor them, Lakevlew Livestock Commis sion Company, phone 733. U-7 FOR SALE-Traller, 4x8 ft., good run ner, aajro. 1304 California. 11-8 WILL PAY CASH for used guns. Bring them in for appraisal, BELL'S HARD WARE, 328 Main St, ll-J0m WANTED Dump truck. Call Shaw Lumber Co., Tlonesta. Calif. 11-T WANT TO R.UY-32 StW or Colt, Have 38 or 4S to trade. Phone 8481. 14J0U WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO l.ouls R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 4318 or 717S. U-gOm SEI.l. USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR BONDS-lf you have any no-Iongar used articles of any ktnd lying aroung your home or office then you have 8 real opportunity to help the war ef- . fort. In the first place, other people actually need these no-longer used ar ticles: then. too. the money you raise by idling things can na converted into bonds. Phone 3124. Classified Ad Dept. today. 870UT WANTED-Dead and worthless twlmals. Phone 4638 Collect. 11-27 WANTED TO BUY-Ict creern freeter. Phona 7318. 12S5UGD WANTED TO RtlY - Small modern house In Merrill or Malln. Will pay rash. s. R. Woodlay, Merrill, Ore. 11-8 REFRIGERATOR WANTED . noma Hotel. Call Wl-1973U WANTED TO BUY -Sled with good run. ners. Call 3134, 314811 WANT TO BUY -40 to lo acre divaril. fled ranch, equipped wlih farm ma. rhinerjr. In vicinity ot Klamath Fll. state full price, ttrmi and all detain in first letter. Write 3818. care Her ald and News. 3S48U WANTED-Room for women, near bus line or close In, Phone 4888. 11-8 WANTED TO BtlY-EOutty in 1836 Or 1037 Ford or Chevrolet, Fnene 4872. WANT TO TRADE -Small electric radio for battery radio. Geo. Fernlund. Bonanza, Or Y U-3 34 Automotive 34. Automotive CONSIDERING FIRST COST THERE IS ALWAYS Less Depreciation ON A FORD CAR Sell Your Car NOW While the Price Still Is High SEE US TODAY We Pay Top O.P.A. Prices Your Ford Dealer Since 1923 Be alsiger Motor Co. Keep Your Car, in Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING ' New Modern Equipment Experienced. Help ; LOMBARD 424 S. 6th St. MOTORS Phone 3136 Thurs -Sat. 44 LWestoek and Poultry Just back from Pacific desperately need furnished home for wife and child. Phone 8101 - Extension 102. Ask for Lt. Barackman or Lt. Abbott. 11-7 HOW LONG WILL YOU BE MAKING BIG MONEY? The war won't last forever when it ia over, the man .trained for the right induitry will keep on making good money. The untrained man will lose dut Prepare now so your earnings will tay UP. Get into this sound induitry. Wa .will ahow you how to overhaul and install AIR CONDITIONING and RE FRIGERATING equipment. If mechan ically minded, just a few hours weeXly apare time all you need. No Inter ference with present job. For informa tion write at once, giving name and ad- dress. Utilities Inst. 1600, care Herald News. 11.7 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. . Also eggs. Martin Produce Co.- Phone 3372. ll-30ra WANTED Poultry, livestock, turkeva and rabbtta. TRULOVES MARKET. 910 F,st Main. Phone 4282. 12-4m 46 Financial WANTED TO BUY Male Australian ftdfs evenings. iesstf WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou lta, a modern, furnished apartment house. Phona 9078 after 6 p. m. 2273tf WANTED TO RENT - Private garnKC near Anchor Hotel. Write E. H. Hcl vey. P. O. Box 484. 1296tf WANTED Furnished nouse or apart ment by civilian couple. Write Lynn Baker, care Airport. Worden. Ore. ll-R 44 LWtitock and Poultry HIGHEST PRICES paid for hoR5. veal. Iambs and cattle. John-ton Packing Co. Phone 9323, nights 3505. 11 -OOm FOR SALE-Colored fryera, live weicht. Fill your locker now for winter. ifiBS Wlard. n-f. 41 nnanciai Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest rates Longtime easy payments Prompt Service It will pay you to investigate the . EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1900 Ml N 8th Phone 4584 Tues.-Fri.-U When You Want a CASH LOAN ; For. Any Worthy . - Purpose Call On ; P. A. (Buck) Everett at the .office of , COMMERCIAL" FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th St. : Klamath Falls, Oregon ' . Loans Made On Automobiles ' Livestock Furniture Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Cornpletec1 Come In Phone In or Write In Phone 7711 ; v Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 ll-30m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL 1 CASH LOANS On Your First Federal Has Plenty of Money at a a Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home e a Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Hates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 0 193 ll-30m AUTO FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months lo Pay No Co-Signers , Quick Service Locally Owned . Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 114 N. 7th S-241 ' Phone 3325 -11.30m. 48 Business Oppoitunitlas FOR SALS-Vfctory Cafe end roomf, fully equipped. 1:14.1 South Sixth, Sea owner, J. R. Murphy foe. Informa tion, y , 11-lJ