PACE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PLANS FOR MEET MERRILL Merrill grangers In session this week made plans for election of officers at the next meeting, for the annual Christinas program and for at tendance at Pomona grange meeting in Malin, November 11. Mrs. John W. Taylor acted for Grange Master Ray .Aubrey, who was absent for the first time since taking office last January. Each officer will present a number for- the November 27 meeting. Announcement of Pomona grange was made, Merrill and Malin granges to act as hosts, the meeting to be held in the basement of the Presbyterian church in Malin beginning at 10 o'clock. Dinner will be served by the host granges at noon. Each member is asked to bring an inexpensive gift for the Christmas party and two serv ice men will be guests, each to be presented with a Christmas box. In charge for the party will be Mrs. J. Leland Pope, assisted by Ivan Icenbice, Mrs. Frank Hadley, Mrs. Harriett Fotheringham and Mrs. Pete McNeill. , Lake view Pioneer Dies In Klamath LAKE VIEW William Henry Mendell, who was a Lakeview Sionecr, died Sunday morning in llamath Falls at the home of his daughter. He had been in ill health for some time. He was born 73 years ago in Fairfield, . Calif. He is survived by two sons, Charles and Gail of Lakeview, three daughters, Mrs. Nancy Shell, Lakeview, Mrs.'W. L. Mar tin, Klamath Falls, and Mrs. T. G. Swiekheimer, Oakland, and a brother, Nar Mendell of Sparks, Nev. ,, Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at Ousley chapel, with Rev. Eugene Nel son, officiating. Burial was in Sunset cemetery. Jap-Yanks Relieve 7rh's Lost Battalion ' SIXTH ARMY GROUP IN FRANCE, Nov. 6 (IP) A "lost hattalion" of the seventh army. which was cut off by the Ger mans lor a wees in me oi. area, was relieved by Japanese- American troops who fought brilliantly in Italy, it was ais .closed today. The battalion was of the 141st regiment of the 36th division. The Japanese-Americans who fought their way to the trapped men late on the afternoon of Oc tober 30 were of the 442nd regi ment. , "It really was Ironical that we were so glad to see the Jap anese," said Private Walter Yat taw; Providence, R. I., "but boy, they are real Americans." One 48-man patrol of the bat talion came back with only six men after its seven days of isolation. I high school I News Notes and i Comment By JUANITA SHINN Charter ' members for the Masque and Gavel have been named and have met to begin organization. Included in the list, from Doih speecn ana ornms departments, are Donna Burke, mine i-ce carson, mac tpiey, Marv Jo Hallet. Tom Hopkins, Jim Ivory, Barbara King, Betty barvick, boo Mci.ean, mun Merrill, O'Neill, Ted Reeves, Pat Richardson, Muriel White and Bill Wilson. Additional members will be taken in at the Bmanrnmi end of the so- lii?! charter mem bers get the or ganization i n working order. . The teen-age bowling league will begin to night, Novem ber 6. Plays will begin at 7:3u At the request of some of the local ministers, time was grant ed for Dr. E. C. Hedrick, field evangelist for the worA, to speak to a sophomore-junior- senior assembly tins morning in the auditorium. Plans are being made for Par ents' night. The date is pending word from the proposed speak er. The auditorium program will consist of music by the a cappella choir, John Best with his cello, and the speaker. Re freshments will follow in the cafeteria, and visits with the teachers in their rooms will be made. Wednesday is tne deadline for those wishing to buy their Kra ter pins. This is the first year Krater staff members will have pins, but since the Krater has 1 ....... Unrtnma an ikvtrn.niirrlrillul activity, the staff felt they were etuiuea 10 year pins as uie uui cr organizations do. Library instruction will be given to freshmen and juniors in the two school libraries, Thurs day and Friday. Administration Building Razed PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 6 0V) Fire razed the two-story admin istration building at Henry J. Kaiser's Oregon ' Shipbuilding corporation today, causing loss estimated by the company at 3600,000. Margaret Lony, telephone operator who remained in the burning building to notify offi cials, suffered slight burns and an injured ankle when she was forced ' i jump from a second story window. Five other per sons received minor injuries. The blaze disrupted the ship yard's telephone system, but did not damage production sectors of the giant yard. The blaze start ed in a women's rest room. CLOSE ARDMORE, Okla. Trooper Roy C. Morrison of the Okla homa highway patrol reported that the bus in which 30 persons were riding went out of control, skidded 124 feet, climbed a four foot bridge railing and came to a 12 inches from a 30-foot drop. NATURAL LOOKING CURLS PERMANENT WAVE IT Yes. it'i true! You can now live yourKM m&rvelout permanent wive, cool-ly, comfortably, at home. fy putting your hair up m curiera. i ne amauni 59 contains everything you need. Accept no sub ttitutec, but insist on the genuine Charm-Furl. Complete, only 59 crnU, pay no more. Over S million aold. Safe. for every type of hair. Ar Waggoner Drug and all drug stores. Island Hopper l..