PACE ELEVEN 34 Aulomotlva 34 Automottvo 34 Autom jtlv 34 Automotive ' 34 Automotly 34 Automotive 34 Automotive lOIU ...j ficioralor SU'i".. Hiilonliil , Hotui-"- ,,,, i , MOTOR i-" Elme' Tripp Home Garage, HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON . .n wiasp- or ll-Um ,ne..; 9:3" P. M. RetngerdLiuM Service KELVINATOR wy AulliorlH Scrvlc. Housohold ana Conimorclcil phono 0017 .....niiirkiT rn 5EC0N , Vo 117 PiU, UUi v' .. pLUMbUN SERVICE bij & Ileatinc Equipment Installed " rPrat" . .. : .-J DAVIS PLUMBING CO. ,, ,lur--PI.0ne M0 Falls Upholstery . ond Rug Service' toning onu mvniiuv. e Again Same Day' pi ion u 6014 6056 9 A.M. After P, M 12-3 PHALT ROOFS AKHLitu Free Estimates All Types Guaranteed. Phono 4838. 13.18tf CALL OBINSON'S DELIVERY Phone 7423 IPie I'nrccm Hcguiar uciivcrici ti 10:00 . in.'6:0O p. rn ll-JU rMINnrD 3al0 Summirt t Phone U ll-IO PLVTCn Rr.PAIIl. remodel wnrk rat. Phono 4MH. I Mill LOO TUB MtNniNO-Mr. Harney. ;:N3 attar 6 30 p. m. 3111 nar nc tanks ci.r.ANtn-K.v. mn- I ttUIDmenl. Ca 3230. Ed tl 11-17 ITO-U'indow waihlnf. Phona 0140. WAS SHOE SHOP. 1M r. Main optn or liuilneit. Expert shoe rmsi. work taken tn every flay. r wmcc. II ISOLUX CI.XANrtK rnmnlitl. pw. Paon. tin. 1031 Main St ll-IOmo IPENCTrl I tnlri n..k .- I-.-L. k n ftmiitunffni. 1 h " fOlt SPnAY PAINTtNO Irurinttett new roofs. 1337W K I TANKS CLEANED and In III Phon. 7613, IJ.JO IiiAciUNEnv Tnonni.B and in- K 5kD,CKSt". Ilpliotsterln.. Iff, 5, Pl'ltrlitf. repair. luSa?!;,,!rln"' 'ndltlonad I Mil nana Way. IMm PKODUcra . Mia. Paarl Rose KfmWi1? "El,v"'f- makes. a- anasia way. ll-Um I PAIVTIl.n Kiiii JSUV"1- Orllman. , ,,v ncrre si. ll-30me MAk S '0 ,lr(0 . . .. r'M An.'... """ nu m if.'" ;M.."n "" nd old ' Itaom ji'a Vn. . Allcndar. 731 J".'". Ph. 7303. ll-JOm riATr ... 7TT r fin .1 i " " ""vanca tor I ''Hit Iota, uio E11 M Wl l l-30m Ft.l05'!. rellned and haa.HI, PARK VIEW ONVALESCENT HOME Qranile St. lil.nd, Oregon nj- mmu iom" lNi jsij '"y " o home rrmnn Tnri Nuno In Char., C''WOUK -aund.rA ton MU nr fll Apply , an,,,.., t """""it work. u-j I "" week, noo I MMtf Sell Your Car NOW , While the Price Still Is High SEE US TODAY We Pay Top O.P.A. Prices Your Ford Dealer Since 1923 Balsiger Motor Co. 1 Hlp Wamttd, Mil 16 If you want to work in a logging camp, sawmill or lumber yard where conditions arc good, call at the office or phone 5146 between 8.30 and 4:30 p. m. We need men in all these dcparlmcnts of our operation which is an csscnliol industry. WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Jumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay 14 Halp Wantad Famala 22 Wanted Laboratory Technician Dr. Wayne MacAtee 122 S. 7th Phone 5533 1210lf WANTED - Houaekerper. r-flned. !r amployad lady wllh ion aard ala. Ml oner, Wrlta or phona colled. Chlrf Nuraa. W. It. A., Neitell. Calif. II 0 WANTED-Elderly woman lo do HUM homework, modern convenience!. Pit. St.lO. Ill" It Halp Wantad. Mala Wanted Shipping and Receiving Clerk Here Is an excellent, poxmnncnl Job that not only pays a Kood starling salary, but affords a real opportunity to learn a business with futuro security. Wonderful chance for progress under our post-war expansion program. This may be your big opportunity , , , Why not come in and talk it over. ASK FOR MR. FISHER Sears, Roebuck & Co. ISODlf WANTED Clerk In men'a alore. Mteady Inn. food pay to rlltht parly. Oregon Woolen