PACE SIX HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS; OREGON D, Boordins Hou.e With Major H,tj Out Our Way ' , ' ' '"''""-i 'eoVS.MECTWE MMSOR'6 IT 'TAXES WE JfJ. 65 '.. SI "" wK'S V I IT LONG-LOST 6lTHeRA SmTB BULDIIJ6 TO ,0UJW f ( A SFORT--IF YOU'RE Vl , v: FBOW sVncI-LA X JFLLONSME.BOTreETlTJGOTWlORkS . I LOOWKI' FER OUA0L J X, W fiTO MEfTALINlS TO V -THlS TROSM rAORSE l IM IT LIKE fS Mfi AW' RABBnS, GO V IKIs BEFORe X STUCK DUNM & AN1 IT J$ H WoUUIRY ( A FORGERW- Jl WWLB HE ROArAED TUB nWAL.TZ.ED Vr TT - 1 SlJr7-i!) T i pkir,ce V . huotim' GgouMtCT.,M...w. , ..,M, A-t'".' "-7 uewwuti. j . "jl!- ' ' - Potatoes Red Ryder By Fred Harmon gl g) ' Wash Tubbs By Leslie Turner iWtooops 'SCOUR AN i AREA FAR TO THE WEST ftR LINKS 6UE8SUASJ fA trip.sarse: Y they followep 'em, W juan says most o' colwel If wkenmaria. tipped us off; V HEP OUB KAIW6A PETE, AND HOW! RAIDED SHOTS FORTES HAVE LEFT ) W CAPTAIN SMEU.ED A JALOPI WE CAN'T JS AFTER MIDNKHtJ THAT JAP 6ARRIS0N WENDAO ON THE WILD s TRICK TO FIND OUR HIDEOUr...WASTe TttAE WSRESD 10 FOLLOW BEFORE 0AVW.TOLD 600SE CHASE WE I 6ETTA IAU5H SENT JU AW TO TANA AN' PATTIN'OUR 1 INSTRUCTION'S- A NIP PATROL THEY'D PLANNED FOR 'EM! ouTA TANA TRYK4' STEERED TH' OLD BUZZARD BACKS, FELIAS- -fV SEEN CAPTAW EASY i - ., - 1 "TO FOOL MA81A- . IN TH' WRONd DIRECTION! I THE TOUeHEST 7NmfL aow'HEST 7 V askw'herto - -A """" Freckles and His Friends By Blosser Standing weee is pooh psycholosv, LAIcP J-l MAKES W ANXIOUS I 1 i w OM&. -w -sayva HEAE, OF POLITICIANS KISSING- BABIES T& INFLUENCE VOTES ? -WELL, X FIGURE I'M A CINCH TO LOSE THE ELECTION I'M KIN DA LIKE A DROWNING- . MAN' 1 : SJ- Veohr. iw by hca wnviet. imc T. m. ric. u. t, pat, orr. J HOLD EVERYTHING! COWL Wtlf. 1C1VW. MC T. iM. tt 1. W. "I'll be glad when . the ' .elec tion's all over that booing and whistling during the riewsreels has been keeping me awakel" Boots and Her Buddies By Martin Nova voo ave e. eooo M rrol ..... ' ; is 1 WtVV.Wc WE, VOJVb Alley Oop By V. T. Hamlin 'imm. ,0mmJ!TK ft NKKS fciSy IP THAS TH'TfOKftV.OOOLAj WELL . MV FRIEND , WE'CE y- Sei N!!TuLbSllE.T HM OUT TWAY HE ? GIVE 'ER TT V BACK WHERE WE WERE; X AW, DON'T Jun& I 5,T?l7l "PiP JPF.A MESS" AnDAuN WANTS-IT TH'.SUN!, r Vf N0W H0W 00 PLAN A WORRY.AIRO A7Pn! j V ktf-Mt y,ANTHEM HE A6" ITHA'S Ttf 8 ZJ L, T TO RECOVER XOUf? ( WE'LL MANA6E L KIROU YOU l.W?OUMPS T JOF ANOD I WAf HE )A POPE! I PRIZED AX FROM A IT SOMEHOW,' HAVE I lTILE C'TY? Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray J I ' cillCAno, Nov, lota: arrlvi.ll un (APtWAI-PoU; .''!" h".i '."r.:i.".' .'"jj rsSr mina v.r -l:;;,; iii.rk.t r.Twa-tt-, .Hi..?;, U. 8. No I. 3l ,?1,s" Hod MrClur.. U. , B. No. I, ' u,..n.l.. l.tlut Trh.muh., U. H. NO. I. j'j9: mUu... HUM.I rur.l.. U . H No. ."''