0 1U HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE SEVEN five Oregon Prep Teams Maintain reflect Mam Paworful Mcdford Socks Bend, 35-14; ugone Whitewashes Milwaukio, 8-0 Drnil I tui'V No. 7 lllC'll' fllxlll 111 IcatMIA wWin preP K ici . to.M.iH my with a a 1-0 blanking ul fire ",:""1.1-i .iti'oi on yon- iliil"nM i In mi action Down In southern Oregon's rW rI. n,nl saw only one Portland 71' .I'. fUlVI II ' I n . i .-. , . V. IrW i ri i,nl saw only one i district i. ni Simpson s niivliiird rt"1 .....-vi'll 'i J frnlll lltt' ,hmI ranks. HIL'lllll j the in"..." 1 Jtfl ....i..r,.ntml ' . ,.m llir mi. ,...-.. . diovr" . "'"IS holciii.K the rough- nolched vie- Grim " . Wink Inrnmlo stunned Urnd's Lava Ileal s, .11 In I I. fur II sixth straight triumph. Negotiations urn under way between Mcdliird ii nil unbeaten Coqullle, which fiict'N Itecdsport toilny, lur a clash to deckle I lie district llllo. . Four club kept In thn running for the district II fluit. CnlumblH I'rcp nf i rortlnnd downed Hill military . academy nl Portland, 2(1 lo 2. fur II nlxlll win In a f AKvT mw; "ulc "anuii put me SDOrXS r tgPi whammy on Alhiniy, 12 lo 0, for " it' i . 1 I IIji sixth triumph: Newbcru hunu lip victory No. 6 wllh M lo 1 defeat of McMlnnvllle, unci En gene ihut out Mllwuukle, 8 to II, to stay iindefealad and untied In district milon. Twij oilier unshipped mu ehlnex. Groshain und vcriinnlii, biitb In district 3, hud open duten. La Gninde, district 1 champ, plnvi'd Nnnipa. Idn., nl Nnnipa. Thn races for district cham pionships hiicI places In the stale title playoff me definitely tak hiK shape except for district 3, where n whole flock of teams. Htill urn In the running. La Grande, of course, will represent district 1 In one semi final game against tliu Portland winner. Kllher Medford of Co quille will carry the district 2 bunner ngulnst the district 3 klm'nlit ultl,.i ...111 K ..I TZ 7.7. i SMowh r Newbc a, Herb Crompton ' ,,L " ""P- re- n,,. ,i..v in1"" "L"1"' r.l , ;.i i,m I icv ha I'0"'""". Grnnt. defending 111 lh .r!l1 11 "r5 I "lute chiiinplon. ha, (he inside N P"'" " track. A victory over Roosevelt next weekend will clinch matters for the Generals, but a Roosevelt win will give them the crown. Hu,h y fe Nov. iUV, -- ! wb' !!' l"t week.. Art tillilH, one ot u ST'S.V "if rootlmli. if never "ll! lH "nolher LT. . Any bets on where hC tn Ulieuii"'" "i" .1... M. .Ml. NllUV icc "-.,""""", ' let 1931 . . I"'v.v looiimi L, lunfd up tot Notre Danio It night by listening to a L'efrhour ICCluru "ii ji.hli riiillon and uus morinnn inil nn exiiininutlon on Li subject . . . Wonder If they Former Stanford ira lo find the goal line Raskethfjll 4ni In Naval Hosoiial M NECESSARY STATEMENT ' Andrew Sclimltz. one oi mo- saw t'KANCISCO. Nov. 4 with Rickey's assoclntes InlWi The Chronicle said vestor- iring a quarter Interest In mo i flay Lt. Angclo (llank) Uilsettl, Himj: "As to Hie futurn. see Ikty. He Is going to do all talking (or our group. SERVICE DEPT. '.Vntlc tlic Bainbrldgc Com :dom were nrcparing to no it: their 1.1th straight foot- vclory. Lcn Akin, former iylor nd Bears guard, iiosted i Jinx photo with a bhicK :tn on his sliouldrr. On the lit play In signal drill, loo f pulled out of the line, col- I'd with a teammate and kt hit nose. )T THE ALLEYS A V6 JHJ failfr pother lummer hnn rolled bv "mil willll-l LUIUL'A illKl ' oMhc outdoor sports arc pinted bowlers of the county Wll( Thunday it lUrtod ott 1th 1 hinn C fW. tht qirli on alloys ono -w vniiHva bwbv tor I inrl KkU i R it I1:J0, they (ini.htd. -- .... WI a caiuoiiy ot tome front and tho poor I' Ion Irom the p ltor,. ik. . " """ 'rn nisi nig u li,K..k viT nuzni 5 iSlSiS?"