Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 07, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    ,.mbr 7.
(Continued irom P"W One)
1 ........ lnrtr II
,. rernuin IK"'"" rWer. 1,1,0
ffw 11,0 Colo"n'
Pl,ll,,.i. .milli, Aincrlcnii mid
! T, ffcS advanced Iwo to
M,rdi llulliind, n front "
'"'I 5 J I " capture of the
plch fcfi, of Wlllemstnd,
""I., nillv scattered
I OffiX defe ."
l,cd ". 'Vniu- I on the north
i? 7 ol Hie '"
kS7 Serves from. Arnhom
rtlliu t ,.rr I It a 1 1 rtti
"flC-n k tlint inlKht
i. bL!..i, . nr preparation
iwP,rihfl.udcnl commtinl-
'"( l ho VosgcB mountuln
w"h.Aencl.el the went bank
W-Z river between
I" trill. noB ldKon
nlites In nn "re c"" " T
ffi do nil on tho Schlrmoek
W'SSV passes, supremo
... SI. lU'llIJi """
to the Snale. und Sto.
iJUIW ,. II,.
IWTOini thS
haoat Diner "
.Continued From Psge One)
Ubably silted up and may re-
P." ' X .,,:; muorl-
w..lort my h joined
j u nnnn coikul. w
iiiiv onto the cars
r.j V r,ihc.(f with little delay
to the Hunting fronts not much
bore than niu mm-.i uw.
fflR our best slant on the
1 European wnr, wo must lurn
xiiy lo Slnlln who, like Chnr-
.ii i. . n L A I lU't' mil atd-ltM
QUI, la .'-
uttering mere ooasis.
Th- red nrmv and Ha western
Lillet (meaning us and the Brit
11 hive taken up JUMPING
1SIVE drive ngiilnst Germany,
iid we now stand at the EVE
tomplcto victory.
That teems to Indicate plainly
hat we and the British, on the
Kal, and the Russians on the
lut are all set to close in on
(litler lor the kill.
tWNG that line, an Interest-
Inn hn( itnfniifti-nifl riimnr
ma Irom the European under
round to the effect that Hitler
hi been examined at Bcrchtcs
(lien (his mnuntaiii retreat) by
This writer would nv offhand
hit It It tho GERMAN PEOPLE.
kto arc allowing Hitler and his
jig to lend them to the final
N hopeless slaughter, who
mm io nave their heads ex
pined, . . -
MOTHER word from Stalin:
in Ja 1" ll,,'y inni nuiiRnry
I SOON .hn nt ...
lie adds: "Tim full nr i-i.,nrtnn)
01 H rir h nnr,nn n,-,A
"I'Mlnstroplic will follow In-
Woman Remembers
She Forgot,
But Too Lati
Tho election bonrd In pre
cinct No. 21 here couldn't do
ii thlnit to help a woman voter
who foi'Kol In murk her bullot
for president. , .
She discovered her mistake
Just ufter the folded ballot
was dropped Into the box, mid
pleaded that tho ballot be re
trieved so she could vote for
president, lioard members
explained that they couldn't
unlock thu box, and there will
be ut least one ballot In pre
cinct 27 unmarked in the na
tional contest, .
She didn't sny whom she In
tended to voto for.
Cabinet Grants
Thorez Amnesty
PARIS.: Nov, 7 (Pi The
French cabinet today grunted
amnesty to Communist Leader
Maurice innrcz. lie may return
to Purls now from Moscow to
tuko his place ns n member of
the consultative iissembly.
Tho decision culminated a
year of agitation by the com
munists for tho government to
(inush desertion charges arising
from Thorcz'H flight from the
country during the Daladlcr gov
ernment's communist roundup In
iu.iu. ai nun time, Thorez was
A member of tho French army.
Marine Corps History
Outdares That of U. S.
(Continued from Pago One)
minds of oil marines. In at
tempting to find a regiment of
men wormy lo oe honored oy
bclnc members of the new fourth
murine regiment, high ranking
officers finally grouped tho four
marine raider battalions Into
ono regiment, and gave them
tho responsibility of upholding
the almost-impossible tradlthm
of heroism of lha defenders of
Batnnn and Corrcgldor.
Other marine action In the
war, particularly in the Pacific
Incnlro, is enough lo flit several
volumes. These battle names.
however, will sufflco to remind
tho American public of the work
they have done to preserve our
nation: Guadalcanal, Tulagl,
Makin Island, Now Georgia,
Bougainville, Tarawa, Cape
Gloucester, the Marshalls, Sal
pan, Tlnhn), and Guam.
