Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 06, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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Marine Eleven Sloughs
Through Mud to 6-6 Tie
With Coast Guard Pilots
The San Francisco Coast
Guard Pilots steered a straight
course to the goal line ot the
Klamath marine loot ball eleven
midway through the final period
ol a hotly contested game Sat
urday iiliernoon on rainswept
Modoc Held to tic the Leather
necks, ti-b'. . .
A crowd of 2500 shivering
fans saw Bancer Hip a short
pass to Dravin, right end, m the
late stages of the tnird frame lor
a touchdown that put the ma
rines out in lioiu, u-u
when they threatened. The two
major threats were stopped short
of the goal line, however, and
the boys from the barracks and
Major Clyde Roberts, marine
coach, deserve a lot of credit.
Grid fans who attended the tilt
saw a wet, but well played ball
The game was strictly a last
half aflair as the first two pe
riods developed into a kicking
duel between the two elevens.
A lot of good football was played
Saturday afternoon and the next,
and probably final game of the
ilrs.i. i ctr ...Mri half, season lor me marines is stnw
back chartering the course, thC;Uled for Sunday at ternoon, , no
t Jn-dolevcn came fighting Ivember 12, when the Fairfield-
coast guard eleven came fighting
back in tnc lourm quuuur mm
sailed to the Leatherneck nine
hi.tnm Hie tide was turned aside.
Nothing daunted, the Pilots
again came flashing back and a
pass, Tunnell to Richardson, was
good for 18 yards and a first
down on the Leatherneck 23.
From there Tunnell swept his
own right end and knifed down
Suisun Skymasters play a return
tilt with the Leathernecks on
Modoc field.
First Quarter
Chapin kicked off to Tunnell
who returned to the Pilot 20. The
coast guard rolled up a first
down to their 32 but were forced
to kick on the next series ot
the sidelines lor the touchdown downs. Senter booted to Albrit
that deadlocked the game. Rob-1 ton on his own 20 and he re
erls' attempted placekick was . turned to the 32. The ball ex-
wide and low.
Tunnell took a terrific pound
ing from the marine forward
wall during the game and col
lapsed in the end zone from ex
haustion alter he had scored and
was assisted to the dressing
room. The colored boy carried
the ball three-quarters of the
time while he was in there, and
played a fine outstanding game.
The coast guardsmen threat
ened seriously in the first min
utes of the third period on a
drive that carried them to with
in the marine 10-yard line, but
Gelber fumbled at this point and
Hughes recovered for the Leath
ernecks on the two. Hughes
then booted a beauty from deep
in the end zone that carried 65
yards to the Pilots' 35 and car
ried the marines out of immedi
ate danger with it.
One outstanding feature of the
tilt was the punting of both ele
vens. The wet, slippery ball
didn't seem to. hinder Senter,
Pilot right end, or Hughes, Ban
cer or Mahan. These four grid
ders handled the kicking assign
ments and all got off some
splendid punts.
The soggy, slippery condition
of the field was a greater handi
cap to the Pilots than the ma
rines, as their attack depended
greatly on speed and passing.
Tunnell is a speed merchant but
has a lot of drive and was able
to rip off some nice gains despite
the wet gridiron.
:t Roberts, guard, and- Romano,
tackle, turned in fine defensive
jobs for the coast guard, as did
Westrum at left end. '..
For the Leathernecks, Byrne,
Darnell and Higgins played ex
ceptional ball in the forward
wall and LaPaglia, -Hughes, and
Bancer rang the bell in the ma
rine backfield.
In the last period, Mahan had
a perfect chance to intercept one
oi runneirs passes ana continue
for a touchdown gallop as there
was nobody between him and
the Pilot goal line, but the wet
ball eluded his grasp and it was
just another incompleted pass.
The marine eleven really stop
ped the highly vaunted Pilots
upon all except three occasions,
one when they scored and twice
changed hands several times,
with neither side able to gain an
advantage, and the initial period
ended with the ball in the Pilots'
possession on their own 21.
Second Quarter
The second stanza was much
the same story, with both ele
vens exchanging punts in an ef
fort to lorce a oreaK. no iirst
downs were made by either team
throughout the period, but on
the last play. Tunnell hurled a
pass to Westrum for a 10-yard
gain, only to have him fumble
and the marines recovered on
their own 42 as the gun barked
we end ot tne nan.