-A"- its Leader of the Invasion ot Sa mar, third largest island in the Philippines, is Maj.-Gon. Verne D. Mudge, above, of Fellsmere, Flo., commander of the 1st Dis mounted Cavalry Division. His troops in amphibious jumps also secured the northern end 'of Leytc, landing at Uvan . and Babatngon. . Classified ads get results For Workers! ' JEFFERSON and BERGMANN First Grade LOGGERS Complete Stock Available From $9.85 DREW'S MANSTORE ' 733 Main IT (Continued from Page One) irl.nni Tn lflOB. ho came here n, n rirnhini!n Investigation. He returned again In 1007, remain ing until 1914 on operation and Ho then went to the Bell E,,,-..l, nrnlru.l In Smith Da kota as superintendent. In 1924 he went to Denver, and served five years as economist for the reclamation service. In 1020, ho came back to Klamalh Falls as superintendent. The veteran reclainatlonlst said he will continue to live In Klamath Falls. Ho will look after farms ho owns In Arizona and South Dakota, and will do consulting work as irrigation and agricultural onglneer for the bureau or private parlies. Yuma Trip Huyden will go to Yuma In Nn.,,nt . rnmulninff in the south until late winter, when ho will return to Kluiuulli Falls. Ho recently turned down an offer to bocomo. superintendent of operations mul nuilntcnaiico for, the second district, which covers California and southern Ori'iiun, and includes Central Valleys and (ho Klamuth dis trict. Stephens has been associated with the reclamation bureau hero slnco 1911, except for five years from 11)13-18 when lie worked on other projects, In cluding the CSniud Valley and Uncompahgro In Colorado unit th Flalbush project In Moil- J, I), tana, llu luu In.,.,, "' servlcn " r I'lou t 311 yj . fur tota llrWfyiftialWftrti. ' LSI " MAIN wiiyif.fvyKwiw!'A'i.ww!'Tryws r 15 a r to7, Kh id i1 7 CHILDREN'S COLDS' COUGHING nuicklv relieved by Penetro- Grandma's old-time mutton euot idea developed by modnienc into a counter-irritant, vaporiiingj salve that bringsquicic, comton ing relief. 25c double cue 35c j PEN ETRO BASE CONTAINS MUTTON SUET Attention EAGLES By Popular Vota Klamath Falls Aerie No. 2090 Now Meets Regularly TUESDAY NIGHTS Motorists Reminded To Get Sticker; SALEM, Nov. 6 gj-fecre-ry of State Robert M. farrell Jf., mailed letters tclejf o Ore ion motorists reminding them that they should apply as soon as possible for 1945 motor ve hicle registration stickers. Motorists may use the back of their 1944 registration certifi cates to apply for the new stick ers. He asked that applications be filed early to prevent mail con gestion in his office. Hearing Postponed In Indian Death "WHITKHORSE, Y. T., Nov. 6 OP) A coroner's jury hearing into the slaying of an Indian girl near Kalzas creek, October 13, and the subsequent discov ery of the .decomposed body of a white man in the vicinity, has been postponed until November 15 pending investigation by po lice. Near the man's body was found a note dated August 26, Informing police the man and a party of Indians had been set upon by an unidentified white man. Classes to Close Surgical dressing classes at Tulelake will not be held Tuesday, election day, it was announced. Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? Don't he embarrassed by loose false teeth slipping, dropping or wabbling vhen you eat, talk or laugh. Just sprfn tla a little FASTEETH on your plates. Thli pleasant powder gives a remark ible sense of added comfort and secu rity by holding plates more firmly. No lummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. It's alkaline (non-acid). Get FASTEETH if any drug (tore. Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause It goes right to the scat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION Tor Couehs. Chest Colds, BronchiHi CUT-PRICE mm saiE Reduced for Quick Clearance, While Quantities Last ! Hurry toWards!