Vctcrons of these battles who
have contracted tropical dis
eases, arc stationed presently at
the Murine Barracks here, and
will honor the living and dead
members of the corps during
their anniversary celebration.
Parents InvlUd All parents
of Fremont school students arc
invited to attend visiting day at
the school Friday afternoon,
starting nt 1:30. Model Junior
high classes will be conducted
under the direction of Principal
Lowell Kaup. Parents of lower
grado pupils arc invited to visit
those rooms. ' The regular PTA
meeting will also be held, start
ing at 1 p. m., and adjourning at
1:30 for the model school.'
Yen can't hn in.,,..... ...i
'GUI hotit ! u i- ..
ft .. . uuiiiinq. wail
J norland now. 6060.
' i cw?
n ' L.i.oiW' -. ...M"" .
l" 01
Cream Deodorant
"op Perspiration
"Ml nm I....
nOttniJ. "KIM, IJOM
. ""J'tii-iormcnUlmi,.
H, "I'1 odor.
-- "iiraiiiij crenm.
?Sv r
(Contlnuoo from Pago One) ,
and Knosevelt 21, In 1040, tho
vote wa Willklo 33, Roosevelt
13. ! . .
Masphec, on Capo Cod, gave
a count of HII for Dewey and 81
for HoohcvuII. Four years ago
the final total was Willkle 07,
Roosevelt 80. In the Berkshire
Hills, Mt. Washington reported
a complete vote of Dewey 20,
Roosevelt 8. In 1040, it was
Willklo 32, Roosevelt 10.
Candidates Voia
The candidates themselves
added their' personal ballots to
the mounting figures while many
hours yet remained before of
ficials generally began to tally
the electorate's decision. " .
President Roosevelt, voted be
fore noon at Hyde Park's old
town hall. As he did four years
ago, he gave his occupation as
"tree grower." He raises Christ
mas trees on his Hudson Valley
At about the same time, Gov
ernor Dewey put in his ballot
at an automobile tourist bureau
serving as a polling place in
New York City. .
Vol. First
There was a line waiting to
get in, The Governor and Mrs.
Dewey started to take places at
the rear of the queue, but those
ahead Insisted thai the Dcweys
vote first.
As never before, the men and
women who had the final say-so
on the argument over a fourth
term for President or a first for
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, hurried
to the polls to register their de
cision. Between 40 and 45 per cent of
registered voters got their bal-
ols in before noon In New York,
City's Bronx nnd Manhattan dis
And it was much the same In
other big cities and rural dis
tricts as well, with few excep
tions. Despite the emotions stirred
by the first wartime' election
since 1864, voting was orderly
on the whole.
Klmtlt Falli -
81 era mert to
North Bend
Port I nnd ...
Sain Francisco
Legal Position of
Councilman Bussman
Challenged by Mayor
; (Continued from Page One)
tliiue as chairman of the street
committee, to outer Into discus
sion and Unit he would "Ilka to
finish tills administration until
a man is qualified to take this
! Tho city attorney, under ques
tioning I the moyor, said he did
not consider It necessary to re
introduce ordinances which had
originally been Introduced by
Bussman ' since Juno S, except
where they had not been passed
by a llircc-rouruis vote. A re
view of all such ordinances will
be miido during the coming
week. .
I . Ravlaws Position
1 "I would llko to say a word
In my own defense," Bussman
told tho council, lie then re
viewed tils position and referred
back to minutes of June 5, when
ho was asked to continue on as
a member of the council.
Councilman Rollin Contrail
then asked the city attorney
why, at this time, the council was
being advised that Bussman's
position was Illegal,
i "Isn't It the duty of the city
attorney to advise the council on
niaitorx such as lhis7 cantrall
"Naver Occurred"
I Carnahan replied that it had
'never occurred" to him.
During the evening. George P.
Davis, chairman of the civil
service committee, gave a report
on tho last four years of that
body and termed tins period as
"turbulent", from the personnel
' unfavorable Comment
Davis said that tho press' had
given information to the public
not necessarily good for the com
mission Lut that the newspapers
did not "originate their sources."
Ho said that unfavorable com
ment had been made against the
police and .fire department,
members of both bodies being
under civil service.
. The mayor expressed appreci
ation to members of the commis
sion, who have served without
pay nnd during their term of of-
flee have deleted old rules and
brought commission rules up to.