!""' ".s..ycl- dion ,.j r i ""Kifiia eiuin 'PIt(l Blnck and While for iloniil" F.?,0n ,nr,!d I S," b""3 by ro11- l it,,.. . 1,3,0 0"m nd a lu ,"m """l. i ik;; .v." ,rii.1." '"'nl with ill 1-olliiiK n 2H22 - sruccry fvc rolling a lm.M,,icj,.V!urwrit.r Is tiilf." 011,1 Th. Com. I "i7w'''h.v..llm. Ihir. ik "iday will ttnS0 nllMi mr" wl" Ing won, m'xt. vvocki 't wild Sh,."!!t nl ''Riu. Mbout ih k n ,u", " now iifl Mhins . L1 ne. 1)1,1 "to fun. on huJ"" 1S ""I those buffi' LfRu"' ",i.'"i"i Ho hn' ihV' sp l01' B'l our ; half i.?? rO-.V lifler throe "s hme front vie. USNR, former Stanford' 'lllllver. slly basketball player, has been stricken with spinal menlngltla at the Norfolk. Va., navy base. The story quoted the wife of tho 28-ycur-old as saying the navy informed her "that 'Hank" has egalncd consciousness and was taking nourishment for the first limn in nearly two weeks. He is apparently getting better, but Is still In danger." The officer's wife, Mrs. Jano Lulsetll, .mid he was stricken October 24 after being trans ferred to Norfolk for overseas assignment. r Cotton Bowl Set New Year's Dqy DALLAS, Nov. 3 () There will be a Cotton bowl game January 1 but that's alt the of ficial information available right now. Howevor, It's pretty well set tled that no service toam will play in tho Dallas gridiron classic. It's also pretty certain the Pollon howl folks have Okla. ' homa A. and M. down as No. 1 on tho list of prospects as visit ing team. The Southwest Conference champion outomallcaliy becomes host eleven, night now it looks like Rice but the. conference race isn't half over and a lot still can happen. Other top prospects as visit ors arc Tulanc, Georgia Tech. Wako Forest and Mississippi Stule. Winter Major League Baseball Meet Set For Early December CHICAGO, Nov.! 4 (ID Major league baseball's annual' wlnlex meeting, nriglnally scheduled for New York December 8, 6 and 7, will be held In Chicago December 11 and. 12, President William Harrldga of the Ameri can league, said yesterday. A joint conforenco lof the two lea gues will be held on December 13. llarrldgc said the date of the sessions was changed to ellmin nlo h conflict .with the minor league meeting scheduled for December H and 7 In Buffalo, N, Y. Ho said that Commission or Kcncsaw M. Landis will pre side at the joint session of the American and1 National leagues. Classified Ads Bring Results. By PAUL HAINES T AIN'T FAIR The outburst of Bill Klcp. por, business mnnooor oi th Portland Boavtu of th Coast losgua, ovor th lost of Marino Piorolti to tho Washington Sannlors lotmi Justified to us. I'letotti was, of cour.se, the ace hurlor lur the Heavers last ncu- sou und came up with 2tl wins over ino rouic, Me wus also tho only au-gumo winner of the cir cuit. According to th rulos of lb major Uaqut bnieboll draft th toam that finish! on th bottom gts first choic of th minor Icaquo clubt and can acaulro tho ployor of its choic for $7500. Washington happened to be the tuil-ciid ball Icum in the American league and they promptly took advantage of this lo gnu) Herein for about one seventh of his actual worth in uic dollars and cents column. Pirttl is a $50,000 ball playar a Klppr claims, and whan on rcmombsri that Dls sy Dn wnt from th St. Louis Cards to th Chicago Cubs far 185,000 smackaroos and throo players, it stems nothing lots than a bad Jok that Plortttl should b gob. bled up for on twanty-fourth of that amount. And that's just about what It