If HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON November 6, 1944 mil- i . ' !rVi i l ' . mm plans ARMISTICE DAY. PRDGnMH HERE if When you vote tomorrow, remember this no mitttr HUW you are rc;iiiiu, yuu wn voio lor ihi tipdiaates or your cnoicc, rcgaraicsi oi parry. DON'T LET HILLMAN, BROWDER OR THEIR STOOGES TELL YOU HOW TO VOTE Soom knows or can ever know how you easr put billot. Remember, by that ballot you will elect both i President and Vice-President to sorve you (or the next lour years. For pticetime jobs (or reduced taxes (or hones ty md efficiency in government for prosperity and progress ... THOMAS E. DEWEY JOHN W, BRICKER ITS TIME 10 CHANGE M. A&v. S.subKfO $lal C"frol CammtltM luildino. fpitloftd, O'taon, Co'l S.owr, (e. Slnrling ul dnwn with mi 11 KUn .s-i I' 1 1 by member of the '10 el II. Kliiiiiiilli Knll will bo rc. minded Unit November II luis ar rived ii u.'i i . r.iiil I t'li 1 1 j it r unci C. II. 'llermk'" Kurttui' j,ro in Clllll'UV. At II n. in., ail members of Paul liunviiii Vulture No. 'i'l'L i( lln- '10 i t II will hiivi! ii breakfast party nl Hie Willard Imlul. Ctiuir nicn in u Lynn Koycrofl unci Clyde Thompson. At 1 1 n. in., there will be ii iliml program ul tin? Memorial Slinll nt mi il Main. Chair man for thin pmuiiiin is Fred La Knrge, past commander ul Khun nth post No. II, At 2 p. in., tin.' i.i'Kiunniuri's and 1U ct 8 era will attend tin? UeiidlClamalh football name ul Modoc field. t An ArnilMicc Day dance lit the Kliiniiilh urinury in the evening will conclude the program. Mu sic will hu furnished by Haldy's bund, Boh McGhchcy will bo chairman uf tho dunce. The American Legion will also hold open house ut the Legion hull, 4th and Klamath, fur all Lcglonnalros, 40 ot 8'ers, and' servicemen, In the nftornoon audi evening. Armistice Dy. i II In Imped Unit nil stores and; business hijiiHCK will he cloned i November 11, Oregon Firms Now Manufacturing Goods For Civilians . PORTLAND, Nov. 6 OT) Thirty-two Oregon manufactur ing companies arc now produc ing civilian goods, Four more Portland firms were given Dm reconversion go abend by tho WI'B Inst week. Paul Hirsch, deputy regional director, said tho firms will turn out neon signs, farm ma chinery, metal safes, desk and chair parts, indoor fireplace equipment and metal bods at an annual output value of $078,-000. A small economical civilian plane tliut the average person can learn to fly in less than five hours, has been developed for postwar use; Classified Arts Brine Result' A Successful Oregonian for U. S. S! rle) Act, Mr. Vnllh Oeti l Waihlnglan Club I M lurton, &c'y, Corbit II dg. FoiftoneJ eSSSIrt 5TSTE SWm Hi Ii q Uadlng member, of the majority party in the Senate, thereby holding important committee assignments valua bly to his district. Faithful attention to duty on the Sinate floor and in committees barked his first term. to'i give a big Klamath majority ,0 big Klamath man Vote For- I -.a' - si i W Marshall E. Cornett I Of Klamath County 18 years a resident of Klamath who has always given gen '0u,y of his time for community and civic affairs. A citizen i''ha inn.. .( ...Li! ..:i.:i:a. ur puoiic responiiuimy. ' Pnld Adv., by Cornett for Senator Committee. Mrs. Greenmeyer Treated For Auto Accident Injuries Mrs. Bessie Greenmeyer, 55, Merrill, is a patient in Klamath Valley hospital recovering from chest and buck Injuries received In an automobile accident which occurred eurly Thursduy night. Mi's. Greenmeyer was en route to Merrill when a car, which she said wa- on Hie wrong side of the rond, struck her machine hendon. Her condition is not critical. Navy May Take Over Adair For Hospital WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 fl'l Possibilities that Camp Adair will be turned Into a naval hos pital was seen over the weekend with a navy department an nouncement that preliminary negotiations to acquire the camp from the army arc under way. The navy said that it could release no further details at the present, time. Army officers communded the first United States naval fleet, For a Full-Time Mayor -- Elect ED OSTENDORF the only candidate ' who will devote hit full time to the office. LISTEN TO KFJI TONIGHT at 7:05 Ed O S t e 11 d O r f Your Full-Time Mayor Pd. Adv. by Ed Oitendorf Shipyard Workers to . Take Time to Vote PORTLAND, Nov. B IP Irving E n n a, Portland office j o a jasatsnz p. TONIGHT f 'iMfegJ 'Keeping Faith' SM KOIN jb'Sr 10:15 X if 9:30 employes union secretary, has announced that shipyard work ers in this , area will bo per mitted to leave their Jobs early to vote tomorrow. The plan does not includo Swan. Island and Wlllamatti Iron and Steel company work, crs becauso their day shift, end ing at 3:30 p. m., gives them amplo time to cast ballots. DALE WEST Merrill, Oregon Formor and Businessman REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For REPRESENTATIVE In th Oregon Legislature ,-V i rd. Air. bT Dal. VT.H HE'S GOING TO CLEAN HOUSE MEANS A CL E A N T OWN Clean up the Police Situation Clean up. Main Street 'Clean up "'J.;;. ' 'i:'...,.. V-Our " Problem '-of a Dwindling Industrial . Life ELECT McLeod Mayor "Mac Geti Things Done" Kenneth McLeod Jr. i ' FOR AN HONEST, COOPERATIVE - ' EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATION 7 Clean Out the Bureaucrats and Restore American Freedom A New Broom Sweeps Clean THIS YEAR LET'S ALL VOTE REPUBLICAN Pd. Adv. by 50,001 Club, Thlru DeCtw, Tren. .1 ' y .7 tv i.::.r..," .... .e j ' .. fV " 1 , i3 ii y s i ,f '. H-I.f '11 i ;;:-r V '- it r i S f- t I i, Ji ! jl - - For United States Senator GUY CORDON VOTE 16 X For Your Own Interest and for the Best Interest of Oregon General Election, Nov. 7, 1944 Keep Sendtor Cordon on the Jot V , ': Pd. Adv. Cordon for Senator Committee Marshall Cornett, Ex. Sec., Imperial Hotel. Portland YOUR TEACHERS ASSURE YOU THAT N Proposition 314 on Your Ballot (An Amendment to Article VIII of tht Oregon Constitution) ' .-. " : i Provides for a MEDI)ll?(OTM in State Tax Support District School Tax and - An Increase in -, : - ".. ; -1 IT Educational Opportunity YOUR Children VOTE 314 X YES Your Teachers Saved $364,500 For Klamath Tax Payers in 1943-44 . Pd. Adv. Klamath County Tcachera Assoc.