- Famous "MASTER PAINTERS" Brand . . . Proven Equal to Others' Best ! Formerly NOW Master Painters House Paint. Gal. i. 3.19 2.39 Master Painters Flat Wall Paint. Gal. 2.75 r 1.98 Master Painters Flat Wall Paint. Qt. .73 .57 Master Painters House Paint. Qt. .89 - - ,67 Master Painters Floor Enamel. Gal 3.70 2.96 Nationally Known "COVERALL" Brand . . . Best Low-Cost Paints We Know of ! Formerly House Paint. (No White). Quart 67 Coverall Flat Wall Paipt. Qti .63 Coverall Flat Wall Paint. Gallon .195 Coverall Semi-Gloss Wall Paint. Qt ' .73 Coverall Gloss Wall Enamel. Gal.... 2 39 NOW .51 .51 1.55 .55 1.96 MONTGOMERY WARD 72 Clothes Pins 17 Package of 72 Kant Roll brand. Mad of fine quality hard wood. Six doien. A real Ward value. lOAYAW'f IIM i 1 r I I Fall Dresses 88 5( Smart rayon and wool with latest embroidery and other trim. All orig inally $7.98 drttsai. 8 Enamel Percolators 1 59 Hta.r whit durable percolator!, Larga base for quick heating. Ml Wool Blanket 44 T I , sntln bound blanket In ..... ..., atr ,nd bluo. Only 2 0 cli, CLEARANCE! COMFORTERS Taffeta, on sisa; chints th othar sis. 11 QQ Three-pound wool lillad. Regular 18.98 CLEARANCE OF WOOL BATTS Two-pound virgin wool batt. 1 Jii Regular 1.98 1 ,OU CLEARANCE! WOOLEN YARDAGE Regular 2.29 woolen In plaids, twodi, and 1 plain colors. 34 lnchs wid I'7 SALE OF HUCK TOWELS Beit quality towils. 37x17 tin. 9Ar Regular 29c AtW SALE! LUNCH CLOTHS Splendid Christmas gift. Sis S2x92. t Bright colors; fast colors OVERSTOCK! DUST MOPS Oil treated to pick up lint and dust. ffr Especially priced - CLEARANCE! MADE-UP DRAPES 6.88 9.88 22 pairs of drapes priced from 8.98 to 14.98. All reduced to the above price ranges. Some only one of a pain others S and 6 pairs. See them for outstanding values. SALE OF WATER-PROOF SHEETS ' 300 assorted sise, flannel covered synthetic, reiin-coated sheets. Were 39c to 1.29. IOC 88c CLEARANCE! WOMEN'S RAINC0A1 Made of aqua satin. Water repellent, toll and ugm. may oe carried in purse, ttegulor i. CLEARANCE! WOMEN'S MITTENS r.n wuu iimivii. 111 ivu, ymsii ing oiuo, .j Slsei: small, medium and large, flegulor 44c 31 Overstock! Men's Sleeveless Sweaters 2.9 All wool, brown plaid front. Button type SALE OF MEN'S BLUE DENIM HATS! 4 Ideal for work. Made of heavy donlm. Mot complete sise run CLEARANCE! BOYS' CAPS Winter weight. Dress type with ear flaps. In colors of grey, blue and brown. Regular 79c. J QElffQCaSPI Sale of 3-Piece Mixing Bowl Sets! 3 mixing bowls. In white, blue and yellow. Regular 1.29 NURSERY PICTURES REDUCED! Attractive appliqu nursary picturas. Regular 2.45 1.09 CLEARANCE! MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS In solid colors, browns, tans. Outstanding valui, M M Reduced almost 50 "'M HAND SAW CLEARANCE! Wards master quality rip and cross cut law. A j 28" In I u S!l nolnl. Renular 3.49 - ''l CLEARANCE! WOMEN'S DRESS SHO Originally priced up to 4.45. Fine loather, imail tM Some with arch supports 1 QT V and combination lasts I.T to CLEARANCE! MEN'S WORK SHOES All nooH ariirfa Unihsr iinnnri. Some urowcord and m soles. Reduced for 1 OT 7 oulck clearance I T lo "1 1.25 ALL WOOL HOOK RUGS REDUCED! Sis 24x48. Closely hooked. Assorted designs and colors; all new wool. Regular 7.95.. 6.88 Overstock! Navajo Saddle Blankets Hand made by Navajo Indians. Durable (' and colorful. Regular 6.75 SALE OF WESTERN SADDLE! Made by Steiner, Austin, Texas. You mutt ice 10, this saddle to appreciate Its worthl Reg. 167.50 CLEARANCE! SHAGGY SCATTER RUGS . 2.33 Sise 21x38 in washable assorted colors. Ideal for bath or bedroom. Regular 2.79, HAMMERS TO CLEAR! Fine quality steel head, hardwood handle. Head firmly anchored to handle. Regular 89c 7i 5-piece early California dinette set, Large extension table, upholstered seats. CLEARANCE! 49.95 DINETTE SET 39.8 CLEARANCE! BOUDOIR CHAIRS Only two, slightly soiled. 1 A O O Regular 28.95 IU.OO EARLY CALIFORNIA BEDROOM SET! 59.88 Full sise bed, chest and vanity. Early California style. Regular 74.95 CLEARANCE OF BOYS' WATER REPELLENT JACKETS Wind resistant and water repellent. Siioi i ,( 1 1.68 to 2.98.. 1.49(0 ' Now ' Overstock! Boys' Reversiblo Coats- Three-quarter length style. Durable material, Cof Q qrs In blue, brown and toal. Slsos 4 to m Overstock! All Wool Girls' Sweaters Sise 12 to 16. Famous slipover Sloppy Jo j' styles. War S.9B i i UtMCA Sliope'5 viearantei ttoitush nw - ,i n I i k.Hrsom sliDoers in fancy t' F C and plain black and red colors. While thoy . MONTGOMERY WARD SHOP FROM OUR CATALOGS . . . thousands of items not in our store stocks ml ordered in our catalog department . . . prompt delivery from our mail order