Third Quarter
and he ran back to his 38 as the
third period ended.
t ourin uuarivr
The Pilots were made of stern
stuff and rolled up two succes
sive first downs in rapid order
with Tunnell and Gelber han
dling the leather to put the ball
on tne marine 30.
Two plays picked up i yarns
and Tunnell lanced through
once more for 8 and a first down
on the Leatherneck 15. On two
plays Tunnell made it to the 9,
but on third down dropped 4
yards. On the last down, Tun
nell made a valiant effort, but
the marine forward wall rose up
to stop him on the 12 and take
the ball over on downs.
Mahan quick-kicked to Tun
nell on the midfield stripe and
the speedy colored boy to the
marine 40. At this point, Mahan
had his chance for a pass inter
ception that would have almost
undoubtedly resulted in a touch
down, but the ball got away
from him.
Tunnell heaved to Richardson
for a first down on the 23. An
other pass was incomplete and
then Tunnell swept around his
right end and knifed down the
sidelines for a touchdown, col
lapsing in the end zone. Roberts'
placekick was no good. SCORE:
The final minutes saw both
elevens strive desperately to con
nect with a pay-dirt aerial, to no
avail, and the gun sounded with
the ball in the Pilots' possession
on about the midfield stripe.
Score by quarters:
Marines 0 0 6 0 6
Coast Guard ,0 0 0 6 6
Officials: Marble Cook, ref
eree: Joe Peak, umpire; Harold
Shidler, head linesman; Dr.
George I. Wright, timekeeper.
Game Statistics
Football Scores
By The Associated Preii
Third Air Force (Morris Field,
N. C.) 34, Georgia Pre-Flight 12.
Bainbridge (Md.) Naval 49,
North Carolina Pre-Flight 20.
U. S. Submarine Base (Gro
ton. Conn.) 6, Holy Cross 0.
Fleet City (Calif.) Bluejackets
26. St. Mary's 0.
Second Air Force 46, Amarlllo
(Tex.) Air Field 6.
Maxwell Field 25, Fort Ben
nlng 4th Infantry 7.
Gulfport (Miss.) Army Air 12,
Gulfport Navy 6.
Bowman Field (Ky.) 13, Fort
Knox 6. , .
Great Lakes 45, Marquette 7.
Roberts kicked off to Chance i . . .... M"'"' 0,VJ
Taras passing ...
iota, yarai
You Drive Move Youneli
Seye H Long asd
Short Trips
Phone 8304 1201 East Main
on the 10 and he brought it up
to the 1 24. The Leathernecks
failed to gain and Hughes was
forced to kick to Tunnell, who
returned to his own 44. 'A pass
and a run by Tunnell gave the
Pilots a first down on the marine
33. Gelber made 7 and then
picked up 9 more for another
first down on the 17.
Tunnell drove through for 8
yards to the marine 9, but on
the next play Gelber fumbled
after having gone to the 2, and
Hughes recovered for the Leath
ernecks to stave off the score.
Two running plays failed to
gain and Hughes launched a
beautiful kick that was downed
by Darnell on the Pilot 35. The
Leathernecks held and Senter
booted to Bancer, who brought it
up to his 29,
LaPaglia went over tackle for
25 yards to the Pilot 46. With
the aid of a penalty and two
plunges by LaPaglia, the Leath
ernecks rolled up another first
down. Another penalty put the
ball on the coast guard 29 and
Bancer picked up 6 to the 23 and
a first down. Two running plays
netted three yards and then Ban
cer passed to Dravin for 8 yards
and another first down on the
Bancer drove through for
three and the Pilots were given
a pcfialty half the distance to the
goaf, putting the oval on about
the 4-yard stripe. Two plays
failed to pick up any yardage,
but on fourth down, Bancer
ploughed through for a first
down on the 2. Bancer lost a
yard and then faded back to
rifle a short pass to Dravin
in the flat for the touchdown.
Bancer's plunge for the extra
point failed. SCORE: MARINES
Darnell kicked off to Gelber
First downs rush
First downs pass
First down penalties
Total first downs
Yards lost ptnalties .