.? t..S h':" "17. H No. V, so-2 Ml CohbUr ' commrr ". Wl.con.ln Chlpiw". u- ' M-HI.. LIVESTOCK uti'uTII SAN FRANCISCp, Nov. . 1 and iliuahur .lor. b.anli lew nnwr 'er ll.0O.U.OO. UIJ MjnWi.f.; .Ovll.oo, nun.erou .mu " ,00-11.23. common imd m.olui.l cow. 00. 10.3S. cutter 7 001..11, connm S OO-O OO. Mtdlum iuiuK " .o."u. trtl.y Hire loaiu. metiium 10 ki.u.v Lulitr calve. tia so-IMS. . llog.: aoo, Baoy wi.u .""u"'' opaninal about loaa Moon 10 . ; '" alo lb. Harrow, and UI. 1 JJ. lacka. cholra aua, lb, l IS.ll'odd ood towa "s'hep:! laoo. ' Choir wooted lamb. .......1 i,nrf..inni aiMilv. .Around 20 iMd. medium lo rood No. 1 Mil clover lamb. i:i.uo-H.OO. I'a.t two day. ewe. ait ocnla hljher. IV.O load. IJa lb. good 10 cnolca aa.To. . . , . , ,. II. Jll.i . LEGAL NOt ICES NOTKl TO ffWIWSI .' : ' Nollca.l. hereby ilva.j llial th und4i'. .lined ha. Nan anuolnled, adlnlnl.lram 1.1 Ilia a.lala itt VlnKa MAllh. alio kuowa. anu v.. in man.,, mwii, nil uvraqtie navinaj .a are nounad mm V mtrt' naa 0.1a. me... u , .... lain aata I., ore.ant Ilia .aula In ma with , proper vourhara at my nfllca in ilia court llnuaa. IK Miohlll. Klan.alh rall.l "Oragon, within rotn tic.onar JU, ly.v. CLAIUtNL-ll A. lltlMUl.F ' , . . Admlnl.irator, O 1Q.1T-H.ill N T.' Wo, ,100. . no r 101 or iniAiNii,.or,riNAii Nollca I. hereby liven lhal the aa mlnl.lralor'of lha date of rrank rita gerald, d.ceaiad, haa. (lied hia (Inal ac count lo .aid a. late and lha Court haa fld Friday. November IT. IM'al S o'clock p. m. In the Circuit Courtroom In Klan.alh rail.. .Oregon a. the time and place for tha hearibg Of oblacllon. thereto and tha .elllement tharaof. JOIIN I.IRKBY, ' ' ' . Admlnl.lralor of th a.lala :of rrank rit.gerald, dacaaMd. O. It-M-SI! N. T-14--N0. OJ..' '. r.1.1 'vvy. I WIIJi. Tllv 1... from w., '"' Mho - MO. Hi all) r.lli. LOUT ,,. nil,.. "". "l.tllll M.i,. nrd.l.7iillw'ui?ii Baard.lay, ujj(, VOST.lady'. I'.UII in amioi 2 l,ini..i.. Du. Radon Calendir' ' CHICAGO. Nov. 1 (AP.WrA-Salable hoa. ll.OOO: lolal 10.000: market nnenml fairly active, IS cent. 10 moally 23 cent. hlgncr.on waign.a iv .. o.wwh, alow, weak at early advance: heavier weight, and ow. .teady: lata .ale. good and choice 1H0-210 lb.. IU.40-U.10, bu K .uch hoi., however. SI4.90-I4.00: early too U S3: weight, ovar 270 Iba. and aow. ateady at H4.O0: few good and choice ISO-no Iba. HUMID; lalr clear- "salable cattle S0O0: total SS00: aalahle calve. 1000; total 1200; led eteera and yearling, strong to 25 cent, higher; only a.r.c.iy good anu cnoica .mu full advance: medium gradea very alow; top S18.35. paid for choice 1040-lb. year, ling.: next hlghcat price l 13; bulk; fed heller, aleady lo atrong; add head up to H7.75; bulk I2.00-IS.S0: cow. 10-1S rent, higher, active; bull, very scarce. Ilrm: voider, .teady to weak at IS.oo down: .tock catlte .low, at l l.oo-l.l 30; choice yearling, lo u.oo; atork .leer calve. 