is, on twenty-fourth at muchl Tho great Diz was also just about liniahed when ho hiked from St. Louis to the windy city, while Plcretti In a vnnnt ball player going up for the first time mio me nig snow. One more thine to be cnnvlrt crcd is that he is going to gel his Initial Irvoiil with a hist n I lire club, and If he run win 211 i tilt' for tho decrepit Senators, nc nm oniy deserves the key to the city, but the White House as wen. Kloppor says, "I don't know why wa stand for Ih draft at all. Th Pacific Coast league -should take stand right now to demand recognition as a third major laguo, or bcom an outlaw circuit to battl th majors. There't no tent glv. mg up players like Pierstt. ' Well, why not demand recog nition from tho majors? As far as we know the only coast club affiliated with the majors is Los Angeles. Last year's attendance at Coast leanue games was out standing and there seems little doubt that it will remain so in the future. We personally think the const would and could sup- pun uicir own hiajuk league. Th draft, itsdf. teomi la us to b Just a way for th major laagu clubs to grab off i outstanding bataball talent at a minimum of cost, and w think Klonpor It abtolutoly right. Somethlnq should b don about it. and soon. Anyway, Marino will qtt to tee tho president throw th first balll CONSERVATION PROBLEM nccorning io publicity re ceived here recently from Out door Life ninKuzInc, Oregon con servation officials must face the problem of providine fish and game for at least 1 60.000 anglers and 143,000 hunters after the war. Tho question it asked, "can tho stat meet this tremen dously increated demand which, without sharply ttopped-up rettoration mea. euros, may mean th destruc tion of toort?" "Facing the facts squarely, there Is real dancer that the stale .nay be hunted and 'fished out unless adequate preventive measures are planned and put into effect at once." It leomt to us that a vigor out and tuttalnod demand by all anglert and hunUn, through their rod and gun clubt and various othar organi sations for increased meoturet of wildlife conservation and restoration, should help great ly in solving this problem. The fact that the economic welfare of the state Is nlsd in .volvcd Is stressed. Wildlife re. , sources are a definite betler-busi. 'ness factor, an attraction to out j alders, as well as a means of en joyment. So It behooves hotels, ; merchants, chambers of com imcrco and traveling agencies to put their shoulders io the wheel also, and deinnnd prompt and ef fective conservation and restock , ing measures to meet the tre mendous inroad on wildlife of all kinds that will undoubtedly come alter the termination ot the war. Difference for Army - i. I la Jf 1.4. if. - n.v vi;;,n . I I ry -.'sF'wii-m1 m 111 ' I I Felix Blanchard . . - .-wailiiili., " K r ' 1 5 Vi,. ,i ' m-. ' - ti r the difference for Armv. Ernie Misses Sonnenberg Buti"Grey Mask" Wins The rasslcr wllh the bulging biceps and the concrete dome, me urcy mask. continued merrily on his winning ways in the main event last night at the armory, due to a tough break for fcrnic Piluso. With the count standing at a full apiece, Ernie missed a Sonnenberg butt and plunged through tho ropes i lake the second pin-down Job with a round of Sonnenberg butts followed up with a body press. Ernie really had the "Mask" on the run leading up to his fa tal miss, that gave the unknown torso-twister the nod for the fi nal fall and match. Before the headline go, Pete UO Quintet Sets Basketball Dates With Marine Five The basketball games tenta tively