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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1944)
HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE NINE i i : lifi :SisU, BOOK CON ! Sf Sal 10 MEN I HIUI t: i u W:. Kali Fltil'Llscn, ronstructio.i ; ' '"' n by Whitohouho uml i'ffl is T wl.nn.l.W !"' ' 2 he buiklii.g will ho L" t Uial of tho gym. The ' "ill M of TO II lirtCH tun- 1 ' !? Si 184 led in size. tino m - FOR WINTER HERE Mimlv road maintenance , ' .. mil on construction vml wye . u. - -" ir udgC aiiiivu'-- .Lid It 1 planned Ihut covin-.! d will 00 kept open mi l?r II II I! at all possible. ; -0,k on county roads In Wood ?.ii. ..round Kurt Minn- Lbmiln progress the P" Lks. In which Ihno -H.- cubic tot ol pumlco iw lortad, averaging over kind cubic feel u uuy, noee- d, .ririltlon to thl rinid work, . bljdtiarc in Uiugell vul.ey In thti tjouuu'iiu 4 ll'l llf rlL'UI'H, .nt or WI ili'K I1'"'1 giile iHiMM'. " T .lorclio""'" "m "V" a "". i instriieted fix M" and M.I"''""'' l WW"' , ..., iinlinllllLT'l Vc!".rVV Inl.nH'k. "I- ).w.,.,;'oI barracks eon- :'; N.ivcnlber 17. i ' i ....Viiii. contract' II 10 ..ii. Uieiiium ru' ... November 17 to " .11 Willi! cotili iiclor ,A 10 suoni". Ci no"'' ... ,.,! Ford J vW! ,.i Full S. Hlfli iruclli.ll. -'"' SO'" iiivorsi)ii Con Mn'?,i.,,. MncOunuld C. E. Hydride, conducting an ovangolistla campaign horo un. dor tho cainliinod direction al a group ol Klnmnth Foils churchvt. Mooting! are held in (lis Klawiflh tomple. 1007 Pino. i ' Unit Ik jut out 1 1 l.i cluim-tles by pushing U i - m In her Iiiit, "Willi the rlKiiretle slmrliige IlL'illK wltnl it Is." Judge Fl'lll- berg li.lfl Winlci'kl, "you belter give up; smoking." I'OKT I.KWIS, Nov. "Ci. I. Joes" or their who fuel tho urge' to write, huvc ii ehunce la win roil money for their efforts, iiceordlng to an un lumiiceiiH'iil iiiikIo hen; toduy by 1 1 -it SliiimiikiT. imsl libriirliin of Hie Fort Lewis, iirmy service forces Induing venter. I Miss Shuniiiker announced Hint no n wuril of $5000 hns been otlelcd by Hie IC. I1. Ulllton unci eoiiipiiny, New York publishers, for the best book lutimiKcripl subiullled by u service mini or woiiinii wounded, In the liuu uf duly In the present war. llulf the hiii ii will be pi. I (I on nceeptiince, und tin balance on publieiitlon, the uiiiiouncemeiil wild, i lie enure iimouni will be, un iiuviiiiee nKiiinsi royiuues, uu ler ii publisher's regular con true I. "WJielher these books tell tho slory of hop pr disillusionment is not the publisher1.! enncerji," Miss Shumuker said. "They iiru loi.kliiK for the besl selection possible of fiction or non-fiction, und poelry, by jnen nnd women who wiin i to put In print whnt they think and feel about their experiences." Tho content la to run through 1047, with the nwnrd given eucn year, doling date or the first yeur will bo January 1, 1945. Competition In open to officers and enlisted personnel alike, but not to professional correspond ents. Authors of previously pub lished books are eligible. "Even If a soldier's book Is not considered for the award, (here Is still a chance It might be accepted In the regular way for publication by the New York bouse," MJsh Shumuker said. Supremo Court Upholds Conviction SALEM, Nov. 3()') The state supreme court today unanimous ly upheld the first degree mur der convictions of Henry w. Merlin nnd Walter L. Wilson, sentenced to die in the prison gns ehumber for the murder of R. N. Porter. The men held up a restaurant nenr Oregon City, and shot and killed Porter, who was eating at a counter. The decision, by Justice C'iCoi-ge Hossman, upheld Ch-cult Judge Earl C. Latourcttc of Cliickumns county. . .Tho men have 20 days to -ask for a rehearing. If this Is denied, they will be resentenced lo death In Clackamas county. 