Confidence Voted. I
John .'. Keller, veteran mem
ber of the council, asked that
tho group go on record placing
confidence in the chief of police
and tho police department. A
motion to this effect was made
by Harvey Martin, seconded by
Wolter Wlesendangcr. When the
vote was polled, Bussman was
silent, Cantrall said he would
vote "no" In view of his present
toward the department, arid
attitude toward the chief but not
'yc" votes came from Wlesen
dangcr, Martin and Keller.- It
carried. ;
"I think my feelings' are pret
ty generally Known and I would
not want to vote 'no' against the
department," Cantrall said for
benefit of the minutes; He was
referring to his stand of October
23, when he made a motion that
Chief of Police Earl Heuvel be
removed from office, This mo
tion was not carried through on
recommendation of Councilman
Bussman. due to the absence of
Mayor Houston at that time.
Cantrall said he thought the vole
should be "separate" on the chief
ana ine department. - j ;
' , t ' j
Former Resident '
Dies In Bay City i
Mrs. Louise Craver, for many
years a resident of Klamath
Falls and of San Francisco for
the past 10 years, died Monday,
November 6, in the bay city, She
was 72 years of age at -the time
of her passing.
Mrs. Craver is survived by two
daughters, Mrs. Ethel - Currier
and Airs, veida M. Jones of San
Francisco, and L. H. Craver of
Klamath Falls. Remains will ar
(Continued from Page One)
election as rapidly -as possible
after' the polls close. 'The Her
ald and News office will be the
center of this' "activity", and re
turns, will bo available there and
through radio, station KFJI. Tho
county clerk's office is cooperat
ing with the news agencies in
this project.
Klamath returns will be
flashed - over Western Union
wires to Portland, where they
will be. incorporated with re
turns from all over the state to
determine whether Oregon will
be in the Roosevelt. or Dewey
rive here Wednesday morning
and arrangements will be' an
nounced later by Whitlock's. '
; - o.
, Refrigeration
Equipment Co.
Karl. Urquhatt
611 Klamath Phone 64SS
.V For'
Commercial .
Nips Emulate
Nazis at Lidice
(7P) Emulating the Germans at
Lidice, Japanese have wiped out
at least two villages of The
Netherlands East Indies with
virtually their entire popula
tions, headquarters of Nether
lands forces in the Far East an
nounced today. :
' A village near Medan, on Su
matra, was soaked with kero
sene and petrol and burned to
the ground. Any inhabitants
who tried to escape where shot
with machine guns.
A village on Java was set
afire by incendiary bombs, and
Good Industrial I
Chances Predicted
Portland and Oregon have a
good chance for many new In
dustries after the war if efforts
are united, W. B. B. Dobson,
Portland's chamber of commerce
representative in Washington,
suid here today.
He said that many eastern
firms plan to establish branches
on the Pacific coast and are in
terested in such products as
wood alcohol, sugar and lignln
from wood pulp, synthetic rub
ber, plastics, and plywood and
aluminum goods.
machine guns also were turned
on those trying to flee.
NEW kind of
ASPIRIN tablet
doesn't upset stomach
WHEN you need quick relief from
pain, do you hesitate to take aspirin
because it leaves you with an upset
stomach ? If so, this new medical dis
covery, SUPERIN, is "just what the
doctor ordered" for ybo.
ftuprin It aspirin plus contains the
same pure; safe aspirin you have long
known but developed by doctors in a
special way for those upset by aspirin
in its ordinary form.-
This nw kind of aspirin tablet dissolves
snore quickly, leu the aspirin get right
at the job of relieving pain, reduces the
acidity of ordinary lupirio and does
not irritate or upset stomach event
after repeated doses
Tear this out to remind yoa to get
Superin today, so you can have it ost
hand when headaches, colds, etc strike.
See how quickly u
relieves pain how ftV'
fine vou feel alter tak l.
ing. At your druggist's.
15and 39. ;
r .
' n iv. ..BaT' "v . aa
Alien Adding Machine! I , - . CT I ' 0TT VV 1 j j B
Friden Calculator. tZf$fc1f ' ' r-l MTW ' fJ ' ' H "P 9
Doikt - Chain File. -oMTWfeAi A -'" ."'''.) V'- .J T f KjHi&r' V 3
AND STATIONERY CO.' : WfalX Pft6 . :', &&0Si 1
124 So. 9th Klamath Falls flntt V . : . '. .'-.V lfldmt& ' H
Classified adsget 'fa ' ' H . - 4
rOBD HAS BUILT MORE THAN 30,000.000 CARS AND TRUCKS,, 'Q .V: . ." - . ' : :n ' , ,. '