atore, "III and Main. lllnmf WANTED Rootler and preaier. Uplown Cl.anera, 117 So. 7lh. WANTED - Experienced cleaner and apotter. Baa Ed taeniee at Carcnde Laundry. H-n WANTED-Men and boya to art plm I.liht work, food pay. Apply nowllng Alley, Sift Main p. m, or any avrnlnff. Saturday or Sunday. I72llf MAN TO wonK In cloanlni Standard Cleaner. WOOD TPtUCK DtllVEnS WANTED -Peylon At Co. Jtnnil Wanted Reliabl, Steady Man For Warehouse or Stock Room Work Ask for MR. FISHER Sears, Roebuck & Co. leootf WANTED-Servlce man and wife to ahare home In return (or aome hoiuie work and rarlns for.ainall boy. Ph. 7843 aller n30 p. m. l'-o Ulluvr, 4 ta nt hand fallera. Clood llmha'r. numlee iround. DU Lek box CO. IS Situations Wantad WANTED Homework by the hour, tin- III 3:00 atlernoona. irrm ,1;,?:,V Nawi, Box 14.1S. CAPAm.K WOMAN will lake rare or children eveninia ann rj.iuiu-. atur p. m. 91! Walnut. "' 20 Room 4nd Board anno Aan n.Rllmn 1fln7CreH- eant.' ' "-"I Holp Wantad. Mala 34 Lumber Co. Rooms For Rent KOII IIKNT - Kiiriil.hrd room with kitchen prlvllcrcn. Siillnulfi lor con pier. 3li;i rrcncoll. 11 SI.K.rlMN-li llUDM - Gentlemen only. rliunc dtjtl nvclilllijn. 14B2I iKJOMSir.-a lllah. 28 Hougos For Ront Wll.l. KXtllANCIE room with private IihHi inl hem it to icrvlco couple lor wile' u.titinrc in hnu.cwnrk. Modern home, 2 .mull children. Phone B-'in. 11-7 TltltCKN FOlt HKNT Vu drive: move .vmir.rll. n.ivo 'j. SIiIcn l.tcai-on Serv lc, Iflil K.l Minn, Phone ICKH. Il-m 26 MiccoIl..neou' P or Rant EI.ECTP.IC t'l.OOn SANDEIIS and edaer renlctl. llo jmir own wnrk inquire I'lllm IJcpt. M0Ni'(iOMt:nY WAHD AV CO. 1 1 -CICIni P'OH IIKNT- Klnur Mintlcn.. cdncrB and wallpaiicr iTinovllii: niuchlucH. J. E. Pullei.on I'.ilnt ttturc. Phone 3.U4. 12JII Kiel Mln. lt-:iom 30 Roal batata For Sole FOR SALE . 5-roum home, 2 blocks north of Main slicot, full basement, au tomatic oil furnace, electric water heater. Immediate pos session. Price $5300.0C. 3-bedroom homo on Crescent avenue, full basement, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, duublc plumbing. Price $5500.00 SEE FRED COFER Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8lh Thono 4105 11-3 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8401 rort KALE. Sheep pasture. 340 actei alfalfa and llmnlhy mixed, south of Mallu. Cnll Llakcy Droa.. 7014. SSltf FOlt SAI.F. -3-ronm fllrnhihed and elec tric nlnvn. $2.11111 ennh. 1013 Last. Call lt!l3 Academy. 11-6 p'OIl SALE -lluplex. all modern, elec tric water hcilec. electric ranlto and fiirnnci.. Phono .1:1111. On hlahwny fill. (Iritt hiuiMC on ilRht after pnsalnK Junction. Prlco Saiinilt 11-0 For Sale BUSINESS BLDG. 2 storerooms one 3-room newly decorated Apt. nowntown Good Income Property. Terms 432 Commercial. 11-6 roil MAI. EThrer-brd room house and furnfliinK" m r " , ",. be necn lifter H::m evening or Sun-,i,-a Call 7407 dnVH or 71143 evculnea. . . 11-8 KOI! SAUK - 13 aero with J-room vojn llnne. lnnutro on Sun rinvi..' ' t-a irnn SAl.K OU l.KASKl.nrRe em. modrin liouftr. fruit nmiu, Rnrnfte. wtHHl.thrt., hnrn. clilittcn hoiinp. on rivfi in tp. 11'ibliHn 'nil kinds, hulrhes for Ip, V. M. HrnRB. HI, 1, Box loll, nlrl MicJInml loud, near Tavcncr fit rurrly Puck Ins t'lunt. 11-8 ron SAt.K-'a ncre. fenced. InrKfl house, a bedrooms, remcnl foundation, Bar one, woodshed, fruit room, wnsh house. nniRrtln. quick sale. Call 4720 Freldn SI. "1 KOn SAI.K-Kqillty In 1040 Mercury se dan, (iood rubber, A-l condition. . Call IUM.1. "-8 FOn SAI.K 1!WH Chevrolet coupe, fair condition. ootl rubber. Phone B777. nt. 1, Dox 030. . 