1 mmfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm llil''llll'Ml,i'liljjl;lil;jM:.iil'lllllll.ll.:li:. i .'WJlii 'l lll'il'li'11' !ii i ' I'l'llTi llWll'lii'l'i'l'H' He vommenti i . i 'i i il!il;lil!iii!i!!ili!iiii By JUANITA SHINN "K" club members went to the various home rooms during the morning home room period to get the students reaction to the proposed Sudic Hawkins Day for November 10. If it is the de sire of the student body, an all day costume wmtu.n,xm program will bewH&titSPlsS-M curried out. fol-feii.'WiS lIUOrl t... -yL. ' Allnr U n I the :it Interest hns belli shown , lhc Klamath Strain Drum k wivatlon project 10 to i llti loulh of lion, scaica , in now bcliiB received ut offices of the Uurenu ! tdamatlon nnd tey will be i led at 10 a. m. November to. inly-sevon coniraclors, In- llf 14 In CollUrnin, seven tion and four n watnlng- hive BDDllcd for plans and Ificatlons of the project. Mi! will be mailed to them on ! they; are returned uit liurcau ol ituclamu ailn office In Denver, ac- H to W. I. Tlnglcy, chief of tho local Reclamation liu. ! ashes of TASTY 7 Ths lnoelattd Pratt . PUZZLED AMI, Fla FBI asanui muled over the plans of a ; C.CIC1 of the theft from i .n,n""vJ"' J" yrd of oi linen fab- aTTVfitt.. ' f int"Dwyo' - nock pmicals asaiireservniu,. filay S"l10-'ntndent !We"hnn nys "'t c (4U ar. . ..'-"euilCBls On ta'hV,?!"'" fluoride. as InniJ?011 lo have onnr. I35.nnnlrf.?.. ''?"'niers thai f .'',' d;y and night. WphKg P'l'Y-Clly WvilM collpK'icls net,. Vn left vb.r.f"""5 wln K h nJLV . in Iho Slnilly remnrkpH .i,, i,u"''d a LvnlV. n .J C!- nt their i.i . 1' Tilers i 1 "emiurn, f Watafc. f0;.,r cW0tv 'n thi h.?p' .. hey were S5,W Uie ve'- jSJPttDOOT to. r.!:. c-ihin IJiihV.Vj. after h K 0 itM-v vCh 'fTi-. W, ' I hi aita iVfiiiiliiat illii iliii ji i'h. VOTE FOR Republican Candidate for STATE LEGISLATOR I hove llvod In Klnmnth County thirty four yoari, continuously. I homoiloadod horo In 1311 and raiiod my family horo, ' I hove boon a loxpayor and In buiinost horo twenty-alx yoari and havo boon ncllvo In civic and community affairs. If oloctod, I will work fori Promotion and proloctlon of industry and advancomont of tho Intorosts of labor. Simplification and reduction of tho coats of government without sacrificing effici ency. Protection of our public school system. Protection and conservation of ear fish, game and wild life, - , . : ' . . . ... . ' T . Conservation of our vast fore si re sources. Agricultural", Industrial and eornmercUI advancement .of Klamath County and Orogon. i . 1 . w Ii oloctod to serve you, I will welcome all tuggettioni from you and will strive to randor real service to my County and Slate. You have 2 votes for legislator; I solicit one of them Paid Adv. Rose Pbolc an f'l nance in girls' gym. Ad mission to the dance will be 20 cents. Door prizes will be given, n win not weariua their uniforms on that duy so that they will be able to take part in the program. The trades and industries classes will sponsor their annual banquet for class members and ' their employers on December 1, In the KUH8 cafeteria. CTom Clark, state director of war pro duction training, and Waller Morse, Oregon slate director of trades and Industries training, will be among the guest speak ers. The Future Craftsmen club's stocking dance will be held be tween 8:30 nnd llr30 on the eve ning of Friduy, November 17, in the girls' gymnasium. The stocking dance has be come an annual presentation of the FCC. The outstanding fen ture, and reuson for the name given it, is the fuel that nil in attendance, dance in their stock ing feet. A variety of loud, flashy stockings is displayed. Admission to the dance will be 50 cents for both stag and couples. The Latin club has elected officers for the ensuing year. In cluded in those taking over the positions arc Ruth Landry, presi dent; Mary O'Brien, vice presi dent; Jean Morrison, secretary treasurer; and Mary Ann Mills, reporter. EPHRATA. Nov. 4 IPi Gcore Beck, 46, service station operator, died