scheduled between the Klamath Marines and the Uni versity (if Oregon this season have been officially set, accord ing to a letter received by the post athletic officer today from lingerie. Lt. Francis Hogan, marine recreation officer, announced that tho tilts here will bp played on November 24 and 25, the first game at the Barracks and the second at the local high school. This will enable both the residents of the city and the marines at the post to see the highly touted Eugene boys and an up and coming leatherneck quintet clash in what promises to be an inter esting tussle. The two encounters scheduled lo be played at Eugene will take place December 15 and 16. Zurita-Williams Lightweight Title Bout Discussed PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 4 (IF) Promoter Herman Taylor has started negotiations for a 15 round bout between Juan Zurita of Los Angeles, and Ike Wil liams of Trenton, N. Y., with the NBA lightweight championship at stake in Philadelphia in Jan uary. Taylor said he sent this tele gram to George Parnasus, man ager of Zurita: "Staging Ike Williams with Willie Joyce here November 13. In event of Williams winning, I will guarantee you $15,000 with an option of 371 per cent for Juan Zurita to box Williams here first week in January for NAB lightweight championship." Taylor said it would be "the outstanding boxing contest of the season." Hoosier Hotshot Klamath Juniors Defeated 13-0 knocking himself out and auto- Bolcastro. tho Weed assassin mutically giving the bout to the . challenged the winner of the hooded heel. main body-bending affair provid- The savage "Mask" took tnc i ing wany moss isn't tne tnird , D. initial tumble with a series of man in the ring. Wally said this DV WlQniS TOSS his favorite head butts, followed i was six, two, and even as far as; by a Boston crab. Piluso came ne was concerned, so Pete may I The Klamath freshmen-junior back to show the masked grap- get the duke to meet the "Mask" high eleven dropped another pier that he was still ready, next ween irom fromoior Mack ball game last night over Grants ft " ltHftiJmliiritfiilUi'in"ii lii' Flunchy Hoernschemeycr returns to further synchronize Indiana's runninr and passing game. - willing, and able lo mix it up, by tns::lng him through the strands and then proceeding to Football Scores By The Atsociatad Press OREGON PREP . Salem 10. Astoria 0. Mcdford 31, Bond 14. , Amity 60, Dayton 14. Sweet Home 20, Prinevllle 7. Springfield 25,' Junction City n. Lillard. Paavo Katonen was awarded the semi-final bout over Bull. dog Jackson by Referee Wally I Pass way to the tune of 13-0. orants pass scored their first tally in the second period on a forward pass and rolled up an- TRUCKS' FOR RENT You Driv ; Mov Youriali Sav M Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phon 8304 1201 Cast Main RADIO REPAIR rn v Exparl Toehnlelan Tii2D ST0CK 0F AVAILABLE TUBES-B ATTERI ES-AERI ALS For All Makes of Radios ZE MAN'S i"N.9ik QMiek' Guoranraed S'rvlc 1 .' H Bl . tXtt rjJoni Monlgomtry Ward an North 9th FIGHTS By Th Attociaied Press DETROIT Joe Louis, 212, knocked out Johnny Dcnson, 210, Indianapolis, 2. (Exhibi tion). Jake Lamottn, 161 New York, TKO George Kochan, 165, Akron, O., 0. Corvallis 12. Oregon City 6. Ncwbcrg 34,-McMinnville 7. Redmond 18, Johm Day 7. Canby 7, Silvcrton 0. Hcppncr 40, Condon 0. Tigard 7, Tillamook 6. Parkrosc 7, Scappoose 0. Pendleton Seconds 27, Walla Walla. Wash., Second 6. Eugene 8, Mllwaukic 0. Molulla 13, Estacada 0. Grant (Portland 21, Lincoln (Portland) 0. , Roosevelt (Portland) 6. Wash ington (Portland) 6 (tie). I Jefferson (Portland) 14, Ben-1 son (Portland) 6. i Franklin (Portland) 13, Com-' merce (Portland) o. Columbia Prep (Portland) 20, Hill Military (Portland) 2. . Lebanon 12, Albany 0. Roseburg 12, Ashland 0. Grants Pass 25, Myrtle Point 6. Central Catholic (Portland) 0, The Dalles 0 (tie). .Toledo 7, Dallas 6. jnu.