Funta average yardage .
. 4 '
Passes completed
Passes incomplete
Passes had intercepted .
Own fumbles recover 2
Opponents fumbles recover 2
Bombers Bash
Rockets, 28-7
In Pro Game
SEATTLE, Nov. 6 (P) Two
T..! 1 j-..MUl. U.ln.J
the way as the Seattle Bombers
walked off with a 28-7 win over
the Portland Rockets in the fare
well northwest game of the
American Professional Football
league yesterday.
The Bombers scored one touch
down the first time they got the
ball with Dale Holmes rambling
44 yards for the tally.
In the second period, Port
land's Howard Manson fumbled
and Jerry Simicich recovered
and sprinted 40 yards for a Seat
tle tally. Moments later, Neno
Burian raced 70 yards after re
covering Jimmy Gaine's bobble.
ueoree Karamatlc scored uhc
final Seattle touchdown, taking
a lateral from Simicich who had
taken a pass from Morrie Koh
Millsaps 19, Southwestern
(La.) Institute 0.
Virginia 18, Maryland 7.
Tennessee 12, Louisiana Slale
Dekalb 19, Whcaton 6.
Sampson (N. Y.) Naval 39,
Scranton University 0.
Concordia 7, North Central 6.
Simpson 20, Central College 6,
Daniel Field 20, Charleston
Coast Guard 13.
Vandcrbilt 20, Tennessee Tech
Arkansas Aggies 20, Louisiana
Tech 14.
Meets 'Mask1
In Main Go
Tickets are going on sale now
for the rasslinc bouts Friday
night which bring together Pete
Belcastro, the Weed assassin,
and the "Grey Mask" in the
headline go.
This set-up is a natural, if
there ever was one. and Pete
vows he will make the "Mask"
climb out of the ring rather than
face the treatment ne will aisn
out. Pete is an exponent of the
famous surf-board hold, which
he originated. Once Belcastro
applies this painful hold to his
opponents, they are usually not
in a receptive mood for any
more grappling for quite awhile.
On the other hand, the hooded
heel continues winning h i s
trysts against any and all
comers, and will undoubtedly
rely on his savage head butts to
batter Belcastro into submission.
The services of Ernie Piluso
are being sought by Promotor
Mack Lillard for the semi-go,
and the supporting card will be
announced soon.
The armory, in all probability,
will be jammed to the rafters as
the match between Belcastro and
the "Mask" is what we have all
been waiting to see.
Hammerin' Henry
KO's Belloise
In First Round
Irish Vs.
Army Top
Grid Tilt
Notre Dam Enters Annual
.Grid Clastic As Underdogs
NEW YORK, Nov. 6 lVI Sat
urday is the twenty-sixth an
niversary of Armistice Day but
there will bo. no cessation of
football hostilities.
That Is the day Army Is booked
with Notre Dame in Yankee stad
ium, Auburn opposes Mississippi
Slate, Duke takes on Wake For
est, Tulane tangles with Georgia
Tech, Illinois invades Michigan,
Oklahoma decides the Big Six
title with Missouri. UCLA and
California collide in a repeat con
test, Randolph field works out
against Southwest Louisiana and
Arkansas meets Rice.
Notre Dame, shackled by
Navy's heavy line Saturday In a
32 to 13 defeat, probably will
enter the army game, for which
all seats were sold in August,
as the underdog.
The Cadets, who flattened Vil
lanova in their final tuneup by
an 83 to 0 score while their head
coach and both first string full
backs were absent, haven't
..ap.i4 aminrl NnlM rSa.,.f lnr-A
1938 and haven't triumphed in ' PORTLAND, Nov. . 6 Wi
th. ri vulth th Smith Hnd Twenty years alter they saw
Romhior. ,inn. io3i. . action on the gridiron tngethor,
, ... -,ii. ! members of the University of
ThJ :?a h wey c r . t h e Ca cie t s 0rcKon.s ,fl24 ,oolbni treiiii will
are auer revenge, inoy nave . .milo nOP.i,,nri'. Mii,m,l,
its 63 to 0 conquest of North
Texas Aggies by Inking on Max
well Field at Sun Antonio but
urdav. Tulsa, whipped by Iowa Pre
Flight In a 47 to 27 "Coring
spree, has Southwestern of 'lexus
as Us guests while the Scahnwks
play the unbeaten Hunker Jllll
naval station Saturday.