Wednesday of a heart attack while on a hunt ing trip in the Methow valley, his companions disclosed when they returned today with the body. PELELIU, Palnu Islands, Nov. 1 (Delayed) T") The Japs didn't know It, but when Ralph Tcodos Soncuya crept up to the very slits of concrete bunkers during the savage Peleliu bat tles and harangued them to sur render they were hearing the voice of Donald Duck. Soncuya, now navy pharma cist's mate first class of the first marine division, is a clever Imi tator of animal sounds and for merly was the anonymous voice of the irascible film cartoon character. He was the one who rasped out such phrases as "Wanna fight?" for the doughty duck. Tech. Sgt. Jeremiah A O'Leary of Washington, D. C, a marine corps combat correspon dent, told how Soncuya, a na tive of the Philippines, was call ed on during marine advances to shout surrender demands to the Japanese in their language Soncuya, 47, went to the United States when he was 27 and for many years was a rcs istcred pharmacist in Arkansas. His talent for reproducing ani- mal sounds took him to Hollywood. TOPAZ, Utnh The Topa-j Times, publication of the Central Utah relocation cen ter, carried this front-page box: "There will be no weather re ports until the thermometer which was sent to Salt Loke last week is returned here." 3 C'tja) w Tonight 9:30 KG W EkS YOUR TEACH ASSURE YOU THAT Proposition 314 on Your Ballot t Amendment to Article VIII of the Oregon Cenitltution) Provides for a EH I KflD mcTrnoDM in - i .... District School Tax 1 1 "'. and An iherease in State Tajf Support IT EQUALIZES Educational Opportunity for. rv r - ! YOUR Children VOTE 314 X YES Your Teachers Saved $364,500, For Klamath Tax Payers in 1943-44 . . Pd. Adv. Klamath County Teachers Assoc. VOTE FOR L SEi eiQ u IFOR $AMO ii e Id BUCAUS He hat been a business man in Klamath Falls for 17 years and hat been active in civic and fraternal affairt, giving generously of his time to matters of public welfare; and because his business experience and civic activities have made him conversant with the many problems of our city. HE IS FITTED AND QUALIFIED BY TEMPERAMENT--AND -SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING TO DEAL WITH OUR PRESSING JUVENILE PROBLEMS. He Is a family man with three children one a first lieutenant in the army air corps; a daughter, attending the University of Oregon, and a son In the sixth grade in Klamath Falls. And be cause he has a constructive program for the city of Klamath Falls. As an example: Will imme diately put into effect ordinance No. 3420, and thereby terminating the BLACK SNOW MENACE in Klamath Falls. ' ts t.. , . . v h ',T , 0 Pall Air. by Shepherd for Mayor Clob Chai. Betl, Secty., tiS Broad SU RE-ELECT YOUR TOES D'EMT To Bring Your Boys Home Soon fnsure a peace this time that will keep your children and their children from the horrors of war. Vote for DEMOCRATS who will sup port the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF from top to bottom. YOUR VOTE was never more important than this year. Failure to VOTE may cost the lives of Klamath's boys! Pd. Adv. JDemocratie Club Cur This Out- and Take It to the Poll. . Here's the Way to Mark Your Ballot NATIONAL President of the United States X FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT Vice-President of the United States X HARRY S. TRUMAN United States Senator, 4 Year Term X WILLIS MAHONEY United States Senator, 6 Year Term X EDGAR W. SMITH United States Congressman, 2nd District X C. J. SHORB STATE State Treasurer X WILLIAM T. LAMBERT Attorney General X BRUCE SPAULDING State Senator X MARIUS PETERSEN State Representatives X HENRY SEMON X THOMAS BUSTIN COUNTY Judge, County Court X WALTER WEST County Commissioner X DOROTHEA BUCK County Clerk X MAE K. SHORT Justice of the Peace X JOSEPH MAHONEY County Treasurer X CHET LANGSLET 'runnel FelnborS milllUtfi'i JHW.MPJlll'lSMIJ