14 00.. Salable .heep 3006; . total 7S00; few early tale, and hid. fully .teady; .raf tered lot. good and choice native .laughter lamb. (14.00-14.13. ome held higher: acatlcrerf early Mile, native .laughter ewea'ls.SO down; nothing done on. western range awe.. New Pine Creek new pine CREEK This Sat. urday evening, the East Side ernncc will celebrate the wild' life of. this locality by-holding a wild goose and duck feast. The change to overcast skits' and storm from the- clenr weather seems to make hunting more ideal and there should be plenty of eagle-eyed hunters within the grange membersnip ot around 150 members, to supply the tables well. After, the business of the evening, the program and the feed arc over,. Grange Master Ray Bishop has promised music lor dancing. , Martin Hammersley returned home last Tuesday morning for a few days' visit with his family and to do a little hunting. He returned on Thursday to Eu gene, Ore., where he is work ing on the railroad,' Alvin McKunc had to lay off work for a few days, beginning last Wednesday. . due "to . an. -in jured side. . , ' . ' The Oreebn deer htintinff sea son closed last Tuesday. Hoi Hoi Now the luckless hunter and his family will have a rest, i A baby bov was born to Mr. and Mrs, Lcroy Daniels last Sun day morning, tie weignea a pounds, 3 ounces. Definite word has bceri re ceived from the war department by Mrs. Herman Stanka that her husband was killed in action rather than missing In action, as was formerly reported. A successful Halloween party was held at the Kelly Creek school last Friday evening, at which the pupils put on a clever program consisting -of a' little playlet, a recitation by La Don. na Newman and songs by the student body. Mrs. Cowgill, president ot tne fti ciuo 01 Ore gon, gave a talk on the state club exhibit recently held at the Meier- and Frank store .In Port land, In which one of the Kelly Creek pupils, '. Fay Shaffer placed; Mrs, Cowgill brought some of the prize-winning exhib its' to - demonstrate the type of work the girls are dqing which teaches them-to help build better homes, Harold Tallcy also gave a mm on inc. noys, n-ti club ac tivities and praised the local boys for the type of work they nave occn ooing in -tne ciuo. Both speakers - stressed the need for local leadership and asked for volunteers to help car ry on the work. , ' ' ' t Fishing booths and fortune telling booths were conducted at the party and plate lunches were served with coffee and cider. . PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 7 IAP-WFAI Salable and -total cattle ISO, holdover 200: calves 30: market .low lull about ateady;. odd common-low medium graa. tteer. as.oo-ll.lS; common.medlum heif er. aa.aS-lO.SO; cutler. S7.30 down: can ner and cutler cow. S4. many unaold: ahella 4.00 down: let dairy type eowa A.SO-8.00; oula.andlng