Navy tosses Its stonewall de
tense against Cornell, 28 In 7
victor over Columbia. '1 ne
Lions meet Pcnn in an Ivy
league game. Unbriiten ale, ex
tended to whip Dartmouth by n
6 to 0 edge, takes on Brown, u
20 to 0 victim of Const Guard
academy. ,
In the far wrst California
visits. UCLA and Washington is
host to the powerful Fourth Air
Force outfit. The t.'iilKm'iiln
UCLA fray is Ihe second of the
year, the Hours winning Ihe tlrsl
6 to 0 on September 30.
Arkansas, remaining In the
southwest conference ilftni'c
with a 7 to 6 triumph over IVxiis
A & M. entertains Ith'o, spilled
by Texas Tech niul the Texas
Longhorns, who crushed South
ern Methodist, 34 to 7, next lake
on Oklahoma A St M. The Ag
gies, who burst Tulsa's bubble
a week earlier, were spilled In
turn by the Norman, Okln., nnviil
base, IS to 0. Uainbriilge (Md.)
Navy surprisod yoslcriluy by
walloping North Carolina Pre
flight, 49 to 20.
Reunion of 1924 UO
Gridders to Be Held
Bears Knock Packers Off
Undefeated Perch, 21 -0
CHICAGO. Nov. 6 (!') The
Given Buy Packers were knock
ed out of the undefeated class
In Ihe National Football league
veslenlnv, but today they were
'. It.rl iiltmit next week's
giiine between Philadelphia mid
Npw York t nun aumit uuy Hu
miliation suffered at the hands
of the Chicago Hears, their inch-riviils.
Ti,., Pill-Item. whinei'H of six
straight before they succumbed
to Ihe Hems, 21-0, were looking
ahead to a post season Intel-see-
tlonal fhaiiiplonsiiip game
t h e New York Philadelphia
game may he the tlpoff,
If the .Giants knock ott the
Kimliw. then Iho eastern division
will be clarified, until Hie No
vember 111 meeting between tne
Itcdskins and rliiladoiphlii, in
which . I'lully victory might
hoist the Giants to tliu ton rung.
If New York cannot slop Phila
delphia, then the eastern divi
sion leadership will be right
where It was wnen ine r-ugies
and Washington played u 31-31
tie, October II. and H post season
game probably will bo ordered
to see which team meets the
western lillist prnhablv Green
Hay for the inter divisional
The Bears bottled up the
vaunted Green Hay passing lit
i..b Kinwiiiv Hi Sid Luckmnn
.i ,ivrl ('hli-iiL'o to their
easy victory. Luckinnn, on lend-
lea.-e from the miiruime service,
scored one touchdown himself
and tossed passe f
Im nil,.,.. I ' 'wo Iwa..
HOW Eniy This
"""Better Whiskey
Blended 'the pre
war way with fine
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Ask for it enjoy
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. WW-XtS Tni'lSE w ;j mi WkffJiii
PORTLAND. Nov. 6 (IP) Dur
able Henry Armstrong pounded
out a four-round knockout vic
tory over Mike Belloise of New
York City here Saturday night.
Armstrong weighed 140
pounds and Belloise 138 for the
scheduled 10-rounder.
Armstrong had the better of
the going all the way and it was
a savage left hook that sent Bel
loise to the canvas.
In preliminaries, Speedy Can
non, 144. Portland, outpointed
Eddie Weller, 144. Portland;
John L. Sullivan, 168, Portland,
scored a technical knockout over
Al Burdick, 163, Seattle, in the
first round; Jack Biddle, 158,
Seattle, outpointed Kelly Jack
son, 152, Portland; Willie Gad
son, 135, Vancouver, Wash., out
pointed Johnny Pingo, Portland.
rolled over six rivals at exactly
a point a minute, clip and have
permitted only three touchdowns
to be registered against -them.
A week ago they wore rated the
No. 1 team in the land.
While some 77,000 spectators
will ram their way into the
stadium and millions of other
fans will follow the game from
afar, the contest Isn't the only
one of importance Saturday.