1 II ' SPECIAL NOTICE To Chevrolet Owners OPA HAS RAISED THE RETAIL VALUE OR YOUR CAR Chevrolet Commands the Highest Value of Any Low Priced -Car SEE US TODAY FOR NEW HIGHER PRICES Sell To Ashley ASHLEY CHEVROLET CO. 410 So, 6th St. Automotive For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types Also Will Build Any Typft Radiator You Need 30DY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So. 6th Phone 6042 ll-30m Anti-Freeze: Du Pont Zerdne $1.00 per gallon in your container $1.15 per gallon in our container Dick B. Miller 7th and Klamath. Ph. 4103 11-8 Used Cars .. Bought , Sold . Traded.. .. ODELL MOTOR CO 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends 11.10m For Sale or Trade 1940 Chev. Semi., new brakes and tires on trailer. Truck in good shape. Also ' nearly new pick-up. Hay baler for" sale. Rt. 1, Box 636-K, 3.D miles Dast Mac's Store. 11-8 Goodrich Silvertown Tires - and Tubes Most All Sizes Dick B; ' Miller Co 7th and Klamath Ph. 4103 11-8 We Buy and Sell USED CARS. . BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main ll-30m See MEL HENRY at Lombard's Used Car Lot. 11 S. 6th St. Top OPA CASH PRICE at once fop your car. All make, and modala for salt. ll-16m Car Troubles? Eliminate Worry and Expense Sell Your Car LOMBARD'S , We Are Paying TOP CASH Lombard Motors 521 SO. 6th utomotWa) WE TEST Brakes just where you use them on the street, and You'll get a quick, even longer lasting brake here. Stop hce to stop safely. LEO'S GARAGE Uth and Main Sis. Phone 6603 Mon.-Wed. RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES ' Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 6th Phone 7071 ll-13mc TOP CASH PRICE for your clean, late modal car or equltv. see L. M. Quam al T4UnNESS MOTOPM ' Authorised DeSoto-Pivmouth Parts and Service Goodrich Tire Distributor 316 So. 6th 30R7tf FOR SALE 1034 Ford V8. 2-door sednn. Oood condition, price .32.1. Inquire at Sunrise service station. 101 E. Main. 11-S FOR SALE 103S Chevrolet Master coupe, new rubber, good condition. Phllpolt Bros. Ranch, Bonanza, Ore. RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils' Best Quality Prompt ' Delivery Phono 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor ll'-30m 36 Miscellaneous For Sal FOR SALE-S0 tons of alfftlfn hay and 20 tons of oat and alfalfa mixed. John Ross. Box 26. Bonanza. 11-S FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS- Roy Schmcck. Phone 4003. nt. 3, Box 1 1 -30m FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyce 1433 Martin. Phone 5877. ll-30m FOR SAl.E-.Modd 70 Winchester 30 00. Zeiss scope, recoil par, case ond hells. Flxlt Shop, 714 Klamath. 146ttf Phone 4113 Phone 3136 11-8 36 Miscellaneous For Sale TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters and COOK STOVES ' ARE RATION FREE All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners . with cook- top, especially priced, S57.50. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from S59.50. Circulating heaters priced from $37.50. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where i he Cash Buyer Gels the Break tie Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-tf Ladies Attention! . INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call John Sandmeyei Phone 5195 C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bldg. i ll-30m Kon SALE 2-bedroom suites, complete with springs and mattresses. 