heavy llol alelna In S8 7S:" few medium beef cow. S4.60-9.SO: medium-good bull, sa.oo-9.30: odd heavy beef bulla to 10 00; common down . to W.OO: medium-good vealere gll.oo-is.oo; ' choice lacking: common medium I ran calvea aa.0O-ll.D0. i Salable and tola! hoga 400; market rather elow. almoat ateady: alrletly good'ChoIca 1SO-240 lb. glSS: medium graaa and fat type, down to S14.73: 243 200 lb. 114 00-30: light lights 13.78-14 23; few 170 lb. tU-SO: good .Owe 12.30 13.00: good .owe I2.SO-13.0O; .few good feeder pig. I3 23-S0. Salable and total,. heep 100; market about .teady: few gund wooled lamb. 12.00; good-choice, truck-In. salable to 12.50:. common . grade, around ! 00; common-medium ewes S2.23; good heavy wea up to f3.7S.. , VITAL STATISTICS CHAMBERLAIN- Born at HllUld ho pltd), KUmalh F)li, Or.. NnvemtMr 7. 1044. lo Mr. nd Mn. K. Chmlrliitt. 42S Pacific Terrace, boy. Weight; S poundi 4 ounces. FAUS Born at HHUIde hoiplUl. Klam ath Kalli. Orei. November 7. 1044. to Mr. and Mn. Robert J. Taut. 434. Coner, a boy. Weight: R pounds 10' ouncei. . LAWRENCE Born at HilUtrie hoinltal. Klamath Palli. Oregon. November 7, l4U .in Xfr. and Mn. ttarrv Jawrenre. Malin. Ore., a girl. Weight: 3 pound ounce. 1IEARON Born at 'Hlltilde hoipttal. Klamath Palli. Ore.. .November 7. 1944, to Mr. and Mrt. J. E. Hearon, 323 Lorn merclai; a boy. Weight 7 pound t 4' ouncet. . 'WHEELER Born at Illlltlfle. noipiuu. Klamath PalU. Ore.. November 7. 1044. to Mr. and Mr. W.. t. Wheeler, l.tao Oak. a boy. Weigh!:. S pounda II1. ouncei. . . War Prlra.and Ratiohlng' Board, 454 Main itreet. Office hour dally. t)i0 a. ht. to 4:30 p. m.i Saturday, 9:J a. m. In 4 p, m. Thone .l.for all, tnfortna Hon.. . v ", . .. Ail appllcatlona mult be MMT.R1T In to the War Price and Rationing Board at 430, Main itreet. and NOT preiented In person , , , . ' 'f HliOAH-nmlnn bodli 4-l.l(ar: atampf SO through M valid indeflnttely. a poundi each, (iugar etamp 40 -valid' thmuih reb. an. iu4fl for- pounda home ean nlng only, .Tor mora cannlnf lugar. ap Fly locbl board Uelng para-atamp dT HOCKHSSD rOODS- r , . : BLUE KTAMPfl) ration book 4 At through TJi and A, throwgh VYfl valid inuiiuiii7. MEAT,, BUTTER, CHEESE- . ' ' RED STAMPS - ration book 4 -A I through Z.t and AS through Pi food In definitely.. . OABQLINtV "A" la aitAlraa, December !. Each coupon worth 4 gellona. Cou pona not valid unieae anooreed. ,,' B" ot T,C' eautvini may ba -ranowarf within; but not befora 15 daya , from flat on cover .of book. ! FUEL OIL-Perlod 4-9 coupon arid new oerlod 1 cotipont valid- thrnuah Aumiat 31-1041. Nat more, than .7 of. eaaon a raiioiw anouid emj uaeq to data. NTOVEfl-Atiply local board for our- chaie certificate!. hiioks Hook 3 air mane atanrai i-i-s v Mi in iiiuviimieTijr. ? , . mKjNT lunthuiaii rental prnpatv must be.reeUtered by November 18. . PRICE tnQulrlea and compiainis io price cierK ei local Of rice; lYUUU. LUAb. BAWIJUM 1 IMllVifV by prlnrltlea baied on written aUtamant of need v SHOKS-Oook S-Alrolane - amoa 11 valid indefinitely, -New atamp valid No vambtjr 1. Iwt Umpe Invalid.. WUOD.