-.: wiicn uiu du doe reoeai 1 , . - . ,li if-.nA i ,i, BK Diner in me tnira irame wnen SLyJr'.,SJ0LlV',SK!2,.Klanth fumbled behind their Paavo refused to accept tho do I Sal Ime a"d Grants Pass re cision but Wally stood by. his l00' , , spirit however, and had the ball on their opponents' two-foot line when the game ended. In a previous fray against Grants Pass, played on Modoc field, Klamath won 25-0. Swap Smokes, Room, For Precious Ducats To Army-Irish Tilt BUFFALO, N. Y., Nov. 4 (P) An advertisement in the Buffalo Evening News reads: "Notre Dame-Army game." "I have an extra room at Hotel Pennsylvania, but no tickets. If you have two extra tickets, but no room, I'll swap, or if you prefer, I will swap popular brands of cigarettes for tickets. Box V.V.24, News of fice." The game, scheduled for next Saturday at the Yanke'e stadium in New York, was sold out a month ago. guns and stonncd the match. No fall was gained in the first round and Katonen took the sec ond with a hangman hold. Bull dog came back to grab the third tryst with a stomping hammer lock, and in the fourth and final frame, Wally said no more. Newcomer Earl Malone and Tough Tony. Ross pummeled each other .to a draw in the curtain-raiser. Earl proved he is anything but a pansy and should give some of the top-notchers a very good time while he's around. Next week Bolcastro might get the "Mask," and that's what we've all been waiting for. So again, it's next Friday at the armory for plenty of thrills and spills. Ex-Steeplechaser Retains Habits PORTLAND, Nov. 4 (tT) Mrs. Grace Morrison's horse is an ex steeplechase winner so when it trotted into an intersection and met an oncoming car, it naturally ' tried to hurdle right over. Mrs. Morrison was thrown from the horse and bruised; the horse suffered a broken nose; and the car owner reported $200 damages to his bashed-in auto mobile. Police, dutifully recording skid marks which are part of traffic accident reports, an Bombers Favored Over Rockets In Tilt Sunday SEATTLE. Nov. 4 MP) ihe Seattle Bombers and the Port land Rockets stage the farewell northwest appearance of the American Professional league here tomorrow with the home town eleven favored to repeat its two earlier wins. Both elevens will be at peak strength for the contest with Portland's Jimme Caine, fleet Georgia halfback, back in shape after being injured two weeks ago. Dean McAdams, Seattle passing and kicking star, also will be back in the Seattle line up although, he probably won't start. IT'S WEARING TO WEAR NEW YORK, Nov. 4 (Jf) D. Walker Wear of Binghamton, N. Y., sat in on his last New York state athletic commission meeting early this week. Wear says he will go into a new sports venture, January l, but refused to disclose particulars. Hawaiian Currency Usable Anywhere Now PORTLAND. Nov. 4 (P) Persons carrying Hawaiian cur rency now may spend it any where they like, the Federal Reserve bank informed Port land banks todav. Previously, the money had to be exchanged at mainland banks for regular U. S. currency. The bills, which were issued i originally as a military precau tion for Hawaiian- circulation, have the name "Hawaii" over printed on them. 