16A each. Other miscellaneous Items. Can be seen at People's warehouse . Monday R. E. McLaln. lt-0 FOR SALE White enamel wood ranee. $50. 2303 Darrow. Ph. 6103. 11-7 FOR SALE-One Royal Crown bottle coo er Mer t washlne Machine Rer vice. 011 So. 6th. - 11-20 ALL TYPES of email gas engines re. paired. Bodenhamer saw Shoo. 3.11 E. Main. ll-13mc INRA-RED ELECTRIC HEATERS $29.30, F. R. Haugfr. Open All Day Saturday. 515 MfirktL : Phone 7221 li-anm LANDSCAPING - Evergreens, flowering . shrubs and trees. Make your selec tion now for fall planting. LAKE SHORE GARDENS NURSERY, Phone 4082. It -20m FOR SALE Dining room set. Good condition and very reasonable. 3314 ltomcdale Road. KL PADRE NOW OPEN Dine, dance. Bar service. Only 10 minutes drive from cliy center, ll-30mc FOR SALE Allis Chalmers harvester, equipped with motor, excellent con dition. Phil pott Bros.. Bonanta. Ore. 11-8 STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. ..Phone 5671, . ll-30m NEW 24 FT. HOUSE TRAILERS. lo a good selection of used trailers. 18 )6 :i0 U. Terms. 3171 Market St.. neddtng. Calif. 11-34 ALLEN Adding Marnlnea nd FftlDGN Calculators, 124 S. 0th St. Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co. U-lSm Foil RALE .100 tons baled hay. Ut cut nlfalfa, oats and, at Keno. See Guy Moore it Mnch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett. Tulske 7104. 333tf FOR SALE-Antique love seat, electric hot water heater, two-burner electric nl a It. Rrlrk house, rlvht hand si rift Keeterxon road, a. 118 arf- arV'V-VV'VV'a-i,a-f,V-aia-. i a i nr-a-araa''eii'rij- ,ai JXnXraa-xa"LajlAjla WE NEED A CLEAN 1940 Ford Club Coupe, Radio and Heater 1941 Buick Sedanette Radio and Heater We Guarantee Top Price To You ROSE MOTOR CO. 4th Si Klamath Phone 81C1 PONTIAC USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum 36 Miscellaneous For Sale Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Seoley Bros. Phone 7709 1173-tf TOR SALE Grain fed hog to butcher, veta-hing 300. and also 6 red hens. S316 Harlan Drive. 11-6 SEWING MACHINE PARTS and sup- pile. Al maxes. ruune Shasta Way. It-.Dm 42 ' MiEeenaneous Wanted Just back from Pacific desperately need furnished home for wife and child. Phone 8101 - Extension 102. Ask for Lt. Barockman or Lt. Abbott. 11-7 HOW LONG WILL YOU BE MAKING BIG MONEY? rt- ..... ...-.n't latt fnrnver when It Is over, the man trained for the right industry will keep on making good money. The untrained man will lose Pranara noiv so vout earnings will stay UP. Get into this sound industry. We will how you how to overnaui ana install AIR CONDITIONING and RE FRIGERATING equipment, it mcehan- l11v t4nrtaH illftl a ffW hOUFS WCCklV spare time all you need. No inter ference with present job. For inlorma- drcss. Utilities Inst. .1600. care Herald News. 11"7 WANTED TO RENT Garage in vtclnity 1 1 s" n 1 -s l Phnnn 74"lfi 11-6 WANTED TO BUY Male Australian Shepherd puppy with blue eyes. Call 8978 evenings. 16E5tf WANTED Plows and power lift for Farmall-12. 403 N. 3rd. lt-7 WANTED TO RENT Private garage near Anchor Hotel. Write E. H. Hel vey, P. O. Box 484. 129611 WANTED Furnished nouse or apart , mem by civilian couple. Write Lynn Biker, care Airport, Warden, Ore. 11-6 WANTED One good oil heating stove. Inquire at Waldorf Grill. 