-470AL. flAWOUST - Deliver by prloritlee' 'baaed, on, writ tan atataj I' niCC CON THOL-Refer hau riea and complaint to prlca clerk at lej board. CLASblFiED 11 ATE ft One day , - ; f word 1 das run word. 3 day run .i.n.i.i p-"-'" lit) day run fc,.. ,,.,.. pa word tM day run r word 144 nk run ' worts IBe Month run ,- . . . ,v word toe K Oucount tor Payment in .Advaaea o Diecouni ror rajrment' ny ivtti Ada received by tM) p. tn. will appear a me afternooa.ln "New rnday column, FUNERAL MORIRE TBANCiS HOUSE ' ' uneral lervlcei for' the late MorUe Franc In Houee, who patted away In thlt city on o tin nay i riov,emner , o. jum ii Inwlne a hrief lllneia will. be. held If tha chapH of the Earl Whit lock FOhtiral nome. rine ai arxm, Yirunwuy, nuvnrn tr fl. 1044 at .1 o. m. with the Rev, fin n 11 B Anderann- nf (hit Klamath Temple' of thla city offlchttlng, Com mitment Mrvlcti and Interment Link vlUe cemetery. ,Ft;lendi .are invited. I It's a '"frozen" article you need, advertise for a used one in the classified. LEGAL-NOTICES CARD OF THANKS , We wish to extend our ilnceVe thankt and appreciation to friend and -neighbor,, the Civic Improvement cliib, loral employee of the Big Lake Box com pnny, and to each and every one' for glfta, art of klndnexa and all Jtkalslancft given ti ilnce our home and poieloni were toUUy destroyed by fire on Oc tober 8,. MYRTLE AND HAROLD WIMER, AND RON, DONALD WIMER. aitMtfflNN' IN -THE CIRCUIT COURT - OF THE .STATE' OF OREGON. TOR KLAMATH COUNTY. . - " MARY B. EPPERLY, Plaintiff, v. ' WESLEY C. EPPERLY. Defendant. Tn U'g.l.v C- Ennnrlv.- Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE. OF OREGON. GREETING: Toil -are hereby required to appear and answer tha Complaint. -of plaintiff filed against you In (he above entitled m i on or before the sih - day ot ue eemb'er. 1044. and If you fall, to so annear and'anawer, plaintiff,) for want thereof, will apply' to the Court for, the relief prayed for In his complaint,' to-wlt: a divorce frdm , you on the grounds ' of cruel and inhuman treatment. ' This summon' Id' served 'upon you pursuant to nn Order of the Honorable, urtvM-K, vannennera, juaie.or the cir chit Court; of the Stale of Oregon, for Klamath County, sAld Order1 being dated the ailh day. of October 1044, by pub lication thereof . for' Four successive wei-k, the flhl' publication being on October .list. 1044, and 111 dale rrf last publication being December fllh, 1044. JOHN IRWIN, Attorney lor Plaintiff. -, Office Address, No. 128,. . i ' North 4lh Street. , . , Klamath Falls. Oregon. O. .11; N. 7-14-21-28 No. 210 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE . STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EMMA LIGMTFOOT, Deceased. . Notice la hereby given that I ha filed 'my final account of the admin- iifraiinn or tne above entitled estate, and that the Court ha appointed No vemher 22. 