PACE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MEANS A CLEAN TO W N Clean up the Police Situation Clean up Main Street Clean up Our Problem of a Dwindling Industrial Life ELECT McLeod Mayor "Mae Gets Thingi Done" .. V h f I ;1 91 ft Kenneth McLeod Jr. FOR AN HONEST, COOPERATIVE EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATION DALE WEST Merrill, Oregon Farmer and Businessman REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For REPRESENTATIVE . In the Oregon Legislature v f -o i - Ti. Atv. by Dale Vest VOTE FOR Chas.FJdap Republican Candidate for I was born In Klamath county and have spent my entire life here) helped to raise and educate five children Hava never held any public office.' ' Have had 13 years' experience as Deputy County Clerk and 20 years' farming and business experience. If elected. I pledge the following: 8H(a1rmonIou cooperation with all State and County Will dovote my entire lime to the duties of said office. Promise courteous and efficient service to all, whether or not you see fit to support me. If you do not know me, please inquire of your neighbor at to my qualifications, etc. Owing to gas shortage and harvest time, it will be im possible for me to contact many voters. Will not ask for more than two terms, and, if at the expiration of one term there should be a qualified ex-service man or woman desiring said office, I will not seek re election. Your support and vote November 7th will be greatly appreciated. Vote 3BX. amur Pi. Adv. by THE SCHOOL TEACHERS OF OREGON Present For Your Approval At Your Precinct - November ! An , AMENDMENT To Article Eight of the State Constitution Providing For 1. EQUAL educational opportunities for ALL children. 2. MORE state school support. 3. LESS district real property tax. VOTE 314--X (Yes) "The amendment is TIMELY; it is practical; it is just; it is NECESSARY." Ex-Got. Charles Sprague. Oregon Statesman, Oct. 17. 1944. Td. Adv. by Klimilh County Teachori AiiocUtion Sportsmen Attention If elected county clerk, I will issue hunting and fishing lic enses for the accommodation of Klamath county sportsmen. Chas. F. DeLap Candidate for County Clerk $60 MINIMUM AT AGE 60 provides insurance for all against pov erty and old age. Vote Yes X 316 on Nov. 7 Pd. Adv. Townsend Club THIS IS MY PROGRAM: Jobs for Returning Servicemen . .by keeping Klamath sawmills in operation. Now SEVEN', mills have closed and still the County Court has done nothing to prevent this loss of payroll to ' our community. ; Long-Term Planning of our county road program. Good roads are necessary to encourage new industry. Adequate Recreotion . ' for all ages; teen age clubs, nursery schools and kindergartens. Efficient ond Economical Spending of our tax money and fair equalisation of our tax load. Active and constructive interest In ALL depart ments of the county, public welfare, public , health, libraries, licensing of businesses outside of cities and towns. Vote 35 x, Dorothea Buck DEMOCRAT FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER VOTE 47 X YES MAdDl Jin i-; ' - -ijv-n.'f'f--VVfe- V7 ? h1 : The juvenile problem It a most seriout link In the moral preservation of our 'children. The state law hat designated the circuit court of' ' Klamath 'county as the only court in this county where the juvenile shall be heard. I - propose, If elected, to help in every possible manner the. problem of the circuit court in caring for our minors. The existing curfew law, if enforced, properly, would be the great est legal aid in curbing delinquency,, as it places liabiUty upon the parents for their lack of parental responsibility in caring for their children. If elected, I will see that our city police force will cooperate with the court and I pledge support to the county and state in all. law enforcement matter.; Every city must have an efficient police force and mutt hove cooperation with other law enforcement bodies. So to insure this it Is necessary that we have another chief of police. We will have a new chief of police if I am elected mayor. Elect a business man with, experience of operating his own business. Elect a man with credit rating and standing in the community. Elect a man that knows and has taken part in civic affairs. Elect a man that will not have penny arcades on Main street. Elect a man that will have prestige for this important office. j Vote for ED O STEM DORF for Mayor Ed Ostendorf Qualifies For This Position For Mayor Maintain and Develop Industrial Payrolls Keep Klamath Falls Buying Power Up at Our Standard. " -; - -, :.:...,:;..,;...,;, Pd. Adv. EJ Oslendorf. Clip This Ad and Take It to the OUR TICKET IS A PEOPLE'S TICKET FOR PRESIDENT F Thomas E. Dewey FOR VICE PRESIDENT xlJohnV.Bricker FOR U. S. SENATOR Guy Cordon Wayne L. Morse FOR CONGRESSMAN Lowell Stockman FOR STATE TREASURER Leslie M. Scott FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL George Neuner FOR STATE SENATOR Marcha F ( nrnott FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE Rose M. Poole Dale West FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY Clarence Humble FOR COUNTY JUDGE U. E. Reeder FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER John R. Reber FOR SHERIFF LL FOR COUNTY CLERK Chas. F. DeLap FOR CORONER Samuel D. Earhart FOR CONSTABLE G. B. Cozad These candidates do not need to cleared through Sidney. They have ' been nominated by the people. You ml vote the ticket straight without mi1! ings. Paid Adv. by REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF KLAMATH COUNTY