Mississippi State, leader In
the southeast circuit since Its
26 to 0 verdict over Kentucky,
the twice-beaten Auburn, winner
by a 57 to 0 score over Presby
terian in its latest outing, are
booked at Birmingham while
Georgia Tech, pushed from the
clean sme list oy uuKe, in 10
13, bangs into Tulane, loser only
to Notre Dame.
Wake Forest, unbeaten leader
of the southern loop, invades
Durham where Duke found the
winning combination Saturday
against Tech.
Illinois, idle Saturday, moves
against Michigan in an Import
ant Big Ten fray just a 'week
aft(.r the Wolverines deflated
Pennsylvania, 41 to 19. Al-i
though minus two of Its stars
because of Navy transfer, Mich
igan piled up a 34 to 0 lead on
the Quakers in tne ursi nau.
Ohio State, undisputed .leader
In the Big Ten and a 21 to 7.wim
ner of Indiana, takes on oft
beaten Pittsburgh and rejuven
ated Purdue, 35 to 0 winner
from Wisconsin, takes on North
western, held to a 14 to 14 tie
by Minnesota.
Oklahoma, which continued
its domination of Iowa State with
a 12 to 7 victory, has a chan.ee
to settle the Big Six title prob
lems' by downing Missouri. The
Tigers dropped Michigan State
off the unbeaten list, 13 to 7,
with a last period touchdown.
Randolph Field, with what is
pronaDiy tne greatest team in
college circles today, followed
hotel November 11.
Only two regulars of the team,
coached by the late Joe Mud
dock, will be missing.
jroit. uWn'ffi r, &
through the Ca,-,l . ,
victory while New YoV '
Boston .1 l , ail(, p, S; bin
Yank'siirtl, ,e;,Uuii ,;,'' Ih.
Meanwhile. Wl,!",, ,u".
eilging nut C eveliiMil ii
Army Cadet OnlJ
Touchdown PaCo
wt'tlf vnin.-
.... .. . wm, m,v a ,&
Scur 111 tin-
luminal Villi.....,.,. a...'"7m
Davis, n I ..... a ....... ' Vitr
ei imbed Willi!,, two
first n nee hut went ... "... t!
football's high senring race -S'l
three slx-imintei-a ...,. "1
total of 711 .li ffl
1re.nr of Hnhlwiii-Wl
he naval unit ,.l lln,wln.w
day. 1 ' '
There Is a six.wny tic fond
place nt till points tn.iecc bctf,3
y, ........ ....,.. ...i 1 1 1111011: K..
Dct.ouice.v, 11I Wnslungton
ly Cromer, of Arknnsas a.,'
Hock hrlnkley of WnkcFom
Tom MeWlllinms, nf Missi.
Stale; and Del Cocknynt, ,,
Hollywood Rangers Blast
Hopes of Clippers, 27-6
By The Associated Press
The smooth rolling San Fran
cisco Clippers had a sad Sunday
In the new American Profession
al Football league. Their out
standing player, swivel -hipped
Kenny Washington, suffered a
torn leg tendon in the first min
utes of action and Hollywood's
Rangers continued their unde-
When la Medlord
Stay at
Thoroughly Modern
Jo and Anno Barley
feated way, 27 to 6.
The Clippers lost the services
of another regular when Carl
Brltschgi, Santa Clara quarter
back, received a brain concus
sion early in the rain-marred
In the league's other tilt, the
Seattle Bombers at Seattle blast
ed Portland's Rockets, 28 to 7.
San Francisco's Packers in the
Pacific Coast Pro league battled
to a 34-21 victory over the Los
Angeles' Bulldogs. The Pack
ers nudged over four touchdowns
In the first half.
The San Diego Bombers lam
basted San Jose's Mustangs, 63
to 7, at San Diego, behind the
ball romping of Notre Dame's
Steve Bagarus.
Sportsmen Attention
If elected county clerk, I will
issue hunting and fishing lic
enses for the accommodation
of Klamath county sportsmen.
Chas. F. DeLap
Candidate for
County Clerk
- Ends Tonight -
"Law Rides
'Swamp Woman'
"Angels With
Broken Wings"
"Saint Meets
The Tiger"
Continuous Shew Daily
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