1044. at 10:00 o'clock A. M. a theilme for hearing objections to uch final, -account arid lha settlement inercor. , y 1 WILLIAM-OAWONO. .,!futr ' ",ditaja. i-.ii, n, i-n Jtri. 307. ... . ' ;' Attention! v -' All Iligli School Ilciys ": Intereited in-Forminoj a , Moilcl Airplane ( lull , Meet 'at 7:f)0 p.i m., Thuridoy (Nov. 9) POOLE'S BICYCLE STORE 222:8. 7lh Phont) 5520 Ada go Into regular elaMlftcattoft after tha ffrei day. Ada may be eantalled bt LOST-niack leather folder contklntng driver's license and, money.- Reward; Leave or call at Pastime. - . -- ALTERATIONS AND FUR WORK dank tiy Mr. i.. F. i.und at ner noma, imn Madison St., Phone O60. . ',, t ll-I HOME NUnfiKHY. Phone-lurai, - 11-12 LOrfT HlrTuT fTTT l"r. I.M "i',M"M 1 : NOW nnrTTN EL PADRE ; ' 'For lh n... ; CHICKEN ond steak nlKlklrw Our Chef . Mickey D, UAINCE TO ' - Polo Cnll.u.. Pnt Drum. w llnwnllm, GuiUr oak btKVICE SI! Hi: NOTICE! , W, wl,h to ih,, m w ra for their p.llance ... ... war. having .., ,roukll aM. to give, JZri ALSO Wa wlah to announce Ik. bj ... ., .,.., vvn nablaa us to give cowla.,.?. Mrvlc. a. well a, u, qulItT Reliable Cleaners i.o. oo. utn 10 8rvlq 'Refrigeration . Service . KELVINATOR - rM'nry Authorlied StnJ , Household , ond ' Commercial V . . . Phone 6617 OREGON EQUIPMENT .,..'; . 127 So. 8th St OlllTAIl 'INSTnuCTon .wanle aludenll. ran- alter a at sos' victory, Drive. Shaala View houalng proiael., 11-13 rtm REMonKi.iNa and ricPAiRiNri. cleaning, glailng. 133 ft. .tn, ' . ,llf man school, boy. - is,- would like Job alter ecnnoi and Saturday,. Rt. 1, Box 9J2-A. Allan Arnold.- 114 MODEL A-lo.lo to 1941 M h p. recon ditioned motor. 1941 Ml Tork Chev rolet racundltlon.d motor. -Writ. Boa 2030.', car or Herald -and rr.we, ra. 11-14 1934 TO lo;ul as H P. 'ravondltloned rord motor, and Model II -motor. Mercury 93 hp. motor.- Writ 2029. car., of Herald and Nawa.'. 11-14 POP. SALE- While gold dlaVnond wed ding, set rings. Coal ,110. Sell -MS cash. Phone 3223 afler p. m. . 11-13 POR RAI.C ITmpnrled prawal- Engllah dlnnarware, aervlca .for -It: fl 'roetona hand-etched' goblela, 7 glaaa goh)et. 12 lovely tall froalad ' alaaaea. .Urge preaervlnff- kettl. and rack. ' Qbart iara IV doten. .- No. IS Preacolt SI. Phone 11237, ,. . . , , ISJlll Waited' to RENTJ-biidroom'iinMr- nwn.o noma t7 newcomer - mia.neaa 'in. Kiametn yai ,. , rnoi ' IW21. . . ' 11.9 - PLUMBING ... . SERVICE Plumbing & .Heallni tA ' Installed and RtpiM davis ; PLUMBING a We Hurry PhontiBl '.Falls Upholstei ond - Rug Service .Qepning .ond Molhpwj 'Use-Again Same Phone 11-10 OOAT SERVICC-JTOT Bum.. Ton RALE ' - s-room 'well Mmllhe'd .hmu. - fl2M).'