'Cats Slough Through Rain To 6-0 Win The Wildcats sloughed their way through the rain and mud last night at Modoc field to a 6-0 triumph over a husky Merrill eleven. The lighter but more aggressive 'Cats dominated the swim meet from start to finish. Merrill threatened seriously only once and that came in the second stanza when three successive passes put the ball on the Wild cat ten. At this point the local lads dug in and held to take the ball over on downs and end the threat. Tommy Edwards scored the lone tally of the tilt, after Veitch had- set up the score by inter cepting a pass on the Merrill 35 and galloping to the 15 before he was nailed. On the next play, Edwards swept around his own right end for the remaining dis tance just as the gun ended the first period. Coleman's pass for the extra point was incomplete. The ball see-sawed back and forth during the remainder of the contest with neither side able to gain any decisive advantage. The field was a quagmire at the conclusion of the fray but both elevens held on to the wet ball surprisingly well. Edwards, Veitch and Mocabee showed up well in the Wildcat backfield and Eck and Gerbino were out -standing in the forward wall. This was the fifth victory for the 'Cats this season under the tutelage of Paul Angstead. Reward Offered For Hand Grenade Tossers BEND. Nov. 4 UP)-A reward has been offered for the discov ery of persons who have been tossing Homemade hand gren ades about Bend with DroDerty- damaging effect. A couple of the "pineapples, tossed from a window, just missed Mayor A. T. Niebergall. A platcglass window in the busi ness section was broken by a grenade, and citizens are almost afraid to show themselves out side their homes. HOLLYWOOD Enrique Bc lanos, 125, Mexico City, out pointed Rony Olivera, 122, Oak land, Calif.. 10. Three-Ring Bowling Circus Goes Today CHICAGO Nov. 4 OP) A three-ring cirous of tenpins, of- "K. 1 V". I" "-'"l ".uw ,,rel 111. hnr li three fet nci individual onirics from flllV, imilVlMUUL UIIIIIC3 Hum. Ln.f. scores of cities here today for three hoots' ine opening oi Bowlings major tournament season. There was more than $15,000 at the end of the lanes for the prize winners. Allen Adding Machines Frlden Calculators Royal Typewriters Desks - Chain - Files For ihot hard-te-gt items PIONEER PRINTING AND STATIONERY CO. 124 So. 9th Klamath Falls When in Medford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Jo and Anna Earlsy Proprietors 1 rnu9tc 7 Attention EAGLES By Popular Vot Klamath Falls Aeri No. 2090 Now Meats Regularly TUESDAY NIGHTS OAKLAND, Calif. Ray Salas, 135, Berkeley, Calif;, outpointed Jimmy Joyce, 132, Gary, Ind., 10, Lorenzo Safora, 120, Cuba, outpointed Ccfcrino Robleto. 118, Pasadena, Calif., 10. DEVELOPING ' ENLARGING PRINTING . PHOTO SERVICE 211 Underwood Bldg. DANCELAND SIS Klamath Ave. DANCE ,. Musie By PAPPY GORPON'S OREGON HILL BILLIES SATURDAY NITE ' Autplcet V.F.W. TUt MHDUHtimttU U ntl Jit eftr to nil or mliiiiititm tf m cjftr to in) Ouu inuriliu Tht ejirini it mailt only i) tht Pmpttliu. $13,500,000 The California Oregon Power Company First Mortgage Bonds SERIES DUE NOVEMBER 1, 1974, 2H Dated November 1,1944. Due.November 1, 1974 Price 102.86 and accrued interest Tht thru pettm mtj it tktini i in y Mt in tehuhtkii dnntunttmiM it cireultltirtm tnly tilth qf lii HiiJtriitiui ' ttU cthtr dtiltrt it mt Uvjully efftr thtst tecurititt in tuch tlott. HALSEY, STUART &, CO. Inc W. C. LANGLEY & CO. OTIS & CO. L. F. ROTHSCHILD L CO. HORNBLOWER eV WEEKS " BURR L COMPANY, INC GREGORY A, SON INCORMRATIO tttmntit,tt44 ATKINSON, JONES tY CO. 1