1233U WILL PAY CASH tor used guns. Bring them In for BELL'S HARD WARE. 528 Main St. U-yOrn WANTED Board and room. J. E. John son. Valley Hotel. Government em ploye and wife. U-fl WANTED Dump truck. Call Shaw Lumber Co.. Tionesta, Calif. 11-7 WANT TO BUY-22 SAW or Colt. Have 38 or 45 to trad. Phone 8492. 143 Jtf WILL PAY CASH FOR YOU II PIANO Louis R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 4519 or 7175. ll-20m WANTED - Furnished nparlmcnt or house. Permanent residents. Fl.'ic 7810. H-6 LADY WOULD LIKE furnished apart ment or housekeeping room. Write Box 1431. care Hciiild and News, 11-8 SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAIt I BONDS-lf you have any nu-Umscr usrd articles of any kind lying arvuind your home or office tlicn you have d real opportunity to help the war cf - fort. In the first place, other people actually need these no-lunccr used ar-1 tides: then, loo, the money you tai.-e bv selllnK thlnas can be ronvcitcd ; Into tjonds. Phone 3124. Classllierl Ad j Dept. today. HWH WANTED TO TtKNT by permanent cou ple, a motlern. furnished ntirllncol or house. Phone 3078 after 0 p. in. WANTED -Dead and worthless animals. Phona 4U6 collect. 11-27 WANTED TO BUV-Ico cream frec-er. Phona 7318. 12.r,t((iU (WANTED TO BUY Small modem house In Merrill or Malin. Will pay . cash. S. Ft. Woodley. Merrill. Ore. RF.ritlGERATOR WANTED - Call Wl. nema Hotel. 127311 WANTED TO BUY -Sled wllh aood run tiers. Call 3124. 3Hbll WANT TO BUY-4II to Hid ncre diversi fied ranch, equipped with farm ma chinery. In vicinity of Klamath Falls. Stala full pi ice. terms and all details In first letter. Write 394B. varc Her ald and News. '."If 44 Livestock and Poultry HIGHEST PRICES paid for hnss, veal. Iambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phont 5323. nIBhta 3305. ll-3Um FOR RALE - Rabbits, also hiili hcs. Call at 34311 HomeUale Road. Phono -t:Hl7 CMC Phone 6130 44 Livestock and Poultry COMPLETE DISPERSAL AUCTION SALE of herd oh 35 purebred Jersey cattle; production tested and classified; constructive breeder award. ' ' . November 15, 1944, Josephine County Fairgrounds, Grants Pass. Oregon. Write for catalog. M. G. Gun derson, Silverlon, Ore., Sales manager: Col. Hughes, Forest Grove, Ore., auctioneer. JERSEY PARADISE FARM Geo. R. Riddle, owner. Grants Pass, Ore. 11-6-9-10 FOR SALE -Colored fryers, live weight. Fill your locker now for winter. 1625 Wiard. 11-6 WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phona :w72. ll-30m 46 Financial When You Want a - ; CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th St.: Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On ' Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come In Phone In or. Write In Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 ll-30m Sec K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE On Your n . r- l r- 'I 1 PriVOTe bQlCS rindnCed i . Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months .to Pay No Cosigners Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment" Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-lMl 114 tN, Till Phone 3325 11.30m First Federal Has . Plenty of Money liny a Modern Home ' lTcfiuanec Your Old Home Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rales FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls ' ' Sixth and Main , Phono 51DS ll-30m