. Hava' ' ptlrchaaar for 3-bedroom. medium prleed. Cairisa? .or '420 3. Hereon. Ave . Agent. , . 1I.T IF' THE- PAR-fv -wSo Tool, on HaT Inwean' night, ring, block with targe m.a out of power Company box,, a. n,.i, p.v.M i. .urn aa II n-7 4.12a Irnaplaceablg. WANTED Woman to dl-en' during the daV for two. or . weeks. .On AlUmonl Drive. Call 7S2fl. a.. look - after, fhll- DrALER WANTED - Big Route, rrlake good living. . 200 farm-homo. nec.t tfeamedlclnea, aplcaa, toode. , ale well ' known avary county! Tor par ticular, write Rawlelgh'l,' Dept. ;0RK-303-149. Oakland. Calif, ; ,' .11-9 fORs hfuaa naaY Mm. . achooi. 403- Divi.ion.r. Phona 4isa. rort sali!' brivawaV cinders, Call , , ll-la FOR , RALE. Ueler parlor alt. piano.. Tttla- in.lrument' ha. Orand beau. . Ill.l lone.ajid IK In exceptionally ,116. ronrllllon, '730 Ml., Whtthey... Phone ' . .'j i - f , , - - - H- 1942 EASTERN IIOWARTVTraiier Kouae - 23 fl., all ktoel, Inaulated, n-ply. truck tlrea, A-l shape, eleolrlf hrak... Saa - at Rooaavalt Club, Tulelaka... Phone 0203, Tulelaka. . : . 11-14 WANT To. RENT. g furnished .or partly . furnished small house or -apartment. negiatercd nuraa with one child, aono. can ll-l WANTED TO RENT-rurnlahed hOua or apartment by navy officer and wife. .Call Will.rd. Hotel, Room. S07. ll-io f ' Motiinci Hotlcei- ' Klamath .rails Aerie .-'No. 3090. .Regular meeting .vary Tues day night, ,8 p. m. f 6 1 Tiall. Olh and W-alnul. Vlaltlng mammtra - aordlallv Invlaad. i i tl CARPENTERS" LOCAL " , 1 No.-190; : . ' - , -,' - f ; Meeting. 1st and !1rrf eve nings of each month,, 730 p, n) at Labor Temple, 422 Main. .. .Y ,' ;. e ., , c. n. lono, iw and B. 'A. J , Offo Op.n 7;oo to aioo p, HI. Uvaryj Wadn.sday. Phona B327 v ! lS'.m LOYAL ORDEftt , of s MOOSE Will voto on' tlje, proposed.' change- in meeting1 night on' ' . N6vetttber.-I7''f ' '"'' Members are urged to -atUrlri oOM . 8 to 9 A. M.; PHONE AfterU TALL ."ROBINSON'S DELIVfl i"- Phone -7423 Parccli m ndlverlei Houra 10:00-. ,-.M ';'. FALLS ELECTRIC ' V CENERAL REPAIR Motors R.waurid '''Jl . paired. Agent W.,EJS I Plant ana o-"" 111 ': FrrSnciS St. f vr , HOSIERY MENDJB-' cAft?ENTr.n RWAjJ. wanted. Phone 4U . will o run MrNDiito-w, Call Wna, alter ; row, SKrtc' TANKS ciJif IEPTIU -Irtcnr, -i-.. drn .oulpment King. 1 rtrnwindow 'm n DIRHMAN WMJSSS. l4 w open .lor '";, 1. r4 repainni. " 24-hour service. T- .BI tXECTROUIX Ojfr'iMI Mrvlca. . VMM wiaoe ' rr"LniATl P1IONT. 4B3S run or guaranteed n." - TANKS ci"- Phone 73 SEPTIC alallatlon, also .I""1 ( pgir, phon. j Ph"on4 "iilJZi avon noovctt '!' ION PAINTIN" -.,'., il T-Phona0S7,'''L-- . covareo-.. u mj; wain, n-- - "-,( paparharTgera " lS PI Son p;i" I 1 and -vote. , . : ' '-. ,' : . -, TuMThurt